Age of Mysticism

Chapter 386: block

  Chapter 386 Interception

  The lieutenant officer drew out his knife, and the sergeants who came in with him also drew out their knives and quickly formed an encirclement circle. The soldiers outside heard the movement in the manor, and quickly rushed in through the gate or over the wall.

  The reaction speed is so fast that it is worthy of the garrison army of Saint Lun City.

  However, the lieutenant did not launch an attack immediately. He looked at Luke and Queen Christina, and then waved his hands to let the soldiers who came in behind go out. The atmosphere in the manor was a little more relaxed, but the sergeants still pointed their knives at the two people in the encirclement.

"Since you are from the city of St. Lun, you should know that we are the city guards. We have been ordered to hunt down the spies of the Yate County United. I have a few questions to ask you. After clearing your suspicion, we will naturally let them go. .”

  The lieutenant observed the clothes of the two. The fabrics and craftsmanship were not affordable by ordinary people. And at first glance, the two of them came from well-to-do families. The woman is very beautiful. Judging by her temperament, she might be a lady from an aristocratic family.

  Luke, who wanted to confuse the past, realized that he had miscalculated the situation.

   This is not the jurisdiction of the City Guards of St. Lun City at all. The spies who hunted down the Yate County United should also be followed by spies from the Imperial Secret Service.

This group of sergeants from the City Guards of St. Lun City appeared here. It is very likely that they were ordered by the eldest prince Fania to form a barrier on the north side of St. Lun City, connecting with the Northern Legion's jurisdiction and forming a seamless barrier. The big net prevents the queen from returning to the imperial capital.

  According to Fania's character, his order must be "I would rather kill by mistake than let it go!"

  Luke held Queen Christina's hand, and used Mana Wave to send a password to tell her his guess.

  Try first to see if you can get away with it.

  Luke smiled and said to the lieutenant: "It is the duty of the Amelia family to serve the empire."

  The lieutenant looked away from Queen Christina and looked at Luke: "Have you seen any suspicious people?"

   "No...Of course, it's also possible that Tina and I were too obsessed with the two-person world, and didn't notice who was passing by."

The lieutenant looked around, noticed two good-looking horses, and asked Luke: "The Empire is at war with the United County of Yate, and agents from the United Ice Cave are often infiltrated here. Why didn't I see yours?" Servants and attendants...let them come, and I will question them."

  Luke knew that the lieutenant was going to try again.

  At the same time, Queen Christina hinted that she was ready to fight.

   Luke replied: "It's just me and Tina on this excursion, and the servants and entourage will only interfere with our two private worlds. Since there are Ice Cave Agents of the Art County United near here, I think we'd better get out of here quickly.

   If there are no other questions, can we go?

  Lieutenant! "

  The lieutenant looked at the two people, especially the woman who was very similar to the queen in the description. It's just that isn't the queen protected by a guard composed of royal knights and court guards?

   But regardless of whether the woman is Queen Christina, or a lady from a certain noble family, the lieutenant dare not really carry out the order of the eldest prince, "Kill it on the spot!"

So after thinking for a while, the lieutenant glanced at the queen again, and said to Luke: "I can't judge your identities just by your words. The agents of the Imperial Secret Service are behind, and we will hand you over to Luke." Secret Intelligence Bureau, they will take you back to Saint Lun City to verify your identity."

  The lieutenant decided to hand these two people over to the eldest prince's cronies, and their life and death would have nothing to do with him.

   "That would be great. With the protection of you and the Imperial Secret Service, my wife and I can go home safely. Let's go lead the horse..."

   Lu took Queen Christina to the stables and put the saddle on the horse's back first.

  At this time, the lieutenant noticed the special style of the saddle, and the royal coat of arms carved on the saddle!

   "Royal Knights, you are Royal Knights! are..."

  The lieutenant didn't dare to continue, because he had already guessed the woman's true identity.

  Luke found that he had forgotten the difference in the saddle, and it seemed that he could only fight out!

   At this time, Luke has fastened the quick fix buckle on the saddle, and the alchemy array automatically binds to the most comfortable strength. He and Queen Christina got on their horses, and the bright vests quickly unfolded from under the saddle to the horse.

  Holding the Red Dragon Spear in his hand, he shook his hand again, and a fire dragon wrapped around the body of the gun.

  Jian Lei Huo Tong was activated, and the burst of shock waves pushed the surrounding soldiers back again and again.

  The imperial horse neighed and moved agitatedly, and a virtual unicorn protruded from its forehead.

  The situation and the scene set off the atmosphere so well.

