Xizhou Village immediately entered a state of alert for the whole village, and the villagers gathered to practice except for the necessary farming.

The Han Dynasty had a military service system that could not be matched by subsequent dynasties, and young and middle-aged people were required to serve military service for two years, and after that, they also needed to take time out to serve as a guard every year.

This is the reason why the whole country of the Han Dynasty is a soldier and the quality of the sergeants is extremely high.

In the border areas of Bingzhou, there have been wars for many years, the folk customs are even more fierce, and the armed forces of ordinary people are higher than those in the Central Plains.

Xizhou Village was heavily constructed, and the original wooden fence was replaced with a rammed earth city wall.

The rammed earth city wall is built with plates, that is, a space is sandwiched between two wooden boards, the width between the two boards is equal to the thickness of the city wall, and the outside of the wooden planks is supported by wooden columns. Then fill the two planks with earth, sand, reeds and lime, and then use a pestle to build layers of solid ones.

And the outer layer is built with masonry, which is not a village-level defense at all, and generally large towns or cities will build such rammed earth masonry walls.

Su Ran was inspecting the construction of the city wall on the outskirts of the village, and the section near the village gate had already been built.

【Rammed Earth Masonry City Wall

】【Defense 36】【

A female wall can be set up on the city wall, which slightly increases the defense of the defenders on the wall. [

Construction consumption per 100 meters: 350 stones, 100 wood, and 400 copper coins. The

astonishing defense brought a terrible cost of money, but fortunately, Xizhou Village was backed by a high mountain and the Qingshui River on one side, so the area of the city wall was not too large.

But combined with the consumption of buying traps and city defense armaments, the amount of money consumed by Xizhou Village every day is a terrible amount.

By the third day, the rammed earth masonry wall was only the last stretch of masonry to be laid.

However, at this time, there was information from the hunters in the village, and a large number of Hu cavalry traces were found on the mountain three miles away, and they were heading in the direction of Xizhou Village.

"Quick, the Hu people are coming! Everyone is going

into the village!" The villagers who were still farming and building outside immediately put down their work and ran into the village.

The hunters and soldiers outside were checking the last line of defense, waiting until the figure of the Hu people appeared, and then retreated to the village.

The Hun cavalry slowly approached Xizhou Village, a total of hundreds of people, with felt hats on their heads, braided hair, and fierce faces, all riding war horses.

Su Ran stood on the city wall and looked at these war horses, his eyes fiery.

The Hun horses that were grabbed before were all silver-level horses, which could be equipped for cavalry, but unfortunately Xizhou Village was unable to recruit cavalry, except for equipping the generals with horses, the others were bred in the horse farm.

Although it was not needed for the time being, it did not hinder Su Ran's desire for cavalry.

Who doesn't fantasize about the iron hooves and the demeanor of a thousand horsemen rolling Pinggang

! And these war horses are piles of walking silver!

The leader of the Huns was obviously stunned when he saw the city wall of Xizhou Village, but he quickly covered it up.

The three-meter-high brick and earth walls almost obscure the village's buildings.

He had seen such a scene all the way south to plunder, and it was obviously a small village on the scale, but how could there be such a fortification!

It's just that he didn't plan to give up yet, after all, he had come all the time, so how could there be a reason to return empty-handed.

Even though the city wall was high, he brought all the warriors of the tribe with him, and there was absolutely no reason to retreat like this!

The Huns soon reached a hundred meters in front of the village and began to shout and curse.

Facing so many Hu people at such a close distance, the young men on the city wall were a little shaken.

Only those soldiers who fought with Li Xiuning were better.

Soldiers are not recruited to be brave and good at fighting, but also need the training of generals and the baptism of the battlefield.

"Han people, I am the first warrior of the Wuli tribe, Gomorluo, open the city gate, we only take seventy percent of the grain!" The Hun leader shouted loudly, "Otherwise, after we break the city, there will be no chickens and dogs left

!" "You are waiting for the barbarians, and you are actually making a big fuss here!" Su Ran shouted, "Put down your weapons, maybe you can spare your life

!" "Hahaha!" Hearing

Su Ran's shout, many Huns laughed loudly.


The leader of the Huns bent his bow and arrow, and an arrow shot directly at Su Ran's face.

Li Xiuning flicked his spear and directly knocked the arrow away.

"Hahaha, you still have to hide behind a woman!" The leader of the Huns laughed even more, "The beauty is strong, capture this village, and you divide the other women, I want this beauty! Brothers, attack the city!"

Li Xiuning danced with a spear, his eyes were cold.

