"What's going on outside?" Lin Yu asked.

Lu Qiuer said at this time: "After that very strong person fought with Sister Ruyan for a while, he ran away directly with his employer. It should be realized that he is not Sister Ruyan's opponent.

Lin Yu nodded and took out the fruit in his hand and said, "This fruit may be what I need, I hope you can give it to us, and I will also give you the essence of the grass you need."

Speaking of this, Lin Yu took out the essence of grass obtained before from his pocket.

"Ugh!" Lu Qiuer looked at the ball in front of her in surprise, and she could feel that this was what she needed.

Liu Ruyan also looked at the essence of grass a little unexpectedly and said, "Thank you, but in this case, we take advantage, so let's give priority to the good things we find next."

Lin Yu nodded in agreement, after all, several people are only temporarily forming a team, although it is a school, but it cannot be done without any benefits.

After speaking, the four people left the room, and at this time, few people on the seventh floor were still there, so Lin Yu and the others did not stay much but were ready to go to the sixth floor to take a look.

The style of the sixth floor is completely different from the previous second floor, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a castle, but like a small labyrinth, just a few steps, Lin Yu and a few people saw several entrances.

This stumped Lin Yu, but this time it was good that there were a few helpers around, and there would be no problem of going wrong.

"What is the purpose of designing a maze here, is there any treasure on this sixth layer?" Lin Yu questioned.

"It doesn't matter what's inside, we've got what we need, and whatever we find after that is what we earn."

At this moment, a clicking sound sounded, and everyone looked and found that it was Yang Tian who stepped on something.

Lin Yu squatted down and looked, "It won't be some kind of mechanism, Yang Tian, you are so lucky."

Yang Tian was nervous at this time, "Ah, it won't be a mine."

Just as Yang Tian was nervous, the distant wall suddenly opened several openings, and several fire dragons spewed out from it.

The power of these fire dragons is already close to Liu Ruyan's fire fist, if it is encountered by an ordinary team, it will lose its skin if it is not dead.

But the last thing this team is afraid of is this kind of attack.

Only meeting the attack of the fire dragon, Liu Ruyan stood forward with both hands.

The fire dragon revolved around Liu Ruyan as if it had met its owner, and then it was slowly absorbed by Liu Ruyan.

Lin Yu stood up and said with a smile: "It seems that luck is not bad, it is actually a flame attack."

Yang Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and Lu Qiuer on the side was also startled by the scene just now.

Liu Ruyan looked around, "You still have to be careful, there may be many organs."

Several people walked in the sixth layer for another half an hour, "Why have you walked for so long and still haven't reached the end, is this maze so big?" Yang Tian said strangely.

Several other people also thought about this and stopped.

Lu Qiuer thought for a while and said, "Could it be that we have been walking in the same place just like the ghosts hitting the wall on TV."

Yang Tian felt that what Lu Qiuer said was quite reasonable, so she leaned towards Lin Yu.

However, Lin Yu said: "The words of ghosts hitting the walls are too unrealistic, it is more likely that these walls will move, and we think we are moving forward, but in fact we may be deceived."

"The possibility you said is indeed much more likely than what Qiu'er said." Liu Ruyan also expressed his opinion on the side.

"In that case, there is only one way." After Lin Yu finished speaking, he whistled very loudly. And in the back of my mind, I thought, "Little, come to my floor quickly, come to me."

After a while, a small voice also appeared, "Here comes the master." After a while, a running voice gradually became clear.

Liu Ruyan and Lu Qiuer suddenly looked guardedly at the place where the voice came from.

Yang Tian, on the other hand, thought of something and looked in that direction with surprise.

Sure enough, in the next second, a snow-white white wolf-like creature ran out.

Yang Tian exclaimed in surprise, "Little."

Yang Tian hugged Xiaoxiao, who ran over, and Xiaoxiao rubbed Yang Tian and ran to Lin Yu's side.

Liu Ruyan saw this scene and knew that this was not an enemy.

And Lu Qiuer saw the scene of Yang Tian holding Xiaoxiao, and she couldn't help but want to go up and hug.

However, after Xiaoxiao came to Lin Yu's side, he changed back to his original size, and spit out a key from his mouth.

"Master, this is what I found on the way here, the road here is really difficult to find." Xiaoxiao said in Lin Yu's arms.

Looking at the wet key in his hand, Lin Yu said helplessly: "Little tell me before spitting something next time, I can make some preparations."

Hearing Lin Yu's words, the little tsundere shook his head.

"The master dislikes me."

Lin Yu wiped his body casually, took the key in his hand and said: "Although I don't know how to say it, I think this key may be real."

After speaking, Lin Yu found that no one paid attention to him. Turning his head, the three girls held Xiaoxiao in their arms and touched them, and Xiaoxiao seemed to know that these people were the master's partners, and did not resist.

Sure enough, girls like cute things, even the hot-tempered Liu Ruyan showed a sweet smile after seeing Xiaoxiao.

"Ahem!" Lin Yu coughed a few times, suggesting that a few people were enough.

But the three still ignored Lin Yu, and Lin Yu could only say helplessly: "Three young ladies, if you want to touch it, there is a chance later, let's go back to the seventh floor first and try the key."

Hearing Lin Yu say this, the three of them also held back, and Xiaoxiao jumped back onto Lin Yu's shoulder.

Leaving the sixth layer is faster than a few people imagined, and there is also a small reason for leading the way.

Several people returned to the seventh floor again and found that in addition to the door that Lin Yu himself entered, there was also a door that had been opened.

At the door of the last door, there are several teams taking turns trying the keys.

Lin Yu didn't think about anything and ran behind them and lined up.

Lin Yu, who was standing behind, also knew from their conversation who opened the other door.

The man who opened the door was called Hong Tian, the man who chewed on the lollipop on the first floor.

Soon it was Lin Yu's turn, and the people standing in front of Lin Yu all failed without accident.

And when Lin Yu inserted the key, a click sounded

, this sound also attracted everyone's attention, after all, this is also the last door, if you miss this door, then this time to enter the Misty Island can be said to be in vain.

Sure enough, at this time, Lieyu came over with a few people, and he seemed to have made some kind of deal with several other people.

"You have already robbed me of one, it is better to hand over this door." Lieyu said gloomyly.

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