Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 245 Siege! (Sixth Update, 10.3W Flowers Plus Update!)

[Kill 1 enemy hero, the enemy level is higher than your own, and you will get 1 layer of God of War bonus. Permanently kill 1 enemy hero, the enemy's level is higher than your own, and gain 10 layers of the power of God of War. 】

[Killing 1 enemy hero, according to the enemy's level, the experience value of Shura Legion +88 points, and the experience value of God of War Legion +88 points. 】

[The Immortal Battle Spirit participates in a heroic epic with a scale of more than a thousand heroes and wins. The battle of the ancestors is recorded in the Heroic Soul Monument and becomes a heroic epic, and its number +1. 】

[The number of heroic epics +1, the effect of recruiting holy souls is activated, and according to the scale of the ancestor battle, 6 miraculous holy souls will be obtained. 】

The battle of Jiang Cheng is resolved.

Ye Xiu has harvested more than 400 layers of God of War power.

He once again forged a layer of God of War body.

[Consume 400 layers of God of War power, successfully forge the body of God of War, according to your own level, all attributes +7 points, leadership +2000 points, leader power +20 points, skill points +2. 】

The Heroic Soul Monument also changed with the fourth heroic epic.

Its enveloping range expanded to a radius of 2,000 kilometers at once.

This is improved with the addition of the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Almost the entire sphere of influence of the earth is included.

By the way, it also includes some junctions with other small thousand worlds.

This is already larger than the entire ** in reality!

Such a large area is only a small part of the Milky Way Continent.

Earth players are only active in one corner.

Ye Xiu couldn't help thinking.

Then take the opportunity to brush some heroic epics?

The titan players just fled back to the border city adjacent to Jiang Cheng.

It is only about 100 kilometers away from Jiang Cheng.

It happened to be within the coverage of the Heroic Soul Monument.

Even the several public cities behind them are all within the range of the Heroic Soul Monument.

"Brothers, do you have any ideas to fight with me again! Let's go to the site of the titan world!"

"If they dare to attack Jiang Cheng, they will have to pay the price!"

Ye Xiu raised his arms in Jiang Cheng, which he had just won.

Immediately, a large number of Earth players responded.

"Master Shura, just tell us! We will fight with you!"

"That's right, I'm afraid of eggs! Titan players are not very strong! If you dare to take the initiative to deal with us, you will beat them to tears!"

"Titan players dare to provoke us, let them know how powerful they are! Earth players, no one dares to provoke us!"

It is the time when the morale of many Earth players is boosted.

Together they took back Jiang Cheng and gained the military merit of the Emperor.

Players naturally felt that following Ye Xiu was a lure.

Ye Xiu is also tantamount to helping the players on Earth improve their strength.

Titan players, it seems that they are not that strong.

Ye Xiu strikes while the iron is hot: "Then follow me to the Giant Rock City and kill the titan players!"

Ye Xiu didn't stop any longer, and set off directly with the army!

All his troops have mounts.

The marching speed is extremely astonishing.

He led the team to kill the fleeing titan players.

The titan players encountered along the way were all chained by him with the shackles of reincarnation.

Ye Xiu didn't stop there either. After one kill, the follow-up was left to the players of the God of War Legion to kill.

Until the locked titan player is permanently killed.

With such a fast pursuit, Ye Xiu can keep the most titan players.

This is quickly collecting the power of reincarnation.

It also hits the titan players the hardest.

The distance between the two cities is 100 kilometers, and this distance has become the road of death.

Ye Xiu took advantage of his speed and chased down a large number of titan players.

There are as many as 90 players who died under the shackles of reincarnation!

However, some of them were permanently killed by the players of the God of War Legion.

Ye Xiu gained 30 skill points.

The remaining 60 points were divided among other players!

"Permanently killing titan players, you can still get skill points! This is so cool!"

"Hahaha! I randomly drew the magic resistance skill, which is cool! The chance of getting this skill from the treasure chest is too low, I'm lucky, brothers!"

"I also drew diplomacy! This is the rhythm to take off! Titan players are really good people who give away heads!"

Earth players communicate with each other excitedly.

The benefit of killing titan players is huge.

Extraction skills must be skills that you don't have.

Previously, Ye Xiu had too many public skills.

He has all the skills that titan players have.

Naturally, Ye Xiu couldn't extract the skills he wanted.

This is still too weak for titan players.

"We've arrived at Giant Rock City, do Titan players think it's safe?"

Ye Xiu came to the outside of Giant Rock City.

The titan players who fled here just breathed a sigh of relief.

You can see Ye Xiu's army coming.

They are pale!

"The reincarnated Asura, the god of death, is here again! We have all fled to Giant Rock City, is he still unwilling to let us go?"

"Big Rock City is a level 2 public city, and there is a legendary building called Giant Rock Mountain, which can strengthen the city's defenses. Would the reincarnated Shura dare to attack Giant Rock City?"

"That's right, the city defense of Giant Rock City is much stronger than that of Jiang Cheng, and there are a lot of players here, the reincarnated Shura can't defeat Giant Rock City!"

Titan players encouraged and encouraged each other.

Slowly boost morale.

The titan players who attacked Jiang Cheng were only part of the elite.

On the site of the titan world, there are more titan players.

If Ye Xiu took the initiative to attack Giant Rock City.

This part of the titan players who have not participated in the battle before will also be forced to participate in the battle.

What's more, after the internal test is started.

Public cities have legendary building projections.

If it is a public city projected building, it can strengthen the city defense.

The difficulty of attacking the public city is much more difficult than during the closed beta.

Then count the combat power of the players.

The current stage of siege warfare is not the same as during the closed beta period.

It is also impossible for Ye Xiu to win 20 consecutive cities in one day as he did during the beta test.

"..."Look! The reincarnated Shura is really going to launch an attack! He still doesn't give up!"

Titan players discussed a lot.

But none of these can dispel Ye Xiu's idea of ​​attacking the city.

Take care of you so much.

Anyway, do it!

Ye Xiu is going to play a heroic epic!

"Mountain titans, attack me!"

Ye Xiu dispatched the mountain titan, the most suitable for siege.

They are huge, don't be fooled by the city

At the same time, the defense and blood volume are at the level against the sky.

Players' set fire is not good (Wang Qian's) to use!

Sure enough, after the Founding Titans put on the thunder armor for the mountain titan.

The mountain titans charged towards the city wall with countless attacks.

The defenses of the mountain titans have completely exploded the attacks of the titan players.

The attacks of the fourth and fifth tier arms fell on the mountain titan like tickling.

One round of attack only knocked out thousands of health points from the mountain titans.

With such a little damage, there is no pressure in front of the mountain titan whose HP is as high as 2.5W.

Miracle holy soul can be added back after one round of treatment.

The mountain titan pushes horizontally all the way.

They soon came to the walls of the Rock City.

The city wall is surrounded by countless boulders.

The entire city wall is like a whole, extremely hard.

"The Giant Rock City has a giant rock mountain, and the defense of the city wall is amazing, and the reincarnated Shura can't break it!"

Titan players have absolute confidence in the legendary buildings in Giant Rock City.

But they didn't expect how terrifying power the mountain titan possessed.

The attacks of the mountain titans are all siege attacks!.

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