The reporters are excited!

"Mr. Stark, what do you mean?"

"I announce!" Stark suddenly shouted.

All the reporters were attentive.

"Stark Industries is about to close the weapons research department!" Stark said firmly.

In an instant, the entire press conference site was silent, and everyone seemed to have been immobilized, and all of them were petrified.

A few seconds later, it was like an iceberg burst, sweeping the hall, unstoppable.

"It's not true! How is it possible?"

【41】Ye Xuan speaks 【3】

"You are so funny..."

No one wants to believe Stark's words. The position of the Weapons Department in Stark Industries is very important. If the Weapons Department is cancelled, Stark Industries can also be said to exist in name only.

After a while, Stark said again: "After this incident, I realized how wrong I had done before, so this time I'm serious, after a week, the Arms Department completely disappeared from Stark Industries! "

His face was dignified, as if the night was dark.

No one has ever seen such a serious Stark, no matter when and where he appears, he is cynical and pretending to act.

Finally, everyone realized that this was no joke.

Ye Xuan is cheering in his heart: Stark stock is about to usher in a big crash!

And this is the opportunity Ye Xuan has been waiting for for a long time!

Obadiah's face was full of shock and fury.

Stark sees that the weapons department is closed, will Stark Industries go to drink the Mistral afterward?All cutting-edge weapons are manufactured by the Weapons Department.

He had already foreseen that Stark Industries might collapse!

He absolutely does not allow this.

Obadi quickly grabbed the microphone: "Hello everyone, what we want to say is that Tony has returned."

However, the reporter ignored them.

"Stark's head is broken!"

"This is not to kill Stark Industries..."

"He must be crazy, or a fool..."

"Stark Industries is nothing without the Arms Department..."

"My God, what did Stark go through to become a fool..."

In addition to being shocked, the rest is doubt!

This is not Stark at all, how could he make such a crazy decision, impossible, absolutely impossible!

Obadiah was full of anger, but he still had to show a patient smile and told reporters: "We can see that Tony is in good health, and soon he can work for Stark Industries again..."

However, at this time, Stark was already trying to leave, and the reporter hurriedly followed...

"Mr. Stark, please explain why you are doing this? Do you know what this means?" a reporter asked, looking in disbelief.

Stark returned to his original appearance and smiled: "I don't want to explain too much about this issue. Mr. Ye Xuan was officially promoted to the head of the scientific research department. In the future, he will be solely responsible for the scientific research department. What do you have? You can ask him any questions."

He smiled at Ye Xuan, then threw the pot to him, turned around and stepped down.

This is a small reward for Ye Xuan to save him, and there will be a bigger reward in the future.

Obadi was about to explode with anger, but he still looked at Ye Xuan with a smile on his face.

Ye Xuan smiled back.

A dog that can bark is not scary, the most scary thing is a dog that doesn't bark, because you never know when it will bite.

All the reporters knew Stark's temper, and if they entangled with him, they would not ask anything.

The reputation of New York's No. [*] stinky fart is well known.

The reporters came like a tide, and Ye Xuan's waist was straight, like a tough reed, standing in the surging river.

With a small smile on his face, he was ready to answer questions, with gentle eyes.

"Minister Ye, I wonder how you feel about becoming the new head of the R&D department..."

"Does Mr. Stark have any new plans..."

Like mosquitoes, the reporters started buzzing and cluttering.

Ye Xuan cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Mr. Stark is the master of Stark Industries. I support any decision he makes. Of course, Mr. Stark has a reason for making such a decision. We have produced too many weapons in [*], causing harm to many people, so we want to specialize in scientific research projects for the benefit of mankind, which can also be regarded as atonement for the previous Stark industry."

Afterwards, Ye Xuan paused and continued to say in an orderly manner: "Stark Industries has accumulated strong scientific research strength over the years. Even if it does not produce weapons, it can become a world-class company. Thank you, this is what I want to say. ."

"Crazy, they are all crazy, Mr. Obadeh..." A close friend of Obadeh was sweating profusely.

Obadi snorted coldly, didn't say anything, turned around and walked out of the hall.

Ye Xuan answered some questions from the reporters, and didn't come out of the press conference until the evening.

As soon as he came out, he saw Little Pepper standing at the door, and a bulletproof car was parked not far away with Stark sitting in it.

