Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 238 God-Level Magic Resistance! (Ninth Change, 9.9W Flowers Plus More!)

Facing the Doomsday Blade, ordinary players would probably have their legs trembling with fear.

Desperate to overwhelmed.

But Ye Xiu was prepared for this.

There are not many weapons like the Doomsday Blade in the past.

Some players have also obtained some scrolls of forbidden spells.

Relying on the fragments of the Doomsday Blade and the Scroll of Forbidden Curse, these players have also overshadowed many strong players.

Previously, titan players used advanced magic scrolls crazily.

Just a wake up call for Ye Xiu.

The battle of gods in the middle and late stages.

All kinds of forbidden spells are flying all over the sky.

If you don't prepare, you will die miserably.

Before that, Ye Xiu would spend a lot of money to point out the great master-level magic resistance.

Minimize the power of advanced magic scrolls.

Now face the blade of doom.

Ye Xiu also has confidence.

He also has god-level skill points!

"One Nine Three" "For the fragments of the Doomsday Blade, it's only 1 god-level skill point, it's totally worth it!"

Ye Xiu decisively consumed 1 god-level skill point.

Point out the god-level magic resistance!

[Obtain god-level magic resistance, become the first player in the Galaxy server to obtain god-level magic resistance, magic resistance will add an additional special effect, and get special rewards: 36 eighth-level elite mages-arcane mages, and a high-level treasure. 】

[Special rewards get a 100-fold increase, and get 180 eighth-level golden king's arms - Herald, a legendary treasure 1 F magic pendant. 】

God-level magic resistance: The magic resistance of all arms is increased by 120%, and all spell damage is reduced by 45%. Every time magic damage is received, the magic resistance is increased by 20%, which lasts for 30 seconds and can be superimposed. Each unit can get 1500 points of magic shield, which can resist magic damage. The shield is refreshed every 20 seconds. When receiving the same kind of magic damage, the follow-up damage will be reduced by 15%. With special effects: magic immunity, magic shield.

Magic Immunity: Can be exempted from the subsequent negative effects of magic damage, including but not limited to: freezing, paralysis, burning and other negative states.

Magic Shield: Every 20 seconds, it can form a magic shield that resists one magic damage. If it receives multiple magic damages, it can resist magic damage for 1 second.

As soon as Ye Xiu clicked on the god-level magic resistance, the doomsday judgment came as scheduled.

Ye Xiu only had time to let the war guards stand up as much as possible to provide more damage reduction for the troops under his command.

This is the limit of what Ye Xiu can do.

But Ye Xiu has absolute confidence that his troops can withstand this level of doomsday!

The full version of the Doomsday Judgment claims to be able to destroy the world.

But what Meteor Fire used was the Doomsday Blade fragments after all.

Its power is greatly reduced.

Although it is lore for most players.

But Ye Xiu is definitely not among them.

Doomsday rains down Doomfire, dealing multiple rounds of damage.

Among them, the fiercest damage in the first round was all offset by the magic shield attached to the god-level magic resistance.

Offset the magic damage for 1 second, this special effect is too strong!

The fiercest outbreak of Doomsday is neutralized!

The follow-up fire damage first broke the magic shield.

Then it is up to the arms to carry it on their own.

Theoretically, this wave of Doomsday Judgment from Meteor Fire can deal tens of thousands of damage.

The units below the tenth rank are absolutely wiped out!

However, the magic resistance of Ye Xiu's troops is frighteningly high.

It also greatly reduces magic damage.

The terrible burning damage that comes with Doomsday Judgment is also exempted by magic immunity.

This at least reduces the damage of Doomsday by 40%.

In addition, Ye Xiu also equipped all units with mechanical mounts.

Those without mechanical mounts are all knights.

Coupled with the horror bonus of the dragon's blood bottle.

The arms are all blood cattle!

Even the second-order crispy hurricane shooter has more than 5000 health points.

With high blood volume and high magic resistance, there is no reason why you can't stand the Doomsday Judgment!

In the eyes of other titan players, Ye Xiu is doomed when the doomsday judgment falls.

That terrifying doomsday fire can burn everything!

Deep inside the enemy, just the incidental burning damage can burn the troops into ashes.

The reincarnated Shura has no reason not to die!

"The power of the Doomsday Judgment is really terrifying. Under such a curse, it is stronger than the chaos bombardment just now! The reincarnated Shura is doomed!"

"Even if the twelfth-tier units are inside, they will be killed by the Doomsday Judgment. The only thing that is a little bit hanging is the Founding Titan. This mythical unit may be able to withstand it!"

"It doesn't matter if the Founding Titan can withstand it, the other main forces of the reincarnated Shura will definitely be wiped out, and he might die under the doomsday judgment himself!"

"I bet, the reincarnated Asura's entire army must be wiped out in this wave, only a few Founding Titans are left, we can find a way to beat them to death!"

"Kill the Founding Titan? Are you insane! We must find a way to subdue the Founding Titan! If there is a Founding Titan, we can all fly!"

Titan players already think they have a chance of winning!

They have even started discussing how to distribute the spoils......

Even the players watching the battle thought that the battle was settled.

"The reincarnated Shura was too careless. He supported Rongcheng alone, and now he was ambushed by a titan player. The fragments of the Doomsday Blade are too terrifying!"

"I didn't expect that the reincarnated Shura would be wiped out with such a powerful army. One person still can't fight against a great world!"

"Let's not talk about the Great Thousand World, the players in the Giant Spirit World haven't made a move yet, the reincarnated Shura is about to kneel! The players in the Giant Spirit World will only be stronger!"

"The reincarnated Shura will become a legend, the titan players are too well prepared for this battle, he is doomed to fall!"

The other players watching the battle did not expect this to happen.

It can only be said that the reincarnated Shura was too careless.

The best opportunity was seized by the enemy!

"Everyone, get ready, when the Doomsday Judgment disappears, we will besiege and kill the reincarnated Shura! He himself used the shackles of reincarnation, and one death is not the end [we will kill him completely!"

The Sons of Titans also began their final mobilization.

The next 0.2 will be a massacre!

Countless titan players slaughtered the reincarnated Shura alone!

This scene will definitely become a classic scene that is praised!

He, the son of Titan, will also follow this battle and become the only emperor in the world of Titan!

The future will be infinitely bright!

Titan players are inspired by the words of Titan's Son.

They sent the main force forward one after another.

All titan players are on standby, let the shooter unit aim at the area of ​​​​the doomsday judgment.

Just wait for the flames to dissipate, then grab it!

But when the doomsday flames brought by the doomsday judgment gradually dissipated, the titan players saw an unforgettable scene!

Countless knight troops stood quietly in front of them.

When the flames dissipated, they charged silently!

"Kill me! Kill them all and crash!".

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