Bang bang bang!

Two more alien monsters rushed out from below, were hit by Spider-Man and turned into a pile of minced meat.

The electric man quickly arrived at the entrance of the sewer, and the shock wave of the electric current in his palms kept rushing towards the bottom.

In the sewers, because the scene is dark and humid, the shock wave of the current encounters such an environment, and its power is multiplied. The powerful currents form a series of electric dragons in the sewers, burning many alien monsters into coke, or even into fly ash.

"." Max, well done! "Spider-Man was full of praise, keeping his eyes on the road.


The screams in the sewers were getting lower and lower, and the alien monsters suffered heavy casualties.

Just when Spider-Man thought he was about to call it a day, the unexpected happened.


(Zhao Qianzhao) The ground quickly fell, and a dark hole appeared.

Following that, many alien monsters crawled out of the hole and fled everywhere.

Spider-Man and Electron were chasing back and forth, but the amount of water in the alien monster was huge, and they couldn't stop it at all. They could only watch them run wildly like a tide.

"Max, you continue to deal with the alien monsters. I'll go back and inform Brother Ye now that the situation here is out of control." Spider-Man shouted, and then the figure left like the wind.

The black hole is getting bigger and bigger, and countless alien monsters climb up from it.

They seemed to know that they could no longer hide, so they decided to attack humans first.

Those citizens who were returning home on the street happened to be the food for the alien monsters. They rushed into the flock like wolves, biting frantically...

【223】New York chaos, alien explosion

The prosperous and dreamy New York has turned into a purgatory on earth in the blink of an eye.

Those unarmed citizens are not opponents of alien monsters at all, and one by one has become the perfect prey.

"Flee! Monster, monster..."

"My God, where did so many monsters come from..."

"Police station? There's a monster on the street..."

"Where are the superheroes? Where are they..."


New York was a mess, and everyone seemed to be crazy, rushing around to avoid the hunting of alien monsters.

On the streets, bloody stones are everywhere.

Blood stained the black road, and streams of blood gathered together.Flow slowly.

In the air, the smell of blood is everywhere, making people sick.

However, this bloody smell is like a stimulant to the alien monsters, and they are enjoying the thrill of brutal killing. They were beaten by Ye Xuan in the mutant academy.

The killing continues!

Death continues!

Screams and screams floated in the sky above New York, like a tragic symphony.


Military headquarters.

"Mr. Minister, it's not good, there are a large number of 540 alien monsters in New York City, what should we do now?" The adjutant said nervously, these alien monsters were put in by the military.

Admiral Rommel's heart was also cold, but his face was calm, and he said with a sneer: "You immediately let the steel super warriors who have completed production go to the city to participate in the battle, and be sure to protect the safety of the citizens."

"Yes, Mr. Minister, don't we send more special forces?" the adjutant suggested.

Admiral Rommel snorted coldly: "The combat power of those alien monsters, even the steel super warriors are no match, even if there are more people, they are all dead ends. These monsters were introduced by Ye Xuan and the mutants, I want Report to Mr. President."

Now the alien invasion can't be suppressed. Admiral Rommel knew that he had to find someone to take the blame, otherwise he would die ugly, but he didn't know that he was already on the road to death.

Afterwards, Admiral Rommel called the White House and reported the whole matter to the president. A wicked person came to complain first, putting Ye Xuan and the mutants in an injustice.


Mutant Academy.

Professor X and the X-Men also discovered alien monsters slaughtering citizens in New York City.

"Logan, go to New York immediately to destroy the alien monsters!" The professor ordered, his eyes swept around the crowd.

"Professor, humans treat us like that, we don't need to die for them!" Storm has always been outspoken.

The Phoenix girl also said: "That is, has the professor forgot how humans dealt with us? They took our companions to Alcatraz Island, and the military did everything to the mutants. We haven't avenged this revenge yet. , why should we save our enemies?"

Professor X can feel the disgust of his subordinates against humans. He has been working hard to hope that mutants and humans can live in peace, but he did not expect humans to take the lead in killing mutants, and he also deeply felt the cruelty and hypocrisy of humans. , is not trustworthy, and being said by the X-Men, it was a little difficult to decide for a while.

"Although human beings are unjust to us, we can't sit idly by, and alien monsters are not only the enemy of humans, but also the enemy of our mutants. We have to avenge how many people they kill us." Professor X Shen Sheng said that he felt that the alien invasion was not so simple, and finally decided to let the X-Men help.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard Cyclops say: "Professor, the situation is still unclear, why don't we start later, if humans misunderstand us and the alien monsters are a group, I am afraid that time will be troublesome."

