Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 116 The First Step of Nuclear Leveling, Scarlett's Little Secret! Accidental deal!

"Brother Lei, I just saw that Ye Fei's boss's trading items have been updated, but there are still a lot in the warehouse. Is it because he is not satisfied with the things we traded?"

Luo Dong said with some worry.

On the side, Xu Lei, who was leisurely drinking a drink, heard this, and immediately opened the trading platform to check.

"Don't panic, Boss Ye Fei is just not free for the time being, he will be satisfied with this good stuff from Titanium Mine."

"What are you worried about? We didn't cause any damage to the fleet, and we made a lot of money."

Xu Lei rolled his eyes.

Luo Dong: "But. I always feel that the boss Ye Fei didn't perform us. Could it be that he didn't do well enough?"

Xu Lei: "You are really a."

Xu Lei didn't say anything about the latter words, but with a look, Luo Dong felt it himself.

The two of them also got to know each other because of mining. There are tens of thousands of people in the fleet, not too many, but not too many. It is luck to find someone who shares the same taste.

The two hit it off and started mining together, and Luo Dong had two other brothers.

Together, the four of them started the timber monopoly business at once, and now they are eating delicious food and drinking spicy food, and they are very happy.

"In short, let's work harder, we don't have much experience left!"

Xu Lei couldn't help but smile badly.

"Yes, hurry up."

Luo Dong also smiled and nodded quickly.

At the same time, chatter was raging in the fleet channel.

"Boss Ye Fei is awesome, boss Xu Lei is awesome, boss Huang Jie is awesome! Haha! I feel like I have entered the cattle farm, from beginning to end, I am awesome!"

"Yes, our fleet is officially in full bloom!"

"This is all thanks to Boss Ye Fei, now we are only short of the last nine 10-star captains!"

"Who can sit on the throne of the Nine Big Bosses?"

"Come on, big brothers, my 6-star level is useless."

"Don't be modest upstairs, 6 stars is also a hundred strong!"

"I'm a fart, I can't keep up with Ye Fei's boss, but I dare not call him a boss, and my life will be shortened!"

"Ye Fei's boss is 14 stars, it's simply terrifying."

"Yeah, how on earth is this done, the speed is not slower than when the level is lower!"

"You can tell by looking at the warehouse, where did those little octopus balls come from?"

"I'm really curious, how Ye Fei fights, let's take a look!"

"Me too!"

For a while, everyone became curious and speculated about Ye Fei's fighting style.

What kind of method can kill monsters so efficiently.

Still in the sea!

It is logically impossible. After all, seawater is a medium with strong defense.

"Even if it's electricity, it's impossible to be so outrageous."

"Not to mention, there is a limit to the damage of electric current. Monsters that are powerful enough to a certain extent are not afraid of electric shock at all."

Liu Ru couldn't help but analyze it carefully.

"Is it a nuclear weapon?"

Suddenly, someone spoke on the fleet channel.

For a while, the whole channel was quiet.


"Where did the nuclear weapons come from!"

It took a long time before someone responded.

For a while, everyone laughed.

"Mom, didn't you realize that when this guy mentioned nuclear weapons, my first reaction was not to doubt Boss Ye Fei, but why I didn't think of it."

"Me too!"

"Don't tell me I haven't found out yet!"

"In our subconscious mind, we already think that Boss Ye Fei is so awesome!"

"Haha, this is called blind worship. In fact, Boss Ye Fei definitely didn't use nuclear weapons, and he probably hasn't made them yet."

"Nuclear weapons require hundreds of departments to cooperate with each other. An industrial department with thousands of technical categories in the entire industrial chain needs countless engineers, and... a great country! Okay... the last sentence needs to be changed, and a great fleet is needed!"

At this time, even Xu Lei, who is constantly upgrading and is about to reach 10 stars, can't help but nod.

But looking at Ye Fei's level, all he has left is worship.

I have tried my best, and it is only 9 stars.

Boss Ye Fei is really hard power!

On the other side, the 1349 sea area of ​​Gaul.

On a golden battleship, Scarlett watched Ye Fei revise the submitted transaction, and was very angry.

"This is too contemptuous!"

"It's disgusting"

Scarlett bit her lip, swinging back and forth between confirming and rejecting the two options.

She is a big-name star, and even has the title of saint, her appearance and talent are unparalleled!

But for Ye Fei, it's not once or twice that he gets deflated.

This time I managed to get some treasures, and I wanted to find someone with strength to trade with.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fei actually had such an attitude.


But looking at the list of the entire region, Xu Lei, Luo Dong, Yamamoto Taro, Ruan Jinhua, Johnson, and two of them are Ye Fei's people, which is outrageous.

If you want to maximize your benefits, it is obvious that Ye Fei is the most reliable.

She has everything in the hands of other people, or does not lack it.

