Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 91 Core City! (Nineteenth Update, 900 First Orders Plus Updates!)

Ye Xiu headed towards city HA032 with great interest.

In fact, when he attacked the first public city, information from the Dark Earth had already reached the higher-ups.

"Earth players have gathered great forces and are launching a fierce attack on our public cities. Should we recall the expeditionary force to help defend the public cities?"

The first idea of ​​many high-level officials was to let the expeditionary force return to aid.

There are a large number of elite players in the expeditionary force.

Only four emperors went to two.

There are three Seven Kings, and a lot of dark lords.

If this force comes back to help, it will be able to withstand the offensive of the players on Earth.

Although the number is twenty times.

After all, they had the walls as cover.

As long as they are elite enough, they can do anything.

On the side of the earth players, the internal beta players are the main ones.

But it doesn't mean that the combat power is twenty times.

"Those ordinary Earth players are alright. Their offensive strength is not strong, and they just rely on their numbers to grind hard. In the last time, they can take down three or four public cities at most."

"The biggest threat still comes from the reincarnated Shura. This person has powerful siege capabilities. Our public city is as fragile as tofu in front of him!"

"That's right, if the reincarnated Shura is allowed to attack the city, even if the Four Emperors or Seven Kings go there alone, he will not be an opponent. He may "take twenty cities in a row again like before!

Obviously, the defense force of the public city has been greatly enhanced.

But the Human Federation sadly discovered that Ye Xiu's combat power had also made a qualitative leap.

He was in a terrible mess.

A public city lasts less than 20 minutes!

If you send a small number of elites there, it will not be enough.

It feels like only an expeditionary force can fight it!

"Don't worry, I have a back-up on this matter, and the reincarnated Shura will naturally have someone to deal with it!"

Among the four emperors, the gods and gods descended to make a decision.

The Emperor of God is the eldest of the Four Emperors.

It is also a high-level person in the Human Federation.

It is always the core of the core, and most of the decisions in the human federation are decided by him.

The God Emperor put a lot of thought into commanding the Human Federation.

But his combat power is still the first among the Four Emperors.

It's hard to imagine, if he reminds himself of his strength with all his heart.

How strong will it be.

Some say that the God-Emperor is the Chosen Son of the Dark Earth.

He decided many development directions of the dark earth.

It was also his decision to attack the neutral city this time.

Now that he has said everything, someone will deal with the reincarnated Shura.

Then the other high-level people have nothing to say.

The God Emperor never disappoints them.

And never do anything unsure.

The Human Federation began to wait for variables!

Meanwhile, Ye Xiu has captured city HA032.

The city didn't last more than 15 minutes.

Ye Xiu's bombardment was too ferocious.

How can ordinary players hold it!

[Successfully seize a level 1 public city, get 10,000 points of military merit, the corresponding city will get land reclamation rewards, Destiny City will get a level 1 special building - Rising Sun Tavern. 1

[The land reclamation reward has been increased by a hundred times, and Destiny City has received a level 3 Rising Sun Tavern. 】

The second public city rewarded level 3 Rising Sun Tavern.

This tavern is more advanced than ordinary taverns.

Can attract more heroes, and can also attract heroes of heroic quality.

At the same time, the Rising Sun Tavern has a chance of appearing a hero with a hidden profession, the Furious Blood Fighter.

Ye Xiu remembered that in his previous life, a city with the Rising Sun Tavern was called the City of Gays.

Because there are always a bunch of strong heroes in the Rising Sun Tavern.

There is always a burning smell in the tavern!

"Ahem, it seems that a twilight tavern is needed to balance the temperament of Destiny City. I still prefer beautiful heroes`

Ye Xiu complained.

He didn't want the City of Destiny to be called the city of gays in the future.

"Master, how could this public city be brought down so easily?"

Lena is full of doubts.

"Yeah, the Dark Earth hasn't dispatched experts to help? Is this to watch me take down all these public cities! It's outrageous!"

Ye Xiu was a little surprised.

Why is the dark earth showing no resistance.

Obviously, there are still many top players and expert players on the dark earth.

They don't know what machinations are going on.

Ye Xiu kept a caution in his heart.

The two cities captured will naturally be guarded by other Earth players.

Ye Xiu can maintain the entire army at any time, with the main force complete.

With the successive battles, Ye Xiu gave Joan the experience points for maintenance.

This made Joan's level rise rapidly.

Already raised to level 11.

Her professional title was also upgraded to an intermediate professional title.

Properties have changed slightly.

Occupation: Holy priest (intermediate professional title): Hidden occupation, strength attribute growth +2, free attribute point +1, skill point + L commanding priests to reduce bandits.

