Age of Mysticism

Chapter 259: suspects

  Chapter 259 Suspect

  When Luke and Kaelina came to the dungeon, Shelley and Pisco had already set up the interrogation room. The seven suspects were tied to the chairs with their heads covered, and Pisco swung the whip with a "slap" sound.

  Shelley held a gun and was about to interrogate the first person. When he saw Luke coming in, he immediately stood up and saluted.

   "Master Governor!"

  Pisco turned around and saw Luke standing upright in a standard military posture: "Your Excellency!"

  Kelina moved a chair, Luke sat down and asked Shelley, "What are you doing?"

   "Interrogation of suspects..." Shelley replied: "My lord governor, you have a distinguished status now. Just let me and Pisco do this kind of interrogation. I guarantee that they will confess within an hour."

  Luke sighed in his heart, if it weren't for Kailina's timely report, several suspects would have died.

   "This case concerns Princess Dai'er's safety. In the future, no one can interrogate without my permission. You and Pisco stand by... Karina, give me the information sent by the headquarters."

  Shelley and Pisco stood aside obediently, and Karina took out a few documents from the briefcase she was carrying. When it was handed over to Luke, he said: "The headquarters of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets has done a lot of preliminary work on this case. These seven people are very likely to be related to the attack on Princess Daier. Here are the information of the seven of them, and Files organized by the headquarters."

   Luke looked at the file carefully.

  After Princess Dai'er was attacked, the Imperial Secret Service kept arresting people in the imperial capital. The purpose is not only to cast a wide net, but also to scare the snake away and make the attackers show their feet under pressure.

  With the supervision of Agatha, the imperial agents were very attentive to this case. All the people who were captured were cross-screened. After careful screening over and over again, these seven people who might have a significant connection with this case were screened out.

   Just checking again will not work. Regardless of coercion, bribery, or torture, they all deny that they have anything to do with Princess Dai'er's attack.

  Time passed slowly, and no one in the interrogation room dared to make a sound.

  The description of these people in the dossier is very detailed, including what punishment was used, when it was used, and when it ended. How many whips were whipped and waterboarded for a few minutes. How many times have you fainted, what kind of injuries have you suffered, how many times have you suffered mental attacks...

   Just looking at it, Luke couldn't help feeling that the headquarters of the Secret Affairs Bureau is professional. If you still can't ask anything under such cruel torture, these people are either innocent or have received professional training.

   After about an hour, Luke read all the files.

  To sum up, on the night Princess Dai was attacked, they either appeared near the site of the attack;

  Of course there are other doubts, let the secret intelligence bureau headquarters screen them out.

   "Take off their hoods."

   Luke gave the order, and Pisco stepped forward and took off all the suspect's hoods.

  The headquarters used many punishments on them, but they didn't hit their faces. So even with some bruises and scars, it's easy to tell what they look like.

  While observing the seven suspects, Luke tried his best to recall the NPCs in St. Lun City he had seen in the game. He also called up the data in his phone to see if he could ease the difficulty of the case.

  The result... Sure enough, there was an unexpected surprise.

  Philimon Sam is a salesman for a cosmetics company. Because he sells high-end cosmetics, he often goes in and out of the imperial city. When Princess Del was attacked, Sam was captured by Imperial agents in the grass two blocks away.

  His explanation was that he had just explained the use of new cosmetics to a lady, so he was delayed in staying in the imperial city. And because he didn't know what happened, he hid in the grass in fear.

  The lady and the servant confirmed what Sam said.

   But the imperial agents did not dispel their suspicions about Sam.

  The attack on Princess Daier was a very careful operation. Apart from the assassin who carried out the assassination, there must be people around who were on guard for the assassin. The assassin fled, and someone must have done some finishing work.

  So the imperial agents felt that Sam might be related to this case, but there was no evidence, and they didn't ask anything from him.

   And Luke knew Sam.

  He is a small character, who doesn't know who he is working for, just a cannon fodder who obeys orders. Even if he were to confess, there would be no way to find the mastermind of the attack. His online, knowing that he was caught should have run away, or been dealt with.

