Age of Mysticism

Chapter 205: secret meeting

  Chapter 205 Secret Gathering

Deputy Dean Elway heard what the assistant said, and said very unhappy: "Francis, these words are not what you should say. Overhearing the conversation between Professor Qingkong and Dean Willred, let alone Oulu College What teachers should do.

  You are very capable, but you have not been promoted to a professor. You should reflect on your own conduct. "

   Seeing that his provocation seemed to be ineffective, Assistant Professor Francis immediately admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry, Vice President Elway, I said this for the sake of the college.

  Only you can continue the thinking that Oulu Academy has always had..."

   "Enough! Francis."

   Facing the reprimand, Francis had to shut up.

   Seeing other faculty members all look over, Vice President Elway realized his gaffe. He eased his tone, and said to Francis in a low voice: "We have to trust Dean Willred, since he took charge of the Oulu Academy, every decision he made was correct.

  If you suspect that Professor Qingkong is doing something bad for the academy, you can investigate it yourself and let me know if you have evidence. If you can really prove your guess, you have a place on the faculty chair of the college. "

   "Really? Vice President Elway!" Francis turned his worries into joy.

   "Of course, this is what I said. But your investigation is your private behavior."

   "I understand, Vice President Elway."


   All parties in the Oulu Academy are investigating the sudden appearance of the black eclipse. Although the Department of Occult Arts has stopped recruiting personnel, its internal development has not stopped.

  Pan brought a large amount of investment to the Oulu Academy's Department of Secret Arts, which was used to expand facilities, purchase equipment, and carry out in-depth research on secret arts.

  The outer hall trial field in the mountainous area on the east side of the college is a key construction project.

  Under the continuous work of the students and the construction team from Raging Waves City, not only a flat trial site was cleared out, but a row of wooden houses was built on the periphery of the site.

  Another animal farm was almost built, and a group of goats were driven into the animal farm.

Looking at these bleating goats, Haidi Siko, who came from a wealthy family, covered his nose and asked Jenny who was counting the number of goats: "Assistant Jenny, why do you want to raise goats in the outer hall test field? Really? It stinks!

  They, they even pulled **** on the ground at random! "

Jenny held the form in her hand, compared the records of receiving goats, and replied: "In the future, the teaching and research of secret arts will inevitably require the use of living bodies for demonstrations and experiments. It is good to use goats. You can eat roast lamb."

  Hearing the food, Heidixiko became happy.

   "In this mountain forest, if you have a barbecue party, you will definitely be envious of students from other departments."

  Heidi Siko's words reminded Jenny of what happened before.

   "Yes! Compared with other academics, secret art has high risks and uncertainties. At that time, we often held bonfire barbecue parties. It would be more fun if we could secretly get some wine..."

  Heidi Siko couldn't help asking: "Assistant Jennifer... When did you say that time? Our Department of Occult Arts just built the outer hall test field."

Jenny knew that she said more things that shouldn't be said, she said in a disguised way: "I'm not talking about our Department of Occult Arts. When I was in school, senior students would secretly hold parties in the mountains of the college. I was Participate often.

  Sometimes we catch some prey to roast and eat, including wild boar and fish.

   I really miss it!

   I don’t know if there is such a party now. "

"Of course there is..." Haidishiko looked around and saw that no one was paying attention here, so he whispered to Jenny: "I also participated. But since the appearance of the Abyss Temple, the college has banned students from entering the mountain at night, and still There are patrols patrolling the mountains and forests around the college.

   But this kind of gathering is still held from time to time. If you want to participate, you must be introduced by an acquaintance, and you must swear to keep it secret, otherwise you will not get the time and address. "

  Hearing the little secret Heidi Siko said, Jennifer couldn't help feeling: These young people are really courageous. The college is so strict that they dare to go to the mountains outside the college to have a party.

  But after thinking about it, why didn't I like to play around so much when I was in school. At that time, the college also prohibited students from going out at night, but no matter how strict the patrol was, it still couldn't stop the students' enthusiasm for going out to play.

   "It sounds like you are the 'acquaintance' who can introduce people to participate."

