Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 118 Marching towards the Space Battleship! Harvest! Win-win deal!


A pair of golden rings fell into Ye Fei's hands.

The surface of the ring is smooth without any marks.

Ye Fei was about to take a closer look, at this moment, Huang Jie initiated another transaction:

【Ding! Huang Jie will trade you a corpse of a level ten monster (elite) for free]

【Ding! Huang Jie will give you a set of Kraken Power Armor for free]

【Ding! Huang Jie traded you a Broken Gravitational Ring for free (3 meters in diameter. Remarks: Boss Ye Fei, I got this from trading thermite bombs. I don’t need them. Let’s see if you need them?)]


Gravity ring!

I thought to myself, after working for so long, from the surface of the sea to 30,000 meters under the sea, I didn't get a few. At this moment, I picked one for nothing!

Well done Huang Jie!

Ye Fei couldn't help but feel secretly refreshed.

Click to receive!

Engaging in monopoly is indeed a great way to make money. Huang Jie managed to find a lot of good things.

Merge this gravitational ring and repair it again.

Ye Fei has eleven gravitational rings, and the gravity of the battleship can be reduced by about 2%.

"Brother Fei, Brubszynski wants to talk to you, he said he has an important business, win-win!"

At this moment, Ye Fei received a private chat from Luo Bing.

So everyone knows that Luo Bing and Ye Fei have a close relationship, and they often stand up for him, so if you want to ensure that you can contact Ye Fei, it is the safest way to talk to Luo Bing first, otherwise Ye Fei will most likely see not see.


Ye Fei replied, and then opened the private chat channel, only to see a new friend request sent over.

Ye Fei clicked to agree.

Brubshuski: "Hello, Your Excellency Ye Fei, I really admire your strength, and I am very glad to be able to add you as a friend."

Ye Fei: "I have something to say."

Brubczewski: "It's like this. I saw Scarlett showing off her new bombs. Can you sell me some too? Trust me, I can definitely give you a price that satisfies you."

Ye Fei: "Isn't Huang Jie selling again?"

Brubzuski: "He is a profiteer, he doesn't know what to buy, and I know that Scarlett has established a close relationship with you, and I want it too. Of course, this requires strength. Believe me, my strength Absolutely solid."

Ye Fei didn't rush to pay attention to Brubsuzyski. He adjusted the course of the battleship, sailed to the largest island in the 1341 sea area, and then opened the regional chat channel.

Inside, Scarlett was being admired by the stars.

"Congratulations to Goddess Scarlett for reaching level 11!"

"A congratulatory message from the 1388 sea area of ​​​​Lighthouse Country, congratulations to Goddess Scarlett."

"Blast Furnace 1387 sea area sent a congratulatory message, Scarlett is really the contemporary saint of our nation!"

"Wow! Scarlett! Super beautiful, I saw it on TV!"

"Not only have I seen it, but I've also been glued to it."

"Sigh, I didn't expect the goddess to be the goddess, and she is still so good in another world!"

"Huh? Why are there so many dogs here?"

"Xiba! Who are you talking about?"

"The stone hits the dog and barks~ Guess who I'm talking about."

For a while, many people began to scold and fight in the district in order to argue whether Scarlett was awesome.

Ye Fei laughed.

Apparently, Scarlett is using his thermite bomb.

11 stars is not bad. Scarlett is indeed a flexible woman, and Ye Fei couldn't help but become a little interested in her.

However, according to her, there is a high probability that the entire fleet will be assembled. It is okay to do it in the early stage, but the later it is, the more one person drags down the entire fleet, which is not worthwhile.

As for his Beiming Fleet, besides him, there are 2 people with more than 10 stars. Liu Ru, who usually likes to talk on the channel, has not said a word, and he is probably working hard, and it should be soon.

At this moment, the much-anticipated Scarlett said, "I can upgrade thanks to Your Excellency Ye Fei. I exchanged the rewards I will get from future upgrades with him. It hurts so much."


As soon as these words came out, the entire regional channel was shocked.

Oh My God!

It turns out that Scarlett is so strong because of Ye Fei!

What kind of weapon is it?

For a while, everyone was very curious.

And Scarlett's deal is really big and bold!

Originally, she could renege on the debt, but by saying this, I am afraid that she has shown absolute sincerity and is really going to give Ye Fei?

For a while, someone heard the sound of clicking, clicking, heartbreaking.

Yamamoto Taro: "Hehe. Pretend, you keep pretending, singing double reeds, right? Xu Lei has used this trick a lot. I didn't expect Ye Fei to be the best. He directly colluded with Baipi to play us!"

Johnson: "Yamamoto-kun, our white skin is truly the most perfect human being with the highest degree of evolution, so you see, even a cunning person like Ye Fei knows it, and finds a girl like Snow White to play it, because he knows, This is very convincing and appears very advanced~”

Momo sweated: "It's useless to pretend again, what are you paying attention to Ye Fei! Let's take a look at the price of wood, we will soon be beaten down!"

"Hehe. Scarlett is my goddess! You are not allowed to say that about her!"