"Mr. Stark, wait for you over there!" Pepper said, then turned to lead the way.

In the car, Stark said: "I didn't see the wrong person, your answer is in line with my expectations!"

"Let's go, I've already prepared someone to prepare a dinner party, let's go to the party together, how about it?" Stark invited.

Ye Xuan did not refuse, there was still one night before the stock of Stark Industries fell off a cliff, just in time to enjoy it.

During this period of time, I lived in the Middle East as an ascetic, and it was dozens of times harder than the college entrance examination that year.


[42] Stark Storm Begins

Ye Xuan and Stark started the carnival night.

However, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for many people, because Stark Industries is about to close the weapons department.

To put it simply, the Department of Arms is the heart of Stark's industry, and no one has ever taken off the heart and survived.

"This is New York TV. According to the accurate information received recently, Stark Industries is about to close the weapons department, which will destroy this giant of the military industry..."

"Hello everyone, this is the Tokyo News Live Room. According to the news sent by our reporters in New York, Stark Industries, the world's largest arms supplier, will completely shut down the weapons department in a week. The future of Stark Industries ,Where……"

"Today's important news, here is the Huaxia Evening News Live Express. A reporter from our news agency sent a report from New York. Stark Industries, the largest arms dealer in the United States, is about to end arms production and start a new business. Is this the return of conscience or capitalism? hypocritical……"

The news of Stark Industries shutting down the weapons department has successfully made headlines on media websites of various countries, and it has become a firestorm.

"What the hell is Stark doing?

"This must be some kind of conspiracy, how could a profiteer like Stark do such a stupid thing..."

"It's definitely not true, it must be a trick played by Stark..."

"Grip the grass, what kind of cowardly operation is this?"

All the people of the world have become Sherlock Holmes, constantly scrutinizing the reasons behind.

Even if Stark is sincere, no one wants to believe it, because it's not his style.

Stark announced the closure of the weapons department, just like one day the wolf said that he was tired of eating sheep and wanted to eat grass instead. Whoever believed it was the stupid sheep that was going to be eaten.


The least calm is the U.S. government.

The White House, the Office of the President, was again brightly lit for an emergency meeting.

Stark Industries closed the weapons department, and the impact on the United States was unpredictable. Without the advanced weapons manufactured by Stark Industries, their military strength would be greatly reduced.

They thought that if Stark was rescued from the Middle East, he would be grateful to the U.S. government and create more advanced weapons to serve the U.S. military.

However, Stark caught them off guard and bruised his face.

"You said, what exactly does this Stark want to do?" The president frowned and asked coldly.

For this sudden news, the congressmen and senior staff members present could not figure out what Stark intended for a while.

For a long time, no one spoke, and they looked at each other.

The president patted the table and said, "No matter what Stark wants to do, the Arms Department must not be closed, and more production must be invested. Many of our weapons in the United States depend on Stark's talent!"

His eyes fell on the faces of the director of national security and the minister of defense, and the two felt like a mountain was pressing down.

"Mr. President, we will put pressure on Stark Industries to keep the Arms Department operating normally," said the Secretary of Defense.

The president nodded and said, "If Stark is unwilling to cooperate, the Stark Industries will be destroyed, and the military will take over the weapons department!"

This is also an old fox. If you can take this opportunity to take Stark Industries as your own, it is also a very good choice.


Stark was holding a bee fat blond girl, dancing hotly, when he received a call from Chili Pepper.

"Stark, the Ministry of Defense has called and asked you to take back what you said at today's press conference. The Weapons Department cannot be closed." Pepper said.

Stark patted the blonde's fat tun and smiled: "What if I don't agree?"

"They said that if you don't agree, you will be at your own risk!" Little Pepper was worried, and the state machine is not easy to mess with.

Stark said indifferently: "You call them back, I don't agree!"

Then, Stark hung up the phone and chatted with another good-looking lady.

When Ye Xuan saw Stark answering the phone, he knew that Little Pepper was about to call him.

Sure enough, a minute later, Little Pepper called.

Pepper said straight to the point: "Minister Ye, you may have to persuade Stark well. The U.S. military has intervened. I heard that Mr. President specially held an emergency meeting for this matter."

If this matter is not handled properly, Stark Industries may face extinction.

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