Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 29 Excess Rewards! (Fifth Update, Please Collect, Ask For Flowers!)

Ye Xiu's current strength.

It will definitely make new human players cry for their fathers and mothers.

It's just that he doesn't have time to trouble new human players.

The three-day development time is too important.

Ye Xiu has to wait to enter the Galaxy server.

Then deal with the new human players!

"Boss, we will pay attention. At that time, the cavalry and I will have yards to keep watch, and Hou Yi's shooting of the moon alone is enough to solve a mountain stronghold!"

King Wushuang took up the conversation.

Ye Xiu nodded.

He bid farewell to the three.

All three of them were strong men from previous lives, and it was enough to help them once.

Ye Xiu believed in their strength.

Besides, the strong should also become stronger by themselves.

Ye Xiu doesn't know how to be a babysitter.

"Heifengzhai is in the depths of the mountain, that trick can still be used!"

Ye Xiu went straight to the territory of Heifengzhai.

Heifengzhai is one of the hidden cottages.

There are a large number of Tier 2 arms in it.

There is also a Tier 3 elite unit called Black Whirlwind.

Its number is astonishing, and it is also a melee unit with high attack speed and fast speed.

Hard on the loss will be great!

But they are melee units.

Ye Xiu's God Walking Boots work!

Using the God Walking Boots, Ye Xiu led his troops up the cliff near Heifeng Village.

In order to avoid the encirclement and suppression, Heifengzhai specially found a hidden valley.

It turned out that this terrain was just right for the God Walking Boots to play.

9 hurricane shooters and 5 red lotus mages immediately entered the state.

Arrows rained down.

The fire of karma burned Heifengzhai.

All the bandits in the cottage were killed.

But they could only look up at Ye Xiu and others on the cliff, helplessly furious.

Even the seventh-tier troops were killed by this kind of trickery.

Not to mention the mere second and third tier arms.

Ye Xiu started to participate in the forum in his spare time.

Collect all kinds of intelligence.

Ye Xiu didn't need to worry about this battle at all.

Sure enough, after more than two hours, the battle was over!

Corpses are everywhere in Heifeng Village.

All bandits have been dealt with.

Ye Xiu's side is still intact!

"Master, my Red Lotus mage has gained a lot of karma again!"

Lina smiled happily.

Ye Xiu also glanced at the status of the Hurricane shooter.

Their killing instincts have all risen to the fourth floor.

Among them, the killing instincts of the two veterans, Huang Zhong and Li Guang, even rose to the fifth level.

The lethality is greatly increased!

"Yes, let's go to the next cottage!"

Ye Xiu was about to leave.

Lina reminded: "Master, we haven't cleaned the battlefield yet!"

"There are usually resources they robbed in the cottage!"

Ye Xiu also remembered.

There seems to be a high chance of finding treasure chests in the cottage.

To hide the cottage, there must be a treasure chest!

Ye Xiu rushed in immediately.

As a result, he saw the corpse of a hero in the cottage!

"This is Black Whirlwind, a hero who was just promoted, and was killed by aggrieved..."

Lena introduced.

This is also Ye Xiu's first encounter with a wild hero.

But the hero was just born.

Definitely not equipped.

It's a poor man!

"Found it, the treasure chest is here!"

Other arms searched in the cottage.

Ye Xiu's target was quickly found.

A bronze treasure chest!

[Open the bronze treasure chest, the treasure chest rewards 2 longbowmen and 500 gold coins. 】

[Treasure box rewards have been increased by a hundred times, and 2 hurricane shooters and 50,000 gold coins have been obtained. 】

Bronze treasure chest, the harvest is not bad!

Two more Hurricane shooters!

Now it is faster to solve the copycat!

"Come on, let's go to the other three cottages!"

Ye Xiu led the team away immediately.

He has god walking boots and he marches super fast.

The time spent on the road is much shorter.

Ye Xiu soon went to two other hidden cottages.

Its interior is also melee arms.

Ye Xiu followed suit.

Easily remove these two cottages.

Also got two bronze treasure chests.

Ye Xiu opened it immediately.

[Open the bronze treasure chest, the treasure chest rewards 2 longbowmen and low-level pathfinding skills. 】

[Treasure chest rewards have been increased by a hundred times, and 2 hurricane shooters and advanced pathfinding skills have been obtained. 】

Advanced Pathfinding: The marching speed is increased by 30%, and the marching speed is not affected in special terrains such as swamps and mountains.

Advanced pathfinding, once again increasing Ye Xiu's marching speed.

[Open the bronze treasure chest, the treasure chest rewards 2 longbowmen and a low-level treasure. 】

[Treasure box rewards have been multiplied by a hundred times, and 2 hurricane shooters and a high-level treasure have been obtained. 】

Qingfeng Sword: High-level treasure, attack +5, basic damage of arms +5.

With another Qingfeng sword, Ye Xiu's attack broke through 30 points!

"Very good, the number of Hurricane Shooters has reached 15, and I have the Qingfeng Sword, then I can finish the last Qingshan village!"

"If you solve Qingshan Village, you will definitely get the extra reward for the mission of suppressing bandits!"

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