Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 21 The Magical Use Of God Walking Boots! (Ninth Change, 6000 Flowers Plus More!)

After killing the Blood Earl, the remaining players also died tragically.

Ye Xiu once again gained a large wave of experience points.

The experience value given by killing a hero is very rich.

Ye Xiu rushed to level 6 in one go.

The leadership and attack have been improved again.

There is 1 more skill point.

"They also provided dozens of karma points, and they are indeed here to deliver food..."

Lina said from the side.

Her red lotus mage gained a lot of karma in this battle.

Spell damage increased.

The explosion of the red lotus mages became stronger.

Even small fireballs in basic attacks are strong.

"New human players are eyeing us, and there will be many such things in the future."

"My king's arms become stronger through killing, they just come and send them!"

Ye Xiu didn't care.

He was also targeted in his previous life.

But in his previous life, he was powerless to resist, but in this life, Ye Xiu has no fear at all!

New human players come!

He took it all.

Ye Xiu even hopes to weaken the power of new human players in this way.

At least this time the Blood Earl was killed.

His growth rate has definitely slowed down.

In this way, Ye Xiu can deal with some strong players among the new human players.

Get them delivered to your door!

"Four emperors and seven kings, and many dark lords, if you dare to come, kill them all!"

Ye Xiu smiled.

These were existences that he could not look up to in his previous life.

In this life, he will rub them on the ground one by one!

"Master, what about us now?"

Lina very naturally commanded the troops to clean up the battlefield.

She looked at Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu pointed in the direction of a high mountain.

"Let's go there! Death Valley!"

Death Valley, an area on the western outskirts of Galaxy City.

There are more advanced monsters out there.

Outside the Galaxy City, the closer to the direction of the Galaxy City, the lower the level of wild monsters.

Far enough from Galaxy City, there are even high-level arms.

The Death Valley that Ye Xiu aimed at was surrounded by Tier 5 units.

In Death Valley, there are even seventh-tier units.

The adventure that Ye Xiu was looking for was in the valley of death.

The Blood Earl in his previous life organized a large number of new human players to help him clear the Valley of Death during the closed beta.

The adventure he got made him take off directly.

Ye Xiu now only brings Tier 3 units.

Originally, hard work couldn't solve the seventh-tier arms.

But now he has god walking boots!

This top-level treasure allows him to implement some special tactics.

That was a tactic developed by many top players in the previous life.

As long as the terrain is suitable, it is very easy to use!

Ye Xiu happened to know the terrain on the other side of Death Valley.

Walking boots can make a difference!

Ye Xiu led the troops and began to run up the mountain.

In this kind of terrain, there are generally not many wild monsters.

Ye Xiu walked around and came near a cliff.

Below the cliff is a very steep river.

On the other side of the river is another mountain peak.

This kind of terrain is basically crossed by ordinary arms.

But it's different with God walking boots!

"Go, let's fly over!"

Ye Xiu activates the God Walking Boots.

His feet seemed to be lifted by a force.

Ye Xiu glides directly over.

Fly to the opposite cliff at once.

The arms under his command also seem to have grown wings.

Easily across the moat, flew to the cliff.

There are cliffs on both sides of this cliff.

The 90-degree cliff makes people tremble when standing on it.

And below the cliff is Death Valley!

There are a large number of skeleton warriors and skeleton knights swimming in the valley.

The Skeleton Warrior is a Tier 5 unit.

The Skeleton Knight is a Tier 7 unit.

Among them, the skeleton knight is the knight of the king of land warfare.

Very lethal on the ground.

If they work hard, the stormtroopers may be wiped out.

But Ye Xiu found the best way.

"Huang Zhong, Li Guang, shoot them to death!"

Ye Xiu pointed down.

Those skeleton warriors and skeleton knights haven't found Ye Xiu and others yet.

Hurricane shooters are very loyal.

Immediately bow and shoot.

Hurricane Shots!

A continuous rain of arrows fell.

A group of skeletal warriors were shot.

But they were not shot.

Even only lost half of the blood!

The skeleton warriors raised their heads.

The eye sockets burning with the fire of soul stared at Ye Xiu and others.

"There are living people! Kill them!"

The skeletal warriors rushed towards the Hurricane Shooter.

But they found that the hurricane shooters were on the cliff.

90 degree cliff face.

They don't go up at all!

Hurricane shooters just shoot, melee units can't touch them!

"Don't worry about output, they won't touch you!"

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