Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 137 Kill! Undead! Extinction Island!

Raging waves, monsters surging in the sky like a strong wind.

In a blink of an eye, the moon was covered.

This terrifying scene scared everyone in Xiaobenzi Sea Area into screaming.



At this time, the entire 1342 sea area channel was already in chaos.

Because the port that was attacked is one of the most important ports in this sea area.

There are nearly 3,000 captains gathered here, and nearly a thousand warships of various sizes.

Immediately afterwards, the monster attacked, and fire burst out in the sky, which was really dazzling at night.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded, not knowing what was going on!

Even, some people think that monsters have thermal weapons!

Taro Yamamoto: "Baga! Don't panic! Hold on! Hurry up and activate all the battleships. If you can't make it in time, go to the caves on the island and take shelter!"

He quickly issued the order.

As for support, it was too late at this time.

And he didn't want to mess up his plan. He was about to upgrade at a critical moment!

11 stars!

As long as he succeeds, he can follow up with 12 stars!

By then, he will be the strongest person besides Ye Fei!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

Near the island, Ye Fei looked at the bat devil fish that started to press over like a dark cloud, and couldn't help but look stern.

This thing is not very powerful.

It can even be said that it is not enough.

The only problem is, there are too many of them.

A whole lot.

Moreover, the sonic attack was extremely overbearing and impossible to defend against, just like the octopus before.

However, Ye Fei's heart moved, and he began to let the battleship emit infrasound waves, and then quickly adjusted the resonance frequency.



No resonance was caused.

But what Ye Fei didn't expect was: after a few waves of adjustment, the batfish whistling in the sky suddenly began to scurry around. They relied on sound waves to locate themselves. At this moment, facing the huge infrasound transmitter, they were as if illuminated by a giant searchlight. I was so blinded that I couldn't tell the direction at all.



There are a large number of batfish colliding with each other in the air, and some crashing into the sea at high speed.

Under the high-speed impact, there was no difference between the sea surface and the cement floor, so a large number of energy balls flew out.

【Ding! Kill the level 6 bat fish and gain energy +600]

【Ding! Kill the level 6 bat fish and gain energy +600]

【Ding! Kill the level 6 bat fish and gain energy +600]

【warn! You have attracted the attention of the final battle weapon, and your danger level has been adjusted to the highest level currently! 】

Seeing the energy balls swarming in, like rain, Ye Fei couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised.

Too dense!

Although this thing has little energy individually, when gathered together, the energy skyrockets!

Ye Fei quickly adjusted the frequency.

At this time, he was too lazy to resonate. He just kept switching channels and using infrasound waves to "blind" these bat fishes.

Suddenly, it rained bats and fish from the sky.

Many of them hit the battleship deck, bang~!

Grooves were made among the splashes of flesh and blood.


So hard.

Ye Fei looked carefully and saw that they were all made of titanium alloy.

In other words, every time you defeat one, you can also get the most sought-after titanium metal in the fleet.

Try fusion!

Ye Fei's heart moved, and a burst of golden light suddenly emitted from the battleship deck.

At the same time, Ye Fei began to ask the goblins to pull out two nuclear warheads and prepare to load and launch them.

Target, island center area and port!

"Haha! The monster changed its direction!"

"Yes, we flew to the other side of the island!"

"Hey! There seems to be a battleship over there?!"

Those who abandoned the ship quickly had already taken shelter in the caves on the top of the island, so they could observe the situation on the other side of the island.

They observed the battle throughout the entire process and provided intelligence support to the captains on the battlefield.

Because of this, the information they provided quickly spread throughout the sea area. Yamamoto couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised, but then he became confused, who was there?


"It's the intruder next door!"

"Baga Jia Lu~ is from the Kingdom of Colossus!"

He angrily questioned directly in the district.

"Poverty places, do you think we rarely come here?"

"That's right, it's cheap and good-looking!"

"Asshole! Hundreds of kilometers! Who could it be if it weren't you!"

Taro Yamamoto: "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it! Don't worry, I will still thank you. Thank you for helping me attract firepower, haha!"

For a moment, the entire Yamamoto fleet laughed.

What a blessing!

"God bless us!"

"Yes, this wave of opponents bought us time, and now we all ran to the island."

"Upstairs, a strong man like me doesn't bother to run away. I'm still on the battleship. My Fenghuaxueyue battleship has defeated hundreds of batfish. I'm about to be promoted to 8 stars!"

"Wow! Boss, you are amazing!"

"Shi Yuejun! You are my idol!"

"Come on, boss, my battleship has also started up, let me cover your flanks! Let's fight side by side! Sagadi!!"

