Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 394 Void Air Corps (Fourth Update, Please Subscribe!)

Planck personally brought back the Red Flame Battle Banner of the Red Flame Legion.

Ye Xiu naturally chose to devour the battle flag.

Consider the principle of impartiality.

This battle flag was left to the Shura Legion.

[Swallowing the battle flag of the Scarlet Flame Legion, the Shura battle flag gets 2W legion experience points. 】

[Successfully destroy the Scarlet Flame Legion, according to the level of the enemy legion, devour 10% of the experience value of the enemy legion, the experience value of the Asura Legion + 5W points | the experience value of the God of War Legion + 5


[Destroy the Scarlet Flame Legion, successfully destroy the Demon Legion, gain 5 points of world influence according to the level of the Demon Legion, and increase the number of 50,000 internal beta players on Earth!】

[The player's living Shura gains 5 points of world influence, and according to the feedback from the earth, rewards 60 Skyhawk Mage (the sixth-level king unit), 60 abyssal knights (the twelfth-level elite unit)]

[The power of the world rewards has been increased by a hundred times, and 240 skywrath mages (sixth-level golden legendary arms) and 300 devil knights (twelfth-level golden king arms) have been obtained】

The rewards for destroying the Scarlet Flame Legion are very rich.

What Ye Xiu valued most was the reward of the Devil Knight.

This brings the number of Demon Knights to 1400.

The bigger the scale.

27 The lethality of the devil's knight charging is more terrifying.

After all, the power of the black area of ​​death caused by the devil's knights charge is related to the number of devil's knights.

The Red Flame Legion was defeated.

Ye Xiu's strength has increased greatly again.

The Shadow Lord really regretted it.

"If I knew this, I should have retreated earlier. Even if I lost the Shadow Fortress, it would be better than being besieged here!"

The Shadow Lord let out a long sigh.

Seeing this situation.

The two demon lords, who are weaker than the shadow lord, have a close relationship.

They also secretly made a decision.

If the reincarnated Shura came to attack their city.

They will make a token resistance.

If the situation is not right, then they must withdraw.

Keeping the green hills there is no need to worry about no firewood.

The devil's fortress is gone, but it can be rebuilt.

But if people are gone.

Then everything becomes a cloud.

Ye Xiu's shackle of reincarnation kills the revived hero.

This is too cruel.

Defending the Demon Fortress is not an option!

Ye Xiu chose Ouzhu as his primary target.

There is such a purpose.

He is stronger than the other two demon lords.

Easily defeating the shadow lord will give the two weakest demon lords a huge deterrent.

At the same time, the Shadow Lord is weaker than the other two Demon Lords.

It is easier to capture his Shadow Fortress.

If it is to attack the territory of the middle-level lords of the 7 demon fortresses.

It's really not that easy to win.

Duriel will definitely resist to the death.

Ye Xiu chose an intermediate difficulty.

Totally kills two birds with one stone.

"It's too late to regret it now! Are you still waiting for reinforcements from the Void Demon?"

"The void channel is split by the magic sword. The number of demon heroes transmitted in a day is limited. You can't count on them!"

Ye Xiu hit the Lord of Shadows on his lips.

Naturally, he would not let the Lord of Shadows go.

Most of the lord's army has been destroyed by the curse scroll.

To capture the Fortress of Shadows, Ye Xiu used a total of 30 Scrolls of Forbidden Curse.

Continuous rain of forbidden spells.

This is why the Shadow Lord feels hopeless.

Ye Xiu can pull out more scrolls of forbidden spells at any time.

The Shadow Lord was defeated by a forbidden curse.

What he didn't know was that Ye Xiu had many more outrageous tactics.

Forbidden Curse Rain, that's just the simplest and most brutal way.

In previous lives, players used their ingenuity.

However, many coquettish and effective tactics have been invented.

The forbidden spell scroll in Ye Xiu's hand is enough to support him to use this tactic.

The Shadow Lord was quickly targeted by Planck.

Planck's revenge magic arrows were all used to target the Shadow Lord.

The Shadow Lord is also a high-level hero whose level has reached the limit.

He needs to be promoted to a mid-level lord in order to be promoted to a top title.

The void demons had promised him to help him build a new demon fortress.

But the Shadow Lord hadn't waited for the Void Demons to cash in on their benefits.

He was beheaded by Ye Xiu first.

[Kill 10 demon heroes, complete a round of vengeance fire missions, and reward 1 vengeance soul (seventh-tier elite unit), 1 vengeance arrow (top ammunition). 】

[Task rewards have been increased by a hundred times, and one Vengeful Holy Spirit (seventh-level golden king's arms) and one Vengeful Magic Arrow (epic-level ammunition) have been obtained. 】

[Kill 1 demon hero, the enemy level is higher than yourself, get 1 layer of God of War bonus, demon hunter upgrade progress +1. Permanently kill 1 demon hero, gain 10 layers of God of War bonus, demon hunter upgrade progress +10. 】

[Killing 1 demonic hero, according to the level of the enemy, the experience value of the Shura Legion +600 points, and the experience value of the God of War Legion +600 points. 】

[Permanently kill 1 demon hero, trigger the effect of war looting, get 2 skill points, trigger the effect of Shura's killing intent and get 200 points of leadership. 】

The Shadow Lord is dead.

His demonic heroes were finally defeated.

Demonic heroes who are not locked by the shackles of reincarnation.

He tried his best to withdraw from the Shadow Fortress.

Ye Xiu was not in a hurry to pursue him.

It is important to occupy the Shadow Fortress first!

This is a level 4177 fortress.

Another wave of world influence has entered the account!

This time the world influence will naturally be more!

[Capture a level 4 neutral city, gain 160,000 points of military merit, and gain 8 points of world influence

[The player who lives in Shura gets 8 points of world influence, and the earth gets 80,000 internal test player places, and the places are being distributed!】

[Player living Shura gets 8 points of world influence, according to the feedback from the earth, rewards 96 Skyhawk mages (sixth-level king unit), 96 abyssal knights (twelfth-level elite unit)!】

[The power of the world rewards has been increased by a hundred times, and 384 skywrath mages (sixth-level golden legendary arms) and 384 devil knights (twelfth-level golden king arms) have been obtained. 1

The disaster of the sea has long been waiting aside.

The moment he captured the Shadow Fortress, he began to demolish the fortress.

"Hurry up!"

A reminder from Ye Xiu.

Almost at the same time, a major change occurred on the Void Passage.

The void channel was suddenly forcibly expanded.

A large number of demonic heroes descended.

After they appeared, they brought other demon legions.

The first demon army to appear has a powerful ability to break through the void.

Ye Xiu discovered the movements of these demons immediately through the Beidou system.

"That's... the Void Legion!".

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