Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 108 Kill the octopus leader! Crazy harvest!

I saw huge metal rings surrounding the tentacles of the huge octopus.

The pattern on this metal ring is very similar to the power armor of the Kraken clan.

It made Ye Fei even more sure that it was created by Siren, as well as gold plating and radiation.

The entire giant octopus emits a small amount of radiation, but it is obvious that it is not resistant to radiation, and it can be seen that it is bleeding pus all over.

Every time the tentacles moved, pustules exploded one by one.

If the previous elite octopus was still a little weird, this one is all horror and disgusting.

That huge metal ring should be able to provide some boost.

If you get it yourself, the battleship can get another piece of equipment.

So far, his warships only have collision equipment, and the rest are fused or manufactured. You can imagine how difficult it is to "explode" warship equipment.

Now a set of sea monster creations is in front of you!

And once it is obtained, if it is submitted to the think tank for scanning, maybe it will open up brand new knowledge, idealism?

Or is it magic? Or some strange Kraken technology?

For a moment, Ye Fei was excited.

He must get this metal ring!

By the way, where did these rings come from?

Ye Fei suddenly thought of a question.

Could it be that there is a Kraken base in the deep sea, or the ruins of a shipwreck?


Ye Fei glanced over, and suddenly, he saw an octopus following him. He also had a ring on his body, but his size was obviously wrong, so it was put on his head. However, he was obviously broken, but he was still happy. This is not the other.

Love collecting golden items?

With this observation, Ye Fei suddenly had an idea in his mind. Is it possible that this big guy has a habit of collecting golden creations?

Or. Because of the magical ability given to it by the ring, it began to collect similar things continuously, and then let the younger brothers follow suit.

This giant black-spotted octopus has been active in the deep sea, searching everywhere for an unknown number of years.

If the speculation is true, isn't it?

Dragon treasure?

This thought flashed across Ye Fei's mind.

He looked at Luo Bing, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the cockpit, and happened to look over, with stars in her eyes, "I'm here to feel it, there is a treasure."

Luo Bing said.

With a little clue, he paid attention to attracting her talent.

Ha ha!

it is true!

This time, Ye Fei was completely sure.

This kind of giant octopus monster is intelligent and can carry equipment. Normal captains will only be defeated if they encounter it, but Ye Fei is different. He can defeat the opponent.

More importantly, he can sneak in the deep sea and keep track of each other.

There are very few captains who can enjoy the treasures in the deep sea!

Ye Fei is one of the best!

It’s going to be posted this time!

Ye Fei immediately started the battleship, rush!

Looking at the battleship rushing towards him, the leader of the huge octopus was taken aback for a moment, and then a look of disdain appeared in his eyes.

This strange battleship is quite courageous, and dared to attack it.

No, it should be the humans among them who are very courageous.

It has been active in this sea area for many years, and has seen a lot of various ships on the sea. Therefore, judging from the straight forward movement of the other party, it is known that this is also one of those little bugs.

Some bugs are so powerful that they can't be messed with, but this one is obviously not one of them.


The octopus leader sent out low-frequency sound waves, and for a moment, all the octopus monsters launched an attack from the water.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei immediately knew that most of his surface weapons were useless.

But it doesn't matter, in sea water, his electric shock ability is stronger!

At the same time, he also opened the hatch and released the power armor team.


The Siren Queen was wearing armor and split an octopus in two with just one blow.

Then, with her as the core, the entire team went straight towards the octopus leader.

On Ye Fei's side, his battleship did not stop, but flashed with electricity, and then began to sprint, like a giant beast flashing with thunder, charging in the sea.

The octopuses along the way were electrocuted one after another.

Drill impact!

Ye Fei sneered and activated the tungsten metal drill on the head of the tentacle.


For a time, the entire seabed was stirred up.

There is an electric shock inside the drill bit's tentacle to drive the drill bit. There is a threaded groove on the drill bit. As long as it is inserted a little, the drill bit will automatically drill into it.

The motor, drill bit, and tentacles are all very ordinary things.

But when combined together, it becomes a powerful weapon in underwater combat!

In the deep sea, it is extremely difficult to use long-range weapons. The octopus leader thought that relying on this, he could easily kill the warship.

But he obviously didn't know that what he was facing was a unique biological battleship, very powerful in close combat!



The drill rotated wildly, piercing each octopus with its tentacles.

Suddenly, three or four octopuses were skewered on the tentacles like candied haws on a string.

