Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 120 Nuclear Bomb Immortal! Yamamoto, I love you Immortal! Two birds with one bomb!

good! good!

Ye Fei naturally saw the announcement.

I couldn't help but be filled with expectations.

Level 1 fleet. What changes will there be?

More upgrade options?

Or a stronger fleet capability?

Speaking of which, Ye Fei has not made a choice of path until now. He hopes to choose both paths.

After all, both materialism and idealism are pretty good.

And according to his observation, there is a market for this in the fleet.

This is rare.

After all, according to the brief exchange of information with Brumbushski and Scarlett, it was known that their fleet panels were different from our own.

One has only materialism, the other has only idealism.

In fact, they have never heard of think tanks.

Instead, Brubsunsky has something called a 'mechanical core'.

In Scarlett’s case, it’s ‘Divine Will’.

Now the fleet is working hard, everyone thinks the same, and the trend of thought is rising

In addition to the curse, Ye Fei now has a Celestial Clan subordinate in her hand. Her ability is ideal power, and she can create a light shield out of thin air.

The defense is barely okay.

For Ye Fei, it is a very useful ability.

And this ability is very magical, it does not consume energy, and directly generates a shield out of thin air.

Of course, it may also be energy that Ye Fei cannot detect.

After all, powerful technology is no different than magic.

Just like the Power Armor of the Kraken clan, in the eyes of the wildlings, it is enchanted armor.

Actually it's not like that at all, it's definitely a complex technique that cannot be done by one person.

The evidence is that the Kraken clan is declining too much now, and the overall degeneration.

If this is a technology that can be mastered by one person, then it is not the case at all,

Only a technology that requires the cooperation of the entire society can cause this level of outrageous decline.

Having said that, the materials for upgrading the shipyard are almost collected now. When the fleet reaches level 1, you can upgrade the shipyard again. The level 3 shipyard should have almost 80% of the level of the peak civilization of level 0.

Well, it’s almost the same as Earth civilization.

The fleet is the foundation of everything. If the fleet level is insufficient, various buildings cannot be upgraded to a high level.

Without thinking too much, Old Jordan was already rubbing his hands excitedly, and he reported that the rocket launcher was ready.

"Liquid methane injection is completed, the cooling temperature is suitable, and it is ready to launch."

"Without electronic chips, and without computers, we can use inertial guidance, plus extra, biochip assistance."

When he said this, the corners of Old Jordan's mouth twitched.

All in all, this is another very abstract weapon.

The so-called biochip is actually a goblin.

He wears armor and is welded to the bottom of the rocket, and can control the rocket slightly with a joystick.

Of course, the rocket is so fast that it can only maneuver slightly.

"Very good, ready for the first test launch."


For a moment, a large amount of water vapor was lost as the tentacles separated from the launch tower.

This is because the battleship did not use its tentacles to create ice to cool down, and the temperature began to rise rapidly.

Liquid methane quickly evaporates and expands.

It must be launched within ten minutes, otherwise it will explode on the spot.

Looking at the ten-meter-high rocket, Ye Fei couldn't help but marvel.

Although in front of his battleship, this is not even as good as a toothpick, but when it launches, it will definitely not be small, not to mention, the pride of rubbing the rocket with hands.


Ye Fei watched the plan progress steadily and felt happy both physically and mentally.

"But... there is no suitable target."

Ye Fei couldn't help scratching his head. It was difficult to observe the accuracy and effect in the vast sea.

After thinking about it, he planned to let the bombers drop a small sampan 20 kilometers away.


At this moment, Ye Fei's private chat friend channel rang.

Ye Fei glanced at it and saw that it was a message from Luo Bing.

Luo Bing: "Brother Fei, there is new information, Taro Yamamoto is not joking, he actually sent a fleet, and if I guessed correctly, the destination is the island where you are, do you have a lot of wood over there? And a deep-water port facing west with gravitational tides on its back?”


The test target is here!

Ye Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

He immediately turned on the regional channel and saw Taro Yamamoto making noises there.

He said that his fleet was almost at the largest island in the 1341 sea area. To prove that this was true, he also sent a photo.

Ye Fei took a look, and based on the angle of the sun, he quickly judged that the opponent's warship was approaching from the north.

In this case, Ye Fei immediately set the rocket to the automatic enemy search mode. The target: the fleet 15-20 kilometers to the north!

Of course, whether it can succeed or not depends entirely on the goblins' efforts.

It was also the first time for the other party.

"Haha! I have already seen what the island looks like!"

The captain who was entrusted by Taro Yamamoto was very excited.

He originally thought this job was a hard job, because the fleet was sailing away and all time was wasted!

He spent almost half a day on the way, but he didn't kill any monsters or collect any resources!

This is why most fleets don't want to go to other sea areas. Long-distance voyages are risky, and it may be a waste of time. Once time is wasted and the strength does not keep up, it will be difficult at night.