  In the plot mission of a prince in the game Anno, the player will have several encounters with Philemon Sam. He is a high-end cosmetics salesperson, he knows the ladies in the imperial city very well, and can provide useful information in some tasks.

   It's just that it can't be used as evidence to prove that the prince is the mastermind of the attack on Princess Dai. Should I take out my mobile phone and let Augustine see it? doesn't seem to prove that the prince is related to the case. It is indeed possible that Sam happened to pass by there.

  As for the others... I didn't find their information on the phone, but it can't be said that they have nothing to do with the case.

   Very tricky!

Luke said to everyone in the interrogation room: "I am Meteor, the newly-appointed Acting Governor of Raging Waves City by His Majesty, and concurrently the Director of the Sixth Division of the Secret Service of the Imperial Secret Service. I am now fully responsible for the attack on Princess Dai'er. I will give you a chance." , telling what I want to know can reduce crimes..."

   "Your Excellency Governor." A suspect immediately cried: "I am innocent! I have a factory outside the city, and that night a worker came back and told me that the warehouse of the factory was on fire, so I was in a hurry to leave the city.

   My workers can attest to what I say. Please let me go, my family is still waiting for me. "

   "Your Excellency, you are innocent..."


   There was begging for mercy in the interrogation room, and even Philemon Sam burst into tears, as if he had really been wronged.

  Luke saw that there was no effect, so he said: "Okay, since no one said it, let's start the interrogation!"

Seeing that these people were still crying, Pisco flicked his whip and shouted: "Shut up! Didn't you hear what my governor said! Whoever speaks, I'll turn his head away!" Come down!"

  Pisco's image is more effective at intimidating people than Luke, and the interrogation room immediately fell silent.

  Luke gave Pisco an appreciative look, and then said to the suspects: "Now I ask the question, and whoever answers it will answer it. Shelley..."

  Shelley replied respectfully: "What is the governor's order?"

   "Anyone who speaks without my permission... will be killed immediately!"

  Shelley replied loudly and energetically: "Obey, Governor!"

  "Philimon Sam" Luke looked at the second young man on the left and asked, "Tell me again in detail what you did in the imperial city that night, who you met, and what you said."

   Being called first made Sam show a fleeting expression of surprise, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and said again what he had said countless times to the imperial agents.

   After it was over, Luke didn't say anything, but asked the next person the same question.

  After asking all seven people.

  "Philimon Sam" Luke called Sam's name again: "Where do you live, how many people are there in your family, what are their names, and what is their relationship with you?"

   Sam continues to answer. He is very confident in his disguised identity. An orphan from a remote area, he was admitted to a school in the imperial capital with his own efforts. After graduating, he has been selling cosmetics. His performance is not top-notch, but he still has a good income. I just got married last year, and my wife's family background is very ordinary.

  Everything can be verified, and he is a very ordinary citizen of Shenglun City.

   After Sam finished speaking, Luke moved on to the next person.

   and other seven people have asked it again.

  "Philimon Sam" Luke called Sam's name again: "When you were arrested, you carried some cosmetics on your body. Tell me the type, name, and function of the cosmetics."

  Sam couldn't calm down a little this time.

  He was not nervous because of Meteor's question, but because he didn't know why Meteor started asking questions from himself three times in a row. If he asked in order, it would be fine, but for the next six people, he asked questions in random order.

   Only myself is the first three times in a row.

Is this a coincidence?

   Luke's question was not difficult for Sam. After he answered it easily, he focused on other people.

   are also very simple questions, but the order of roll call is irregular.

  After a round of questions…

  "Philimon Sam" Luke stared at Sam and asked: "You often go in and out of the imperial city, and you should have seen many distinguished people. Do you know any members of the royal family?"

   "I, I don't know the royal family." Sam's voice trembled.

  He did not know the royals, he just made sure his identity had been exposed. If the question is a random roll call, and I rank first four times in a row among the seven, the chance of a coincidence is very small.

   But it's impossible!

