Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 70 Summon Thousands Of Armies! (The Tenth Change, 2.6W Flowers Plus More!)

"How dare you charge against our firepower! Focus on them in seconds!"

Hades narrowed his eyes.

There are only 12 champion knights, and they dare to charge like this.

For the new human players, there are a lot of shooters.

The emperor of the underworld issued an order.

New human players execute immediately.

A large number of arrows fell from the sky.

Shroud the champion knight.

But at this time the champion knights had already begun to charge.

They charged from a standstill to a fast charge, and the acceleration exceeded everyone's expectations.

The terrifying acceleration threw off some of the arrows.

At the same time, they were covered with a layer of body shield.

The champion knights are covered with golden light!

All kinds of arrows fell, unable to break through the defense one after another!

Even a shooter player with top archery and top offensive skills can't break the defense!

Under the blessing of the body shield, the champion knights descended like gods!

I thought that hundreds of shooters could kill the champion knight in seconds.

But their attacks didn't even break the body shield!

Under the shocking eyes of the new human players, the champion knight instantly crossed the shooting distance of the long-range arms and killed the enemy!

The champion knight's charge only gave the enemy a chance to attack for one round!

This is the army of kings!

Ordinary knights usually give the enemy two to three rounds of attack opportunities.

But today's players, the range is not far enough.

Ye Xiu also has God Walking Boots, which also have a bonus to the speed of troops.

In addition, he pointed out the knight's charge skill.

In addition, the charging speed of the champion knight is already fast.

A round of attack opportunities is the only chance for the shooters to save their lives.

Too bad they didn't catch it.

The champion knight crashes into the enemy line like lightning.

All enemies were smashed on the spot!

Those melee units that were ready for battle failed to stop the champion knight.

They underestimated the charge of the champion knight!

Tier 6 King Arms!

It's too easy to instantly kill the melee units of the second and third tiers!

Besides, Ye Xiu also has an advantage in attributes.

He has always been the main point of attack.

This round of charge is unstoppable!

As long as the enemy is instantly killed, the champion knight's charge will not stop.

No one can block the champion knight, and the enemy's formation will be pierced!

After the formation of the melee units was broken, the long-range units were as brittle as glass!

It shatters into pieces!

Kill them all!

The champion knight didn't stop slowly until he had pierced through the enemy's formation.

All the enemies on their charge were instantly killed.

Erase enemies like a rubber eraser!

"What kind of knight is this? How can it be so terrifying!"

"Is this a knight? Can I be so awesome in the future?"

"I'm afraid you're thinking farts! The knights of the reborn Shura are obviously not ordinary knights!"

"Horror! Our troops are scumbags! It's all about inserting labels and selling first!"

The new human players were shocked.

They have nothing to do with these knights!

Charge up is simply invincible.

High defense and invincible damage.

Perhaps only the mage arms can fight against it.

However, after the knight's charge skill level rises, it can also reduce magic damage.

Then learn skills like magic resistance.

The mage also has a headache when he meets the knight.

The only way is to entangle the knights so that they cannot charge.

"Continue to charge and smash their formation completely!"

Ye Xiu is very relieved of the champion knights.

As long as they charge up, the enemy will have nothing to do with them.

At this stage, they are invincible.

Even Hades Emperor has no good way to take these knights.

Hades has secretly used some negative spells.

But the champion knight has a high-level body when charging.

Low-level negative spells have no effect at all.

Hades Emperor also helpless.

However, the number of champion knights is limited after all.

As long as the reincarnated Shura is dealt with first.

Then we can think of a way to solve the champion knight.

"By the way, I have to give you a surprise! Do you think you surrounded me? In fact, I surrounded you!"

Ye Xiu sent out big news.

Rashomon opened at the place he designated.

His secondary heroes descended one by one.

24 elf heroes, with phantom shooters, appeared outside the grave of death.

They in turn surrounded the new human players.

Because the formation of new human players is too extreme.

What is exposed to the phantom shooters now is the fragile chrysanthemum of long-range units!

"How is it possible! Your vice-heroes are clearly defending the city, so how could they appear here!"

Hades was shocked.

They deal with Ye Xiu.

It was just a good time.

Ye Xiu's deputy hero and many troops are guarding the city.

He leads the army alone.

Naturally, it is much easier to deal with.

It is precisely because of this that the Human Federation wants to besiege and kill Ye Xiu.

Even if Ye Xiu mobilized the deputy hero immediately, it would be too late to rush over.

It never occurred to them.

Ye Xiu has Rashomon.

This legendary artifact gave Ye Xiu's troops unsolvable mobility.

He can appear next to Ye Xiu in an instant.

The ability to summon thousands of troops is Ye Xiu's confidence!

Instantly summon all the sub-heroes to form a layout.

Ye Xiu's army appeared and caught the enemy by surprise.

The phantom shooters blocked the door of the death tomb to kill.

Can seal the exit of the grave of death!

The long-range shooters at the back of the formation suffered a catastrophe.

The phantom shooters fired a round first.

The enemy suffered heavy losses in an instant!

At least a thousand long-range units were killed!

This wave, this wave is a divine soldier descending from heaven!

All of a sudden, new human players are in a desperate situation!

"I don't believe in evil, kill me! Kill these shooter units in seconds!"

The assassin unit that killed the king in ambush outside took action.

As the Seven Kings, he did not admit defeat so easily.

At the same time, the Underworld Emperor also mobilized his army to attack Ye Xiu first.

As long as the reincarnation Shura is resolved.

This wave of crisis is naturally resolved!

"Sorry, the death tomb you chose is your burial place! Portal!"

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