Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 128 Ground Effect Aircraft! Diamond armor! King of giant turtles, die!

A large number of corpses, fallen giant turtles, and battleship wreckage.

Above the sea, there are too many good things.

Ye Fei drove the battleship to move quickly in the waves and harvest the loot.

It wasn't until more than 20 minutes later that he collected all the important loot.

This harvest is huge.

The number of crew members on the ship alone has exceeded 15,000.

There are also a large number of hard turtle shells, and the most important two gravity rings.

Turtle shells are unexpectedly popular when placed in warehouses. Many crew members like to use this material to modify the cockpits of battleships. Its hardness is comparable to alloy armor, much cheaper than titanium alloy, and it is also lightweight.

After collecting the loot, Ye Fei looked at the corpse of the monster that had already begun to merge.

At this point, the fusion has been completed.

【Ding! Fusion successful! Get a shipboard symbiotic crew - biological minions! 】

【Ding! Fusion successful! Get a shipboard symbiotic crew - biological minions! 】

【Ding! Merge giant turtle lord success! Ships get an extra ability - Rock Armor! 】

[Already acquired similar abilities ‘Solid Shaping’ and ‘Elemental Armor’]

[The three abilities are superimposed on each other and improved. The battleship fuses and evolves a new ability-Diamond Armor! (Class B)】

good! good!

Another B-level talent! The most important thing is that it is still a defensive type!

Diamonds are the hardest substance in nature!

Although it is easy to break because of his willfulness, Ye Fei has tough materials here, flesh and blood, and this is the most indispensable thing!

Now that there is an extra layer of gleaming diamond armor, if the giant turtle pounces on it again, it will only have a mouth full of teeth knocked out!

At this point, each of Ye Fei's four attributes has two or more outstanding and powerful abilities, namely:

[Defense]: Magic Eye, Elemental Armor, Diamond Armor

[Damage Control]: Rapid growth, element absorption, solid shaping

[Firepower]: Flesh lair, nuclear weapons, kinetic weapons, lucky sailor

[Power]: Fission reactor, bioenergy, gravitational ring, wave reversal

Having said that, most of these abilities are obtained through fusion or manufacturing.

The abilities gained by using fusion talents at the beginning are actually not very strong.

For example, the Magic Eye was just a sonar with a single function at the beginning, not to mention the elemental armor, which was just calcium armor at the beginning.

In terms of manufacturing, the fission reactor was just a pile of uranium metal with radiation-absorbing Kraken properties at the beginning. It was far less large and complex than it is now.

This is the only advantage of SSS's talent fusion.

Various characteristics can be continuously integrated into the warship, and magical changes can occur between these characteristics.

The farther to the back, the stronger the battleship becomes!

Will it even be possible to integrate SSS-level talents?

By then, although the other SSS levels are powerful, they will probably tremble if they encounter multiple SSS levels like him!

Or, multiple SSS levels are fused together, and then surpass the SSS level?

Would that be more awesome than the laws of the world?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help but be full of expectations for the future.

"In other words, I have never obtained an S-level talent. I can only reach A-level if I die, and it is pitiful."

Ye Fei muttered.

It seems that abilities above S level are very powerful and extremely difficult to obtain.

Not to mention the S-level, even the A-level Brumbushkoski is doing well.

With just one word of recklessness, the other party should be the first person in the region to receive the benefits of the whirlpool.

Of course, this is also very consistent with the ‘fearlessness’ he believes in.

Although the Dreadnought Fleet suffered heavy losses as Ye Fei expected, they felt that the price was worth paying. Brubscomsky had already made bold claims that they would definitely upgrade to a level 1 fleet today.

By the way, what are the talent levels of current regional commanders?

Ye Fei became interested and immediately asked Luo Bing. The other party should know some information. After all, he collected information in the water group every day.

"There are currently 20 commanders in total, 15 of whom are A-level talents and 5 are B-level talents."

"There are 17 fleets with idealistic tendencies and 3 with materialism."

