Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 51 Seize The City! (Third Update, Please Collect, Ask For Flowers!)

Ye Xiu hid the ID.

The greasy middle-aged man naturally didn't know his identity.

But there are other players in this initial city.

Some of them recognized Ye Xiu.

"That's the reincarnated Shura boss! Only he has so many troops! It's really awesome!"

"Damn! This is the reincarnated Shura? This is too fierce! 25 deputy heroes! More than 2000 troops! How did this happen!"

"As expected of the first big boss who changed his job, I feel that he alone can kill all of us!"

The players talked a lot.

Ye Xiu's reputation is huge among the players on Earth.

The main reason is that the reincarnated Shura won glory for the earth.

He surpassed the players in the Great Thousand World.

Be the first big boss to change jobs.

It's just that fewer players have seen Ye Xiu.

It belongs to a big man with a great reputation but a low profile.

"My god! It's actually the boss Shura! I really don't know Taishan!"

"Boss Shura naturally doesn't like my kind of rubbish. Fortunately, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary..."

The greasy middle-aged man thought for a while.

He was very shocked.

Unexpectedly, Big Brother Shura was born in the same city as him.

The city currently only has a number.

Its name is DQ045 City.

The other cities in the small thousand world are also numbered in the same way.

Cities on the dark earth start with HA, ranging from 001 to 100.

DQ045 acts as a Tier 1 city.

The area is not large.

There are only level 1 interior halls and dozens of sentry towers in the city.

The buildings in the city are empty.

It's a naked city.

In DQ045, there is a city lord who is responsible for building the city.

As players seize resource points, the initial city will automatically collect resources for city construction.

This initial city is a public city.

Before the public beta, it doesn't make sense for players to occupy it.

The same will only belong to the official ownership of their respective worlds.

It is used as a supply point for players in this world.

Players come to the Milky Way Continent to move about in their respective public cities.

If built well, public cities can provide supplies.

It is much easier to collect resources and recruit troops.

In the previous life, the earth spent a lot of money in order to obtain the first public city.

It took heavy casualties to snatch the first public city from another relatively weak Xiaoqian world.

At the peak of the earth, there were less than one hundred public cities.

This shows how bad the situation on the earth is.

"Dark Earth should be organizing an army here to seize the city. At the beginning of this period, the city's defense force is the weakest, and it is indeed the best opportunity to seize..."

After Ye Xiu left the city, he headed straight to the direction of DQ002 city.

In the previous life, at the beginning of the wasteland reclamation period, the dark earth organized three armies to attack the earth forces in three ways.

In the first time, it seized more than a dozen earth cities.

That's the fair use rule.

During the land reclamation period, players occupy resource points, unit buildings or recruit units.

Both can provide corresponding resources and troops for public cities.

The more resources the player occupies and collects, the stronger the defense force of the public city will be.

Generally land reclamation has just begun.

Players are not organized.

They will only fight on their own or form small groups to search for resources in the wild.

In the Milky Way Continent, all kinds of wild monsters will guard various resources and buildings.

As long as you defeat wild monsters, you can gain something.

If it occupies the arms building.

You can recruit yourself.

There is no need to brush reputation.

With luck, Tier 4 and Tier 5 arms can also be recruited.

As a result, players can greatly improve their own strength during the land reclamation period.

This kind of temptation, the players couldn't bear it at all.

Many of them will leave the public city and go out to play jungle.

This gave Dark Earth an excellent opportunity for a sneak attack.

The Human Federation has extremely high control over the new human players.

The previous human federation took advantage of this.

In the initial stage of land reclamation, three legions of hundreds of people could be organized.

This is difficult for other small thousand worlds to do.

In the early days, there were no defenders in the public city, and the players went out to fight in the wild.

That is very easy to attack!

"This time, I want the Human Federation to come and go!"

Ye Xiu wanted to prevent his side from delivering faster than him killing.

He is still going to clean up this wave of raids first.

The city DQ002 that Ye Xiu attacked was the first earth city to be breached.

At the same time, near the city DQ002, new human players have appeared.

They belonged to the central army of the three armies and numbered 240.

They are drawn from 8 cities.

There are 30 players in each city.

The rest of the players will also be formed into a large team and go out to play wild efficiently.

Search for resources and improve city defense.

"I found an earth city. The scouts have checked it with Eagle Eye. There are only a few players in the city!"

There are also players in this army who are specially transferred to assassins.

It has the detection skill.

Is a professional intelligence officer.

Investigate the emptiness of defense in the city.

Only then did the army launch its offensive.

They have hundreds of longbowmen, commanded by several archers, and launched a fierce offensive against City 002.

City No. 002 was immediately surrounded by gunpowder and heavy losses!

"Help! City No. 002 was attacked by the enemy, brothers come to the rescue! "

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