Everyone in the fleet became very optimistic at this moment, while the Sea Area 1339 of Colossus Country on the side looked confused. They repeatedly confirmed that no one was passing through!

what happened?

But apart from them, it is impossible for anyone else to go. In fact, some of them ran so far and went crazy, which is already outrageous, hundreds of kilometers!

Pure waste of time!

Could it be an individual lone ranger master?

Only this is possible!

There are quite a few such people in their sea area. They cannot accept that the powerful talent is actually a lowly untouchable Dalit, so they refuse to join the fleet.

All of a sudden, everyone was arguing about which of the noble and unlucky ghosts would actually protect Xiaoben from damage, which is simply a shame.

And among them, Chopra was confirmed to be going in that direction.

Everyone can't help but call each other idiots.

Near the island, fighting raged on.

Ye Fei's sonic attack was very successful. In less than 3 minutes, a group of batfish that were originally as dark as dark clouds had been killed in sevens and eights, and the whole sky was quiet!

【Ding! Eliminate a large number of undead evil (batfish) success! Get World Law Attention! Influence +1]


There are actually influence rewards.

You can also get the attention of the world law!

Ye Fei couldn't help being surprised.

The continuous attention to the laws of the world. What effect will it have?

Similar to blessings, or what kind of rewards are given when they accumulate to a certain level?

Ye Fei couldn't help but look forward to it.

At the same time, Ye Fei also had a guess about the undead monsters. There is a high probability that they are creations that deviate from the rules of the game established by the laws of the world.

Or more accurately, the artifacts left behind by the previous batch of captains? Or even the captain himself?

Ye Fei carefully recalled the ancient elves and sea clan raiding fleet commanders he had encountered, and now this is obviously a war weapon left over from the predecessors.

Could it be said that the previous captains were all from various races, so if it continues to develop like this, does it mean that it will have to fight against other races?

Ye Fei couldn't help but look serious.

At this moment, the light on the battleship's deck dissipated, and at the same time, Ye Fei also discovered that the battleship had undergone brand-new changes.

On the tentacles of the battleship, there were tentacles growing out, with sharp plugs on the head of the tentacles.

【Ding! Fusion batfish success! Ships gain an additional ability - Flying Mastery! 】

[The battleship gets '+10 power attribute', 'resistance to sonic boom +100%']

Ha ha!


It's finally here!

Flying related abilities!

Ye Fei couldn't help being ecstatic.

He had longed for such an ability for a long time, and now he finally obtained it.

Good luck today!

With this ability, his battleship can fly at a higher speed in the air. What's more, Ye Fei was surprised to find that after the battleship floated in the air, his magic eyes could clearly detect the airflow around it. Let him adjust the flight attitude of the battleship more flexibly.

However, he can't use the ability to resist sonic booms for the time being. After all, he can't fly at supersonic speeds, so he can't break through the sound barrier, and he doesn't have the trouble of sonic booms yet.

But it is foreseeable that this ability will be very useful in the next period of time!

Not only has his strength skyrocketed, but his worries have also been resolved together~

After a while, after feeling the changes in the battleship, the nuclear bomb was installed.


Ye Fei slammed the launch button.

The next moment, without the interception of the batfish, two nuclear bombs landed on the island accurately.


The bright light slowly rises.

For a moment, the monster that had already floated to the surface of the sea was shocked, and it was shocked all over.

As for the small notebooks on the island who were rejoicing, they were instantly reduced to ashes.

Brush ~!

Brush ~!

A large area of ​​head portraits instantly turned gray.

For a while, the entire sea area channel was quiet.


"what happened!"

"Dead are all dead!"

Taro Yamamoto looked shocked.

At the same time, everyone in the regional channel was stunned.

Because without any signs, the person who was explaining the battlefield situation to them died.

Without saying a word, his head turned gray.


Abu Dali: "Hahaha! This is the strength of our masters of the Colossus Kingdom! Instant kill!"

Suddenly, the colossus next door was ecstatic.

"Yes! Only our Chopra is present!"

"Yamamoto-kun, who is thanking whom!"

"It's unbelievable, Chopra is actually so strong, against so many monsters, and even killed Xiaobenzi!"

For a moment, everyone seemed to have realized it, and they all started flattering a lone traveler named 'Chopra'.

On a battleship near an island, Chopra, who had just woken up, looked dazed.

Somehow, his comm channels exploded.

Chopra: "What are you barking at? How could I run so far? It would take four or five hours to travel without eating or drinking. Are you mentally retarded? Sure enough, being ruled by stupid pariahs is Such a result."

Seeing Chopra say this, for a while, the entire giant elephant sea area was embarrassed.

In the large area, everyone burst into laughter.

But at the next moment, a soul question was asked: "So, who appeared there?"

PS: Grandma, this chapter is really short.

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