If you are not strong enough, you can only dodge obediently and watch others make money, or risk your life to go out.

Fortunately, at this moment, the island is in front of us!

Not only that, the price of wood is so high!

Then he will be rich!

Even if most of the profits belonged to Yamamoto, as long as he missed a little bit, it would be enough to make up for the half-day loss!

Yamamoto: "Live broadcast, let everyone witness this moment."

Yamamoto ordered directly.


Yamamoto's confidant captain nodded excitedly.

The next moment, in the large area, you can see an island slowly appearing, and through the telescope, you can see the lush forest.

"Wow! What a big tree!"

"Huh? This tree is very big, but it looks a little small."

"Wait! Why are there trees still falling!"

Some crew members stared into the binoculars and were shocked.

"Baga! Who is it, who is secretly cutting down trees here!"

"Show face, people cut down trees here, it's fair and aboveboard."

"That's right, this is someone else's sea area!"

For a while, many people complained.

Especially the people in the sea area of ​​Longguo, everyone is very upset, looking at the small book to gain something is more uncomfortable than everyone losing money.

Not to mention Xu Lei, with a heartbroken expression on his face, he is really losing money, he bought a large amount of wood in order to monopolize, and now the price has fallen, all of these wood have fallen into his hands.

If Xiaobenzi really obtains the rich timber resources on this island, and cooperates with Meme of the Colossus Kingdom, the price of timber will definitely be cut in half, and he will be completely locked up by then, and his vitality will be greatly injured!

"Damn. What should I do now?"

"Whoa. My wood, my iron ore, my 7-star resources, all of them are here!"

"Brother Lei, this is all my property."

For a while, many people in the fleet began to hum.

Seeing this, Xu Lei's scalp tingled.

What he feared most was coming.

Because he hyped wood at the beginning, and it became very hot.

Therefore, many people trade timber to him and ask him to manage it on his behalf, "financial management", "value-added transactions", "if you don't manage money, money ignores you.", "top trader".

Xu Lei originally said so.

Of course, what he said was true. After a wave of operations, everyone made a lot of money, but now, it's time to pay it back.

Maybe everyone will have to spit out a lot in this wave.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.


What's this?

Suddenly, the Yamamoto Squadron noticed a fire rising in the distance.

This light is extremely dazzling during the day, at first glance, it looks like a sun is rising.

"I wipe! The sun!"

"How does this look like a rocket?"

"Don't look like it, I often watch live broadcasts, this is the rocket!"

There was a lot of discussion in the regional channel.

The captain of the squadron became vigilant, and he immediately asked everyone to enter the combat position.

The main gun also began to bore.

However, the rocket turned a corner and jumped up and down in the air, looking like it was out of control.

For a moment, everyone burst into laughter.

However, the next moment, the rocket seemed to have found the right feeling, and flew straight to the fleet.


"Attack quickly!"

"Dodge! Left full rudder!!"



Boom~ la la la la!


Ye Fei looked at the warship flying in the distance, couldn't help but smile, and poured himself a cup of tea.


While talking and laughing, a small mushroom cloud rose in the distance.

The first rocket was only a test version, so there were no nukes and no thermite bombs in it.

But there is still almost half of the liquid methane left to bombard and shoot out, and the power is also extremely terrifying.

There are even, far more than thermite bombs.

In just an instant, the hit battleship was completely enveloped by splashing methane and turned into a big fireball.

The explosive combustion of methane instantly drained all the oxygen around it.

For a while, many people on the battleship that was not directly hit were clutching their throats, struggling and fell to the ground.

Some people suffocated and cut their own throats.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't breathe air. Immediately, many captains who were suffocated and sucked in the scorching air also died tragically.

While talking and laughing, barbecue a boat of small books!

【Ding! Kill the 6-star captain in the 1325 sea area, gain energy +1200]

【Ding! Kill the 5-star captain in the 1325 sea area, gain energy +1000]

【Ding! Kill the 6-star captain in the 1325 sea area, gain energy +1200]

At this moment, Ye Fei's energy began to surge upwards.

Another harvest feast.


Ye Fei couldn't help smiling.

I have to say that this group of people came at the right time, helped him upgrade a lot, and incidentally served as a moving target, which can be a good test for his rocket.

After a wave of tests just now, it is obvious that his rocket is not accurate enough. It was clearly going to bomb the flagship just now, but the speed of the rocket is too fast. The goblin only controls the tail of the rocket and can only make slow adjustments. It couldn't turn around, so it could only be bombarded on a ship in the middle of the fleet.

But accurate, it's not really a big problem.

After all, if you switch to a nuclear bomb, the accuracy of 1 meter and 100 meters are the same.

It's a complete waste of experience to be so accurate.


So Ye Fei clapped his hands and defined such a brand-new biochip-guided rocket.

What surprised Ye Fei even more was that by creating the rocket, he actually gained 2 points of influence.