"That's right! Scarlett is the pride of our Gaul country. This is just a normal cooperation. You should be envious and jealous."

"Stupid Johnson, what else can you do besides yin and yang, a gorilla that hasn't evolved!"

For a while, the regional channel was in chaos again.

"Your Excellency Ye Fei? What do you think? I'll send you a photo to see first."

On the other side, seeing that Ye Fei didn't reply for a long time, Brubshuski was a little flustered. He was afraid that Ye Fei hadn't watched it anymore, so he didn't dare to show off, and directly posted his "selling point" to attract Ye Fei's attention. force.

Ye Fei clicked on the photo and sat up straight, his eyes shining.

Fuck~Gravity ring!

It's still 6 meters in diameter, fully twice as big as the one Huang Jie gave.

This is really good stuff!

"Your Excellency Ye Fei, this thing can change gravity and allow small battleships to fly. Even an aircraft carrier as heavy as yours can increase its flight speed!"

"How about it, isn't this thing exciting enough?"

Brumbushkoski smiled proudly.

Kraken technology is shocking!

I believe Ye Fei must have been shocked at this time.

But it's a pity that Ye Fei just replied to him lightly: "Oh."

Brubshuski: "Your Excellency Ye Fei, this is a real ancient relic of the sea monster. I dismantled it from a broken battleship. Relying on this, I leapfrogged and killed a level 11 elite monster!"

Ye Fei: "Then you continue to use it to kill monsters. What are you doing for me?"

Ye Fei sneered.

Brubshusky: "Hey. I was discovered by your Excellency. The ability of this thing to change gravity is not very strong, but the energy consumption is extremely terrifying. My battleship can't supply energy at all. I think you should be good at this feature, Your Excellency. quantity."

Not only is it not bad, Ye Fei is now using 11 gravity rings at the same time to move forward at full speed!

Ye Fei: "Tell me what you want. Pay attention. If you lie again, I won't give you another chance."

Ye Fei warned.

Brumbushski felt a chill in his heart, and said quickly: "Don't worry, sir, I just forgot to say it, and I will never make the same mistake again in the future!"

"I want 200 thermite bombs. In addition, I want to share a copy of the information about the vortex that you obtained through exploration. I also want a copy of the information about the Fate Tablet on Misty Island, and I want to I want one of your special live pepper trees.”

"Your Excellency Ye Fei, what do you think?"

At this moment, Brumbushski became a little nervous and held his breath.

Ye Fei: "You want a lot of things, including the sunken ship of the Kraken clan."

At this moment, Ye Fei was already feeling happy while typing.

He made too much from this deal!

It was truly a win-win deal, he won twice!

In terms of information, he is actually no more comfortable than Brubbowski. He can also give pepper trees. This thing is difficult to grow, and the other party does not have ancient war trees. The growth speed is definitely very busy. I want to cultivate it to a large scale. , basically impossible.

To say the least, it doesn't matter if it becomes a scale.

As for thermite bombs, they are the least valuable of these things.

In short, Ye Fei made a lot of money.

"make a deal!"

Brumbushkoski spoke quickly.

I'm afraid Ye Fei will regret it.

Ye Fei: "I'll have someone sort out the news and send it to you later. Let's trade pepper trees and thermite bombs first."

Brubshonski: "Okay!"

He quickly rubbed his hands and agreed with a smile.

After a while, the transaction between the two was completed.

Ye Fei looked at the broken battleship in the transaction column and couldn't help but smile.

An ancient Kraken battleship has no value to other people, but to Ye Fei, this is not necessarily the case.

If you're lucky, there might still be residual properties.

Although the probability is not high, if it does happen, the rewards will be huge.

Totally worth spending some resources to "draw".

If you win, laugh haha.

There is no loss if he misses. Anyway, he will make a lot of money with just one gravity ring.

The battleship is one step closer to taking off!

"Haha! Transaction successful!"

"Everyone, look at my big baby~"

Brumbushski was ecstatic and immediately announced the transaction contents to the district.

Scarlett can act cool, and so can he!

Everyone who was fighting over Scarlett was stunned.

Another great deal!

It is definitely no less generous than Scarlett!

"Omaiga~ Mr. Blue has made a fortune!"

"I'm so envious of people who can trade with Ye Fei!"

"Ah! If I had so many bombs, I would defeat the Sea Clan in a minute!"

Luo Dong: "Beating? Are you dreaming? Let me tell you, the sea tribe at night are very powerful this time, and some are even directly immune to fire damage."

Luo Dong, Xu Lei and others are still working tirelessly to find opportunities to spread panic.

After all, if the wood is gone, they will lose a lot of profits, and hundreds of brothers are pointing at this business.

"I'm so envious of Mr. Brumbussonski. He's definitely got it right this time. Mr. Ye Fei is really too rich. He can make people rise with just one move."

"Who knows the way to Beiming Fleet? I want to go there!"

"I'm going to clean the deck for Mr. Ye Fei. I'll polish it very brightly!"

