Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 152 Protoss Fleet! listener! A girl worth cultivating!

Faced with the challenge, Ye Fei will definitely go.

And this will push the opponent into a more dangerous situation.

Luo Bing didn't want this to happen.

She felt that it was strong enough for now.

But... she also understands in her heart that this kind of petty idea has no future.

So even though she didn't want to, she came to Ye Fei as soon as she sorted out the information.

"The aborigines on that island are also the descendants of the previous captain, but compared with the new tribe, they have more inheritance. Under the leadership of one of their elders, I went deep into the underground ruins, and with the help of my talent, I was in a A diary was found inside an abandoned giant machine."

Luo Bing carefully talked about the cause and effect.

In the diary, there is a record that the owner of the diary laments the difficulty of the trial.

According to him: On the surface, the trial is divided into F-A grades, which are similar to common talents, but in fact, the strongest commander in the region has obtained an S-grade sky score.

So he speculated that there should be three hidden grades in the rating: S, SS and SSS grades.

"Those who can reach this level are basically the top 30 powerful existences in the entire human race."

"And the distribution of trial scores in their world is similar to that of talents. E-level is the average level, and D-level is a bit powerful. In this way, the commander's fleet should be ranked high in the entire region. No. If it is C-level, it means that there is a high probability that it is the strongest commander in a large region."

Ye Fei couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

If you look at it this way, the captain's trial is very difficult, and the person who can get a high score is probably one in ten thousand. A slightly better A-level score may get the number of people. There can only be one captain for every ten million captains. .

Luo Bing continued: "According to the owner of the diary, there is a statistical analysis by a data emperor in their region, and the probability of getting an S grade is only one in 50 million!"

After saying this, she was shocked.

The probability is too low!

"What about the highest score at the SSS level, what is the probability of getting it?"

Ye Fei couldn't help being curious.

"Almost one billionth!"

Luo Bing glanced at Ye Fei and saw that his face was calm, so he continued:

"In fact, the owner of the diary speculates that this goal is impossible to achieve, because they had a total of 10 billion people participating in the test at that time, and there were only less than 10 million people who could become commanders and survive to accept the test. These Among people, being able to produce an S rank is already very against the sky."

It is impossible to want SSS level, the difficulty is unimaginable.

But now there are billions of people on earth, and even fewer people will become commanders. Among them, it is extremely rare to get an A-level score.

The latter sentence was Luo Bing's own thought, and she didn't say it.

Needless to say, more than any normal thinking person understands what this means.

This segment should be prepared for extremely talented races, or races with a population of more than 100 billion.

one billionth

After hearing this, Ye Fei couldn't help but sigh.

This is still a world with a large population. If it were replaced by the earth, one in ten billion would be here.

The probability of this is ridiculously small.

It seems that this time, the difficulty is not small.

Ye Fei thought to himself.

Luo Bing; "There is also the information that the S-level rating powerhouse showed off when he showed off. He said that his average attribute value is around 1600, and he still has 100 points of influence."


Ye Fei's heart skipped a beat.

It seems he is still optimistic.

This strong man with an S-level score is obviously similar to him in strength, but weaker.

It seems that I can't set my goal too high, I have to change it to an S-level score.

Ye Fei thought to himself.

Although not reconciled, but must seek truth from facts.

Although his strength has skyrocketed during this period of time, he can't stand it now that he has obtained information. In comparison, his strength may fall into the range of one in a billion.

"This is all the information. By the way, I have inquired carefully about the reason for the demise of their ancestral fleet on the side of the New Clan. After a comprehensive analysis, I boldly guess that it may be the reason for the death of the fleet during the trial.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the entire fleet to collapse suddenly, and no one came to pick up the people on the colonial island, let alone any news. "

Speaking of this, Luo Bing couldn't help but feel a little worried.

There is a risk of death in trials!

Although it seems that the probability is very low, if you insist on fighting for higher points, you will die!

"So... you must be careful."

Luo Bing spoke again.

Ye Fei nodded.

