Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 130 Bomb the mermaid! The strength has skyrocketed! Star class!


Huge waves arose across the sea.

Dozens of tentacles of the huge octopus opened and retracted, moving at high speed in the sea, and the mermaid stood proudly.

She was not surprised when she saw Ye Fei who turned his head and ran away, but said lightly: "Kill him."

The next moment, there was a more distant hissing sound.

Ye flew to the seabed in front of him and saw that the entire seabed was black, and a huge shadow emerged.

He was taken aback for a moment, the voice sounded familiar.

Take a closer look, good guy, isn't this the monster you met at the other end of the vortex?

However, this one is smaller in size, so it should not be the same one.

【Deep Sea Octopus】

[Level]: Level 18 (Elite)

【Status】: Summoned

[Abilities]: Huge, fast recovery, strangling, spitting venom.

It turned out to be a level 18 elite deep sea monster.


The deep-sea octopus charged straight over.

Ye Fei sneered.

You are a soft-bodied creature, what is wrong with learning, like others to engage in melee combat!

Diamond armor!

Ye Fei thought, and the next moment, a large amount of armor covered the surface of the battleship, and the shiny battleship started to move forward again.

Ye Fei held the lever in his hand, only feeling a slight nerve current flash.

The battleship instinctively wanted to use the 'Kraken Scalpel' again. Ye Fei did not restrain this instinct, but let go of the joystick with a smile.

The diamond-covered collision angle in front of the battleship suddenly went up, tilting out a certain arc.


With a loud bang, the two sides collided together.

The purpose of the deep-sea octopus is to collide and entangle. Generally, when faced with such a situation, the prey would slow down to avoid it. However, the reaction of the enemy in front of it was completely unexpected.

The battleship regarded the deep-sea octopus as another battleship, and directly opened the opponent's belly with a siren scalpel!

This blow was a bit harsh. After all, diamonds are the hardest substance in nature. With a sudden slip, alloys, ceramics, and glass can all be scratched.

After brushing against the deep-sea octopus, it was almost completely split in two by the opponent in just an instant.

Cutting on one side, flames and lightning spew from the diamond's rams.

These attacks are guaranteed to kill internal enemies and short-circuit targets.

The whole attack action is done in one go, which is pleasing to the eye.

The only thing that made Ye Fei a little dissatisfied was that the cutting angle of the ram was a bit inappropriate, so that the entire octopus was not really divided into two, and some of its heads were glued together.

【Ding! Kill a level 18 elite deep-sea octopus and gain energy +4100]

【Ding! You kill the strongest elite monster at level 18 in this area, influence +3]



Haha, influence +3!

Ye Fei glanced at it. At this moment, he was only 2 points away from breaking through the 100 mark.

As long as it is completed, not only will you get rewards, but you can also complete a fleet promotion standard.

Kill two birds with one stone!

For a moment, Ye Fei couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

What made him even more excited was that the monster octopus was cut open and could still move within a short period of time. Several tentacles were moving separately, trying to escape.


Thinking of this, Ye Fei quickly took a breath, swept the sea water, and swallowed the octopus into the battleship.

I wonder if it is possible to fuse these brains?

If possible, his battleship will get more "instinct slots", which can solidify more and more complex instincts.

This is a proper expansion of combat power!

Thanks to my sister for sending me the brain!

Ye Fei was ecstatic.


The mermaid who was chasing after her was stunned for a moment, then the corner of her mouth turned up slightly and said, "Then how about trying this?"


She snapped her fingers.

Immediately afterwards, an even louder roar sounded.

In the deep sea ahead, another monster responded to the call.

Ye Fei looked over, the sea area that the battleship was going to pass through boiled, booming~

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of octopus monsters appeared.

Immediately afterwards, they accelerated one after another and began to rush towards Ye Fei's battleship!

Level 18 elites, hundreds of them!

Only tentacles can be seen in the entire sea area, and the power is more terrifying than tens of thousands of giant turtles!

There is no escape!

For ordinary people, not to mention being tough on the front, even seeing this scene, they would turn pale with fright.

"Well done!"

Ha ha!

Ye Fei laughed out loud.

Instead of slowing down, the battleship fully powered up without hesitation and moved forward by five!