Ye Fei was a little surprised. Luo Bing had already summarized this issue, and he thought carefully and came to some conclusions of his own:

“I think the talents above level B are more of an idealist color, such as controlling the weather, riding the wind and waves, etc. Of course, this does not mean that idealism is a trend.

I think the more reason is that most humans in the world believe in monotheism. For such humans, it is a very reasonable way for such humans to evolve their thoughts into worshiping another god, or into idealism. "

"On the contrary, it is materialism, which is a very small minority. Among the three, the leaders are all people born in technology, and their talents, listening to their words, I analyzed it, they should be of the auxiliary type, such as construction, transformation, Planting and the like can enhance the strength of the overall fleet."

Hearing this, Ye Fei nodded.

This should be the main reason.

Especially for the talent of planting, there seems to be a commander who specializes in selling tea. The business is very prosperous and is more famous than Ye Fei's spinach.

The other party has a very unique talent and can spawn plants in small quantities.

However, ability is always ability. Compared with Ye Fei who relies directly on white juice, it is naturally much worse.

Speaking of which, is it time to use white juice to evolve a wave of fighters?

Obviously, the Sea Clan also has an air force, although their air force is still using ancient sea tactics, both in terms of tactics and techniques, are very hip.

But for Ye Fei, this is also an air battle.

He needs a strong air force to deal with this new change.

And after so many rounds of evolution, the ancient war tree has recovered better and better, and the golden part in the white juice is already a bit obvious.

This means that the ability to promote the evolution of biological variation and rapid growth has been improved.

Maybe the strange bird fighter can break through a wave like the deep sea worm.

Wait, what will happen if you feed this to Luo Bing?

Will the opponent evolve too?

Ability to become stronger, or just physical development.

Ye Fei is letting the thoughts in his head diverge at will.

At this moment, a goblin fired a rocket into the sea, and it flew back for a while because of the recoil.

At this time, the gravity is lower and the wind is stronger, so at first glance, the goblin seems to be flying with a bazooka in its arms.



Ye Fei's eyes lit up immediately.

Why just think about the monster bird?

The number of goblins is large enough, and the brain is smart, this is the best flying weapon!

As for the way of flying, it's not easy to handle?

Just strap a rocket to one hand, or build a plane.

This thing is available all over the world, the only problem is that it doesn't take long to fly and is not very flexible.

But this problem is not a problem for Ye Fei. The goblin is small in size, and he plans to use solid methane as energy, which is full of power.

In this way, after the goblin can, the goblin rocket is also coming.

Although flammable and explosive, it looks very dangerous.

But Ye Fei felt it was acceptable.

It's goblin tech after all, boy!

If there are no accidents, it is normal to have a little accident.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help looking excitedly at the ability to modify the cabin, modify the flight deck, and modify the shipboard armor. These are very simple, and all they need are resources.

The only problem is: Ye Fei lacks some special training.

For example, using tentacles to eject jets, recover fighters, and the like.

These high-intensity, high-precision repetitive tasks rely on biochips.

Coupled with some special ability blessings, such as sensing airflow, flying proficiency and so on, it would be even better.

"In this case, in fact, the distance from a unit capable of large-scale air combat is only one or two abilities, or one or two pieces of powerful equipment."

Ye Fei clapped his hands and said.

【Ding! You set up a new mission - turned out to be born! Mission Difficulty: Grade C! 】

[Born out of the sky]: The battleship breaks through the shackles of gravity and gains full flight capability! Create an endo-atmospheric flying force!

Ye Fei couldn't help smiling as he looked at the task that popped up.

Not a bad goal!

Turned out!

Ye Fei glanced at it. After the task was established, his task progress had reached 50%.

That means it's more than half done.

This is similar to his analysis. What he needs next is some abilities, B-level. No, maybe C-level is enough. As for the solidified instinct, this will be obtained after repeated contact after the formation of the flying unit.

After completing this task, the next step is probably the sea of ​​stars!

Ha ha!

Ye Fei couldn't help being excited when he thought about it, and he was full of energy.

Regardless of the rest of the commanders, that was the direction his fleet was headed.