  Secret Intelligence Bureau headquarters has used so many punishments for so many days, and I have not revealed the truth. He is a person from Raging Waves City, and he just met, how could he see through my identity.

  After Luke got the answer from Sam, he asked the next person without stopping.

  Six people randomly order questions, after one round...

   "Philmont Sam. Did you know Princess Del went to Miss Weatherlight's museum that night?"

  Sam, who already had the will to die, replied calmly this time: "I don't know."

   Questions continue.

  Luke asked a total of ten rounds of questions, and Philemon Sam was the first to be called in each round. In the end, even the other six suspects who were questioned noticed something strange and looked at Sam with different eyes.

  Although Sam is still denying and covering up, his expression is no longer pretending. When he knew that it was Princess Dai'er who attacked that night, he knew that he was an abandoned child, and he had no chance of committing crimes and making meritorious service.

  At the end, Luke handed all the documents to Karina, and stood up to move his stiff waist after sitting for a long time.

Said: "I have finished asking all my questions. You are indeed innocent. On behalf of the Imperial Bureau of Secrets, I would like to express my deep apology for what you have experienced these days, and I am going to pay you a sum of compensation at my own expense. I hope you can Make up for some of your losses and the harm done to you.

  Let's go, your family is waiting for you to go back safely.

   Pisco, untie them. "

   "Yes, Governor!"

  Although Pisco didn't understand why his governor released everyone so casually, he still carried out the order to untie the suspect.

  The seven suspects were all dumbfounded... Will it be okay to answer such a few simple questions?

  No beating, no mental torture.

   It's hard to accept this kind of treatment!

  But the chains that bind hands and feet are really opened, and the closed door is also opened, can you really go out?

  Kelina said: "Thank you, the governor, for your kindness to you. Come with me, and you can leave after completing the formalities."

  The suspects hurriedly followed Karina out of the interrogation room.

   After quieting down, Shelley asked Luke: "Governor, is there a problem with that Philemon Sam?"

  Pisco asked: "Sister, what's wrong with Philemon Sam?"

   "Stupid... The governor asked ten rounds of questions, and Philemon Sam was the first to answer. The adults must have seen that he had a problem."

   Luke asked Shelley: "Did you see it? Very smart! You saw it when I asked the first few rounds of questions."

"The sixth round, the seventh round, or the eighth round..." Shelley couldn't remember clearly: "Anyway, the boy's face turned pale in the end. Governor, since you know that Philemon Sam has a problem, why did you let him go?" Walk?"

   "You see it, and it seems everyone else does too. Philemon Sam is just a little shrimp, and if you want to catch a big fish, you have to let the little shrimp swim out.

  You two go to Baiyin Avenue in Huangcheng District. There is a pizza shop there that makes very delicious pizza. Buy me some. "

   "Yes, Inspector!"

  Shelley and Pisco left the interrogation room, and Pisco couldn't help asking, "Sister, what's wrong with that kid?"


   Philemon Sam walked out of the Sixth Office of the Imperial Secret Service with the personal belongings he had brought back. There was not a single cosmetic missing in the satchel, but all of them were inspected by the mouth.

  The glare of the sun shone down, causing Sam, who had been imprisoned in the dark for a long time, to squint his eyes. Pain everywhere in the body, tell him this is not a dream...

  He came out by himself, and walked out of the Imperial Secret Service alive.

  But where is the next destination?

  Sam couldn't figure out the purpose of Meteor to release him. Since he saw through his identity and hinted to himself during the interrogation that he knew about it, why did he let him go in the end.

   Are you trying to follow me and catch the person behind me?

   But since I know that you have seen through my identity, why would you bring the following spies to catch my upline. And among the six suspects, I don't know if there are any accomplices. If so, he must know that I have been exposed.

  All the people I have contacted with will disappear, and the assassin who kills them will come soon.

  Where can I go?

   "Hey, don't stay at the door!" The imperial agent standing guard outside shouted to Sam: "If you let you go, go home quickly, and if you don't leave, I will arrest you!"

go home?


  (end of this chapter)

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