  Luke shouted: "I am the Meteor of Rage City, escorting Her Highness the Queen back to the imperial capital. Since you are the sergeants of the city guards of Shenglun City, hurry up and give way!

   If you dare to disturb Her Royal Highness, I will let you be the ghosts of my gun! "

  After roaring, Luke felt even more energetic, and drove his horse straight towards the stunned sergeants.

   He still didn't forget to turn his head and shout: "His Royal Highness, follow me!"

  Luke rode his horse to charge, and he threw out a fire faucet from the Red Dragon Spear, which frightened the blocking troops in front to dodge to both sides. The head of the faucet hit the gate of the manor, and there was a blast, and fireworks were everywhere. Before the smoke and dust fell, Luke had already rushed out on horseback.

  Queen Christina followed closely behind Luke. She summoned the sword of power, and unfolded the cloak embroidered with the golden shield of the royal family's coat of arms behind her collar. In this situation, it is no longer necessary to hide the identity. Instead, it is better to boldly reveal the identity of the queen, which will definitely make some soldiers have scruples.

  Luke led Queen Christina to disperse the soldiers outside the manor, and rode away towards the city of St. Lun. By the time the disgraced lieutenant rushed out of the manor with his subordinates, the two horses and the people had already run hundreds of meters away.

  A sergeant was puzzled and said: "Meteor of Raging City...he is the governor of Raging City, Meteor! How could Governor Meteor be with the emperor...and that woman.

   Lieutenant What should we do? "

   "Send a signal to the people around that we found the woman, and she is heading towards the city of St. Lun." After the lieutenant gave the order, he looked at the men who had suffered heavy casualties, and then ordered: "We chase after!"

  A magical firefinch was launched into the sky, and within a short time, firefinch were seen flying in the surrounding sky. The firefinch flew in the direction where Luke and Queen Christina were escaping, pointing out the direction for those who were chasing after them.

   Soon the lieutenant and his subordinates who were still able to move got on their horses and chased south.

  Luke and Queen Christina galloped towards St. Lun City. After resting and replenishing energy, the royal horse ran with four hooves.

  Receiving the news, the soldiers of the Sanlun City Guards who were chasing from the left and right could not catch up with the royal horses at all, so they could only emit magic signals one by one to point out the direction for the soldiers blocking in front.

  In the sky, there are magic signals with various information. On the ground, surrounding soldiers continued to appear.

  Luke opened the way ahead with a gun, and a cavalry appeared directly in front. Amplification magic was released among the knights, their armors were covered with a protective layer, and the lances in their hands were emitting sharp edges.

  The leading officer is wearing barrel-shaped knight armor, holding a knight shield engraved with the family crest in one hand, and a 4-meter-long knight gun in the other. There is a magic eagle clinging to the tip of the spear, its wings are half spread, its eyes are dazzling, and its cry is shocking.

  Luke was still wearing the same suit, and the hem of the windbreaker swayed with the wind.

  He sat upright on the horse's back, facing the crowd of knights without any intention of avoiding it, and even kicked the horse's belly, and the speed of the imperial horse increased by another gear.

  The distance was getting closer, and Lu Keping raised his greedy red dragon gun, and charged forward with a standard cavalry gun to meet the cavalry.

  At the moment when the two sides were about to collide, the fire dragon clinging to the body of the gun sprang forward after a dragon roar, and the eagle on the spear head of the knight on the opposite side also shot at the same time.

  The dragon and the eagle become bigger in the air, and then collide head-to-head.

  The energy generated by the collision spread like ripples, and the eagle was smashed into pieces on the spot, while the fire dragon was still fierce, roaring and charging towards the cavalry.

  The knights put their shields in front of them, unfolding a series of pale golden protections to resist the impact of the fire dragon.

   Another shock wave spread, and some weak knights were thrown from their horses to the ground.

   At this time, Luke had already met the leader of the knights.

  The knight leader's lance is longer, but Luke's red dragon gun is made of dragon teeth and a sharp wand. The greedy red dragon gun was mounted on the body of the cavalry gun, and the fire and thunder intertwined and intensified each other and exploded.

  The cavalry spear was blown to pieces piece by piece, and the tip of the dragon spear easily pierced through the knight's magic shield, and then broke through the solid armor. Luke's strength allowed him to easily pick up the body of the knight leader, and then threw it at the cavalry behind him.

  Traveling the red dragon spear left and right, the fire surged, and the entire cavalry group was covered by lightning and thunder.