Having said that, in Ocean World, the air superiority is actually not obvious, but if depth charges are added, this advantage will be rapidly magnified.

Ye Fei currently not only has bombs, but also has a super large yield.

Therefore, the more advanced the talent, the more powerful it is. Finding the right application scenario is the kingly way.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help but be delighted.

His battleship has no shortcomings, and has unique advantages in any environment.

Giant turtle in the sea? Ye Fei took off directly and dropped the nuclear bomb.

Monster Bird Lord? Start the deep sea dive!

In short, warships can be used by sea, land, or air, and there is always one suitable for the current battle!

Afterwards, Ye Fei began to integrate the sea clan warships.

This battleship can use the gravitational ring, it is definitely a treasure.

After all, he can only use it by fusion, and this battleship definitely has various related parts and manipulation tools.

Maybe it can stimulate more abilities of the gravitational ring.

In Ye Fei's expectant eyes, the warship of the Sea Clan, which still has sails, is about to be merged.

This battleship looks like a whale. There are some large and small holes on the smooth shell, but its strength is incomparable to that of a whale. The shell is a thin layer of metal, and it is equipped with a strange harpoon cannon. Of course , the most amazing thing is that there is a structure that sprays murlocs in the hole, spraying people in the air?

Except for the gravitational ring, Ye Fei didn't find any other power structures inside the battleship, but it kept the oars and the parts for raising the sails.

God knows why the warships of the Sea Clan are so weird.

It can obviously fly, and still retains various structures for navigating in the sea.

However, there is also a part of it that Ye Fei can't understand at all. It is a huge golden ball with unknown material, which cannot be opened, and has no physical connection with the outside, like some kind of control core.

Could it be relying on this manipulated gravitational ring?

Ye Fei observed carefully, the ball had the golden color that sea monsters like most, which greatly increased the suspiciousness.

Ye Fei's magic eyes scanned the entire boat:

【Sea Clan Floating Battleship】

[Status]: Broken

[Features]: sun drive, air bombing, gravity drive, color-changing shell.

But obviously, there are several notable features of this warship. ]

The most notable feature is actually the sun drive.

However, Ye Fei didn't realize that the opponent used this movement method.

Maybe the environment is not suitable?

In short, the gravitational drive is ranked third. This means that it is not the most obvious feature, and it is difficult to obtain fusion!

It would be great if there were more Sea Clan floating warships.

In this way, the gravitational ring and various abilities can be obtained.

While Ye Fei was thinking, the golden light gradually dissipated.


The entire battleship suddenly lost weight.

At the same time, a ball appeared in the cockpit of the battleship.

The ball floats in the air, emitting a faint blue light.


The cup Ye Fei placed on the table suddenly floated up, and then fell on the table again, making a pleasant collision sound.

【Ding! Warship Fusion acquires the gravitational ring control device and obtains the ability-gravity control! 】


This ability is absolutely amazing!

Directly manipulate one of the four fundamental forces - gravity!

Isn't it touching the laws of physics in the world? !

Ye Fei was ecstatic.

It turned out that Ye Fei had guessed before that after a certain number of gravitational rings, special functions could be activated. The result was correct, but there was still a key component missing—the gravitational core.

The gravitational core itself cannot manipulate the gravitational force. It is used in conjunction with the gravitational rings. The more gravitational rings there are, the stronger the power will be. After reaching 20 to form a gravitational matrix, the gravitational force can be driven for very fast navigation.

And the gravitational range manipulated by the gravitational core is only limited to around the gravitational ring, so when there are less than 20 gravitational rings, this ability is very weak.

Now I understand the driving method of the Kraken battleship, just manipulate the gravitational core, and at the same time understand why the opponent is so slow, it is because there is an empty car and no gas!

Ye Fei smiled and touched the core of gravity.


The next moment, a large amount of transparent data appeared in his eyes.

A total of 15 gravitational rings are marked on the above line.

14 small gravitational rings, 1 large gravitational ring.

However, Ye Fei noticed that there were still 3 gravitational rings, which were offline.