But Ye Fei's thermite bomb, she is really jealous, with this, she can implement a plan at night, and even push the fleet to a new height, of course, this requires a lot of bombs, a little Not enough.

Finally, she clicked agree.

【Ding! You used a thermite bomb and successfully traded Scarlett's half set of Kraken Power Armor! 】


Actually agreed.

Ye Fei couldn't help but be delighted.

"Hello, Mr. Ye Fei, I am Scarlett, can I add a friend? I want to ask you to do a little favor, please~"

At the same time, the half set of power armor that was traded also came with a note.

Ye Fei looked at the sea area of ​​​​Benzi, which was getting closer and closer, clicked to agree and said: "You have something to say."

Scarlett: "Your Excellency Ye Fei, my fleet has been established. If I have powerful weapons in the future, I can get rewards from the laws of the world. Even the rewards for resisting the sea tribe will be more generous."

"So I want your help, I need more weapons, ammunition."

"I can exchange for another set and a half of golden armor. Of course, I know this is definitely not enough, but if the sea area where I am, with your help, achieves better results, then among these rewards, if there are physical items , or information or something like that, you’re going to get half of it!”

"And I know a Kraken ruins. These are just peripheral items. There is also this inside. I think it must be worth a lot of money. The gold plated on it alone is at least several hundred units, and there is titanium inside. .”

Scarlett also went all out and showed the photo directly.

There are pictures and the truth!

She was ready to give it a try.

Of course, the premise is that Ye Fei really needs these strange metal garbage and believes what she said.

Looking at the last picture in the chat message, Ye Fei's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

He moved his eyes slightly to prevent the "bright light" from escaping.

Gravity ring!

There’s more than one!

There are two of them in the photo!

This alone will seal the deal.

Moreover, the trading model proposed by Scarlett is really a good way to obtain rewards!

If he's lucky, he will be the same person who has won the World Law Award twice.

Scarlett is the commander, and her performance can basically determine the performance of the sea area. If she can really get a good ranking within the region, the rewards will definitely be huge.

The rewards from the laws of the world are much more valuable than thermite bombs.

In other words, the two are not comparable at all.

Ye Fei got the lucky four-leaf clover last time, but the benefits were huge, and they are still playing an important role now.


Ye Fei only took a moment to weigh the situation and made a decision.

Scarlett: "Your Excellency Ye Fei, what do you think?"

After she typed this line, she couldn't help clenching her fists, and a nervous expression appeared on her delicate face.

If the other party doesn't agree, her plan will be ruined. The power of the prepared traps against the sea tribe will be greatly reduced. Don't even think about exploring the Kraken ruins. The monsters in them have ridiculously strong recovery capabilities. , she couldn't handle it at all.

Ye Fei could tell that Scarlett was in a hurry.

It is estimated that there has been no progress in the fleet upgrade, but seeing that on my side, even Xu Lei and others have stirred up the area into a mess.

So she came here shamelessly, a rare moment of honesty.

That being the case, Ye Fei also helped out with this favor.

After thinking about it, Ye Fei made a video call with Scarlett, looked at each other's base, and proposed to use the coordinates of the island as one of the conditions for the transaction.

"that's it?"

Scarlett looked at the 100 thermite bombs in the transaction column, her slender fingers trembling slightly, her face full of uncontrollable ecstasy, but she was also confused. For a moment, she did not dare to click to confirm the transaction.


Ye Fei smiled.

As for whether there are real benefits in the end, it depends on Scarlett's character.

Take a gamble.

The other party likes to be clever, but judging from the other party's previous attempts to make friends with him, he should understand the situation clearly.

Of course, if the opponent's base coordinates are all traded, he will be able to get a harvest regardless of whether his character is good or bad. The former is long-lasting, and the latter is a wave of fat.

In short, he has secretly set a price for these 100 thermite bombs.

"Thank you, Your Excellency Ye Fei!"

For a moment, Scarlett made up her mind and clicked to confirm.

After all, in business, there are losses and wins, so how can it be without risks?

At the same time, next to an island in the 1348 sea area.

Huang Jie looked shocked.

"His grandma, you can still play like this!"

Huang Jie was shocked by Xu Lei's operation.

He had a large crew, and as Xu Lei traded more and more people, someone soon mentioned this matter to him.

The other party directly tried to find a way to trade resources and energy, and he hummed and immersed himself in killing monsters. He deserved that he couldn't win against others.

"No, I have to do it too!"

"Get thermite bomb!"

For a while, he had an idea.

But he doesn't have many Thermite Bombs!

Killing monsters is not enough.

So he gritted his teeth and begged Ye Fei.

In the past, Ye Fei had no other choice but to give it or not.

But just after completing an interesting transaction, Ye Fei suddenly had an idea in his mind.

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