He was shocked inside.

But no matter what, he must go to the captain's trial, and try to get better results.

Will can determine reality.

It's not that Ye Fei has to give it a go, but if he didn't have such a personality, he wouldn't be able to reach his current position.

He must march towards the starry sky, and must own an extremely powerful battleship!

A strong heart is the foundation of becoming a strong person.

So even if there is danger, Ye Fei's first reaction will not be to avoid and retreat, he must find a way to overcome it!

Since it is so difficult to obtain a hidden score in the trial, then he will continue to improve his strength and work hard to deal with it!

At the moment, Ye Fei asked again; "What kind of strength do you need to get an SSS rating?"

With his current strength, there is a high probability of obtaining an S-level rating. If he is lucky, he may be able to obtain an SS-level rating.

Moreover, are all SSS grades the same?

You know, ratings and rewards correspond!

In other words, the SSS level is the upper limit of the rating level, but it is not the upper limit of the strong!

As long as they are strong enough, there can be as much difference between F——SSS ranks between SSS ranks.

Luo Bing: "It can be calculated according to the average attribute difference between each level. S-level needs an average of 1600 attributes and 100 influence!"

"That is to say, the SSS level needs almost double the attributes, which is 3200 average attribute value, and more than 200 influence points!"

At the end of the analysis and calculation, Luo Bing added: "Of course, what is most needed is luck."

After all, God knows what the content of the trial will be. If it happens to restrain the monster, it is completely possible to exert 50% of its strength beyond normal.


Ye Fei nodded slightly.

He is still far behind in this strength.

Even counting his 'luck' and the ability to cheat and bring in a large number of crew members to create unlimited cannon fodder, he is still far from reaching the combat power of 3200 average attributes!

So, we have to keep working hard!

After continuing to communicate with Luo Bing, Ye Fei was ready to set off.

At this time, Liu Ru also came to communicate.

Ye Fei clicked to connect.

"Boss Ye Fei, Lilia, the little girl from the new clan, is amazing, you'd better come and see for yourself."

Through the video, one can see the surprised expression on Liu Ru's face.

"Oh? What special ability?"

Ye Fei couldn't help being curious.

"That... My battleship only recruits female members, so this Lilia came. At first, because according to the elders, the other party was a saint and belonged to the gods, I thought about it, but you didn't Paying attention to the other party, plus the other party's ability to manipulate sea water, this ability is really good, I just want to help cultivate it."

"But later, I found out that's not the case. This is not simply manipulating sea water, but manipulating all physical substances."

"But continue. I found it wrong again!"

Liu Ru said with some doubts.

"In short, she seems to be able to learn new abilities directly from her sleep. I checked her attribute panel, and she has A-level! Very powerful!"

"The name of her innate ability is - Listener."

Grade A!

so tough?

Ye Fei looked in surprise at Lilia, who was stunned by Liu Ru's camera.

Unexpectedly, she is not only the most beautiful girl in the village, but also the most talented girl in the village.

There are only a few thousand people in an indigenous village. It is really too strong to have an A-level talent appear. It should be said, the probability of this is much higher than that of the human sea.

And in such a harsh environment, Lilia looks tender and supple. She blushed instantly when Ye Fei stared at her.

"Great divine will, your faithful servant Lilia, greetings to you."

Lilia was trembling with excitement, and she wanted to kneel down, but when she bent down, she left the camera, and she was extremely embarrassed.

Looking at the embarrassed Lilia, Ye Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. If this pink face makes you cry, it really looks like a lovely and pitiful maid.

In short, Ye Fei looked at Lilia carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, and he immediately became interested, not bad! Talent is indeed good!

But the ability, listener, listen to what?

"I'm still researching, the great divine will, I can only explore this ability when I'm sleeping,"

Everyone was building a new home, and Lilia wanted to help, so she didn't want to sleep, so she hurriedly explained.

"Then you should study it carefully at night. Besides, when I return to the base this time, you can come to my boat."

Ye Fei opened his mouth and said.

