Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 254: The Great Wall Of Immortality! (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Xiongbatianxia is a big man over 2.5 meters tall.

He was topless.

It looks extremely strong and fierce.

Xiong Batian holds the Doomsday Blade in his hand.

This is the biggest reason why all directions hired him.

Use the Doomsday Blade to capture Miracle City!

In the dynasty of the giant spirit world, there are a lot of treasures.

But there is no exchange of doomsday blade fragments.

All Ten Directions had previously exchanged the Son of Titan for the Doomsday Blade.

But he still thinks it's not safe.

I deliberately contacted people in the wild world.

Xiong Batian is the top powerhouse in the wild world.

He was the first to redeem the Doomsday Blade fragments.

Naturally, he was targeted by Shifang Jumian.

The players in the wild world are extremely fierce.

Even Ye Xiu's reputation can't frighten them.

After the extermination of all directions offered a high price, Xiongba Tianxia brought the fragments of the Doomsday Blade to fight over.

"Ten directions are destroyed, remember the price you negotiated with me! After capturing this city, this private city will be mine!"

"The legendary buildings on the 27th side are all mine! If you dare to break the contract, I will kill you!"

Dominate the world before using the blade of doom.

He did not forget to warn that all directions will be destroyed.

So what about the boss of the giant spirit world.

People in the wild world have always been hob meat.

To die is to bite off a bite of the enemy's flesh.

The ferocity is far beyond imagination.

For the benefit, Tian will do everything!

"If you go to this Miracle City, you will be the first! Of course I will not break my promise!"

"After the fall of the reincarnated Shura, we will work together to occupy all the territories of the players on Earth! Your benefits will be great!"

Ten Directions All Annihilation showed no angry expression.

His calmness made Xiong Batian more vigilant.

The titan player in front of him is extremely deep.

There are also many means.

The destruction of all directions actually united the kingdom of Kish.

Now they have joined forces with players from their wild world.

Even players from Dark Earth and Orc World participated in the siege of Miracle City.

Without a word, a support army was pulled up.

The energy it possesses is beyond imagination.

Xiongbatianxia's attack this time is for Miracle City.

This private city also enjoys the benefits of the previous city projection!

It has many legendary buildings that belong to the reincarnated Shura himself.

This is a completely different treatment from public cities.

Legendary architecture of public urban projections.

Players need to do tasks to elevate their privileges.

to enjoy some functions.

As for the legendary buildings in the private city, they are under their complete control!

To capture such a private city, the state government is too heavenly.

"Just remember our terms of cooperation!"

"Ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand. The beautiful prospects you have described are not as real as the city in front of you!"

"I only look at immediate interests!"

After Xiong Batian finished speaking, he decisively activated the Doomsday Blade!

Doomsday judgment, come to Miracle City King!

The players who were defending the city looked up in shock.

"This is... Doomsday Judgment! Someone exchanged the Doomsday Blade fragments again! It was actually used to attack Miracle City!"

"Master Shura is not here, how can we resist the doomsday judgment? This is the forbidden curse!"

"It's over! We can't stop the Doomsday Judgment at all, only Master Shura can take a bath in the Doomsday Judgment!"

The Earth players in Miracle City were in a panic.

The power of Doomsday Judgment is too great.

They are not Ye Xiu.

There is no god-level magic resistance and dragon's blood bottle.

They will definitely not be able to withstand this wave of doomsday judgment.

If they lose a lot.

No one will be able to defend Miracle City!

At the moment Ye Xiu is participating in the battle in Destiny City.

It is difficult to support Miracle City.

What these earth players don't know is that Ye Xiu is still using the shackles of reincarnation at this moment.

Only when the enemy is completely wiped out can he come to support.

This is also the time when All Ten Directions Destroyer deliberately chose to attack Miracle City.

It is to ensure that the army of the kingdom of Kish holds back Ye Xiu.

Give them the perfect siege opportunity!

"Hahaha! Under the doomsday judgment, you will all die!"

"I can occupy Miracle City later!"

Xiong Batian laughed wildly.

The fire of doom falls.

Domination of the world is waiting for the players in Miracle City to suffer heavy losses.

At that time, the defenders were dead and wounded.

It is easy to capture Miracle City!

But before he had time to be happy, he saw a golden light rising from the Great Wall.

It protects Miracle City to death.

All the attacks of the Doomsday Judgment will be borne by the Great Wall!

This is the special effect of the Great Wall of Immortality!

The Great Wall, which already has a scale of thousands of miles, is extremely strong.

The legendary buildings in Miracle City have also increased their sturdiness.

When Doomsday all dissipates.

The Great Wall is still standing!

The Doomsday Judgment failed to severely damage the defenders of Miracle City as planned!

"How is it possible! The reincarnated Shura can withstand the doomsday judgment! Why can the other cities under his command also survive the doomsday judgment!"

Ten directions are destroyed this time can no longer remain calm.

He didn't let Xiong Batian go to Tianming City to use Doomsday Judgment.

He just knew that Ye Xiu himself was not afraid of this trick.

He purposely let the Doomsday Judgment fall in Miracle City.

The reincarnated Shura is not afraid.

It is impossible for other Earth players to be afraid of Doomsday.

In his plan, when this wave of Doomsday Judgment falls, the Miracle City must suffer heavy losses.

Miracle City can be taken in minutes.

But now the ideal is full.

The reality is very skinny.

The 1.17 million-mile Great Wall left the earth players in Miracle City unscathed!

The special effects of the Immortal Great Wall are really awesome!

"What's the situation? Is this the legendary architectural special effect of this city? It can actually block the Doomsday Judgment! This is impossible!"

Xiong Batian was shocked.

This is the first time he has used it after getting the Doomsday Blade fragment.

Earlier, Ye Xiu swept Invincible with Doomblade shards.

The players are all fresh in their memories.

But why do other players keep smashing their halberds when they use the fragments of the Doomsday Blade?

"Sand Sculpture! You have to look at the target when using the Blade of Doom! If you dare to use the fragments of the Blade of Doom against Lord Shura's forces, you will kneel if you don't!"

"Meteor Fire has been hit once before, you sand sculptures will naturally have to try a second time, Lord Shura is invincible!

"Hahaha! Even the Doomsday Judgment can't hurt us, our God of War Legion is invincible!"

The morale of the players in Miracle City was boosted.

Even the Doomsday Judgment failed to deal with them.

After that, they can take this to blow for a year!

"Scared me to death! Fortunately, there is the Great Wall, otherwise we would not be very dangerous...

Molu felt like he was alive after a catastrophe.

He then received a communication from Ye Xiu.

"Lu Zai, the enemy used the Doomsday Blade fragments? Remember to keep an eye on the opponent's player, and don't kill the opponent easily when you counterattack, save me!",

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