Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 123 Zerg! The strongest fleet in the human race! Whirlpool surprise!

If it can really evolve.

The potential of this deep-sea worm is not simple.

Like the strange birds here, they basically eat some diluted white juice every day.

But basically no effect.

Can't even grow up.

This is the difference between species. One is able to become a king-level creature by relying on its own food, and the other is to occupy the degenerated ancient war tree, and it takes decades to evolve into a leader.

By comparing the two, Ye Fei is more sure of the potential of deep-sea worms.

In this case, feed yourself!

Ye Fei stretched out his hand to stroke the worm eggs, and there was no sticky feeling as imagined, but the touch was surprisingly good, soft and warm, and the deep-sea worms also became excited in the worm eggs.

Ye Fei couldn't help but feel like feeding a puppy.

not bad.

Immediately, he injected the white juice into the eggs.



Among the eggs, there was a strange sound.

Convey joyful emotions.


In an instant, Ye Fei seemed to feel an invisible force acting on his fingers.

Very slightly, it just made the tiny hairs on the back of his hands stand up slightly.


Could it be the ability of deep sea worms?

Ye Fei was a little surprised, but not sure.

Because this power is only for a moment, and it is extremely slight, Ye Fei even felt that it was because of the battleship's ventilation system.

But in any case, the state of the deep-sea worm is obviously better.

Ye Fei couldn't help but pat the eggs again, with a gratified smile on his face.

This deep-sea worm must not be simple. It already has self-awareness before it was born, and even tried to communicate with him. According to the elves, the "consciousness" of this worm is stronger than many sea monsters of fifteen or six levels. are high.

And it's strange that deep-sea worms have an unusually high acceptance rate for white juice.

At this point, it is much higher than the strange bird.

The strange bird Ye Fei has always suspected that it is some kind of creature bred by elves, but now it has degenerated.

The performance of the deep-sea worm made Ye Fei wonder whether it was also some kind of degraded artificial biological weapon.

This made Ye Fei look forward to the follow-up.

By the way, since this deep-sea worm may be a weapon of war, it should be hatched next to the ancient tree of war.

Just do what you say, Ye Fei ordered to let the brothers of the botanical garden open up a special area for placing this huge insect egg.

Regarding the incident last night, Ye Fei couldn't help but go to the deck. Looking at the afterglow of the setting sun, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, another day is coming to an end.

The 7-day assessment is getting closer and closer.

Only a little over 3 days.

At this time, his fleet has just reached level 1, that is to say, he will need to level up once a day to be safe, at most one and a half days, otherwise, the previous efforts would be wasted, not to mention in vain.

In the end, the most awesome reward, you can't get it!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help feeling a sense of urgency.

It's good to combine work and rest, but if you relax too much, you won't be able to get things done.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei immediately returned to the cockpit.

Check the conditions for upgrading the Tier 2 fleet, and listen to Luo Bing's exploration report at the same time.

Just at this time, the huge fission reactor has almost completed its growth.

The [Power] of the entire battleship is about to be greatly upgraded.

Ye Fei is working hard here.

The entire region is already boiling.

[Announcement: Beiming Fleet has been upgraded to Level 1! 】

"Ye Fei actually has a Tier 1 fleet!"

"God, I don't even know what the fleet looks like, they have already upgraded!"

"This fucking is outrageous! Open the door for outrageous fucking! Outrageous is home!"

"The most important thing is that he still has the world law announcement!"

"Yeah, I remember the last time when the new Roman fleet was established and became the first fleet of mankind, there was an announcement of the laws of the world."

First, there is an announcement.

For a while, everyone thought of this.

Many masters were directly silenced.

Hum Chi Hum Chi Many people who worked hard suddenly felt that they lacked motivation.

Brubshuski: "Brother Ye Fei is amazing! The Dreadnought Fleet sent a congratulatory message!"

Scarlett: "Congratulations to Mr. Ye Fei, congratulations to Beiming Fleet!"

"I love it~ I have strength, and the bosses have come to bless you."