The soldiers also fired arrows in return, but they were not accurate enough, and they stuck them on the ground crookedly, causing the Huns to laugh.

The Huns dismounted one after another and built simple ladders to attack the city, after all, Xizhou Village was not as good as the wooden fence of the previous village, and it was impossible to climb the city without equipment.

But the Huns didn't spend much effort, and soon set up three flying ladders to attack Xizhou Village.

"Shoot the arrows!" Zhao Hu ordered to shoot.

However, there were only six or seven soldiers equipped with bows and arrows in Xizhou Village, and they had no talent for bows and arrows.

The Huns laughed and fantasized about storming the village and plundering money.

But suddenly, the Huns in front of them fell into the trap with empty feet and fell directly into the trap, and the sharp stakes below pierced their bodies directly.

In just one of a sudden, seven or eight Huns died in the trap, and those who were lucky enough not to die were already crippled.

"Damn, kill into the village, no chickens and dogs will be left!" the Hun leader was furious.

"Kill!" shouted the Huns.

"Knock knock!" Li Xiuning beat the big drum on the wall, and the sound was like muffled thunder.

"Kill all the Hu people and protect my homeland!"

With Li Xiuning's cheers, both the soldiers and the villagers were all encouraged, and their morale was greatly boosted, and they felt that they couldn't wait to rush down and fight with the Hu people.

This is the effect of Li Xiuning's 'beating drums and sounding gold', and under the bonus, the attack power of the people of Xizhou Village has also been improved.

Under the vigilance of the Huns below, the power of the trap was greatly reduced, but the soldiers at the head of the city continued to shoot, and there was a trench in front of them.

The Hun archers in the back also immediately drew arrows to return fire, and at the same time covered the flying echelon.

The Huns rushed to the city and wanted to set up a flying ladder, but found that there was a trench blocking it, and the length of the flying ladder was a little worse.

"Set up the ladder and rush up!" the Hun leader shouted.

The Huns barely erected a flying ladder, but it was still half a meter from the city.


the rolling log fell, killing the flying ladder with a few Hu people.

But there were still two Hu men on the ladder who climbed the city wall, and they were greeted by the spears of the soldiers.

A Hun screamed and fell down the wall, but the leader of the Huns followed closely and climbed over the wall.

"Give me death!" A

cold light suddenly came, and before the Hun leader could draw his knife, he had already been pierced through the neck by a shot.

"The enemy general has been awarded the head, surrender and not kill!" Li

Xiuning grabbed the blood-stained corpse of the Xiongnu leader and shouted on the wall.

For a while, the Huns were shaken, and some people began to hesitate, but some people wanted to climb up by the flying ladder, but they were all killed by the soldiers of Xizhou Village.

"Surrender and don't kill!"

Li Xiuning speared like a dragon, picked up several people in a row, and rushed down directly through the flying ladder to kill and kill into the Hun crowd.

"Everyone follow Master Li to kill!" The

gate of Xizhou Village opened, and forty soldiers rushed out with Zhao Hu, fighting with the Huns who resisted stubbornly.

Li Xiuning's spear turned into a little cold, but in a moment, he had already killed six people, and the surrounding Hu people heard the shouting of killing again, and their morale collapsed directly, and they lost their weapons and turned around and fled.

Li Xiuning led his soldiers to chase and kill for several miles, capturing more than 30 people, only more than a dozen Huns were able to escape, and the others were all ambushed!

You commanded your troops to defeat a formidable enemy and achieved a perfect victory!]

[Congratulations on your upgrade, force +1, intelligence +1.] Li

Xiuning soon returned with the captive war horse.

Counting the war power, this war captured 32 Hu people, 65 war horses, plus the original war horses in Xizhou Village, as long as they are upgraded to the fourth-level military camp, they can establish a cavalry team of nearly 100.

This is a lot of combat power in the early stage! But it still takes time.

In addition, 70 sabers were also seized, as well as 12 gold and 50 silver, plus copper coins, which was about 290,000

copper coins! In the era of lords, 1 tael of gold was equal to 10 taels of silver was equal to 10,000 copper coins.

In addition, there are a lot of various materials, but these Hu people have looted several villages, and they all carry valuable things on their bodies, and they are all fat and oily!

And those Hu prisoners, Su Ran will not let them go easily, and will use them as slaves to quarry and mine for Xizhou Village until they die of old age.

In this battle, there were also casualties in Xizhou Village, mainly caused by Hu archers.

The wounded were taken to the hospital for treatment, while the families of the dead received a pension and the families of the martyrs received tax relief.

After this battle, Xizhou Village not only did not weaken, but after getting this resource, its strength expanded significantly!

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