Chapter 177: Decisive Battle in the Forest [New Book for Collection]

The blood eagle hovered over the forest, helping Li Zuo explore the way.

With the sharp eyes of the blood sculpture, Li Zuo and Sha Wei quickly found the nearby elf squad.


The elves are at war with the Violet forces.

The Violet troops, which could only be passively beaten, have now found a little means to fight back.

Up the tree.

The same warriors, it is not too difficult for them to climb these tall trees, and going up the trees is the only possibility they can fight the elves head-on.

But despite going up the tree, they died faster.


A violet soldier who was climbing a tree was nailed to the trunk to show the others the horror of the elven bow and arrow.

The soldiers, who were climbing the trees, were a little scared.

If you don’t go up the tree is death, and if you go up the tree, you are also dead, so it’s better to fight to the death.

Soon, some violet soldiers went up to the branches.

They are basically strong people above the level of martial artists.

The role of human warriors began to appear, short knives touched, and violet soldiers and human soldiers began to fight together.

The branches of the spirit tree are not narrow, and they are even somewhat broad.

On the broad branches, the violet soldier could be regarded as having seen the enemy’s figure.

But soon, the arrows with swords greeted them together.


The steel knife was like a body, and the human warrior’s side was like Xie Niu Yuding, and he killed Violet’s soldiers effortlessly.

Although they are all warriors, the warriors on the human side are obviously stronger than Violet but soldiers.

It is not that the strength of the violet soldiers is too poor, but the strength of the human warriors is too strong.

These 10,000 warrior soldiers are carefully selected, and their reflexes, talents, and usual training are stronger than the violet soldiers.

Plus there is also the archery support of the elves.

Even if the Violet soldiers get on the tree and get the platform to fight the elves and humans head-on, they will not be able to win.

The forest is naturally the home of the elves.

Fighting here, if you want to attack strongly, unless all the masters sent are Wuzong’s level, or you are looking for death.

The previous hunting party used this method.

The thirty Martial Sect powerhouses were divided into three teams.

Now these soldiers, suitable for plain combat, have entered the forest, as lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Violet soldiers kept falling from trees.

Some Violet soldiers began to flinch.

The difficulty of this battle is far beyond their imagination, and it is impossible to fight it.


Soon the squad began to flee.

This situation can be seen everywhere in the forest, and violet soldiers are constantly fleeing towards the entrance to the forest.

Shout! Shout! ……

Sharp arrows pursued these defeated troops.

Violet soldiers are constantly killed on the way to escape.

Fifty thousand violet soldiers, less than half may be left by now.

The big sword in Willy’s hand kept slashing at the spirit tree, and one by one the big trees fell in response.

Willie gathered his own soldiers, and tens of thousands of violet soldiers followed behind him.

He wants to smash the yellow dragon, and the elven kingdom deep in the forest is his hope.

With fewer trees, Willy carved out an excellent path.

Some of the elven squads who came to stop Willy immediately became Willie’s prisoners.

The top Great Martial Sect, Willy’s strength is extremely strong, the spirit communication is natural, and he can sense most of the elves in the forest.

Five hundred elves and human warriors were caught.

The human warriors made Violet’s troops curious.

Where did these warriors come from? The closest city to the forest is their Violet Aura City.

It is impossible for so many warriors to enter the forest, and their Violet family does not know.

This is absolutely impossible.

Willie tried to question the human warriors, but only got two mouthfuls of spit and some incomprehensible swear words.


Li Zuo and Sha Wei found their squad.

They were about to rush south.

“How is it now?”

Sha Wei asked her team.

“Violet is organizing the final attack, and it is almost twenty kilometers ahead.”

Li Zuo said: “It seems that they are going to carry out the final madness. ”

If it didn’t succeed, the Willie Legion Commander of the Fifth Legion was a little impatient.

Sha Wei and Li Zuo rushed to the south of the forest with the members of the team.

The current Violet Fifth Legion is almost completely defeated, and the only one who can save the decline is their legion leader Willie.

As long as Li Zuo and the others killed Willy, the war was basically over.

Forest South.

Li Zuo and the others were very fast, and soon arrived at the route where Willy was advancing all the way.

All the elves and human warriors have gathered here.

Thirty thousand mixed troops, now there are about 25,000 left.

Although the mixed forces side has a big advantage, Violet is the guy and not all stupid.

There will always be some casualties among elves and humans.

Elves and humans stood in the treetops, quietly watching the raging Willy not far away.

This guy kept pouring out martial arts, and the trees fell into a large area.

Arrows rained down, a precursor to an attack.

The elves went on the offensive.

Corresponding to this was the reaction of the Violet troops.

Willie exclaimed, “Archery! ”

Violet naturally has a bow team, but in the forest, it is first shot by the elves.

The remaining violet archers, bent bows and arrows, shot forward.

The arrows are constantly crossed between them.

The elves began to suffer widespread casualties, and elves continued to fall from the trees.

And the casualties on the side of the Violet army were even greater.

The human warrior jumped off the treetops and began to engage the Violet soldiers.

This is the final decisive battle, and the human warriors are here for this moment.


The human warrior burst out with a murderous aura, and the short sword was drawn, engaging in a narrow range of hand-to-hand combat with the violet soldiers.

In the end, it has long been prepared, the short knife in the hands of humans, the short sword is extremely suitable for fighting in the forest terrain, without any obstacles.

And the long sword of the violet soldiers seriously affected their strength.

Long weapons cannot be used in the forest at all.

Willy’s big sword slashed horizontally, and if he was on a normal battlefield, he would be a meat grinder.

But in the forest, it is inevitable that some will not be able to be used.


Willy knocks one warrior flying with one punch, followed by a sword that kills another warrior in front of him.

Just when Willie wanted to continue the strangling operation.

A sharp arrow appeared in the center of his eyebrow.

The arrow was split in half.

Immediately afterwards, countless wooden arrows began to shoot at Willy.

The elves began a new round of shooting.

Li Zuo’s eyes were like electricity, and his gaze was like a torch.

An ordinary wooden arrow on the Lingmu Divine Bow was filled with energy.

“Nine Stars and Pearls!”

A wooden arrow shot out quickly, followed by a second, a third…

One arrow is faster than another, and nine arrows are connected into one.

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