Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 72 Attack Neutral Cities! (The Twelfth Update, 2.8W Flowers Plus Update!)

Chapter 72: Attacking Neutral Cities!

ps: Before the book review section, everyone was saying that the protagonist’s name was too ugly, so I changed the protagonist’s name to Ye Xiu, and also changed the ID to Zanshi Xiuluo.

"The new human players are worthy of being the transportation brigade, and they have sent me another wave of military exploits! They are really good people!"

Ye Xiu tidied up the battlefield with a smile on his face.

In this wave of battles, the new human players lost a lot.

I am afraid that for a period of time, the Human Federation will not dare to trouble Ye Xiu anymore.

After all, players have a limited lifespan.

Fail all the time, and players will have opinions.

There will be great resistance to Ye Xiu's actions.

At the same time, the main force of many new human players in this wave was wiped out.

They also need time to restore their strength.

If it fails again, the human federation, which has lost too much troops, may be besieged by other small thousand worlds again.

The Human Federation never thought of it.

They have been pushed to this extent by a single player.

Ye Xiu gave the new human players a huge blow.

He keeps winning!

He has been getting stronger because of this!

This is the scariest bit.

"Boss, did you really solve these new human players alone? I thought you didn't want us to suffer too much damage..."

In fact, Wang Wang Wushuang and others also came to support.

But Ye Xiu told them in advance that they don't need to help.

Ye Xiu himself is not enough for his military exploits.

I don't want to give it to other players.

Wang Wang Wushuang and others are going to help Ye Xiu even if they sacrifice themselves when Ye Xiu is in critical condition.

But they didn't expect that Ye Xiu would rub the new human player on the ground the whole time.

Without much loss, the enemy was completely wiped out!

This scene made Wang Wang Wushuang and others extremely shocked!

This is the real powerhouse!

While talking and laughing, the masts and sculls were wiped out!

"These new human players are too arrogant. They thought they were going to beat me, and they actually fought me in a terrain like the grave of death."

"They don't think about victory, they think about defeat first. They never think about how to escape when they fail. Once the situation is reversed, they become confused."

Ye Xiu shook his head.

Nowadays, players have little combat experience.

All kinds of outlandish tactics have yet to be developed.

The new human players also suffered from this.

I never thought there was such a thing as Rashomon.

If it was in the later period of the previous life.

New human players will never make such low-level mistakes.

Ye Xiu has previous life experiences.

Naturally, it has an advantage in both tactics and strategy!

"Anyway, boss, you are too good at writing!"

"Let us come, we can only fight recklessly with the new human players, we will definitely not be able to annihilate them so easily..."

Hou Yi shot the moon with praise again and again.

He is flattering to the bone marrow.

Maybe he was really impressed by Ye Xiu.

"Boss, 666!"

Teacher Lemon is simpler.

worship it directly.

Ye Xiu smiled: "After solving the offensive of new human players, they should be 'behaved' for a while."

"I can plan my own affairs well!"

There is no harassment from new human players.

Ye Xiu can use Rashomon with confidence.

This legendary treasure can make Ye Xiu so maneuverable that he can fly.

Ye Xiu can also farm the resources or buildings he wants everywhere.

Half of the second day of the closed beta development has passed, and Ye Xiu is going to use the rest of the second day to develop.

When the development is almost complete, he will start his ultimate plan!

Attack neutral cities!

The cities that Ye Xiu captured today are all public cities.

These cities are non-attributed by default.

Even if Ye Xiu occupies it, he will only gain military merit.

But if a neutral city is occupied, then the city is privately owned.

Ye Xiu has his own territory!

That is of great significance!

In the previous life, the four great thousand worlds invested a lot of manpower in the final stage of the sealing and testing to open up several neutral cities.

It was a rare private city in the early days of the Galaxy server.

Later, as the player's strength improved.

The number of private cities gradually increased.

The neutral cities captured during the beta testing period can also enjoy the land reclamation benefits.