  After Luke rushed to kill a pair, an elite cavalry team survived with only three cavalry on the periphery. The ground was full of charred corpses, and the still-dead horses whined and struggled.

  Luke just looked back at Christina Huang who was following him, and then continued to charge.

   At this time, you can't slow down, and you can't be entangled by anyone. Only by constantly charging forward can we not be surrounded.

   After running for two kilometers, a row of military trucks was set up as a roadblock in front of them. Ten war machines and a large number of infantry were getting off the vehicles.

  Seeing Luke rushing over, the war machines and infantry hurriedly lined up, firing muskets and crossbows indiscriminately.

   Obviously they didn't expect the person they wanted to intercept to come so fast.

  Luke released a fire shield for himself, and the fire elements converged into a red shield to protect him inside. The arrows and bullets made a loud noise when they hit the protective cover, and they couldn't break through the defense of the vest even if they were shot on horseback.

  Luke first looked left and right, and a cavalry was outflanking diagonally from the right. It's just that after they saw the power sword in Queen Christina's hand and the royal coat of arms on the cloak, their speed was obviously slower.

  The infantry directly in front hadn't finished defending their positions. If they formed a shield wall and spread out the "turtle shell", it would not be so easy to rush away.

  Luke raised his spear high, a bolt of lightning shot out from the tip of the spear, and then a string of fireballs shot into the air. The lightning rose straight up and then fell straight down, and the fireball drew a parabola in the air.

  Lightning fell among the infantry, one was divided into four strips, and four strips were divided into sixteen strips... Jumping three times in a row, the infantry group was blown up. Before the soldiers could recover from the numbness caused by the electric shock, the intensive fireball bombardment followed by smashing down their heads and faces.

   Followed by another chain lightning and continuous fireball coverage.

  When Luke rushed in, all the trucks and war machines blocking the road were ablaze, and the soldiers on fire rolled on the ground.

  Luke released a faucet to hit a blocked truck and rolled it over, and then took Queen Christina away. The cavalry that was trying to outflank had slowed down because they saw the queen, but after seeing Luke destroying an infantry team so violently, they decisively turned their horses and ran away.

  Just running and sending out magic signals to point out the direction for other intercepting teams.

  Luke didn't have time to take care of them. The royal horse was so fast that they disappeared without a trace in a while.

  But the soldiers of the City Guard Legion loyal to the First Prince are still fighting one after another. Once they kill a wave, they will soon make up for it.

   And the strength is getting stronger and stronger.

  As the city of St. Lun approached, a complete line of defense appeared in front of Luke.

  The hoplites hold shields and form a shield wall. Behind the shield wall are musketeers and crossbowmen. Then there are war machines dragging giant blades, and finally there are mages and magic projectiles.

   Cavalry on the wings.

   There are also three steam airships in the sky.

  Beside Luke, a cavalry team tried their best to entangle him. Even Queen Christina had to wield a sword and release magic to fight the enemy.

  Luke swung his spear across, and the dragon spear broke through the armor of a cavalry company from the middle. Blood sprayed in the air, and the blood shot at Luke was burnt into wisps of black smoke after hitting the fire shield.

  Where the horse's hoof stepped, a ring of fire with impact spread, violently twisting the ankle of the knight's war horse.

  Lightning and fireballs fell densely, causing the surrounding knights to hold up their shields with all their strength and persevere.

  The surge of magic power made Luke come all the way, and he still had a reserve that could be squandered. With the bloodline of the Flame Stone Demon, there is no sign of his physical strength being exhausted.

  In the line of sight of the sergeant, Meteor is like a **** of war, surrounded by flames and lightning. No matter how strong the shield and armor passed by the spear, it was like paper.

   I don't know how many famous generals were killed by him, and all the way he ran was covered with dead bodies of various shapes.

   Now he is running towards this side, and there are fewer and fewer fighters fighting him around him.

  The sound of galloping horses is getting louder and louder.

   All the soldiers faced the meteor that was bathed in fire and entwined with lightning, and they all tightly held the weapons in their hands, sweat dripping down from their foreheads unconsciously.

  They didn't know if their shields could block the shooting spear of Meteor.

  When a deafening dragon roar resounded throughout the battlefield, a red dragon shining with golden light flew out from Meteor's right hand holding the gun. As it charged high into the sky, the red dragon with golden scales grew from the size of a palm to ten meters.

  The roar of the red dragon made the earth tremble, as if some ancient power had been awakened. It waved its wings and flew towards the airship in the air. It spewed out a scorching dragon's breath, burning a large hole through the airbag of the airship.

  (end of this chapter)

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