  Jen Ferney's youth and personality make it easy for her students to regard her as one of their own. Unlike in front of the clear sky, the students all liked this beautiful elf, but it was hard for them to let go.

  Heidi Siko proudly said: "Of course, bringing a few people to this kind of party is a trivial matter for me.

  As far as I know, there will be a party tonight, just in the southeast mountain forest of the college. I heard that there is a site left by the college a hundred years ago, and now there are many stories related to the disaster a hundred years ago in the college, so the theme of this gathering is 'adventure'.

   I don’t know if I can see evil spirits or something. "

  Heidi Siko said very excitedly, as if he also wanted to participate.

   Maybe he's already signed up.

  The ruins left by the disaster a hundred years ago...

  Jenniferni did not expect such an important clue to be obtained in a casual chat.

   In the past few days, Jenferne has been investigating what Qingkong assigned her to do. But everyone seems to be able to tell stories from hundreds of years ago, but they don't know who it was first spread from.

   Jenferne once attended the party Heidi Siko mentioned. She knew that the students who had the ability to evade the patrols of the school guards and sneaked out of the academy were the top group of guys from each department.

  They are going to "expedition" in the ruins left by the disaster a hundred years ago tonight, and maybe they can find something useful from them.

   "Heidi Siko, can I participate?"

  Heidi Siko didn’t expect Jefney to propose to participate in this kind of gathering. He said in embarrassment: "Assistant Jenny, the faculty and staff of the college are not allowed to participate in this kind of gathering."

  Jen Ferney said with a smile: "You take me to participate, you don't say... who knows my college teaching assistant."

"No, no, no..." Realizing that Jenferni was serious, Heidi Siko regretted talking too much: "I can't bring you to the party. If they know that I brought the college teaching assistant to the party, they will definitely blacklist me List, my reputation in the academy will be ruined."

  Jen Ferney threatened Heidi Siko: "If you don't take me, I will tell Professor Qingkong what you said to me. Guess how she will deal with you?

  These sheep need special people to raise them. "

  Hidishiko looked back at the group of bleating sheep in front of him, and couldn't help shivering when he thought that he was going to sleep here.

   "Assistant Jennifer, I treat you as a friend, can't make small reports about me."

  Jen Ferney smiled and said: "Heidi Siko, I also regard you as a friend. But I am Professor Qingkong's teaching assistant, and I am in the same office with her. If I accidentally say something wrong..."


"Okay, Haidishiko, I won't scare you anymore. You should know that I have to bear a lot of pressure every day around such an excellent Professor Qingkong. I just want to participate in an unrestrained party and vent my spirit fatigue.

  I disguised myself as a student, no one could recognize me.

  Hmm...I have a brooch given to me by Professor Clear Sky. It's a magic item she made herself. As long as you take me there, I can give you that brooch as a reward. "

   "Really? A brooch made by Professor Qingkong himself?"

   "And Professor Clear Sky has been wearing it for a while."

   Jennifer released her trump card, and Heidi Siko immediately surrendered.

   "Deal, we will meet under the head of the hexagonal tower at nine o'clock tonight, and I will take you to the party."

  Jen Ferney replied with the sweetest smile: "Deal, see you at nine o'clock tonight."

   "Take the brooch that Professor Clear Sky gave you."

   "Make sure to bring it!"

   "Don't tell Professor Qingkong."

   "Promise not to tell her."

  In Qingkong's office at the Academy of Secret Arts, Jenferni told Qingkong in detail what she had said to Haidishiko.

  Qingkong didn’t expect that there would be such an evening event among the students of the college, and they dared to hold it at such an extraordinary moment. It’s really a newborn calf.

  You are very courageous!

   "The ruins in the mountains and forests southeast of the college?"

   Qingkong thought of where it was.

Jennifer also introduced: "That is the magic plant hall, which breeds many magic plants from all over the world. And because of the different habits of magic plants in different places, the magic plant hall is divided into two parts: the ground and the underground. The underground hall uses space technology Open up, the volume is very large, and it has magically simulated desert, snow, tropical, temperate... various environments.

  During the disaster a hundred years ago, many battles broke out there. The underground part of the magic plant hall has a spatial collapse due to the destruction of the space..."