【Ding! Kill a level 9 black-spotted octopus and gain energy +1200]

【Ding! Kill a level 10 black-spotted octopus, gain energy +1400]

【Ding! Kill a level 10 black-spotted octopus, gain energy +1400]

Ha ha!

As expected of the leader, the younger brothers he brought are richer!

One of the octopuses was drilled to death and a broken metal ring fell off.

Ye Fei quickly used his tentacles to inhale the battleship.

Luo Bing on the side had a strong premonition that this was good stuff!

The battle continues.

At this time, the battleship was heavily surrounded, but the attack of the octopuses suddenly slowed down.

Because they found that they couldn't attack at all!

Once you get close, you will be shocked, and the closer you get, the stronger the current will be.

From time to time, those water bubbles would explode, causing the entire sea area around the battleship to boil.

This is because the continuous current is so strong that seawater is continuously electrolyzed, producing a large amount of hydrogen and oxygen, which is flammable and explosive.

The octopus leader who was also rushing towards this direction was dumbfounded.

Opponents look good at underwater combat!

For a moment, it didn't know whether it should continue to move forward and pull the other party into the deep sea?

In the past, this was a move that was almost invincible. It worked every time.

But there was a risk of failure at this time, leaving it stunned and confused.


But the next moment, it saw the golden ring being sucked away by Ye Fei, and became furious.

The leader octopus spit out a lot of ink and rushed forward.

For a time, the entire sea area was dyed black.


The leader octopus suddenly pulled the battleship and began to swim to the bottom of the sea with all his strength.

For a moment, the entire battleship shook violently, and the bow was pulled vertically downward.

The height decreases rapidly!


For a moment, things in the cockpit began to fly around.


The glass hit the seat and shattered.

Fortunately, Ye Fei had learned his lesson since he was almost thrown out of the cockpit last time. At this moment, he was tied to his position and remained motionless.

Blah blah blah~!

The sound of a huge jet of water column sounded.

The octopus leader sprays water like a rocket, sinking at an extremely fast speed.

Naturally, the towed battleship was also subject to great water pressure.

"Lighten the weight!"

Luo Bing reacted very quickly. She struggled to reach out and slapped the button. The next moment, the entire battleship sprayed out a large amount of seawater.

This is the weight that is originally inhaled into the body and sinks.

Being discharged at this moment, the buoyancy of the battleship suddenly increased.



On the outer shell of the battleship, the tentacles scratched out a large number of sparks, water sprayed, and electric current splashed!

It was completely impossible to see the leader of the octopus clearly, but one thing is for sure, it was holding the battleship tightly, even if it was electrocuted and holes were opened in its body, it did not relax at all.

Instead, the entire battleship creaked.

Water pressure and tentacle binding will crush the battleship into pieces!

Go ahead 4!

Ye Fei suddenly shifted the gear to the maximum.

He must deal with it carefully, and at the same time, immediately send out a radiation signal and let the Kraken team attack with all its strength!

I don’t know what’s going on with this octopus leader, but he’s incredibly powerful!

Ye Fei charged upward with all his strength, but the effect was not great, it just slowed down slightly!



The hull of the battleship began to dent!

If this continues, the entire battleship will be crushed!

"Quick! Water!"

Ye Fei reacted very quickly. It was too late to drain the water, so he had to fill it with water. The first thing to fill was the cockpit!

If the cockpit was crushed, he would be dead in an instant!

The water pressure outside doesn’t need to be so scary, as long as you maintain a certain level of internal and external pressure, you won’t be afraid!

The next moment, gurgling~

Luo Bing, who wanted to speak, opened his mouth and could only spit out a long string of bubbles.

At the same time, a pearl pendant on her chest was stirred by the water and floated.

Because she wanted to go into the sea to hunt for treasure, she hung pearls with her.

It's just enough time to breathe.

But even if I can't breathe, it's not a big problem.

For example, Ye Fei at this time.

He just kept his mouth shut.

As soon as he felt it, he found that he could hold his breath for at least ten minutes.

After becoming a captain, his physical fitness gradually developed in an inhuman direction.

After slightly balancing the water pressure inside and outside the battleship, Ye Fei's pressure suddenly decreased greatly.

But because of this, the battleship accelerated violently and was pulled straight to the bottom of the sea by the octopus leader.

Here, the depth is at least 5,000 meters, the surroundings are pitch black, and nothing can be seen.