The whole warship roared and flew out, which made the mermaid's mouth slightly open after eating the "exhaust gas", so fast!

whoosh whoosh~

chi chi chi ~

Torpedoes, electromagnetic guns output crazy.

Although there was only one warship, Ye Fei fired the firepower of a fleet.

Not to mention, Ye Fei's bomber in the air had arrived ahead of schedule, and thermite bombs were pouring down like money.

Octopus' quick recovery is completely useless.

Just like that, by the time the battleship arrived at that sea area, hundreds of octopuses had almost been killed.

And this, just less than 1 minute.


The next moment, the last octopus also died under the collision angle!

【Ding! Kill a level 18 elite deep-sea octopus and gain energy +4100]

【Ding! Kill a level 18 elite deep-sea octopus and gain energy +4100]

【Ding! Kill a level 18 elite deep-sea octopus and gain energy +4100]

The energy of the battleship skyrocketed again!

Ye Fei was ecstatic, elite octopuses are different, each of them is fat, with a lot of organic matter, and a lot of brains, what makes Ye Fei even more happy is that these octopuses seem to like gold jewelry very much, and many of them have gold on their bodies!


Ha ha!

For a moment, Ye Fei fell into the joy of a good harvest.

But it wasn't harvest time yet, so he passed through the pile of octopus carcasses and continued to flee.

At this time, he was chased by the mermaid for a distance of more than ten kilometers.

And the mermaid who was chasing after her opened her mouth wide open instead of opening her mouth slightly, stunned!


Any monster octopus is almost instantly killed.

She chased after and witnessed the whole process, but even so, the enemy's speed did not slow down at all. If she hadn't tried hard to urge them, the two sides would have already opened a long distance.


It's pretty fast!

But if she uses her ability, she can still be damned!

The mermaid became angry instantly, because the battleship in front of her accelerated again in an instant, and her speed soared, and she was about to be unable to catch the wake.

In an instant, she realized that she had been deceived.

This little human has been lying to her, playing her!

"court death!"

She was furious, boom!

The next moment, she jumped directly into the sea, her speed soaring!

Ye Fei looked back.

At this time, according to the behavior of the mermaid, he can already see some information with the magic eye. The more the enemy moves, the more information the magic eye can "see" according to various perspectives.

【Sea Clan】: Mermaid

[Strength]: Level 20 (royal family)

【Status】: Outbreak

[Abilities]: Summoning, Wishing, Royal Command, Top of the Wave, King of the Ocean


Level 20 royal family!

The state and ability have also changed!

Fortunately, this state is just an outbreak, and it should only last for a while!

That being the case

Ye Fei couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

At this moment, the mermaid's cold voice sounded: "Little human, die to me!"

She reached out and grabbed it sharply.


Suddenly, a huge wave rose in front of Ye Fei's battleship.

This huge wave seemed to be alive, smashing towards the battleship like mountains and seas.


Meanwhile, clang! A golden staff appeared out of thin air, and the mermaid's aura surged again. Her body grew slightly, and her strength reached the limit of level 20!

"Die to me!"

She roared, and three more waves rose.

At this point, four waves came from four directions, and the waves continued to accelerate, and they were about to crush the battleship into pieces.


The mermaid's face was frosty, and she reached out to grab it!


The walls of the four waves collided together, boom!

Amidst the huge explosion, the waves directly squeezed into the sky.


The panting mermaid raised her head, and her pupils shrank instantly.

I saw Ye Fei's battleship, spouting a lot of flames, actually flew up.

Floating in the air for a short time is easy for Ye Fei!

"It's my turn!"

Ye Fei gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger.




A series of rockets slanted down from above the battleship.

Justice comes from heaven!


The thermite bomb directly washed the ground, and within a few hundred meters of the sea area, a thousand-degree high temperature was instantly ignited.

The mermaid screamed when she was blown up, but soon she set off a huge wave, and the bomb exploded on the water curtain, bursting into balls of flames.

If the mere seawater can be manipulated, its defense against missiles and other long-range weapons is unexpectedly good.

Ye Fei was taken aback, and turned the main gun of the battleship!


The terrifying electromagnetic gun flew out, and the head of the tungsten-core projectile was dotted with a little diamond.

Thorn pull~!

