Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 234 Instant Death Feature! (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ye Xiu's rewards are simply overwhelming.

There are 10 gold skill points alone.

There are also 3 god-level skill points.

This represents at least 3 god-level skills!

It's just that Ye Xiu hasn't figured out which god-level skill to point out yet, so he can wait for a while.

In addition, there are training methods for dragon tooth fighters.

This is a seventh-tier king's arms.

Ordinary Tier 5 fighters can be trained into dragon tooth fighters with dragon blood bonus.

Dragon Tooth Fighter needs dragon blood for training.

Ye Xiu has a vase of dragon's blood.

That's perfectly fine.

In this way, Ye Xiu will be able to have one more unit as a knight.

In the future, it can be matched with the Velociraptor again!

This is Ye Xiu's first training method for other King's units!

"The god-level skill, the most powerful thing is its own bonus!"

Ye Xiu was not overwhelmed by the many rewards.

He glanced at the god-level archery and couldn't help but gasp.

God-level Archery: The basic damage of long-range units is increased by 200%, the shooting range is increased by 100%, the chance of critical strike is increased by 50%, the multiplier of critical strike is increased by 2 times, and each attack of long-range units has an extra attack (can trigger multi-shot special effects), after a critical strike is triggered, the next 5 attacks will definitely trigger a critical strike (cannot be repeated, after 3 attacks, the critical strike rate returns to normal). With beheading effects.

Beheading: According to the level of the shooter, there are special effects of beheading with different chances. When beheading is triggered, if the enemy's life value does not exceed the own beheading line, the enemy can be beheaded. If it exceeds the beheading line, it will cause 5 times the damage .

The god-level archery is naturally stronger than the god-level archery.

This fierceness is all-round.

The improvement of the basic effect is extremely obvious.

Do not look at other special effects.

Just the improvement of this basic attribute.

Almost all of them can increase the lethality of the shooter unit by one level or even two levels.

With god-level skills, Ye Xiu can shoot the enemy's third-tier shooter with a first-tier shooter.

All round crushing!

"This beheading special effect is the legendary physical instant death!"

Ye Xiu was also amazed by the beheading special effects attached to the god-level archery.

Ye Xiu remembers instant death effects, which are divided into three categories: physical instant death, magical instant death, and rule instant death.

The death stare attached to a unit like the death bull belongs to the rule of death.

Hit and die!

Can be easily countered by units with similar rule immunities.

Units like golems are immune to the rules and die immediately.

The dead bull is ineffective against golem units.

For magic instant death and physical instant death, it is first determined whether it is instant death.

When the conditions are met, the enemy will be killed.

If the adjustment is not reached, it will still cause a huge amount of magic damage or physical damage.

Beheading special effects belong to physical instant death.

These three instant death methods have their own advantages.

The rules are death, even if you face 19th-tier units.

If the opponent does not have the ability to be immune to death, he will die if he is hit.

Physical instant death and magical instant death are difficult to do.

But the rule is death and the easiest to be restrained.

There is really no way to deal with an enemy who is immune to death.

Physical instant death and magic instant death still have basic damage.

Ye Xiu is very satisfied with the beheading special effects that come with the god-level archery.

He took a look, the Hurricane shooter is a second-tier shooter, and its chance of beheading is only about 3%.

The odds are not high.

At the same time, his killing line is 10 times his damage value.

If the enemy's life value is higher than this value, it will only cause double damage.

If it is lower than this value, it will be killed after triggering the beheading!

That's the beauty of instant death.

The higher the level of the shooter unit, the higher the beheading probability and beheading line!

For example, for future fighters, the probability of beheading is 7.5%, and the beheading line is 15 times the damage value.

Future fighters can almost kill enemies up to level 12!

For a higher-level shadow shooter, the chance of beheading is 18%, and the beheading line is 20 times the damage value.

That shadow shooter can kill top tier 14 troops!

Even some crispy Tier 15 units can be killed!

The instant death feature is the best special effect on the next gram!

Units like the dead bull are very popular.

And Ye Xiu's god-level archery.

Let all his shooter arms become 'death bulls'!

Arrows are raining down!

It is still a rain of arrows with instant death characteristics.

Just ask if you are afraid!

"Hey, with this feature, it is also very useful for dealing with knights!"

"I have the strongest spear and the strongest shield at the same time!"

Ye Xiu muttered to himself.

In this wave, he indeed has the ultimate move to restrain his own knight arms.

With the instant death feature, the knight's defense is greatly increased when charging, and there is also a body shield.

But it is meaningless in front of beheading.

If the HP is not enough, even if you have a body shield, you may be killed!

Ye Xiu thought about it, and with his firepower, he almost didn't have to worry about the enemy's knights charging.

If you dare to charge, your head will be smashed!

The shooter unit will become his strongest brother!

"However, low-level shooters have a very low chance of beheading, and hurricane shooters are the best candidates for the special effects of beheading.

Ye Xiu looked at the various marksman units under his command.

Of all the marksman classes, the Hurricane marksman is the most special.

Their rank is the lowest.

But they are the only ones who have the ability to attack in groups.

Hurricane Shot can attack dozens or even dozens of enemies at the same time.

This is incomparable to split arrows.

Arrow rain attack, able to attack enemies in groups, increases the chance of beheading in disguise.

After all, if you attack 50 enemies at once.

Even if the probability is only 3%.

It seems that one or two can trigger the beheading.

A wave of arrow rain can trigger a beheading, the efficiency is extremely high!

Hurricane Archer's shortcoming of low base damage can also be made up for.

Anyway, the Hurricane Archer is enough to kill the arms of 317 and below the intermediate level.

They will be middle class killers!

"Counting the absolute chance brought by the lucky value is slightly better.

"The chance of beheading has increased from 3% to 12%."

An idea came to Ye Xiu's mind.

If he has luck.

Then the absolute probability will be higher, which is a huge supplement to the beheading effect!

It's just that the luck technique is more difficult to get.

"Let's see if this wave of treasure chests can be more powerful!"

Ye Xiu rushed to the Fortress of Destruction and extracted all the mechanical mounts.

Let Hurricane Archer, God's Punishment Crusaders and other arms have their own mounts.

On the other hand, he also asked people to collect all the treasure chests of the treasure chest merchants during this period.

Since the mysterious market has been upgraded to level 4.

The level of the treasure chest merchant has also been raised to level 4.

He can now sell Gold Tier Chests.

Ye Xiu bought all the goods for a few days.

He quickly got twenty golden chests.

There are also nearly a hundred silver treasure chests.

Plus various bronze treasure chests and black iron treasure chests.

Ye Xiu wants to get the lucky skill from these treasure chests!

In that case, Ye Xiu can increase the chance of beheading.

[Open the silver treasure chest, the treasure chest rewards 1800 gold coins, 10 units of iron ore, and 12 longbowmen. 】

[Treasure box rewards have been increased by a hundred times, and 18W gold coins, 10 units of fine gold mines and 12 hurricane shooters have been obtained. 】.

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