Special abilities: training holy priests (level eight), collecting the power of faith.

Collect the Power of Faith: You can collect the Power of Faith from the priests and awakened Holy Power troops under your command. The Power of Faith has a magical effect. The current Power of Faith: 0 points.

Skills: Blessing Magic, Healing Magic

Joan was able to command more priests.

Ye Xiu had already recruited the temple's output today.

With the blessing of Tongtian Tower, its daily output has reached 210 priests in white and 7 cardinals.

It was Ye Xiu who led the priests first.

Joan of Arc at level 11 has 1300 leadership points.

Ye Xiu transferred 95 priests to her.

Joan of Arc was all trained as holy priests.

She has 130 holy priests under her command.

There are so many priests, enough for Ye Xiu's main force to enjoy the divine blessing.

Joan of Arc is the focus of Ye Xiu's training.

Ye Xiu will ask her to raise the level as soon as possible.

Bring more priests.

Strive to ensure that the entire army has blessings and treatment!

"Clean up all other resource points!"

[Successfully seize a level 1 spearman camp, get 4000 military merit points, the corresponding city will get wasteland rewards, Destiny City will get 30 spearmen. 】

[The land reclamation reward has been increased by a hundred times, and Destiny City has obtained 30 stormtroopers. 】

To capture a city is to wipe out resource points.

In fact, there are a large number of high-level resource points around the public city.

This can be slowly mopped up later.

Taking the city first is king.

After harvesting a large wave of resources and king units, Ye Xiu continued to attack the city.

He has Boots of Walk and Haste Pendant.

Rashomon also has a chance to march rapidly every half hour.

Ye Xiu didn't spend much time on the road.

The Emperor probably thought that Ye Xiu could not conquer many cities by himself.

But Ye Xiu managed to win ten public cities in a row at the speed of one city in half an hour!

[Successfully seize a level 1 public city, get 10,000 points of military merit, the corresponding city gets land reclamation rewards, Destiny City gets a level 1 special building - Twilight Tavern. 1

[The land reclamation reward has been increased by a hundred times, and Destiny City has obtained a level 3 Twilight Tavern. 】

The subsequent public cities gave Ye Xiu the twilight tavern he wanted.

This tavern is easy to attract dark night hunter heroes in hidden professions, and it is also a gathering place for beautiful heroes.

It just balances the gay atmosphere of Rising Sun Tavern.

If Ye Xiu had to choose, he would prefer to go to Twilight Tavern.

In addition, Ye Xiu also got a lot of special buildings of level 3.

Like a level 3 goblin warehouse, a level 3 goblin treasury, a level 3 arcane mage guild, and so on.

They are all very rare special buildings.

It is still somewhat difficult to get it.

At the same time, relying on land reclamation rewards, Ye Xiu also obtained some rare buildings that only appear in cities of other races.

Level 3 Lucky Fountain, Level 3 Prayer Altar, Level 3 Knowledge Library, Level 3 Treasure Chamber of Commerce, etc.

With the Tongtian Tower, Destiny City can build buildings of other races.

These buildings have greatly improved the types of buildings in Tianming City.

At the same time, it fully meets the requirements for upgrading to level 3 in Destiny City.

Now we only have to wait for the administrative hall to be upgraded to level 3.

Destiny City can be upgraded!

At that time, Destiny City will become the first level 3 player city during the closed test period!

There are still 12 hours before the end of the closed beta and land reclamation.

There are 15 more public cities on this side of the earth.

The number of its public cities reached 139 (of Zhao Zhao).

In addition to the 10 cities that Ye Xiu laid down.

Other players are also more powerful, and 4 cities have been captured on the Beast Blood World.

The Dark Earth has also captured a city by other players.

"You still hold back and don't make a move? Then I won't be polite! I have also taken your core city!"

Ye Xiu attacked 10 public cities in a row.

He found that the dark earth is really tolerable.

Nothing happened.

Ye Xiu launched an offensive against the core city of the dark earth without doing anything else.

City number HA009.

This is a city that is already close to the hinterland of the dark earth.

It is also a city man who is developing with all his strength on the dark earth.

It captured many level 2 resource points and arms buildings.

That was done by the integrated power of the Human Federation.

This is to get rich first and then get rich later.

Build several high-level cities to drive the development of other public cities.

It's a pity that city HA009 is being targeted by Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu unceremoniously launched an attack on the city.

The Human Federation is really in a hurry!

"The reincarnated Shura is simply too deceitful! He actually attacked city 009! Do you really think there is no one in the Human Federation!"

"Gather your strength, defend city 009, and never let the reincarnated Shura succeed!"

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