"After the disaster, the college tried to restore the magic plant hall, but the interior of the plant hall was too damaged, so we had to give up building a new magic plant hall elsewhere." Qingkong said the game data in his hand: "According to what I know Information, although the college buried the Magic Plant Museum at that time, after so many years, many cracks leading to the ground appeared in the former site of the Magic Plant Museum.

  And some magical plants adapted to the changed environment and survived, and some were very dangerous. "

Jenferni didn't know why Qingkong knew so much about the Magic Plant Museum, but when she heard the danger, she couldn't help worrying: "The place where these students are meeting tonight is the ruins of the Magic Plant Museum. Very dangerous. We should inform the Academy about this and stop them!"

   "The college can only stop them once, or twice. As long as there is this tradition in the student body, as long as someone secretly encourages them, they will definitely try to go to the ruins of the magic plant hall again."

  Jenferni, who was once such a student, knew that what Qingkong said was right. The college cannot stop such students, but may arouse their greater curiosity.

   "Professor Clear Sky, what should we do?"

  Clear Sky nimbly turned the pen in his hand, and after thinking for a while, he said to Jenferni: "This is a clue that cannot be missed, you continue with your plan, sneak into the party to see if someone is instigating it behind the scenes.

  I will take the kestrel into the ruins ahead of time to clear away all potential dangers. And if someone really lured them there, I'll just see what the person wants to do. "

   With Qingkong personally escorting the party, Jenniferi has no worries.

   "Professor Qingkong personally protects me, so I can rest assured. I am looking forward to rejoining this kind of gathering after a hundred years."

   "Have a good time."

   Time soon came to the evening, and Jenny changed into a normal dress, and combed the hairstyle popular among female students. Then he hid a bottle of red wine in his arms, and quietly left his dormitory.

  Due to the discovery of the black eclipse spirit, the patrol inside the academy is very strict these days, and there are Abyss leopards everywhere. It was not difficult for Jenferne to avoid this level of patrolling, and it also brought back some past events in her memory.

   All the way to the agreed place with Heidishiko smoothly, and then I saw Heidishiko was pulled out from behind a bush by two Abyss leopards.

  This Heidi Siko.

  Jen Ferney had no choice but to show up, and she showed her coat of arms as a teaching assistant.

"I'm Jenny Ferney, the teaching assistant of Professor Qingkong from the Department of Occult Arts, and this is Haidi Siko, a student from our Department of Occult Arts. Just leave him to me, and I will tell Professor Qingkong about this, and he will receive what he deserves." discipline."

   After confirming Jenny's identity, the two Abyss leopards let go of Haidishiko, and then continued their patrol route to leave.

  Watching the Abyss Leopard go away, Heidixiko, who had been on tenterhooks, finally let out a long sigh of relief.

   "Assistant Jennifer, you are really timely. If you were a little late, I would have been caught by them and taken to the discipline office. Vice-principal Elway would definitely tell my father about it.

   Of course, Professor Qingkong will also know. "

  Jen Ferni knew that she rescued Haidishiko, and she would still be reported to the battle mages by the Abyss Leopard. But that's something that Professor Qingkong needs to deal with tomorrow. My task is to sneak into the students' party tonight and see if there is anything worthy of attention.

   "I thought Heidishiko was so powerful to be able to participate in this kind of party, but I didn't expect to be caught by the Abyss Leopard so easily."

  Heidishiko, who was underestimated, said unconvinced: "Tonight, the patrol of the college has definitely been strengthened. Only when the abyss mage appeared, did the college release so many Abyss leopards.

  I can guarantee that I am not the only student who was arrested tonight, and the number of people who can attend the party on time is definitely much less than usual! And... I was discovered by the Abyss Leopard because I was waiting for you. "

   "Okay, I know that Head Siko of our Department of Occult Arts is very powerful. This is a brooch made by Professor Qingkong himself..."

  Jennis flicks up a brooch and Heidi Siko grabs it. He admired it again and again, and then put it in his pocket with satisfaction: "Let's go, assistant teacher Jenny, let's go to the party."

   "Call me Jenny."

   "Yes, Jenny!"

  (end of this chapter)

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