Not only that, he also received a reminder from the think tank: if a rocket is detected and can be submitted, the technology can be improved by +1

Technology +1

What is this?

Ye Fei was surprised.

He carefully checked the rules of the think tank, and found that there was an extra hint: for every 1 point of technology points, you can get 1 point of influence (Note: All types of cutting-edge technological creations can effectively improve the technological level of the fleet, and only the first submission is valid!).

Ye Fei hurriedly made another rocket, and then submitted it to the think tank for scanning.

So, another point of influence was obtained.

Ha ha!

In the blink of an eye, there are 3 points of influence!


Ye Fei couldn't help but be happy.

This think tank seems to have a lot of skills.

It's a bit like the "Technology Tree" of the research direction or the top secret agreement in the Red Alert. After the conditions are met, more abilities or rewards will be unlocked.

Improving technology will naturally increase influence!

For a while, Ye Fei couldn't help paying attention to the think tank.

Glancing at the attribute panel, his current influence has reached 88 points.

If you get 100 points, you can probably get another reward.

The last reward was the blessing of the law of the world, and each attribute index increased by 40. That reward alone made Ye Fei's strength soar by 160.

He will only be richer this time!

Could it be doubled?

Doesn’t that mean there are .320 attribute points?


After careful calculation, Ye Fei couldn't help but get excited.

320 Ah!

Once obtained, his strength will skyrocket!

The more I think about it, the more excited I become!

Immediately, Ye Fei looked around, and quickly submitted the already completed super double reactor for scanning.

【Ding! Fleet think tank gets technology +1, you get influence +1]

Ha ha!

89 influence!

Apart from this, there should be something else, right?

Ye Fei quickly scanned the electromagnetic gun.

Then there are the gravitational rings.

But unfortunately, the gravity ring is completely useless.

Replace with power armor.

Still no use.

What is the principle of this?

Does it have to be made by yourself?

If you want Power Armor to be useful, you need to make one.

Think about it too, if you submit anything casually, technology will directly +∞

Shaking his head, Ye Fei didn't want to do this, and continued to make rockets.

There are still enemies waiting for him to harvest!


Another rocket took off.

The bewildered Yamamoto fleet had already reacted at this time, they tried their best to dodge, and even one of the warships made a difficult 360-degree turn on the spot, and experienced everyone for a while.

But it makes no sense.

It just changed the landing point of the rocket from the bow to the stern.

Ye Fei's rocket, with automatic tracking ability!

In a sense, this is stronger than the rockets of Blue Star humans!

Two bombings destroyed two warships of the enemy fleet.

Ye Fei harvested a lot of energy points.

At the same time, his test of the rocket is almost complete.

Next, is the main event.

Ye Fei also didn't push the other party, although the other party kept pushing and scolding in the big area, but Ye Fei didn't bother to pay attention.

Hehe the enemy doesn't even know who he is yet.

The next moment, the rocket loaded with the nuclear bomb lifted off.

"too heavy."

Old Jordan couldn't help complaining.

The entire rocket was creaking, and he wouldn't be surprised if this thing exploded on the spot.

But I don’t know what happened. This piece of shit looked like it was about to fall, but it shook slowly, and the goblin actually controlled the tail fin and saved it.

Ye Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he thought it was the dexterity of the goblin's talent, or another talent 'Lucky Sailor', plus the lucky attribute of the battleship.

Goblins are occasionally capable of such extraordinary tactical maneuvers, and understandably so.


Nuclear bombs pluck onions from dry land!

For a time, the flames soared into the sky!

"Ahhhh! Here it comes again!"

"Damn it! I finally saw it, the enemy launched rockets on the island!"

"Bomb! Charge me!!"

"What is the huge building on this island??"

At this time, Yamamoto's squadron also rushed near the island.

They knew very well that if they wanted to survive, they had to get within range.

"Yamamoto, I'd like to ask you, Sage, if you can give me a warm word, will your fleet be able to do it?"

"That's right, we lost two battleships before we even got close to the enemy!"

"Damn it, I have a bad feeling. Should I buy some wood?"

"Hey~ It's late, the price of wood has increased."

In the regional channel, many people cried bitterly and began to yell and curse.

They all felt that Yamamoto cheated them.

However, at this moment,

I saw the rocket dangling in the sky, which was fine, but suddenly turned around and plunged into the sea.



The rocket sprayed a few times and even started to accelerate.

Ha ha!

Out of control!

For the first time, Captain Yamamoto laughed.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw the rocket flying straight towards the sea.

The height is less than 200 meters!

100% unable to pull it up!

For a time, many people laughed.

Someone mentally calculated extremely quickly: "The landing point is at least 200 meters away from the fleet, but it is 100 meters away from the strange building on the island!"

"Haha! This idiot blew himself up!"


"God bless the Yamamoto fleet!"

"I'll go! It's exactly the same as the typhoon that year!"

"Idiots who buy wood, what do you say about this wave?"

Everyone is ecstatic!

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