Players can quickly increase the city's development speed.

This is the biggest goal of Ye Xiu's beta testing!

However, neutral cities have been run by neutral forces for many years.

Not so easy to attack.

The Great Thousand World needs to organize a large number of players.

Ye Xiu wants to act alone, and he can bring a few younger brothers with him at most.

Want to capture neutral cities.

The combat power must be greatly improved!

"Siege is the best long-range unit, and the shadow shooter is the key!"

Ye Xiu saw his target.

He needs more advanced shooters!

Now Ye Xiu has 24 sharpshooters.

There are still 16 sharpshooters who were redeemed before.

This amount, Ye Xiu still thinks it is not enough.

He returned to Blue Star City again.

Exchange 50 sharpshooters with 5W military merit.

By the way, I exchanged 500 units of Vajra Wood for matching 5W military merits.

As long as the money is in place, 66 shadow shooters can be trained.

But with so many shadow shooters, 330W gold coins are needed!

This is another huge sum of money!

"There is still a grave of death, brush it first!"

Ye Xiu found the target.

He brought a large force to the vicinity of the death tombs within the city limits of the earth again.

Each player can only clear the same death tomb once.

Ye Xiu's combat power is now stronger than before, and he naturally cleared the death tomb with ease.

Time consuming, 4 hours!

[Clear the Death Tomb, according to the number of layers of the Death Tomb, reward 30 leadership points and 50,000 experience points. 】

[Customs clearance rewards have been increased by a hundred times, 3000 leadership points, and 500W experience points! 】

The death tomb on the third floor gave Ye Xiu 3000 leadership points and a lot of experience points.

Ye Xiu reached level 30 with Lena.

At the same time, he also harvested three treasure chests.

In the treasure chest, he opened a full 200W gold coins.

Ye Xiu immediately trained 40 sharpshooters.

In the last treasure chest, 12 champion knights were also opened.

Now Ye Xiu has 24 champion knights.

When the number of knight arms increases, it will be terrifying.

"It's a pity that only two death tombs were found, otherwise I would have taken off..."

Ye Xiu broke down and read.

Death Crypt is his first choice to farm.

But such buildings are rare.

Ye Xiu didn't force it either.

8 hours left.

Ye Xiu used Rashomon to start brushing around.

His main goal is to collect more treasure chests.

A lot of resources and money can be issued, and it is not bad to have arms rewards.

By the way, some arms buildings were occupied.

Can recruit some arms to supplement troops.

Ye Xiu now connects two death tombs.

The terror of high dominance.

No matter what kind of arms, recruit first.

Replenish your strength.

After 8 hours passed, Ye Xiu got enough gold coins.

Train all the remaining sharpshooters as sharpshooters.

A total of 90 shadow shooters.

This lineup is already impressive.

In addition, he also recruited some shooters from Tier 1 to Tier 4.

These marksmen are all trained as phantom marksmen.

With the addition of the knights recruited by Ye Xiu, his army has expanded again, and its strength is extremely strong!

The final lineup of Ye Xiu:

Tier 1 arms: 135 Storm Lancers, 180 Ordinary Lancers.

Tier 2 arms: 72 hurricane shooters.

Tier 3 arms: 3 dragon hunting crossbowmen.

Tier 4 arms: 22 ruthless swordsmen, 90 ordinary swordsmen.

Tier 5 arms: 401 phantom shooters, 5 God's Punishment Crusaders, and 15 Crusaders.

Tier 6 arms: 24 champion knights, 36 light armored knights.

Ninth-tier arms: 90 shadow shooters!

Ye Xiu also has a large number of secondary heroes, and Lina's mage unit is also a major force for output.

The phantom shooters for 24 elf heroes have also been completed.

With such a powerful army as Ye Xiu, other forces need hundreds of players to match!

Ready to attack neutral cities, Ye Xiu still has a killer trick!

"The Book of Heroic Spirits has gone through many battles and has already absorbed its soul power. It's time to show its power!"

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