Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 260 Revenge One By One! (The First Update, Please Subscribe!)

When the ghost knight gains fame, it's not just about leveling up.

Can also summon Ghost Rider Phantom.

Same as the Wolf Rider Phantom they summon.

The Ghost Knight Phantom is also invulnerable, but will attack and charge with the Ghost Knight.

The lethality of its charge is equivalent to the king's arms of the same level!

This is certainly a huge buff to Ghost Rider!

"These heroes are important resources, and they can be used to increase the popularity of the corresponding arms.

"Based on this, the God of War Guards should be well trained..."

This time, I realized the great role of the war god guard.

In Ye Xiu's mind, the importance of the God of War has been raised to a higher level.

He also needs to find a way to specifically raise the level of the God of War.

Give them Guardian Fame.

To some extent, the popularity of War Divine Guard is the best to obtain.

As long as the enemy attacks Ye Xiu.

The guardian effect is triggered.

The God Guard of War kills the target, and if the conditions are met, the legendary degree can be obtained.

Any mid-level enemy hero.

You can brush up the legend!

Regardless of race and occupation!

This is extremely rare universality.

The Dragon Hunter can only obtain the Legend of the Dragon Hunter by hunting the Dragon Blood heroes.

A demon hunter can only hunt demons.

These are all racial restrictions.

The ghost knight needs to kill the knight unit or knight hero.

This is a career limitation.

It is enough for the holy knight to purify the evil creatures, which is considered to be limited.

War god guard is as long as the operation is good.

Each enemy has the potential to provide fame.

Ye Xiu did as soon as he thought of it, and immediately locked the 8 wild players, making them unable to run.

Ye Xiu deliberately showed his face in front of them.

Was attacked several times by the opponent's arms.

Ye Xiu has the God of War Guards, so there is no risk of overturning at all.

Ye Xiu took a look, and the War Divine Guard had indeed triggered the guard effect.

They can brush their reputation!

"These unlucky bastards, leave one last blow for the war guards!"

This time Ye Xiu regarded the enemy as a tool man.

A legendary tool man!

Surrounded by the army, these players didn't make any trouble.

In less than 10 minutes, he was killed by the final blow from the God of War.

[Kill 1 enemy hero, the enemy level is higher than your own, and you will get 1 layer of God of War bonus. Permanently kill an enemy hero and gain 10 layers of God of War bonus. 1

【Kill 1 enemy hero, according to the level of the enemy, the experience value of the Shura Legion +86 points [The experience value of the God of War Army +86 points. 】

[War God Guard completely killed a hero with an intermediate professional title, completed a guard legend, gained 1 point of legend, and the war guard was promoted to the fourth rank. 】

Sure enough, the God of War Guard gained fame.

Promoted from Tier 3 to Tier 4.

Ye Xiu also had a Tier 4 war god guard before.

This method can also be brushed to the fifth order.

Ye Xiu couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

Players who have been promoted to intermediate professional titles are more precious wealth!

Ye Xiu immediately carried out a brutal pursuit of the wild players.

The focus of hunting down is naturally the players with intermediate professional titles.

Kingdom of Kish lost 5 high-level heroes in a row.

They were out of fear, and the reason why the giant spirit world, the dark earth and the orc world all withdrew their troops.

The kingdom of Kish also withdrew its troops.

The siege of Destiny City and Miracle City was lifted naturally!

[The Immortal Battle Spirit participates in a heroic epic with a scale of more than 10,000 heroes and wins. The Miracle Battle is recorded on the Heroic Soul Monument and becomes a heroic epic, and its number is +1. 】

[The number of heroic epics +1, activate the effect of recruiting holy souls, and get 24 miracle holy souls according to the scale of the battle of miracles. 】

"Release Shura, you are like the god of war, you have killed many enemies by yourself!"

"This battle is over, we can take a good rest..."

Wang Wang Wushuang watched as the enemies all retreated.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This time, the action of All Ten Directions is a bit big.

Both of Ye Xiu's cities pose a great threat.

King Wushuang has a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

But Ye Xiu suddenly laughed: "The battle is over? That's far from the end!"

"Destroyed in all directions, the dark earth, the wild world, and the country of Kish, if they dare to attack me, they will naturally—retaliate!"

Ye Xiu is not a character who can't fight back.

The enemy has hit his door.

Naturally, they will fight back fiercely.

Ye Xiu has already figured out how to take revenge on the enemy!

"Master Shura, this is..."

King Wushuang was shocked.

Ye Xiu has made announcements in the God of War Legion and the Shura Legion.

"All members of the God of War Legion and the Asura Legion, join me in another battle today, and wipe out all the enemies who invade our borders in the future!"

Ye Xiu issued a mobilization for war.

He encouraged members of both armies to join the battle.

In the case of a big victory, the legions were full of energy for two days.

No need for Ye Xiu's encouragement.

They all took part in the battle.

"Haha, I have another chance to beat up the Titan players. This time Lord Shura will definitely hit the enemy hard!"

"How dare you come to attack our Destiny City and Miracle City? It's too much life. We must beat them hard so that they never dare to be our enemies again!"

"..."My big ax is hungry, let's fight!"

Seeing that the players of the two legions are so motivated to fight.

King Wushuang understood.

Legion members can take advantage of this opportunity.

Play your own momentum and cohesion.

New players who joined the God of War Legion and the Shura Legion.

They all quickly integrated into the group.

"Give you 4 hours to repair and recruit troops. After 4 hours, we will immediately retaliate against the enemy!"

Ye Xiu ordered to go down.

Players of the God of War Legion and the Shura Legion began to prepare.

Mainly the newly joined players have all gone to clear the first floor of Tongtian Tower.

In this way, you can improve your strength and obtain powerful arms.

Ye Xiu also has some preparatory work to do.

Ye Xiu quickly found the target.

"After the upgrade of the Oriental Pearl Tower, the detection range has expanded, and the territory of the giant spirit world is also within the detection range!"

Ye Xiu is observing in the Pearl of the Orient.

What he scanned was the site of the giant spirit world.

The sites of the four Great Thousand Worlds are all in the more central area of ​​the Milky Way Continent.

(Good Zhao) Their territory is separated from Xiaoqian World by some forbidden areas.

Only a few areas are accessible.

Previously, the space-based weapons of the Oriental Pearl Tower could only detect the situation in the sphere of influence of the earth and its surrounding areas.

Only about a dozen small thousand world sites are included.

With Xiaoqian World slowly expanding.

This detection range is obviously not enough.

The detection range of the Oriental Pearl Tower is now doubled.

Not only all the sites in the small thousand world were detected and seen clearly.

Even the territory of the giant spirit world can detect about one-third of it.

The Giant Spirit World currently has thousands of public city gates.

One giant spirit world is worth ten small thousand worlds.

Ye Xiu searched and found what he was looking for!

The holy city of Titans in the world of giant spirits!

This is a public city that has been promoted to level 3.

At the same time, it is also the main city where the giant spirit world focuses on development!

"It's up to you! You have the Pillars of Titans, but soon I will too!".

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