"Number one. It was pretended by Ye Fei again."

Johnson: "Hehe. The first thing is amazing? If it weren't for Yamamoto sending it there, it would be impossible!"

Yamamoto Taro: "Baga! Johnson, you bastard! It's fine if you don't speak for me, and you're still fucking worse! You just worked together with Xu Lei and made a lot of wood money!"

Johnson: "? Are you an idiot? Do you understand stocks? I call it selling high and buying low, and follow the trend! You want to persuade people not to buy timber like you, and then don't say that you lose money, and make people who follow you suffer. Ha ha."

"I testify that following Boss Yamamoto, it was really hungry for nine meals in three days."

"Yamamoto! I call you a fairy!"

"I believe your evil! The price of the agreed timber will be cut in half? RNM will refund the money!"

Johnson made a head start, and for a while, many people whose interests had been harmed raged against Yamamoto.

Taro Yamamoto's face turned dark for a while, and he really couldn't refute this matter.

In fact, his own fleet suffered the heaviest losses!

After all, it was him who initiated the call, so everyone in the fleet must support it. Everyone held back and didn't buy Xu Lei's wood.

They all claim that buying wood is an enemy.

But now, they have to double their resources!


For a moment, he was so angry that he vomited blood!

Johnson couldn't help but sneered when he saw Yamamoto who was being attacked by a crowd: "Dog eat dog!"

With this group of insects, how could it be possible to defeat Ye Fei?

In the end, he had to rely on himself!

At this time, he had completely conquered the entire sea area and established trade relations with three different sea areas.

Moreover, the function of the fleet is really easy to use. He can completely increase the strength of the fleet through special transformation!

"Ye Fei!"

He sneered and let the other party pretend to be cool for two days. When he came from behind, he would crush him directly!

In the big area, everyone is discussing the Beiming Fleet.

In fact, at this moment, the whole world is discussing!

Just like when discussing the new Roman fleet.

Even, more people than that discussed.

The reason is also very simple: the New Roman Fleet is the first fleet to be established, but the difficulty of establishing a fleet varies. Some people encounter the Tidal Sea Tribe, some people just go through it calmly, and some people's base construction will attract monsters. In short, the difficulty varies, and luck plays a large part.

But the standards for upgrading fleet levels are all the same.

It's clear that there is no luck, it's all about strength.

Therefore, many people believe that the Beiming Fleet is currently the strongest fleet of the human race!

As soon as this analysis came out, countless people were amazed.

Everyone was curious, what kind of fleet was this, and what talent did the captain have?

Ye Fei listened to Luo Bing's report and was informed of the news.

Luo Bing looked excited and admired.

Ye Fei also smiled slightly.


I was so happy!

The more famous his fleet name is, the more it confuses people.

Presumably many people have already begun to guess his abilities based on the name of the fleet, right?

That's not the case at all.

However, since he has upgraded his fleet level, the others will naturally have a sense of urgency and will immediately follow suit.

Compared with the second Tier 1 fleet, it is already on the way.

"The sea monsters over there are very huge, and their average strength is above level 10."

"One thing is for sure, it is still on the surface of the planet, because every once in a while, there are tides and sea tribes."

Luo Bing said.

She looked solemn.

Judging from the current intelligence, it is not optimistic. The monster is too powerful.

Wait there are tides too?

Ye Fei's eyes lit up.

"Wouldn't it be possible to experience two tides?"

He said.


Yes. Should be.

Luo Bing nodded blankly, greatly shocked.

New Roman Fleet.

Edron was toasting to celebrate that his lighthouse had been upgraded to level 2.

"Haha! New world, new power system, different lighthouse, but the same one is far ahead!"


Ad Lang raised his wine glass high and said, "This glass is for the lighthouse!"

"Haha! To the lighthouse!"


"The light of the lighthouse, illuminating the world!"

For a time, the entire battleship deck was filled with cheers. This huge aircraft carrier could accommodate more than tens of thousands of people.

But before Edron could drink it down,

He just raised his head and was about to put the wine into his mouth when suddenly a line of world law announcement appeared in front of his eyes.