As the captain of the X-Men, he used to be like Professor X. (bibi) believed that mutants and humans could live in peace, but after the mutants were hunted down and the bloody battle at the mutant academy, he had a good impression of humans. It is also a sudden decline, and I don't want to be too involved in human beings and alien monsters.

"That's fine, you guys closely monitor the alien's movements and are ready to attack at any time." Professor X said, and then reluctantly returned to the room.

Cyclops and Wolverine headed towards the city to find out.


Not long after the aliens raged, S.H.I.E.L.D. was alerted.

One-eyed Dragon Nick held an emergency meeting overnight. Now S.H.I.E.L.D. is busy looking for Loki's whereabouts, and at the same time, to prevent another sudden attack by Loki.

"Natasha, you continue to investigate the whereabouts of Loki, you must find him as soon as possible, and then we will reunite and retake the universe cube." One-eyed Long Nick said.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is of great importance, and no one dares to take it lightly.

"Thor, you stay in S.H.I.E.L.D. to protect the safety here." One-eyed Nick said again.

Finally, he set his sights on Iron Man and Captain America, ready to let them go to deal with the alien monsters.

"Stark and Rogers, alien monsters are difficult to deal with. You must be careful when you go." Nick the One-Eyed looked at the big screen, where the alien monster slaughtering ordinary citizens was being broadcast live. The blood was so bloody that people just wanted to vomit. .

"Yes, Director, we must complete the task." The two said in unison.

The citizens of New York have been brutally murdered by alien monsters. As superheroes, of course they cannot sit idly by. The two of them have been watching with passion.

Then, Iron Man and Captain America came towards the city.


New York Temple.

Ye Xuan stared at the screen on the wall with a meaningful smile on his face.

These alien monsters are really cunning, and they are actually hidden under the sewers. If they are not discovered by accident, it is estimated that it will take a long time to find them.

"Brother Ye, come and have a look with me, now the whole New York is in chaos." Spider-Man said in a hurry.

"You immediately notify Dr. Banner to come to New York, and then wait for the superheroes of the Sky Shield with Deadpool to kill those alien monsters. I'm going to a place now and do a very important thing."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a magical door with infinite magic power open.

After a moment, Ye Xuan disappeared without a trace.

【224】Splash up the water, kill the alien

New York, White House.

A press conference is being held. After hearing the report of Admiral Rommel, the president immediately decided to hold a press conference to give an explanation to the New Yorkers and the American people.

The alien invasion incident will have a major impact on the U.S. government. They must quickly guide public opinion before the public grievances are boiling~.

This is the consensus of the U.S. government and the military.

This time, the person in charge of the press conference was Admiral Rommel. In order to remove the government from the alien invasion incident as much as possible, the president decided to hand over everything to the military.

This is also in the arms of Admiral Rommel. He has made up his mind to bring Ye Xuan and the mutants to the forefront, especially to make Ye Xuan lose the popularity of the people, and then deal with him step by step.

"Mr. Minister, how did you know that the alien monster was drawn by the god of war Ye Xuan and mutants?"

"Hello, how do you prove this matter and variant and the God of War Ye Xuan..."

"You must be mistaken! Ye Xuan will never do it..."

"That is, mutants and us are incompatible, it is understandable to do such a thing, but God of War..."

"Ye Xuan is the patron saint of the United States and would not do such a thing..."


A group of reporters chatted non-stop, asking questions of Admiral Rommel.

Many of them are fans of Ye Xuan, and they don't want to believe that the alien invasion was caused by Ye Xuan.

Admiral Rommel is also an old fox and has long been prepared to say something.

"Hello everyone, I don't want to believe this is true, but these alien monsters were introduced by Ye Xuan and the mutants. At that time, the military was encircling the mutants, and then Ye Xuan and the alien monsters appeared, and the military vowed to die. Resisting those alien-shaped monsters, they were finally broken through, and the military suffered heavy casualties." Admiral Rommel's expression was somber, and he performed like a movie king.

Even if he said this, many journalists are still reluctant to accept the fact.

"Mr. Minister, is it any good for Ye Xuan to attract alien monsters?"

"That's right, God of War Ye Xuan would not do such a thing..."

"In terms of no benefit, Ye Xuan doesn't need to do this..."


The reporters spoke up for Ye Xuan and continued to question Admiral Rommel.

This old fox had thought of this step for a long time, and made preparations in advance to act in a full set.

"Everyone, please see, this is the number of people sacrificed by the military in the battle with alien monsters. At that time, the entire army was almost wiped out. Let us pay tribute to the heroic warriors here!" Admiral Rommel said, facing the direction of the screen. A military salute was given, and the huge screen displayed the number of soldiers who died in the last battle.

But these people were not killed by alien monsters, but by mutants.

Under the irrefutable evidence, many reporters were shaken and sided with the military and Admiral Rommel.

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