
Immediately, in the game forum, the momentum of chasing Megatron and Starscream was in full swing, and countless players joined the chasing team.

Now, Megatron and Starscream are really street rats, and everyone is screaming.


New York, Department of Defense.

A press conference is being held, presided over by General Rommel, and the major media in the United States are gathered together.

Admiral Rommel could clearly see the voices of the people in the live video, so he decided to hold a press conference urgently, pour dirty water on Ye Xuan, and reverse the direction of public opinion at the same time.

At the press conference, reporters from major TV stations took turns asking questions, tit-for-tat, eager to tear off the last piece of the military's fig leaf.

"Mr. Minister, do you have anything to say about the incompetence of the military?"

"Hello, I heard that Mr. Minister before this..."

"The Iron Monster was defeated by Spider-Man and Electro-Man, what do you think about this..."

"Mr. Minister, why are you leaving office..."


What was a good press conference was instantly turned into a car accident scene by reporters.

However, Admiral Rommel is also a veteran, and he has seen a lot of battles like this, and he seems as stable as Mount Tai.

"I think everyone must have misunderstood the military. This time the military is dispatched, and it is almost done. Who would have killed it halfway..." Admiral Rommel hesitated, looked at everyone, and observed every individual face.

Sure enough, everyone showed great enthusiasm for Cheng Yaojin, who was killed halfway. They looked at Admiral Rommel one by one, eager to take out the answer from his mouth.

Admiral Rommel smiled slightly, and did not go straight to the subject, but wisely chose to play a side ball.

He knew that Ye Xuan's reputation was very high among these reporters and the public, and no one would believe him if he said it rashly.

"Hello everyone, the name of this person makes it hard for me to say it, because he is a hero of the American people, and he has made great contributions to the American people. The military has always regarded him as the best friend, but he colluded with the steel monster, To deal with the military, I have to announce this matter to the public, he is..." Admiral Rommel said a lot of foreshadowing, but finally stopped.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Admiral Rommel, and those two words were about to come out...

"Ye Xuan!"

There was a sound of sneering from the reporter group, and few people were willing to believe that this was true.

"Mr. Minister, do you have any evidence to prove this?" A reporter immediately asked.

Admiral Rommel said calmly: "This matter was said by the steel monster himself, and we all heard it."

He really didn't have any real evidence, only what Optimus Prime said when he formed an alliance with Ye Xuan.

"Mr. Minister, you don't have any evidence for saying this, it's just hearsay..."

"Mr. Ye is the patron saint of the American people, Mr. Minister, you need to be responsible for what you say..."

"I heard that Ye Xuan's election as Minister of Defense is very loud. You are not worried about it because of this..."

"As the chief of the Ministry of National Defense, if there is no evidence, Mr. Ye will be able to sue you for infringement of reputation..."

oo oooooooo asking for flowers oooooo oooo

"The Ministry of Defense has been defeated many times. Mr. Ye took Spider-Man and Electro-Man and solved the steel monster as soon as he shot..."


There are a lot of reporters, but few of them are willing to believe Admiral Rommel's nonsense.

In the eyes of many people, Ye Xuan's prestige is stronger than that of an unreliable president. How can someone else shake his position with just a few words.

Admiral Rommel suddenly regretted holding a press conference. He originally wanted to strike first, but now it seems that he is shooting himself in the foot.

He wanted to end the press conference as soon as possible, but those reporters had no such plans. Many people instantly turned into messengers of justice, and kept saying that they wanted justice for Ye Xuan.

"Hello everyone, our military will hold Ye Xuan accountable, and if there is new progress, we will definitely disclose it to everyone." Admiral Rommel maintained his usual calm, with a calm smile on his face.

Up to now, even if he is brave, he has to hold Ye Xuan accountable to the end, and this time Guo Ye Xuan has made up his mind.

Afterwards, Admiral Rommel wanted to turn around and leave, but the reporters behind him immediately caught up.

Admiral Rommel coughed violently, and a dozen heavily armed soldiers immediately appeared on both sides, quickly establishing a human wall.

The reporters were afraid of the majesty of these soldiers and then dispersed.


Half an hour later, the news about the press conference spread wildly.

""Unscrupulous Minister, Slandering American Heroes!""

"Who is the public enemy of the United States, the military is a rogue!"

"What should we do when heroes are attacked needlessly?"