In other words, there used to be 3 gravitational rings, which were probably split into other sea clan warships.

15 gravitational rings are online, and the battleship is running at full power!

Ye Fei glanced at the attribute list and couldn't help but be delighted.

At this time, his power value has skyrocketed to 1800 compared to 1300 before.

Much stronger!

Direct skyrocketing close to 50%!

This is the power of gravitational ring plus gravitational core.


Just with the help of the waves, the battleship at this time can leap over the sea.

If you add a powerful fan.

Buzz buzz~!


For a while, the sound of whistling sounded, and the battleship slowly rose.

But the lifting height is not much, similar to that of a hovercraft, and can only hover 3 meters above the sea surface.

But that's totally enough.

Without the influence of sea water, at this moment, there are only two factors that can affect the speed of the warship: wind resistance and power.

In terms of power, Ye Fei changed to rocket propulsion.

With a heartbeat, a huge nozzle protruded from the tail of the battleship.


The next moment, the battleship was speeding across the sea.

Real flight! The speed skyrocketed!

The sea is divided by the wind of the battleship passing by!

Ha ha!


Ye Fei felt happy in his heart.

With such a speed and a good tone, maybe I can kill some more sea people. If I gather 20 gravitational rings, wouldn’t it be possible for me to roam in space?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help speeding up.

At this moment, the magic eye swept across the bottom of the sea, and Ye Fei was taken aback.

Good guy, not gone yet!

The giant tortoise king was still lurking there, even slowly rising up.

That being the case, then Ye Fei will not be polite.

At this time, his strength soared.


The battleship plunged headlong into the water.

With the help of the gravitational core, Ye Fei's battleship descended extremely fast.

Seeing the menacing battleship approaching rapidly, the King of Giant Turtle did not hesitate at all, and immediately turned his head and started to flee.

At this moment of latent observation, it becomes more and more frightened as it watches.

The Hai Clan were all killed by each other!

It has only one thought now, run!

Run to safety!

"Can I run away!"

Ye Fei sneered.

He has already fused with a giant tortoise lord. This giant tortoise king has a high probability of being able to obtain the unique special ability of the other party. It must be won!

In this way, both sides are chasing after each other.

Contrary to Ye Fei's expectations, the Giant Turtle King did not run to the deep sea, but ran to the surface of the sea, and then quickly ran to a sea clan fleet.

Obviously, the other party is very familiar with the Sea Clan.

While running, it also stirred up huge waves and roared.

This beast can do this trick?

Ye Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then the magic eyes swept over immediately:

I saw that the sea clan fleet was not large, only 3 warships, they seemed to be salvaging something, the largest of the warships had huge brackets and ropes, and many sea clan murlocs were busy.

On the high lookout mast of the battleship, a giant shark warrior stood at this moment.

Seeing Ye Fei's battleship, he couldn't help grinning, revealing his jagged teeth, and smiled.

"Beast, you can also take advantage of us, the Sea Clan!"

Among the sea clan warships, a voice sounded.

The next moment, a huge stream of water was lifted out of thin air, impacting in the direction of the giant turtle.

The giant tortoise sneered, and began to sink slowly in disdain.

It just needs to dive around the sea clan battleship.

As for the other party stopping the monsters and humans behind it, it has no hope at all.

But from Ye Fei's collection of various trophies, it has seen that the other party is very greedy, almost like the Sea Clan.

Therefore, the opponent must stop robbing the Sea Clan.

And it can escape smoothly!



The impact of this water flow was like a wall, hitting the Giant Turtle King hard.

next moment,

Ye Fei was stunned.

The skull of the giant turtle king was directly shattered, and the eye sockets exploded.

The whole body made a crackling sound, and was actually blown out of the sea by the waves.


The king of giant turtles, who looked like a small island, was stopped abruptly.

Just one hit!

The king of giant turtles hit hard!


Ye Fei looked at the turtle that suddenly stopped,

Hastily began to turn.

This hit, enough for him to drink a pot.


For a moment, the battleship stirred up water and was about to roll over.

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