[Announcement: Beiming Fleet has been upgraded to Level 1! 】


Erland was shocked.

Cough cough cough!


He was so shocked that he poured red wine directly on his face without caring. He stared at the announcement, reading every word, trying to see the details.

"Northern Sea Fleet!"

His expression suddenly darkened.

"Oh~ This Beiming fleet is quite powerful. It has actually upgraded the lighthouse to level 1."

"Fake Squid, if you don't need your eyes, you can contribute them."

"Cough cough cough!"

For a time, the entire New Roman fleet was in chaos.

Many people were so shocked that they poured red wine on their faces, or simply choked and coughed.

What's even more outrageous is that some people just upgraded the fleet buildings out of habit.

After all, the new Roman fleet is number one!

Subconsciously, they had no idea that anyone could upgrade the fleet at this moment!

However, the facts are in front of us.

The announcement of the laws of the world cannot be faked at all.

"Bastard! Much faster than us!"


Ailand squeezed hard and the glass in his hand exploded.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. It is only a level 1 fleet, not a level 3 fleet. It is far from the stage of deciding the outcome."

On the side, his confidant Johnson spoke calmly.

Johnson: "This Beiming fleet must have used some evil methods, such as trading energy, or forcibly raising the levels of weak captains. After all, they upgrade very quickly. It is not difficult to gather 10 10-star captains. "

With that said, everyone nodded.

Elland also nodded slowly, and the tension in his heart dissipated a lot.

Thinking about it, the Beiming fleet was weaker than him before. In such a short period of time, the opponent was chasing him?

Not to mention, it was actually faster than him.

It can only be a trick!

This is a coincidence, he can also, but it is not necessary.

He wants to step by step, steadily and steadily!

The further he gets to the back, the faster his upgrade speed is, crushing other flattering players.

Elland: "I didn't take this Beiming fleet seriously before, but now it seems that it has stolen some of our limelight, haha."

Eland sneered.

"Now they are squeezing the potential of the fleet. It is conceivable that the strength of their Beiming fleet captain is not very good. It is estimated that they have grown up by this method."

The confidant Johnson was very upset, and he actually gave this kind of person a temporary lead.

Ailand: "In short, regardless of whether the opposing captain is strong or not, let's complete the upgrade of the battleship as soon as possible. My aircraft carrier will dominate the entire sea area! Not only that, the entire region will also be included in my territory! A nuclear warship Powered aircraft carrier! Who can stop it?"

Confidant Johnson: "Your Majesty, the region will definitely be merged in the future, and more sea areas will join the channel. When they join in, I find that there are only a few people from the sea area displayed on the list in such a large area as ours. Ha ha!"

"Give them a little powerhouse shock!"

Just thinking about it made Johnson feel hot.

He was deeply awaited by this scene.

Imagine, "Huh? Haha! Which big area is this? It's so weak that there is only one sea area!"

"Friend, have you ever thought that I am the entire region?"

He had already thought about these pretentious words in advance.

"It's better to meet the Beiming Fleet!"

Eland couldn't help saying.

But he also knew it was almost impossible.

I am very sorry.

If possible. To be honest, he is willing to give up the luxury life of 2 guns a day and the exchange of world rules.

Inside the cockpit of the battleship.

Ye Fei has already had an in-depth communication with Luo Bing, and at this moment he is checking the upgrade requirements of the tier 2 fleet.

As for the whimsical idea of ​​Qianhai Clan back and forth just now, he thinks it is very possible.

Time to check it out.

But when I think about it carefully, I find it difficult.

After all, if Old Jordan's calculations were correct, this planet is ridiculously large, and the tides in different regions may differ by several days, at least not at the same time.

Therefore, there is a high probability that it will not be possible today, or even if you are unlucky, the tides on both sides will go around the planet, and the difference may be close to 48 hours. That is to say, there will be tides on the other side until the end of tomorrow, so there is no rush.