However, the octopus leader was not surprised at all. Instead, he struggled to break away from Ye Fei's battleship.

He found that the enemy didn't stop at all!

The initial panic and struggle was gone, and instead she held him tightly!

At this time, more than a dozen holes were made in its body, and the pain was unbearable.

What's even more frightening is that one of the rings was slipped out of the tentacles and snatched away.

For a time, its strength decreased a lot.

Ye Fei smiled immediately when he saw this scene.

Sure enough, the other party was so powerful with the help of equipment.

For a moment, Ye Fei was no longer polite, and used his backhand to remove the ring from one of the opponent's tentacles.

The octopus leader also went crazy. Regardless of his injuries, he started to fight back crazily.

For a while, the entire battleship was cut with several grooves, but it didn't matter at this time, the entire battleship had been flooded, and although the hull was still damaged, it didn't affect the action too much.

He opened his huge mouth and tore violently, and another tentacle was torn off along with the ring.

But at this time, a large group of octopuses swarmed in. They heard the leader's call and came to the rescue one after another.

Fortunately, the Kraken team also arrived at this time. Although they were small in size, together they were able to remove a huge tentacle.

The terrifying radiation caused the entire seabed to burst into light.

At this moment, you can see countless bones and sunken ships piled up on the bottom of the sea.

And a bunch of golden rays.


I am coming!

Ye Fei was stimulated by this flash.

"Die to me!"

The battle continues!

Ye Fei rushed out with another tentacle, but it was a pity that he was caught by the opponent's tentacle and spun violently. Under the friction of sharp teeth, the tentacle of Ye Fei's battleship broke instantly, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

But the octopus leader was much worse. Half of its tentacles were drilled off, its body was also subjected to intense radiation, and many areas began to hydrolyze.

But this is the case, relying on its strong resilience, it is still giving resistance.

The fierce battle consumed a lot of Ye Fei's energy.

Before he knew it, he felt a little tightness in his chest.

Open your mouth, gurgling~

Luo Bing on the side immediately reacted and quickly opened the warehouse of the fleet. However, the next moment she was dumbfounded, all the pearls in it were replaced by Liu Ru, a dude, and she let the slaves go to the sea to mine!

But without hesitation, she stretched out her hand and tore off her pearl necklace, wanting to put it on for Ye Fei.

However, Ye Fei rolled his eyes. He could only hold back for a few minutes in the case of fierce battles using his brain power. How long can Luo Bing last?

Might as well use them together.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand to touch the back of Luo Bing's head, and then pressed forward, pressing it against his mouth.

Soft touch.


gurgle gurgle~


After taking a few deep breaths, Ye Fei immediately felt much better.

Ignoring Luo Bing whose pupils were gradually dilated, Ye Fei continued to fight.

We must not let this monster octopus escape!

Hold tight!

The octopus leader realized that he was dying, and finally woke up from the wrath of the treasure hunt. He pulled the battleship and wanted to swim deeper into the trench.

However, Ye Fei discovered this early on, and from the very beginning, he exerted all his strength to pull the other party up.

They also continued to use electric shocks to inject hydrogen gas into the opponent's body.

For a while, the bulging octopus leader became even more difficult.

As time went by, Ye Fei clearly saw through the magic eyes that the leader of the octopus was gradually weakening, and more and more of his resisting tentacles were broken. In the end, he was powerless to stop the fatal blow to its brain.

However, even if the brain is drilled, it continues to resist.

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, but immediately realized that it was because the other party had several brains.

But the main one was destroyed, and the other party was gone.

Soon, another tentacle,


The next moment, the octopus leader twitched all over, and finally he couldn't do it at all.

【Ding! Kill a level 15 black-spotted octopus (leader), gain energy +6000]

[You kill powerful deep-sea monsters and gain +4 influence]

[Warning: You have aroused the hostility of the deep-sea octopus! This is an extremely vengeful race! 】

good! good!

It is finally dead!

Ye Fei looked at the ten metal rings he got, and couldn't help but look happy.

A large number of octopuses were still madly attacking the battleship. At this time, they heard the leader's last whimper before his death, and their morale plummeted for a while.

They all began to retreat.

How could Ye Fei let this group of octopuses go!

In particular, some even fished some gold ornaments from the bottom of the sea.

Ye Fei was furious immediately, and started the frantic pursuit mode.

For a moment, his energy began to skyrocket.

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