Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 219 War And Plunder! (The Tenth Change, 8.1W Flowers Plus More!)

Ye Xiu recruited a new batch of vice heroes.

They immediately fulfilled the effect of the Master of Heroes talent.

Aliya, the blond knight, changed immediately.

The first is that her attribute growth has been improved.

Furthermore, her talents and specialties have been upgraded to a higher level.

Originally trained the specialty of the golden armor knight, changed the calendar to train the picture knight.

Ordinary knights can be trained into heroic magic knights.

Combat power has improved significantly.

At the same time, her original knight talent has also been upgraded.

The knight talent improves the knight arms even more.

This is the whole quality of Aaliyah has been improved.

She is a hero of heroic quality.

After the quality is improved, you will become a legendary hero!

Same goes for Yasser.

She was originally a level 0 hero quality hero.

After joining Ye Xiu's command, he became a legendary hero.

But they belong to the lowest level of legendary heroes.

In every respect, it is incomparable with those famous legendary heroes.

But Ye Xiu thinks that they have great potential for development.

They are only 27 at level 0, and if they reach level 30, they can experience three transformations.

Maybe there will be some amazing changes, and it may not even change to epic quality.

That is the existence of the same quality as Joan of Arc and Lina.

Ye Xiu is looking forward to that day!

"Among the 30 beautiful heroes, 10 are hero-quality heroes, that is to say, I have 10 more legendary heroes!"

"This wave is so cool!"

Ye Xiu looked at the 10 legendary heroes who suddenly appeared under his command.

He felt genuine happiness.

Aaliyah and Yasell are two of the most prominent.

They can also be regarded as the two heroes who were influenced by their talents and took the initiative to defect to Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu was most impressed by the two of them.

In addition, there is a heroine of the swan clan who has awakened the talent of eagle eye.

Now Ye Xiu also has a dedicated scouting hero.

Legendary quality scouting hero.

I just ask you to see it or not!

"Gloria! From now on, you will bring my flying units to be responsible for scouting the enemy and discovering the enemy."

Ye Xiu looked at the girl with white wings and a beautiful neck.

This is also a beautiful heroine.

The quality has improved, and its appearance has really improved!

"Obey, master! I will find out all important information for you!"

Gloria nodded gracefully to Ye Xiu.

Every move is beautiful and picturesque.

Ye Xiu was almost surrounded by beautiful women and heroes.

He enjoyed it very much.

With so many high-quality heroes, this will also be a very powerful force!

Ye Xiu can also bring more troops.

But before that.

It is necessary to increase the combat power of these beautiful heroes first.

Low level can't join the battle.

Ye Xiu needs to train them urgently!

"Come with me, I'll cook a small stove for you!"

Ye Xiu brought the newly recruited beauty hero, Lena, and Joan of Arc.

This is going to be a storyline like 'after class' and 'private lessons'.

It's exciting to hear.

The destination Ye Xiu chose was naturally the Land of Dragons, which had a lucrative rate of return.

In the Dragon Kingdom today, there are only two missions left.

But it is also the best place for leveling.

Ye Xiu needs to spend more chaos resources to deal with the void demons in the gate of hell!

The dragon blood kobolds ushered in their natural enemies again!

Ye Xiu's troop strength has been greatly improved compared to before.

Then you can divide your troops!

He looked at Gloria: "Gloria, you send the flying troops out to help me see the distribution of dragon blood kobolds!"

Gloria nodded.

She spread her snow-white wings and soared into the sky with the Phantom Knight and Thunder Griffin.

Although it is still level 0, Goliath already has the eagle eye talent and her own eagle eye.

She can directly help Ye Xiu check the distribution of enemies in the nearby area.

Soon Ye Xiu also got the news.

There are two big waves of dragon blood kobolds ahead.

There are three or four thousand dragon blood kobolds in each wave.

Ye Xiu was shocked immediately: "Lena, Joan, you lead a team to fight a wave of dragon blood kobolds."

"I'll take these little guys to another wave!"

Lena and Joan brought other sub-heroes who had been recruited before.

They have all reached level 30.

With mature combat power.

With the Ye Xiu buff, they have no problem beating a wave of dragonblood kobolds.

With Ye Xiu personally leading the team, there is even less chance of problems.

Ye Xiu led the team to kill the dragon blood kobold.

His cavalry led the way.

The holy knight and the ghost knight rushed to the forefront.

A round of charge, the dragon blood kobolds are all wiped out!

Under the impact of a large amount of experience points, all new sub-heroes have been upgraded to level 8!

This upgrade is flying fast!

Gloria's level has also risen to level 8, and she uses her skill points to upgrade Hawkeye.

The low-level eagle eye technique immediately rushed to the top-level eagle eye technique.

Her detection range has been expanded, and she can monitor all nearby areas.

Ye Xiu also harvested 4000 drops of blood essence and a few drops of fused dragon blood.

He immediately upgraded and strengthened 5 Storm Lancers into Dragon Lancers!

Ye Xiu has a large number of Storm Lancers and Thunder Raptors.

The difference is to fuse dragon blood to train the fifth-order dragon spear soldiers.

This allowed Ye Xiu to speed up the process.

"Gorlia, where is the kobold hero? Let's ask him to withdraw money directly!"

Ye Xiu ordered Goliath to be a professional.

The so-called withdrawal is naturally looking for the kobolds to withdraw their blood.

She immediately pointed in one direction: "There are traces of large-scale military activities over there, we can go there!"693

Gloria not only has eagle eye talent.

It can also analyze the situation around the battlefield.

Provide effective analysis and judgment.

Ye Xiu marched in the direction she pointed, and sure enough, he soon encountered a kobold hero.

Ye Xiu didn't say anything else, the shackles of reincarnation locked the other party!

After locking the enemy, Ye Xiu can really withdraw money!

The battle broke out immediately.

Ye Xiu's forces gained the upper hand, and the kobold heroes were quickly swept away.

The kobold hero also fell into a desperate situation and was rubbed on the ground by Ye Xiu.

Under the shackles of reincarnation, he could only be exhausted, and was harvested by Ye Xiu for 10 drops of fusion dragon blood.

In the end, the kobold hero was beheaded.

[Kill 1 dragon blood hero, the enemy level is higher than yourself, get 1 layer of God of War bonus, and the progress of dragon blood descendants +1. Permanently kill 1 dragon blood hero, get 10 layers of God of War bonus, and the progress of dragon blood descendants +10. 】

【Kill 1 dragon blood hero, according to the level of the enemy, the experience value of Shura Legion + 140 points, the experience value of God of War Legion + 140 points】

[The dragon hunter completely kills a dragon blood hero with an intermediate professional title, completes a legend of dragon slaying, gains 1 point of legend, and the dragon hunter is promoted to the fourth rank. 】

[Permanently kill a hero, trigger the war looting effect, and loot 1 skill point according to the enemy's level (intermediate hero). 】.

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