""Noble is the epitaph of the hero! The mean is the passport of the villain!""


All of a sudden, all kinds of news reports are as colorful as a kaleidoscope.

However, there is not much news about Ye Xuan's collusion with Autobot King Kong in these reports. They basically question the military's incompetence and slander the heroes.

[175] Press conference, fighting against the military [1]

Stark Tower, Ye Xuan was stunned when he saw these reports. This military is too much to blame, isn't it?

It seems that this time it is time to confront the military again.

Those guilds and players on the forum who have always wanted to challenge their authority have been obedient by their own clean up. It seems that it is time to use the same method to beat the military.

Since the U.S. military can hold a press conference to blacken itself, of course, he can also take the opportunity to bleach Electro-optics and Autobot, and by the way, silently blackmail the military.

"Susan, please inform the major TV stations and media that I will hold a press conference about the battle against the steel monster." Ye Xuan said.

Susan nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Ye!"

At this moment, Spider-Man and Electric Man walked in from the outside, and "Four Eight Seven" looked a little anxious.

"Brother Ye, the military is smearing you, what should we do now?" Spider-Man said indignantly.

Dianguangren looked ashamed. He thought that he had implicated Ye Xuan, but he didn't know what to say.

Ye Xuan said calmly: "I already know about this, they can't make any waves, you go and invite the Autobots to the company, I need them to come forward later!"

Spider-Man and Electric Man were stunned for a moment, completely ignorant of what medicine Ye Xuan Gourd was selling. He did not take the military's frame-up in his heart at all.

"Yes, Brother Ye." Spider-Man said.

Electro-optic man hesitated for a moment, then said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye!"

Ye Xuan patted him on the shoulder and said: "Max, this has nothing to do with you, this time you have done a great service for the American people, you believe me, the American people will soon accept you and treat you with respect. for a hero."

"Really?" The Electric Man was excited: "Thank you, Mr. Ye!"

For someone like Electro-Light, who is prone to inferiority complex and introverted, encouragement is the most important thing for him.

If you beat a snake and hit seven inches, you will take your heart first.


An hour later, in the lobby of Stark Tower, reporters from all walks of life gathered together and couldn't wait to see what Ye Xuan would say.

"If the military attacks Ye Xuan like that, he will definitely respond positively, and he will definitely not suffer..."

"The military is deceiving people too much. It is estimated that Ye Xuan held a press conference to deal with this crisis..."

"No matter what, we are willing to believe Mr. Ye..."


Just as the reporters were discussing and speculating, Ye Xuan appeared. His face was very calm, as if something had never happened.

"Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan..."

Among these reporters, many of Ye Xuan's fans couldn't help cheering when they saw the idol.

On the stage, Ye Xuan waved politely and smiled lightly.

"Hello everyone, this time, the media friends are called together, mainly to explain some outside speculations about my relationship with Transformers and the military, and to introduce a few American heroes to you." Ye Xuan said in an orderly manner.


The reporter started to go full steam ahead and asked.

"Transformers? Is this the name of the steel monster?"

"Mr. Ye, please respond to Admiral Rommel's evaluation of this matter..."

"I don't know if it's true or not about your alliance with the steel monster, please respond..."

"For the slander of the military, has Mr. Ye thought about prosecuting the Minister of Defense?"

Ye Xuan waved at everyone, signaling everyone to be calm.

"I think Admiral Rommel has told everyone that the fact that I am allied with Transformers, he is right, I am allied with Transformers, but we are allied with Transformers who are keen to maintain peace on the earth, and Not Transformers Against Humanity, they're two factions with different philosophies."

"Also assign factions?"

"Not together?"

Now, the reporters are even more confused.

How do they know that Transformers are good and bad, and they are deadly enemies.

"Mr. Ye, these steel monsters are ruthless and have destroyed the earth many times. They are not trustworthy..."

"That's right, steel monsters kill people without blinking an eye, you have to be careful!"

"Mr. Ye, you can't trust those steel monsters..."


Ye Xuan said without hesitation: "I am very grateful for everyone's kind reminders, but people are good and bad, and Transformers are also good and bad. We can't ignore the existence of good people because of the existence of bad people. I believe everyone will Love my Transformers friends...  

He wants to take the rhythm step by step, and finally let these people fall into his own pit.

"Mr. Ye, how do you prove that they are good Transformers, not steel monsters that will destroy New York and the Earth?"

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