"Sure enough, I bought off the Qarlu Ministry....... That's interesting, or you'll disappoint me too much........, Adnan,"

said Cyrus the Great, standing on the boulder and muttering to himself, the wind blowing his ornate cloak.


"Rebel, die!"

Duan Xiushi held a horizontal knife, and with a sharp roar between the swings, the two Qarlu soldiers who stopped in front of him were directly cut into four.

"Kill, kill the Tang Army!" "

Kill these sons of bitches!" Ge

Lulu and Bahan's troops were already red-eyed, and they were not afraid to kill with spears and iron spears.

Duan Xiushi dodged a spear and slashed it with his backhand.

Two more spears stabbed out of the diagonal stab, and Duan Xiushi didn't have time to dodge and was stabbed in the arm.

He let out a loud shout, took two steps forward, and slashed straight at the two soldiers.

"Archers shoot!" a

dense rain of arrows poured from above, and the stairs to the wall were not wide.

In addition, these Qarluq troops did not care about the clansmen who were fighting with the Tang army in front, and the dense rain of arrows was fired directly.

For a time, dozens of Tang soldiers were pierced by arrows and fell to the ground.

"Bell!" Duan Xiu used his knife to knock a few arrows, and his teeth clenched.

"Captain, the Hu people have the advantage, we can't resist it!" the general shouted with the arrow on his shoulder, gritting his teeth.

Duan Xiushi looked ahead, and the dense archers bent their bows and arrows, and the next round of arrow rain was coming soon.

And in front of them were dense pikemen, cold spears like a forest.

In this narrow passage, even with the bravery of the Tang army, it is difficult to rush to the head of the city under such a disparity in strength.

Not to mention seizing control of the city gates.

Duan Xiushi listened to the mournful screams of the soldiers around him, and his heart was dripping blood.

"Withdraw, let's go down the city wall

!" "But the Duhu is still trapped outside! and our brothers!" shouted a Tang sergeant.

"This is an order!" Duan Xiushi shouted angrily.

Sergeant Tang was silent, and obedience was already imprinted in his bones.

Many Tang soldiers slowly retreated, defending against the attack of the Qarlu army, and the formation was not chaotic at all.


Outside the city.

An arrow exploded in the sky, turning into fireworks.


"Rush and kill, for Allah!"

With a long horn, a mountain of shouts sounded in the west, and the black wave of the Great Food Army slaughtered down the city.

The black flag fluttered, as if it were a sign of ominousness.

The millions of armies shouted in unison, and the momentum was suffocating.

The five thousand Anxi Iron Riders are like islands in the black tide.

"Go to the south and join the heavenly soldiers!" Gao Xianzhi gave an order and led the Anxi Iron Cavalry to kill towards the southern hillside.

The Anxi Iron Cavalry neighed and trampled on the ground, and the encirclement of the Great Food Army had not yet formed, and it was easily broken and surrounded by the cavalry.

Five thousand cavalry headed for the hillside.

But in an instant, Gao Xianzhi's face changed drastically.


With a burst of shouts, tens of thousands of cavalry slaughtered out of the dense forest, all of them with cold iron armor and awe-inspiring killing intent.

At first sight, you know that it is elite.

"Turn around and go west!" Gao Xianzhi immediately decided.

Li Siye looked over there and saw a small hill standing above the plain, but it was only more than 30 meters, and it was not much different from the dirt bag.

The problem is that this is already the flank of the Great Food Army.

The Great Food Army could easily turn around and surround him.

And that small hill is in no danger to defend, and the past is no different from sending him to death!"

"General, that side is a place of death, and you can't go there!" Li Siye persuaded in a deep voice.

"Needless to say, this is a military order!" Gao Xianzhi shouted.

"Obey!" Li Siye gritted his teeth.

The Anxi Tang army immediately turned its horses to the west and brushed against the cavalry.

Where was the Great Eclipse cavalry willing to let them go, and immediately bit them behind, but because the war horses were not as good as the Tang Army, they could only hang behind.

These big cannibal cavalry shouted and brandished scimitars, and seemed to be eager to kill the Tang army.


"What's that!" Emperor Cyrus the Great's eyes widened suddenly, and it was no longer possible to maintain his original calm.

On the plain in the distance, a huge turbid wave rolled up, carrying billowing smoke and dust, like a roaring yellow dragon, swept from the sky!

But he knew how terrible the torrent was!

Soon, he felt the ground tremble slightly.

"These Orientals are terrible....... Adnan, will you survive this catastrophe........"

Adnan stood on top of the tower, he suddenly felt the tremor of the handrail, a little confused.

Suddenly, he saw a turbid wave sweeping in front of him, and the rumbling roar quickly overwhelmed the sound of the battlefield and became the only sound between heaven and earth.

How is this possible?!The

Talas River is located in the Pamir Plateau, and its main source of water comes from the snow cover of the Alatau and other mountain ranges, and now it is located in the summer and there is no rainfall.

How could there be a flash flood?!or

a flash flood of this magnitude!

Immediately, a bolt of lightning struck his mind.

"It's all a conspiracy of the Eastern Han people!" Adnan gritted his teeth.

Why didn't the defenders set other traps and spent a lot of manpower digging the moat, and why the water level in the moat was extremely low.

It's all for this moment, to destroy them with a flood!

" Adnan then remembered to give the order.

But whether we can catch up now depends only on Allah's mood.

The roar of the flood was heard clearly in everyone's ears, and the soldiers looked up in astonishment to see the terrible torrent approaching rapidly.

The earth was trembling!

And when it reached the moat outside the Russian city, because of the river channel dug by the Don army.

The torrent carried a terrible force and smashed the weak.

The furious and roaring flood easily tore open the earth, and swept towards the Russian city and the coalition forces outside the city with a devastating momentum!


Inside the city of Talas.


" "Kill all

the Tang army!" At this time, the two divisions of Gelulu had already surrounded the Tang army of less than 1,000 people on the stairs of the city in the east of the city.

Asura had a cruel face, with the pleasure of revenge, and he couldn't wait to see the Tang army hacked to death in front of him.

Suddenly, a popping roar resounded through his eardrums.

Immediately, the fortified walls were smashed with a terrible roar as if they had been struck by a terrible sledgehammer.

The violent water smashed into the heads of the Qarluq soldiers with scattered bricks and stones, and suddenly the people were turned on their backs.

A torrent poured in through a gap in the wall, sweeping away the Qarluq soldiers under the stairs.

Duan Xiushi looked at all this in a daze.

"This is all Gao Duhu's plan, it's really terrifying!"


Outside the city.

Watching the violent torrent coming, the coalition soldiers were terrified, and they didn't need the orders of the non-commissioned officers at all.

The allied soldiers scattered and fled, hating only that they had lost two legs!

The torrent instantly drowned the fleeing soldiers.

The flood engulfed the fragile human body with its violent force, and some soldiers tried to struggle, but were swept up and down by the torrent.

I couldn't control my body at all, and soon the mud and water rushed into my mouth and nose, and I couldn't even move if I wanted to.

The flood rushed forward, engulfing everyone one by one and turning them into a part of its body.

Some soldiers boasted that they were good at water and wanted to escape from the water.

But he found that the power of man could not overcome the flood at all, and he could only be carried and rolled, and then he died.

The flood swept across the plain like a blade, whether it was a soldier or a siege machine, it was clear in an instant.

Countless white lights flickered in the murky water, and it was the light of death.

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