[Fleet level 2 standard (level 0 civilization advanced fleet)]

[1. The number of warships is more than 1000]

[2. The commander must have an influence of 100 or more]

[3. The think tank scans and stores 0-level civilization creations, which must reach more than 2,000 types]

[4. Fleet dock must reach level 3 or above]

[5. Warship transformation, increase the average attribute of the fleet to more than 20 points]

[6. If the battleship reaches 10 stars or more, there must be 20 ships]

[Tip: After completing the above criteria, choose to build a fleet base building to increase the fleet level! 】


this condition.

Ye Fei gasped when he saw it.

Much harder than level 1.

Not to mention anything else, it is extremely difficult for a commander to have an influence of more than 100 points. He is crazy about taking the first place, and the current influence is only 100 points.

Battleship transformation is even more difficult.

An average increase of 20 points of attributes, what concept?

That is to say, almost every fleet warship must be modified, and the average attribute is above 20.

The resources consumed by this will be an astronomical figure.

Not to mention, there is actually a huge difficulty hidden in it: that is, the stronger the fleet and the more surviving members, the greater the difficulty.


If this condition is changed to the 1341 sea area, if someone becomes the captain, he will just smile contemptuously, who do you look down on?

There are a total of 3 ships in the fleet, with an average of 20 attributes, sprinkle water!

But put it in the well-developed Beiming Fleet, where the captain basically did not die.

This difficulty is more than a thousand times greater.

Ye Fei couldn't help but get dark when he thought about his captain who was close to 20,000.

Now he really can't pull it alone, everyone must move to transform the battleship!

There is also the last reminder, after completing these standards, you can choose to build a fleet base building.

The dock is so awesome, and the lighthouse.

Another one, wouldn't it take off?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help feeling hot in his heart.

But after thinking about it, he thought, could this be considered an invisible test?

This building needs a lot of resources.

And certainly not ordinary iron or something.

No matter, hurry up and complete the six standards first!

Ye Fei muttered in his heart.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei immediately opened the battleship channel.

Announce the conditions first, and let everyone make suggestions together.

at this time,

A world law announcement suddenly appeared:

【Ding! Brubczewski enters the vortex! As the first person to explore, gain influence +5! 】


This guy is really desperate, and he is worthy of the Dreadnought Fleet.

Ye Fei couldn't help being surprised. He still admires this kind of person who is not afraid of death. He doesn't dare to be so reckless.

It was at this time that Brubzyowski sent a private message.

Brubshuski: "Your Excellency Ye Fei, haha! I'm rich and I'm about to meet Tide. Don't tell others this secret. I'll just tell you! It's a testimony of our friendship!"


Is it really possible?


The sea areas on both sides are so close?

No, the depths of the seas on both sides are obviously different, and even the rocks on the bottom of the sea are different.

According to Luo Bing's torture from the sea monster, the depth of the ocean over there is generally above 20,000 meters.


Could it be that there are several moons?

So there can be several waves of tidal waves, one after another, and tidal natural disasters may occur in two sea areas far away from each other within a very close period of time?

Ye Fei couldn't help guessing boldly.

Of course, he is not a professional in this kind of thing, so he stopped paying attention to it afterwards.

But he was immediately ecstatic.

The opportunity has come!

He had thought this way before, but he didn't expect that Brubsuski would directly verify it for him!

The only problem is, according to Brubczewski: The tide is about to start.

That is to say, now there is a huge opportunity coming out of nowhere, which is in front of Ye Fei:

Immediately assemble the fleet, go to the vortex, and fight against the tidal sea clan!

In this way, the entire fleet is equivalent to one more reward for fighting against the tidal sea clan out of thin air. Compared with the rest, the reward is at least doubled directly!

But correspondingly, the level of danger has skyrocketed.

If one fails, the loss may be heavy.

In a word, the risks and benefits are all doubled!

What to do?

For a while, Ye Fei couldn't make up his mind.

Moreover, he shouldn't make up his own mind on such a big matter.

Without hesitation, Ye Fei seized the time to open the fleet channel to announce the news.

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