Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 93 Titan World! (The 21St Update, 1100 First Orders Plus Updates!)

The players in the titan world are all titans.

They are all over 3 meters tall.

Among them, some with outstanding talents can reach 5 meters or even 10 meters.

Compared to other races, it is indeed a titan.

And the titan world is said to be the small thousand world that was born after some people from the giant spirit world migrated.

Closely connected with the world of genies.

Some players are still distant relatives.

The players in the giant spirit world are also titan players.

It's just that their average height is higher.

Players in the giant spirit world, - the average height is 5 meters.

More than 5 meters.

In the giant spirit world, there are many special titan-races.

Like Baiyan titan, armor titan, mountain titan and so on.

Players in the titan world and the giant spirit world almost must have the specialties of titan units.

The average combat power is very strong.

Destiny City was actually attacked by titan players.

This is an unexpected situation.

"This is for neutral cities!"

Ye Xiu understood the opponent's main goal.

This is to take down the City of Destiny when Ye Xiu's entire army is mobilized to attack the Dark Earth!

Contrast attacking a heavily fortified neutral city.

The difficulty of attacking Destiny City is undoubtedly much lower.

What's more, the dark earth has "entangled" Ye Xiu.

Think about the situation where there is no movement on the dark earth.

This may be the layout of the dark earth.

Lure the world of titans to war!

"It doesn't matter if you are in the titan world or not, if you dare to harass me, I will punch you out of your shit!"

Ye Xiu is very fierce.

These titan players disrupted his plan!

At this moment, the dark earth is entering a critical period.

Teacher Lemon, who was watching the battle over there, sent back a message.

The walls of the neutral cities have been broken.

The sentry towers were also removed one by one.

Not surprisingly, the dark earth will soon be able to take down that neutral city!

At this time, titan players attack Destiny City.

It is simply to create the best environment for the dark earth!

"Boss, come back quickly! We can't stand it anymore!"

The city defenders called for help one after another.

At this time, outside the Destiny City, hundreds of Titan players appeared.

They are all elite among titan players.

Due to the blood talent of the titans, their commanding power grows even higher.

Everyone is full of troops.

There are tens of thousands of troops outside the city of destiny.

Among them, there are tens of thousands of long-range arms alone.

Every moment, waves of arrows rained down.

The players guarding the City of Destiny suffered heavy losses.

This is still the case with the magic sentry tower.

If there were no magic sentry towers, the troops of these players would have been wiped out long ago.

"Everyone give me a hard bang! The reincarnated Shura is attacking the city of the Dark Earth, and the Human Federation will send the main force to entangle him! We can take down the City of Destiny, and we can summon more beta players!"

"When the closed beta players come, we can use this to build a second neutral city and make our titan world the strongest little thousand world!"

A titan player named Captain 5.6 meters roared loudly.

He is the commander of the titan players this time.

It is also the person who connects with the dark players.

Although the current momentum of Earth players is extremely strong.

But for titan players, they are just lucky weaklings.

With the support of the giant spirit world, players in the titan world naturally look down on other small thousand worlds.

Has previously occupied more than 50 public cities of other t

The other small thousand worlds were occupied, so they didn't dare to say anything.

Not to dare to retaliate.

One is that the titan world is too powerful.

The second is that there is a giant spirit world behind them. If they fight against the titan world, they may offend the giant spirit.

The world of titan is very nourishing.

The only thing is that they are not as famous as the players on Earth.

The pretentious titan players have long been unhappy with the earth players.

The God Emperor of Dark Earth quietly contacted the fanatics among the titan players.

He offered to use the strategy of transferring the tiger away from the mountain to transfer the reincarnated Shura away.

Give titan players a chance to seize Destiny City.

In front of such a good opportunity.

The soldier is 5.6 meters long and can't resist the temptation!

As long as he captures the City of Destiny, he can gain a lot of military merits, and he can also gain a lot of prestige among titan players.

Maybe we can compete for the position of king titan!

The commander Wu Mi Liu thought of this, and immediately commanded: "Send the mountain trolls to destroy the city wall! Let's not waste too much time here!"

"The next neutral city is still waiting for us!"

Following his orders, hundreds of mountain trolls rushed out.

This is a Tier 7 giant unit.

Possessing a small amount of titan blood can also be regarded as the category of arms of the titan family.

This is the most suitable unit for titan players.

They have bloodline blessings and unit specialties in this regard.

The attributes of mountain trolls have been greatly improved.

Because the giant arms are born with destructive properties.


The destructive power of the mountain trolls is even more astonishing.

Before attacking the public city, the mountain troll could destroy the city wall in a few rounds of attacks.

"It's a pity that the ranks of the real titan arms are too high, so we can only use this kind of low-level bastard..."

The soldier is 5.6 meters long and is not very satisfied with the mountain trolls.

If there are pure titan arms like the one-eyed titan.

So what are so few walls.

It can be hammered in minutes!

The mountain troll rushed up under the firepower.

They had rough skin and thick flesh, and rushed to the city wall abruptly, and began to wave their big sticks and hammer the city wall violently!

"The walls of a level 2 city have the most support wheels!"

"Everyone, prepare to enter the city and take this city down!"

The captain, 5.6 meters, was almost ready to celebrate the victory.

But beyond his expectation, the mountain trolls waved their sticks again and again in front of the city wall.

That wall is as solid as a rock!

With a stick down, only a few stone chips flew out of the city wall, and there was no earthquake as imagined.

Instead, it was the troll himself who was bleeding from the shock.

The rune city wall is so terrifying!

Hardness plus Thorns rune.

Let the mountain trolls have fun!

"What's the situation? The mountain trolls can't move such a broken city wall?"

The five-meter-six soldier was extremely shocked.

What on earth is this city wall made of so hard?

The soldier is 5.6 meters long and has no time to explore this point.

A large number of arrows flew out of the city of destiny.

These arrows are attached with magic damage, shooting the mountain trolls into a sieve on the spot.

Titan players have also been hit hard!

Many titan players were instantly killed by fire!

One must know that the life value of titan players is higher than that of players of other races.

Four of the titan players were instantly killed by set fire.

This is definitely not the firepower of the players in the city.

The firepower that was sparse before is now full!

At the time when the captain of the soldier was 5.6 meters in doubt.

Ye Xiu appeared on the city wall.

"Titan players? You dare to attack my Destiny City, this is Zixia's dead end!"

It was Ye Xiu who appeared at the head of the city.

He has a Rashomon, so he is not afraid of the enemy stealing his house!

He can come back anytime!

The strategy of turning the tiger away from the mountain is ineffective against Ye Xiu!

The soldier was 5.6 meters long and was taken aback!

"Didn't you go to attack the city of the dark earth! You should be fighting with the new human players, why did you appear here!".

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