In the blink of an eye, the mermaid was blown away, and almost lost the staff in her hand.

The octopus mount that I felt just now had a big hole in its head, twitched, and sank into the sea.

"Dare to kill my mount!"

The mermaid was furious.

At the same time, there was disbelief in her widened pupils.

How can it be!

Mere human beings!

Being able to be a technician is already their gift!

This human is actually so powerful!

Has it surpassed level 20?

Otherwise, she is invincible within the same level, there is no way to explain it!

This was completely beyond her expectations.

She began to think about whether to adopt a more cautious tactic.

Ye Fei looked at the embarrassed mermaid, deliberately stopped, and then taunted through the loudspeaker:

"King of the Sea Clan, level 20, mermaid, that's it?"

The mermaid immediately sneered: "Ignorant human beings, you think you are awesome, and tell you that level 20 is just the beginning, and the starting strength of a prefecture level like yours is about the same as that of a floor!

You'd better pray that you don't run into the planet-level powerhouses outside, or you'll explode if you take one more look! "

The mermaid is very clear that level 20 is not very powerful at all, but it is powerful for humans who are frogs in a well. As for her royal blood, it is because she is still underage.

After she becomes an adult, her strength will skyrocket, even if she is still at level 20, she will drown her opponent in one mouthful of saliva!

Mere human beings have various talents, but they are extremely different. They are basically rubbish, and they are almost useless except for being smart.

They rely on themselves, and few people can reach star-level strength by themselves.

Star-level, that is the real powerhouse, unstoppable across the interior of the planet.

"Ah? I thought you were a strong Sea Clan who could destroy the Siren Queen. After a long time, it turns out that you are also an earth-level strength?

Isn't that lying on the floor like me, and anyone can come up and step on it. "

Ye Fei's heart skipped a beat.

It turns out that level 20 is a watershed for the Sea Clan?

Beyond this level, it is star-level strength.

Planetary level. Can it affect the entire planet?

Ye Fei couldn't help but wonder.

He should already have planet-level strength by now, but it seems that he can't radiate his influence to the whole world.

No, if it relies on nuclear bombs, it seems to be possible.

The pinnacle of civilization at level 0 probably corresponds to the star-level strength that the Sea Clan calls.

The mermaid sneered: "Hey, do you still know what is a strong Sea Clan? Return to the Siren Queen, haha. Don't try to get any information from me, let me tell you, your ultimate affiliation is to become A puddle of manure on the ocean floor."

"Or, you can consider kneeling down and begging me. I can accept you and let you live in this world."

"Don't think about struggling and fighting. The day of the natural disaster tide is your death date. No, because of your ignorance, your death date has been brought forward!"

As soon as the words fell, the mermaid queen opened her bow and shot an arrow. The next moment, countless water arrows shot into the sky.

Hearing the other party's words, Ye Fei frowned slightly.

Is it really that difficult?

At the same time, he also knew how there were so many other races in the Sea Clan.

There is a high probability that they will no longer be captains, either actively or passively losing their status as captains, or they can only become someone else's vassal.

Shaking his head, he didn't think so much.

Ye Fei's magic eyes turned and instantly locked on to the mermaid. Then, a nuclear bomb fell directly.

At this time, it was more than 50 kilometers away from the salvage point of the sunken ship.

You don't have to worry too much about the aftermath of the battle.


Amidst the terrifying explosion, a sun slowly rose.

But Ye Fei was taken aback.

He didn't receive the prompt, and the energy ball didn't fly over.

not dead?

The next moment, he saw a mermaid in another sea area.

The opponent looked at the battleship in horror.

What a weapon!

so scary!

Ye Fei was also shocked.

What kind of method is this, and it is unharmed!

No, there were still some injuries, but not many. When Ye Fei looked over, the exposed part of the opponent's body was healing.

It was scalded by strong radiation.

The opponent's recovery speed is extremely terrifying.

Ye Fei just blinked his eyes, and the last injury was completely gone.

The opponent's state is still explosive.

There is no loss of strength.

Should be the ability to move quickly in water

Ye Fei couldn't help but analyze it.

In other words, if I use a nuclear bomb, the opponent will run far away in the sea in an instant. This distance is more than 1 kilometer, and with the super recovery power, as long as I am in the sea, it is basically impossible for me to kill the opponent.

