After Zhang Jiao led the army to break through Yecheng, Zhang Bao led the army to break through Guangzong, and the other Yellow Turban Commanders also led the army to attack the city and plunder the land, and the war burned throughout Jizhou.

The main force of the Yellow Turban Army concentrated on attacking Jizhou, Nanyang, and Yingchuan. And the rest of the world is not peaceful.

Liangzhou Thorn History Department, Qianghu Rebellion.

Beigong Boyu of the Qiang people responded to the Yellow Turban Uprising of Zhang Jiao, the leader of Taiping Dao, and united with Song Yang, a local tyrant in Xiliang, and others to launch a rebellion.

Huang Zhongyi rebelled from Hu, set up Beigong Boyu as a general, captured Jincheng, and killed Chen Yi, the Taishou of Jincheng. and coerced Han Sui, Bian Zhang and others to join the gang and elected Bian Zhang as the main man.

In the Youzhou Assassination Department, Zhang Ju and Zhang Chun jointly launched a rebellion.

Zhang Ju united with Wuhuan Qiu Liju, robbed Jizhong, and killed and protected Wuhuan Captain Gong Qichou.

Jiaozhou, Jiaozhi County, Hepu County and other places Wuhu barbarians rose up against the Han.

In Yizhou, Ban Yu rebelled against the Han and attacked Sanshu.

In the Central Plains, there are dozens of rebel armies such as Shanshan and Huanglong, with 200,000 or 300,000 soldiers in the big ones and 60,000 or 70,000 in the small ones.

The rebel army attacked the county and killed the officials, and the momentum was huge, one after another, forming a trend of burning the prairies.

Within a few days of the discovery of the Han court, anti-flags were raised everywhere.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty ordered the general He Jin to lead the left and right Yulin and the five battalions of soldiers to be stationed in Luoyang Duting, increase the armament, and defend the Beijing Division.

In addition, one lieutenant was set up in each of the eight passes around Luoyang, including Yougu, Taigu, Guangcheng, Yique, Tin Yuan, Revolving Gate, Mengjin, and Xiaopingjin, and led troops to defend Luoyang.

The Yellow Turban forces are like a flood of beasts, surging forward, and there is a tendency to flood the imperial capital in one fell swoop.

Emperor Han Ling was really scared.

Because the defenders in various places were short of food, there were no soldiers to stop the rebels, so the rebels from all walks of life attacked the city and plundered the land.

Therefore, the Emperor Fu Song, the Taishou of the Northland, asked to lift the ban on the party members and use the money from the palace as military expenses for the crusade against the Yellow Turbans.

The party members have been imprisoned for many years, and their grievances are deep, and if they are not pardoned, once the party members unite with the Yellow Turbans, it will inevitably endanger the imperial court.

Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty then granted amnesty to the party members at the suggestion of Emperor Fu Song.

The "scourge of the party's tyrants" came to an end.

At the same time, he ordered volunteers to be recruited in various places to suppress all kinds of rebels.

Su Ran understood that it was this order, which allowed the recruitment of volunteers everywhere, that was the real reason for the decline of the Han Empire.

The county guards the history of assassination, and even the family, with private soldiers, they have become princes of one side, and they have the strength not to obey the orders of the imperial court.

And when the anti-thieves from all walks of life attacked the city and seized the land, the Xizhou Army was also marching forward.

Pingding Zhongyang and Pingzhou counties.

At this time, Su Ran had already occupied the three counties of Xihe County, plus the two cities of Lishi and Meiji.

It can be said that it occupies the southern part of Xihe County.

In addition, although Su Ran conquered the city, he did not commit any offense with the people, and even opened a warehouse to release grain, Su Ran's reputation soared.

There were no more Yellow Turbans in the towns that had been pacified, and because of his reputation, a large number of homeless people came to vote.

After capturing Pingzhou, and then south is Sili's Hedong County.

Of course, Su Ran has no idea of going south now.

"Lord Lord, there are strangers outside who ask to see him, claiming to be the leader of the Golden Feather Alliance. Su Ran was checking the sand table, and suddenly a soldier came to report.

"Bring her in. Su Ran said without raising his head.

Soon, the soldier came in with two female players.

Su Ran had only seen the leader of the Golden Feather League before, and it was with her that he agreed to expel the King's Union together.

Su Ran was not surprised by their arrival at all, but felt that it was too late.

After all, he has been laying Zhongyang for two days, and he was in the agreement before, but he gave Zhongyang County to the Golden Feather League.

"You may be seated. Su Ran said very naturally.

Xiao Yu stared at Su Ran, "Qin Pawn, you are inevitably a little unkind!"

Looking at the other party's gritted teeth, Su Ran knew that she was really angry.

But at the same time, she had to admire the other party, when all the players were still developing their territories, and the soldiers under her command were only hundreds.

The other party was already a Zhonglang general canonized by the imperial court, commanding tens of thousands of horses to defeat the Xiongnu forces.

Even subdued the county guards who seemed to be high in the eyes of the players, and mastered a county.

This is no longer at the same level as ordinary players, and even the big lords on the leaderboard are far inferior.

People with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses can directly bulldoze your territory, how can this be fought?"

"I can appoint you as the commander of Zhongyang County, and at the same time allocate the south of Zhongyang to your trade union, which will save you the trouble of attacking the city!" Su Ran said with a smile.

Yoi Yu was silent for a while, and in the past few days, taking advantage of the rebels everywhere, some player unions have also captured the city and vigorously expanded.

Of course, for the time being, no player or guild can capture a large city, that is, a county town.

Xiao Yu also thought about taking the opportunity to attack Zhongyang, but she didn't think that she hadn't made a move yet.

Su Ran directly bulldozed Zhongyang, and even pushed it all the way to Pingzhou.

Take complete control of the southern part of Westriver County.

Xiao Yu was silent for a while, and slowly spoke, "We don't want this Zhongyang, and I can also give you the position of president, I just hope you can allow the Golden Feather Alliance to keep the current territory." The

female player next to her was shocked, "President, no!"

Yoyo half lowered her eyelids and clenched her fists, but her tone was firm, "I have made up my mind."

Su Ran couldn't help but look up and carefully look at the leader of the Golden Feather Alliance, he was indeed a beautiful beauty.

But what surprised Su Ran was her resourcefulness.

Just as Xiao Yu thought, Su Ran would never allow a large force in his territory that he could not control.

Even if it's a player, he will definitely find a way to expel it, or even destroy it, once he has his hands free.

Although Xiao Yu had only seen him twice, he deduced his character from Su Ran's actions.

Su Ran was silent for a while, "You are very smart, you can keep the position of the leader of the alliance, but I have a request, the Golden Feather Alliance merges with the Hero Gang, and it needs to be supervised by me." "

You treacherous fellow, who is going to promise you!" shouted the female player next to her.

Su Ran didn't care, his expression was calm.

Xiao Yu grabbed her and whispered, "Twilight, don't talk nonsense

!" "What, I'm not right!" Twilight still said, but her voice was low.

Yoi Yu calmed Twilight Yu and stared at Su Ran, "I promised you, but I hope you can keep this agreement."

"Of course. Su Ran was very happy.

Su Ran directly contacted the little wolf of the Hero Gang to take charge of this matter, and in this way, the southern part of Xihe County was completely pacified.

Su Ran was preparing to take the opportunity to go north and completely pacify the entire Xihe County.

But an angel suddenly arrived and read out the edict of the Son of Heaven, ordering Su Ran to lead his troops south to quell the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

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