Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 281 Destroy The Fort (Second Update, Please Subscribe!)

Ye Xiu only discovered the enemy's legal heroes after the enemy used the ban.

The other party deliberately lurked and disguised.

If it weren't for the effect of not burning the Great Wall.

That Fortress of Destruction is really dangerous.

At least the player will suffer heavy losses.

But now the Immortal Great Wall has saved many players.

Ye Xiu will be able to find the right target to attack.

The legal heroes entered his killing range.

Boiling Blood Spear is the best big killer!

Ye Xiu locked those legal heroes.

The Boiling Blood Spear immediately killed one of the legal heroes and the guards in an instant!

Flying back to the boiling blood spear in Ye Xiu's hand, it kept trembling because of being stained with blood.

It gradually heats up.

That's a passion for killing!

"Find the target and kill all the legal heroes!"

The enemy dares to approach the destruction fortress to attack with magic.

Naturally, Ye Xiu would not be polite.

The future warriors and the demon-slaying shooters took action one after another.

Kill other legal heroes - shoot.

Alpha hasn't reacted yet.

Many of the legal heroes he sent were forcibly shot to death.

Under the shackles of reincarnation, he was resurrected and died soon.

Ye Xiu has specialized units targeting enemy heroes.

Anyone who dares to appear in the range will be shot.

[Kill 1 demon hero, the enemy level is higher than yourself, get 1 layer of God of War bonus, demon hunter upgrade progress +1. Permanently kill 1 demon hero, gain 10 layers of God of War bonus, demon hunter upgrade progress +10. 】

[Killing 1123 demon heroes, according to the enemy level, the experience value of Shura Legion +420 points, and the experience value of God of War Legion +420 points. 】

[Permanently kill 1 demon hero, trigger the effect of war looting, gain 1 skill point, trigger the effect of Shura's killing intent, and gain 100 points of leadership. 】

[A Demon Slayer Hunter completely kills a demon hero with a high-level professional title, completes a legend of Demon Slayer, gains 1 point of legend, and the Demon Slayer Hunter is promoted to the eighth rank. 】

Ye Xiu soon had a harvest.

A high-level legal system demon was beheaded in public.

A demon hunter reaps the greatest benefits.

After the void demons sent more advanced demon heroes.

Good news for Ye Xiu too.

Snipe and kill more advanced demons.

It can also transform more demon hunters.

These are the benefits of being delivered to your door.

Ye Xiu wished that the enemies were all advanced demon heroes.

In that way, it will be no problem for all the demon hunters to advance to advanced level.

"Master Alpha, the firepower of the enemy (chda) is too fierce, and we have suffered heavy losses!"

"Even many of our heroes have been sniped and killed by this alien hero. More than a dozen of our heroes have died permanently, including 2 high-level heroes!"

When Alpha heard his subordinate's report on the battle situation, he couldn't help feeling a twinge of pain in his heart.

These are the elite of the Void Demons!

Many of them were members of his conquering legions.

Alpha is the head of the Conquering Legion.

He naturally has to consider the entire Conquering Legion.

Only two hours after attacking the Fortress of Destruction, his flying team was completely wiped out.

A dozen legion members were also lost.

Troops can be replenished.

Legion members can be permanently killed.

That elite hero is hard to replenish.

This is also Ye Xiu's advantage over other Lord heroes.

His master of heroes talent allows him to batch train elite heroes.

Don't worry about not having enough heroes!

Ye Xiu's targeted killing of demonic heroes put Alpha in a dilemma.

Thinking of the order of the demon lord, Alpha couldn't help being shocked.

"No matter how many casualties you pay, charge me, and take down the Fortress of Destruction!"

Win, never lose!"

Alpha is determined to attack the Fortress of Destruction.

Various siege implements began to appear behind the demon army.

They made a frantic attack on the city walls.

One cannonball laughed on the city wall.

"These artillery heroes are not very good. The power of firing cannons is like tickling. I didn't feel any pressure on the city wall at all..."

Ye Xiu complained: "That's because the Great Wall is so strong, it's almost indestructible!"

"Without that kind of super weapon, it is impossible to shake the Great Wall!"

One shot stared at the outside of the city: "Master Shura, look over there, it seems to be the super weapon you mentioned!"

Ye Xiu also saw 3 giant cannons being dragged from behind the demon army through the eagle eye technique.

It was a giant cannon similar to a crystal magic cannon.

Ye Xiu suspects that it is also a legendary weapon.

From this point of view, the void demons are not unprepared.

"Third Battalion Commander, bring your Italian guns and kill them hard!"

"Remember to use the destruction turret to kill all the enemy's cannons!"

Ye Xiu patted Yi Pao Qian Jin on the shoulder, and at the same time indicated that he could stand in the destruction fort.

Destroyer Fort: Legendary-level building, which increases the power and range of all weapons in the city by 100%. Weapons above legendary level can be loaded into the Destroyer Fort to increase the caliber and range of the main gun of the Destroyer Fort. Additional skills: super turret, artillery master, fire cover, destroy main gun, ultra-long-range support.

Super Turret: The damage of weapons loaded into the Destruction Turret will be increased by 100%, the caliber will be increased by 1 level (the attack range will be increased), and the range will be increased by 200%.

Artillery master: The artillery hero who enters the destruction fort to command, the artillery level will be added, the artillery level +1, the minimum can reach the master level effect, and the highest can reach the god level effect.

Fire Coverage: Destroying the turret can cause other weapons in the city to carry out coordinated attacks, causing fire coverage effects to also cause damage to enemies in the fire gap.

Destruction Main Cannon: There is a super main cannon in the Destruction Fort. Its caliber and range are related to the number of legendary weapons loaded. Its current power is equal to the power of forbidden spells of the sixteenth-tier legendary mage arms. Range: 30,000 meters, damage range: radius 1000 meters.

Ultra-long-range support: The destruction turret can cooperate with all weapons in the city to provide ultra-long-range support within 10 times the range of the destruction main gun, and deal a devastating blow to the enemy.

Remarks: The destruction turret is a heavy firepower platform specially used to destroy the enemy, the caliber is justice, and the range is truth! This turret can cure anyone's fear of insufficient firepower.

The Fortress of Destruction is a legendary building that descended with the statue of Shura.

It doesn't add much to the development of Doom Fortress itself.

It is crazy to increase the firepower of the destruction fortress!

Not only has the power of weapons been comprehensively improved, but their range has also been increased!

At the same time, the destruction turret also comes with a super weapon!

Destroy the main gun, with the power comparable to space-based weapons.

The more legendary weapons loaded into the destruction turret at the same time, the more powerful the destruction main cannon will be.

It used to take a certain amount of time to load legendary weapons.

Now the two legendary weapons, the crystal magic cannon and the jewel holy crossbow, have all entered the destruction fort.

This fort is ready to perform!

"Master Shura, just wait and see! I will definitely destroy all the enemy's cannons! They can't get close to the Fortress of Destruction!"

One cannonball patted his chest and said.

He did the same.

After Yi Pao Qian Jin entered the Destruction Fort, his artillery skill level reached the Grand Master level.

Originally, the master-level gunnery was equal to the enemy's grand master-level gunnery in one fell swoop.

A thousand pieces of gold and a soul-piercing artillery talent.

Definitely not weaker than enemy artillery heroes.

He controls the main cannon of destruction, and looks at the demon army outside the city with a smile: "Let you taste the power of my Italian cannon!"

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