"In that case."

Ye Fei smiled calmly.

"Fix the big ones."

He said to the elves beside him.

The mermaid breathed a sigh of relief, "Hehe. Now you know why our mermaid is the king of the sea? As long as I am in the sea, I am invincible. You can't kill me, even with this seemingly powerful weapon. .”

"Did you get this weapon from those bastards like Kraken?"

She spoke curiously again.

Because she is not familiar with radiation, only sea monsters have this kind of thing.

Could it be that the other party has unearthed some sea monster relics?

If that's the case, then the value will be great, and she will be very happy to tell the news to the queen.

Ye Fei: "Can't kill you? Do you think you can run fast?"

The mermaid smiled, "Try?"

She estimated in her heart that if there was such a big commotion here, as long as the men on the salvage boat don't lose their minds, they should have already called for support.

As for her, she just needs to play with this mindless person.


Ye Fei didn't talk nonsense, and directly installed the 5-megaton nuclear warhead.

Not one, but two!

At this tonnage, the size of the nuclear bomb cannot be reduced.

The rocket was launched, dragging a long exhaust with a humming sound.

The goblin above shouted even more.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter if it's slow, because the explosion range is at least three or four times that of before.


next moment,

The mermaid appeared in the rest of the place with a look of horror, yes, horror.

Her beautiful face almost melted away!

The nose collapsed, almost flowing into the mouth.

Before she recovers,

Another nuclear bomb came down.


"Do not kill me!"

The mermaid screamed, almost her entire body melted under the force of the nuclear bomb.

But she is not dead yet, but she never dared to show her head again, and went to the deep sea.

What's more terrible is that her outbreak time has passed, and her strength has plummeted at this time, and she has returned to the 19th level state.

Ye Fei had already expected this scene.

In fact, he kept looking for the mermaid to cheer up secretly, and seeing that the other party was not annihilated, he cheered and pushed forward excitedly, and the battleship entered the sea like a mad dragon.

Plunging heavily into the deep sea.

The core of gravity rotates slowly under Ye Fei's palm.


The next moment, with a bang, the mermaid was pulled over, and was tightly attached to the hull of the battleship, click, click~

The crystal armor began to grow, and the tentacles spread over.


The mermaid screamed in horror and struggled violently, but strength was not her advantage, not to mention, there was a gravitational force pulling her at this moment, her chest began to shrink, and her whole body felt like her internal organs were about to be squeezed out.


The tentacle drill rotated rapidly, and it drilled towards the mermaid's brain.

ah! ! !

The mermaid screamed.

Fire bursts!

There was a lot of water splashing and boom!

The tentacles were directly pushed away, and even the shell of the battleship was dented.

However, the gravitational force is invisible and qualityless, even if the mermaid struggles frantically, it just keeps falling into the battleship.

Boom~boom~! !

The tentacles struck again.

With a shrill scream, mermaid, die!

There were only large pieces of warship fragments left in place, and a corpse with an open mind.

【Ding! Kill a level 19 sea clan mermaid (royal clan), gain energy +31000]

[You kill the powerful sea clan, your reputation spreads among the sea clan, you gain influence +6]

[Warning: You have aroused the hostility of the Sea Clan! You are recorded by the Sea Clan! 】

Ha ha!

Finally done!

My baby shipwreck!

My elemental extraction, my super big Ivan, here I come!

Ye Fei was ecstatic, immediately put away the mermaid's body, and then rushed to the sunken ship.

The harvest this time is really great!

By the way, the King of Giant Turtles isn’t dead yet!

Ye Fei immediately rushed towards the opponent.

At this moment, a World Law announcement popped up.

[Fleet Announcement: Beiming Fleet Commander Ye Fei's influence exceeds 100! Get the blessing of the law of the world! 】

【Ding! The battleship defense index increases by 80 points! 】

[The battleship damage control index increases by 80 points! 】

[The battleship firepower index increases by 80 points! 】

[The battleship power index increases by 80 points! 】


As soon as the news came out, everyone who was fighting was shocked.

Fleet upgrade standard, complete one!

Ye Fei was also overjoyed.


Almost forgot about this reward.

PS: Today's update is a bit late

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