"The enemy commander is here, surrender quickly!" Li

Cunxiao lifted Wang Zhiyu by the neck like a chicken cub and lifted him up.

"Bastard, let me go!" Wang Zhiyu struggled and shouted angrily, "Leave me alone, take that city for me!"

The pace of the rear army began to hesitate, and the wolf rode around the middle of the state, not knowing what to do.

"Let go of my lord!" a military general arrived on horseback, this is the military general under the command of Wang Zhiyu, responsible for commanding the entire battlefield.

But when he saw that the lord was arrested, he had to rush over.

After all, in the eyes of most generals, the safety of the lord comes first.

"You order the army to stop attacking!" Li Cunxiao ordered unceremoniously.

"This ........," the general hesitated.

"Don't listen to him!" Wang

Zhiyu shouted, but before he finished speaking, his stomach hit hard, and he bent over and coughed.

"Lord, I'm here to save you!" The military general couldn't hold back any longer, and rushed over with three or four military generals.

"Wait for the rats, dare to be presumptuous!" Li Xiuning grabbed the horse's belly and raised his gun to meet him.

It's just that the main general avoided Li Xiuning, and several other generals surrounded and killed.

"It's good to come!" Li Cunxiao grabbed Wang Zhiyu in one hand and greeted him with a lance in the other.

"Sigh law-" The general's crotch stood up, and the spear in his hand stabbed down with a fierce impact.


It's just a shot!

The Lord spat blood from his mouth and flew out, and the horse neighed and fell to the ground with a wail.

"The Lord is dead, who else dares to fight?!" Li Cunxiao raised his lance and shouted.

The sound was like rolling thunder, spreading throughout the battlefield.

In an instant, the entire battlefield was overshadowed by the shouts of killing.

The siege troops were all stunned, but there were still some players who organized to continue the attack, but half of them hesitated.

"Take this bastard with me," Li Cunxiao threw Wang Zhiyu to a wolf rider, and then turned over on his horse.

"Charge with me

!" "Kill those who don't accept it!" Li Xiuning raised his spear.

The two of them rode side by side and charged


The remaining wolves rode no more than forty of them, and they couldn't see the eyes of their armor all over their bodies, and their faces were even more embarrassed, but only their eyes were shining.

It was a light with murderous intent.

This killing intent caused their already exhausted bodies to continue to charge.

Let their trembling hands send one enemy after another to hell.

Without the command of the commander, the enemy's phalanx scheduling was already somewhat chaotic.

Forty cavalry, led by two arrows, rushed into the enemy position.

No one can stop them!

The wolf riders wielded their spears and charged and charged.

Just follow those two figures, and you don't have to think about anything else.

I don't know when, I have broken through the enemy formation and stood in front of Xizhou Town.

The walls were soaked in blood, and the ground was littered with corpses.

From the wall came the excited shouts of the townspeople of Xizhou.

"Cavalry, charge with me!" Li Xiuning pointed with his spear.

The cavalry redirected, and once again thrust like arrows into the enemy's position, which was already showing signs of decline.

No one can stop you! Pierce again!

Adjust your formation and charge again.

When the third time he chiseled through the enemy formation, the morale of the opposite side collapsed directly.

The limited command was no longer able to maintain the formation, and the rout dispersed the enemy forces who were willing to counterattack.

It's chaos.

The deserters are all over the mountains and fields, and they are invincible.

Su Ran, who was leading several horsemen in the distance, was also shocked when he saw this scene, and attacked the formation of two thousand people with dozens of people.

Instead, capture the enemy's head and break the enemy's army.

The two members of the Li family are open.

The shouting continued for an hour, and then gradually stopped.

[The battlefield of a hundred battles is broken into iron clothes, and the south of the city has been encircled. The raid battalion shot and killed General Huyan, and led the remnants of the army to return with thousands of horses. You commanded your troops to victory over an enemy beyond their reach, and won a brilliant victory. [

Congratulations on your upgrade.......]

The Xizhou army killed more than 500 enemies, captured thousands of people, 30,000 grains and grass, and had uncountable armor and weapons.

But the Xizhou army also suffered heavy losses, and the soldiers defending the city wall were almost completely lost, and even the villagers who supported it were killed or wounded thirty or forty.

And the troops led by Li Xiuning also suffered heavy losses, with more than 50 archers left, and the Bingzhou wolf cavalry broke through the encirclement with her, galloped to the aid of Xizhou Town, and charged repeatedly, losing more than half of them, leaving only 34 people.

Civilians volunteered to help treat the soldiers, and these were heroes who fought to protect the town.

Wang Yan'er was crouching next to a seriously wounded soldier to treat him.

She was also covered in blood, but it was all other people's, just because she was running around and treating others, and she looked a little tired.

"My lord, I have arranged to clean up the battlefield, strengthen the city defenses, and repair some of the collapsed arrow towers. Kou Zhun reported.

"Hei Zhong has worked hard. Su Ran looked at the other party.

Kou Zhun was holding a long sword in his hand, stained with blood, although he was not injured, but it was obviously after a fierce fight, which showed the fierceness of the battle for the city, and even reached the point where Kou Zhun, the main commander, drew his sword and participated in the battle.

"Lord, we have captured the captives!" Zheng Qi and a group of soldiers returned with a large number of prisoners.

Su Ran also saw Xu Li, who had taken refuge here, and he was the second batch to be recruited into the army.

The soldiers were all wounded, but their eyes were resolute.

These surviving soldiers will become the backbone of the army in the future, and can even become veterans of a hundred battles.

Soldiers rely on training, and even if a newly recruited soldier is a high-level soldier, it is very likely that he is not an opponent of a low-level veteran.

"Boss!" said the little wolf with a squad of soldiers carrying the captives, "My territory is far away, and the battle is over when I arrive, so I have time to help you capture these captives." The

little wolf's face was a little ashamed, and there were several players around him, all of them embarrassed, but they squeezed out a flattering smile.

Su Ran bowed slightly, saying that he didn't care, and he didn't expect that the players of the original Hero Gang would help him fight against another big guild.

There are many icing on the cake, but very few are charcoal in the snow.

Although the battle is over, there is still a lot to deal with.

Prisoners need to be guarded separately, registered, trained, and assigned to the army when loyalty is achieved.

And the spoils of war are also to be collected, stored.

There is also the question of the replenishment of soldiers.

Many of the captives were village warriors, and these people would pick out the ones with high force, and the others would be reclassified as civilians.

There are only more than 400 people who can really be used directly, and Su Ran handed them all over to Li Xiuning for training.

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