At this moment, everyone showed envy.

Wouldn't it be great to directly become a member of the Beiming Fleet?

It's really nice to have an awesome fleet commander.

Although they have established a fleet, anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is very difficult for an ordinary fleet to upgrade.

In fact, Brubszynski also saw this, so he decided to exchange for a weapon that is very useful now, pay close attention to development first, and strive for more rewards.

Otherwise, if you lose the reward now, you will only fall further and further behind the main force in the future!

At the same time, there was already a scene of jubilation in the ‘Dreadnought Fleet’ created by Brumbushskiski.

"Haha! Now our fleet is going to be strong!"

"Ula! Ula! You must complete the level 3 mission!"

"Commander Blue is awesome! He is the only one who got a lot of thermite bombs from Ye Fei!"

1341 sea area.

Ye Fei looked at the boiling district channel and couldn't help but smile. After thinking about it, he simply said:

"Everyone, if you want to make a deal with me, you can send me a private message. Of course, I only accept ancient novelties and powerful monster corpses."

Don't waste his time on general gold, silver, copper and iron transactions. There are people in his fleet dedicated to this business. Ye Fei will not steal his own business, and he doesn't have that much energy.

Only truly rare and good things deserve his attention.

Ye Fei just finished speaking and was about to exit.

As a result, at this moment, a man named Saruman said: "Steamed above, I praise you, Lord Ye Fei, I have a deal to make with you!"

"You idiot upstairs, didn't you see Mr. Ye Fei talking about private messaging?"

Saruman ignored them and said again: "Boss, I have two corpses here, one is level 6 and the other is level 7."

Brubsushouski: "What the hell? You're level 6, so you're just teasing everyone!"

"My sixth and seventh levels are not easy, they are all kings!"

"Actually, I didn't kill it, I dug it out from a floating iceberg, it was still very fresh, as if it had just died, and it was very beautiful, Mr Ye Fei, you absolutely love it!

And I swear in the name of steaming, this is definitely a monster from a long time ago! I haven't touched it either. I haven't touched it since I dug it out.

Boss Ye Fei wants to be strange, this is definitely enough. "

Saruman took his time.

Ye Fei was excited.

This is a good thing!

And it’s a good thing that only he needs!

No one else would even ask for it!

Corpse, who wants it?

But he has a unique fusion talent that allows him to acquire its properties!

"You trade one first and let me take a look."


Saruman immediately agreed.

Not long after, Ye Fei saw that it could be fused and immediately completed the entire transaction.

Two bodies: one female, one still...female?

Ye Fei wasn't sure, because the appearance was neutral, and he couldn't tell whether it was male or female. When he opened it and took a look, Ye Fei was even more confused.

In short, outrageous.

Artificial. Hybrid?

Ye Fei could only think of this. Judging from their appearance, the two females were humanoid, but they had a wing on their back and a penetrating wound on their chest.

Without thinking too much, Ye Fei immediately started fusion.

Because as the ice was unsealed, the vitality of the two corpses was rapidly passing away, and soon they no longer had the characteristics of living beings.

The golden light gradually dissipated.

The wounds on the chests of the two corpses gradually healed.

Although he hasn't stood up yet, Ye Fei already grinned and smiled.

【Ding! Fusion successful! Get a shipboard symbiotic crew - biological minions! 】

【Ding! Fusion successful! Get a shipboard symbiotic crew - biological minions! 】

[Servant talent: Holy Shield! 】

[The battleship obtains ‘+30 defense attribute’, ‘+10 fire attribute’, and ‘mental resistance +1000%’]

【warn! You have enslaved and transformed the creations of the ‘Celestial Clan’, and you may attract the attention of the Celestial Clan! 】

good! good!

Spiritual power!

A monster with such a low level unexpectedly has huge gains!

But is this really a modified hybrid?

Especially the one that is neither male nor female, the attributes cannot be extracted directly.

Could it be that the other party is directly a tool, a wingman or something like that?

Alas. It seems that I have provoked another race.

Ye Fei couldn't help scratching his head in distress.

My ability is good, but I always have to dig up corpses. If I accidentally dig up someone's ancestral grave, won't I be hunted to death?

Fortunately, it’s just possible to attract attention now, so it’s not a big problem!

Ye Fei shook his head and didn't think about it.

He can't just ignore the benefits and watch his strength fall behind, right?

"As long as I improve fast enough, threats can't catch up with me!"

Ye Fei gritted his teeth and said.

Next, take a look at the properties panel.


After this period of fighting, his attributes have skyrocketed!

The four major attributes all exceeded 1,000!

"Calculating the total attributes, I should be able to stabilize a level 20 elite monster!"

Ye Fei couldn't help but be excited.

This strength is another big step forward towards the hard-headed Sea Clan powerhouse!


Ye Fei looked at the black dots that appeared on the sea level with joy on his face. At this moment, he is full of energy!

I have to go to the island quickly, otherwise it will be difficult to work when it gets dark.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei gave Huang Jie more thermite bombs to deal with.

He is speeding up.

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