Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 247 Giant Rock Mountain! (Eighth Change, 10.7W Flowers Plus More!)

All directions are destroyed and strategized.

He began to reveal the hole cards he had prepared.

The Kingdom of Kish is just one of the trump cards.

The ten directions are all destroyed, and other means are prepared!

However, these trump cards cannot be activated at this moment.

Giant Rock City, can only give up.

"Abandon Giant Rock City first, we will fight back later-!"

Shi Fang Ju Mi shook his head.

He told the Sons of the Titans to abandon Rock City first.

This means that the city of giant rock is definitely gone.

At the same time, Ye Xiu's army had entered the giant rock city.

The titan players couldn't resist to the end.

Because Ye Xiu's lethality is too great.

His reincarnation field spread out.

Those who resist in the corner can only be completely killed.

Seeing that the general situation is gone.

The giant spirit world did not send strong reinforcements at all.

Titan players can only choose to break out.

"Priority kills those players with mid-level professional titles, and makes titan players pay a higher price!"

Ye Xiu issued the order.

Under the rush of the army, many titan players were targeted.

If they die in the realm of reincarnation, they are almost declared dead.

Under the deliberate hunting of the God of War Legion.

Titan players were permanently killed a lot of people.

[Kill 1 enemy hero, the enemy level is higher than your own, and you will get 1 layer of God of War bonus. Permanently kill 1 enemy hero, the enemy's level is higher than your own, gain 10 layers

God's calendar. 】

[Killing 1 enemy hero, according to the enemy's level, the experience value of Shura Legion +88 points, and the experience value of God of War Legion +88 points. 】

[The Immortal Battle Spirit participates in a heroic epic with more than a thousand heroes and wins. The Battle of the Giant Rock is recorded on the Heroic Soul Monument and becomes a heroic epic, and its number +1. 】

[The number of heroic epics +1, activate the effect of recruiting holy souls, and get 6 miraculous holy souls according to the scale of the Battle of Giant Rock. 】

This wave of titan players once again suffered heavy losses.

The number of players killed by Ye Xiu is quite large, plus the accumulated history of God of War.

Ye Xiu has harvested more than 400 layers of God of War power.

He once again forged a layer of God of War body.

[Consume 400 layers of the power of the God of War, successfully forge the body of the God of War, according to your own level, all attributes +7 points, command power +2000 points, leader power +20 points, skills


Now the God of War body forged by Ye Xiu himself has 25 layers.

Plus 2 tiers of the Statue of War bonus.

Ye Xiu has 27 layers of God of War body!

This is more than the attribute improvement of 27 levels by others.

Calculate it.

Ye Xiu is at least equal to other players who have risen to level 54!

The gap is really big.

[Capture the level 2 public city of the enemy camp, and get 2W points of military merit according to the record!]

After entering the closed beta period.

Siege difficulty increased.

The military merits of its rewards have also been increased.

Ye Xiu takes more than half of the credits.

It rewarded 2W points of military merit.

Before attacking a level 2 city alone, it also rewarded 2W military merits.

"Master Shura, shall we continue?"

King Wushuang is cleaning the battlefield.

They took Rock City.

This city can be used by Earth players.

The sphere of influence of the earth also expanded accordingly.

Because there are enough players on Earth.

It can slowly invade the surrounding resource points and arms buildings.

"Of course we have to continue, this wave, I'm going to scare the titan players!

Ye Xiu calculated.

He must at least knock down a few titan cities within the range of the Heroic Soul Monument.

There is a heroic soul tablet covering it.

It is much easier to attack cities as well as defend them.

As for further cities.

Ye Xiu decided to wait and see.

"Okay! Then we will immediately organize the players to move forward! Titan players, you also have this day!"

King Wushuang was very excited.

He has long been unhappy with the titan players.

After the titan player defeated Jiang Cheng before, he made a lot of nonsense on the player forum.

Many of the titan players are mocking the earth players.

How arrogant the titan players were clamoring at that time.

How painful it is to be slapped in the face at this moment!

Earth players immediately began fighting back on forums.

All kinds of yin and yang weird posts began to scroll on the Galaxy forum.

"This is the Giant Rock City in the titan world, I recruited a few cave titans here! By the way, your wife is awesome!"

"The city of the titan player looks like a bird? Your giant rock mountain, the legendary building, is not very good, it is far inferior to our terracotta warriors!"

"The first titan player city has been captured, the next target is Giant Mountain City!"

All kinds of taunts from the players on Earth.

Compare the gap between Giant Rock City and Earth City.

There are also various titan arms recruited in the giant rock mountain.

Previously due to fear of Founding Titan.

……… Ask for flowers……

The titan players did not recruit the titan units in the giant rock mountain.

Now the earth player has picked up the leak.

There are quite a few recruitment quotas for titan arms accumulated in Juyan Mountain.

Earth players use it very well.

That sentence your wife is awesome.

Make titan players mad.

This level of yin and yang weirdness has a purpose.

"These eighth-level gray-skinned titans are also good. With the blessing of Founding Titan, they can fight against high-level titan units!"

Ye Xiu also recruited many titan units in Juyan Mountain.

Level 2 Rock City.

As a result, only the highest rank 8 titan arms can be recruited in Juyan Mountain.

Corresponding permissions are also required.

Many of the titan arms of previous titan players came from here.

Rock City was taken down.

The loss of titan players is still relatively large.

One important output place of titan units is missing.

If the players on the earth are still yin and yang, they are murderers!

"The gray skin titan can also be used as the main force!"

Ye Xiu recruited a total of 1,200 gray-skinned titans.

This eighth-tier elite unit, with the addition of Ye Xiu's Titan power, is still very powerful.

Ye Xiu can also use them as consumables.

Anyway, it doesn't hurt to die.

So when attacking the giant mountain city, the titan players saw the mountain titan and the gray-skinned titan and killed them together.

This lineup makes players' scalps tingle.

"Our titan arms were all recruited by the reincarnated Shura! It's simply too despicable!"

The titan players were very angry.

They originally kept the grayskin titans they wanted to recruit.

All recruited by Ye Xiu!

This is so infuriating!

Ye Xiu is also killing people!

"The main reason is that his gray-skinned titan is so strong! He almost wants to be a boss!"

The gray-skinned titans can also withstand a large amount of output and come to the city wall to attack the city wall.

The titan players felt their scalps go numb.

It's a little too aggressive!

Gray leather titan also has special siege effect.

They cooperated with the mountain titans, and the walls of the giant mountain city were almost destroyed within three rounds of attacks.

The walls of a level 2 city can't stop the titan troops at all.

Titan players are shooting themselves in the foot.

Jushan City was quickly brought down by Ye Xiu's team.

The titan players in this city can only retreat steadily. .

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