Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 231: Dragon King's Divine Power! (Second Update, Please Subscribe!)

The dragon's blood vase in Ye Xiu's equipment bar has transformed.

The red vase turned into a golden vase.

The dragon blood inside has become extremely pure.

Like golden dragon blood!

Dragon Blood Vase: Epic-level treasure, after a hero wears it, all attributes +30 points, all attributes growth +1 point, blood volume of all arms +1000 points, 3 drops of pure dragon blood can be born every day, and fighter heroes can be transformed into Dragon Blood Fighter (hidden occupation). 36 drops of intermediate fusion dragon blood can be born every day.

Additional skills: dragon blood, collection of dragon blood, purification of dragon blood, dragon blood, dragon elite.

Dragon Blood: The HP of all arms is increased by an additional 80%, and the effect of arms with dragon blood is doubled.

Collect Dragon Blood: Killing a unit with dragon blood will definitely collect the blood essence in its body, and there is a chance to obtain fusion dragon blood (the higher the level of the unit, the higher the probability), fusion dragon blood can transform the unit into a dragon blood fighter (hidden Profession).

Purified Dragon Blood: It can transform low-level fusion dragon blood into intermediate fusion dragon blood (100 drops per day).

Dragon Bloodline: Every time you collect a high-level dragon bloodline, you can increase the health bonus effect. Currently collected: nine high-level dragon blood. Health value bonus: The blood volume of all arms is increased by 900 points. Collect the blood of twelve 777 kinds of top dragon arms to transform the dragon blood vase again.

Dragon Elite: When commanding a unit with dragon blood, its grade can be increased by one level (up to twelfth level), attribute +30%,

Remarks: This treasure is one of the components of the divine power of the dragon king, the supreme treasure of the dragon family, and can be integrated into dragon blood to upgrade.

The attributes of the dragon blood bottle have been fully improved.

The blood volume bonus alone is extremely terrifying.

Each unit can increase 1900 points of health, plus an additional 80% increase in health.

A low-level unit with 100 health points.

It can also instantly become a blood bull with 3600 blood points!

In this way.

No crispy skin in Ye Xiu's army!

This is a very pure and direct ascension.

Works better than anything!

Not to mention the other effects of the dragon's blood bottle.

That dragon elite skill.

It also embodies the effect of epic treasures.

Directly increase the rank of the dragon arms.

Among them are the dragon knights who use dragons as mounts!

The Phantom Knight becomes a Tier 6 unit.

The Raptor Knight has become a seventh-tier unit.

The shadow knight has also become a tenth-tier unit. (cheg)

This promotion is matched with the title of Dragon Knight.

Those dragon knights can all take off!

All became the core of the core!

"Kill all these flying dragons, leave none behind!"

The dragon's blood bottle has transformed, and Ye Xiu's troops have greatly increased in combat power.

The two types of flying dragons were quickly annihilated.

And Ye Xiu is also checking his newly activated mission.

A very important series of quests!

Collect the power of the Dragon King: Task Description: The power of the Dragon King is the ultimate treasure of the Dragon Clan. However, countless years ago, the power of the Dragon King fell apart and became multiple components scattered around. The Dragon Clan has been trying to collect the power of the Dragon King. Those who have obtained the complete power of the Dragon King will command the Dragon Clan to be invincible in the world!

Task requirements: Find and collect the components of the Dragon King's divine power, unlock its seal, and restore its power as an artifact!

Mission rewards: For every piece of Dragon King divine power component found, you can get a certain number of dragon arms rewards and dragon lair rewards.

Collect the power of the Dragon King.

This can be regarded as the ultimate mission series.

The divine power of the Dragon King is at least an epic component.

An epic suit, even thinking about it is a mess.

Just the Heaven Extinguishing Bow and the Sun Shooting Arrow are fierce.

Not to mention the dragon king's supernatural power of up to nine components.

In Ye Xiu's previous life, there are clear information about the components of the Dragon King's divine power, namely the Dragon Blood Vase, the Dragon Tooth Chain, and the Dragon Armor!

The dragon's blood vase can be exchanged in all major imperial cities.

The more dragon's blood you collect, the closer the dragon's blood bottle is to the original version.

The Dragon Tooth Treasure Chain and the Divine Dragon Treasure Armor are both treasures that caused a bloodbath in the previous life.

Numerous player forces are vying for it.

Perhaps there were other players in the previous life who obtained the components of the Dragon King's divine power.

You can see the terrifying battle caused by the Dragon Tooth Chain and the Dragon Armor.

Those players who get other components, choose to be low-key.

You can't be low-key!

Too high-profile to be fucked!

The Dragon Tooth Chain and Dragon Armor from the previous life were obtained by superpowers from the High Elf World and the Giant Spirit World respectively.

If the strength is slightly weaker players.

It has long been attacked by the crowd, and then the treasure was robbed.

In this life, Ye Xiu also found out the whereabouts of the Holy Ring of Longan.

If the operation is good.

He might be able to get the three components of the Dragon Tooth Chain and the Dragon Armor!

It took off in minutes!

"I remember the Dragon Tooth Treasure Chain, in the burial cemetery, when the undead natural disaster breaks out, you can go in and search for it

"The armor of the dragon is in the endless moat. It was stolen from the cemetery of the dragon by the underground race. I will go into the endless moat sooner or later..."

Ye Xiu began to plan the components to obtain the power of the Dragon King.

The Dragon Tooth Chain and the Dragon Armor are in the Burial Cemetery and the Dark Sky Pit respectively!

Ye Xiu has scanned and monitored these two forbidden places with space-based weapons.

These are also forbidden areas that Ye Xiu intends to enter to investigate.

At present, he does not have the strength to create these two forbidden areas.

But the holy ring of longan in Charlotte's hand can make some plans.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu had a plan in mind.

"By the way, let's use the treasure guide skills to detect the treasure of the flying dragon robe!"

"I heard that some players in the previous life found this treasure in the Dragon Kingdom of the Milky Way Continent. I don't know if it's true."

Ye Xiu had used the treasure guide before, and wanted to find out the whereabouts of other Dragon King divine power components in advance.

But he only knew the name of the Dragon Robe.

He didn't even know the specific names of the other components.

It's like using a search engine.

Without knowing the specific name of the treasure, it is very difficult to directly search for relevant information.

Search for the power of the Dragon King directly.

What he gave was the whereabouts of the two treasures, the Dragon Tooth Chain and the Divine Dragon Armor, which he knew the names of.

Ye Xiu had tried to detect the dragon robes before, and what he told was that the dragon robes were scattered on the Milky Way Continent.

Now the dragon's blood bottle is activated.

Even the task of collecting the divine power of the Dragon King was triggered.

Guide again, the effect should be different!

Ye Xiu immediately proceeded.

Sure enough, I got relevant information!

The flying dragon robe is currently in the treasure house of the flying dragon kingdom on the Milky Way Continent, and is controlled by the four-winged dragon king!

Finally there are details!

The Flying Dragon Robe is indeed in the Kingdom of Dragons.

Even the specific owner is pointed out.

Now you can be targeted!

Ye Xiu has four goals!

From easy to hard, you can - try to get it!

"Master Shura, the titan players suddenly launched a general attack on Jiang Cheng. They mobilized at least 1,000 players, and Jiang Cheng was captured in a very short time!"

"They are marching towards Rongcheng, and they are not far from Li Tianhe city!".

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