He reckoned that it happened to be night when he went back.


Lilia was so excited that she almost screamed, but she still remembered the rules in the clan, be graceful and polite!


But her hands couldn't help shaking, and the excitement in her eyes overflowed visibly with the naked eye.

Ye Fei couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

At that time, he will have to train this girl well, A-level talent is indeed worth his time.

Not to mention, this is not an ordinary A-level talent, but an all-rounder, an extremely rare type of talent.

On the side, Liu Ru was delighted when she saw this.

It seems that I have indeed discovered talents, and the boss is very satisfied!

At the same time, Lilia also shared the good news with the tribe.

What a proud thing to be recognized by the divine will!

"Very good!"

When the elder saw the news, he couldn't help but smile in relief.

If Lilia can get the approval of the divine will, it will be a bright spot for all of them, and it can also prove their role!

At this time, as smart as an elder, he has already guessed the true identity of the divine will by observing the fleet interface, and the probability is the same as that of his ancestors!

The other party may not be a god

But what does it matter?

They are saved.

They also gained unimaginable strength.

The miracle is right in front of you!

The divine will is the god of their family! This is the Protoss fleet!

It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future!

Their Xinzu will always believe in this!

At that moment, he contacted Lilia immediately, and said with a smile: "Lilia, you will be a person of the divine will from now on, remember to remember the teachings of the clan when you get on the boat, and the first priority in everything is to satisfy the gods. "

Lilia: "Wrong!"

"Elder, you've misremembered again! Everything is done with the satisfaction of the gods as the only priority!"

The only and the first do not have the same meaning!

Lilia quickly corrected.

Of course she will keep the teachings in mind, in fact, this time is perfect, because she also saw the face of the gods, the gods look similar to them, and they speak very softly

She made a lot of jokes, but the gods didn't blame her at all.

On the other side, Ye Fei couldn't help but raise his brows slightly as he watched the elders celebrate on the battleship channel.

This old man's mind is not simple.

But this is a smart man, what he did did no harm to Ye Fei, on the contrary, it was beneficial.

The natives on the island are easy to fool, because they are simple-minded and have little knowledge.

But that won't always be the case.

Of course Ye Fei is sure to handle everyone easily, after all, these are the most loyal crew members of his warship.

One thought can control their life and death, not to mention, they will naturally move closer to themselves, and they are their only masters.

Of course, with the cooperation of the elders, it is naturally better and more efficient.

Coupled with the spiritual spire, the trend of thought will continue to condense, and the collective will will continue to strengthen.


At this time, the battleship shook extremely slightly.

Encountered a rainy area.

Ye Fei immediately adjusted the battleship and drove towards higher clouds, but he did not pass through the stratosphere, because in that case, it would be very conspicuous when viewed from above.

What is beyond the planet?

Ye Fei looked out of the porthole, curious.

It was a completely unfamiliar starry sky, with a faint moon on the horizon, Ye Fei tried to use a telescope to observe, and the ring-shaped craters looked very ordinary.

After observing, he found nothing, so Ye Fei gave up.

He immediately took out the chart, and passed another island just now. By comparison, he was sailing in the correct direction and was approaching the 1323 sea area straight away.

Ye Fei estimated the time, and arrived in about 2 hours.

At this moment, another reminder came from the battleship channel.

【Ding! Fleet member Xu Jia has reached 9-star elite captain! As the fleet commander, you get 10 attribute rewards! 】


good! Another harvest!

He is still a captain who has reached the elite evaluation with 9 stars.

Ye Fei couldn't help but nodded in relief.

Obviously, with the addition of the new clan, the captains are about to usher in a wave of strength explosion.

And Ye Fei glanced at it. The average level of his fleet is already very close to level 7, and many captains have reached 8 stars, or even 9 stars. These captains have the hope of sprinting to the elite evaluation in the future.

This means that with the development of the fleet, Ye Fei's income will increase, one 10 points, all of which will become a tower!

By the way, the strength of the battleship has risen again, and it should be able to withstand a stronger impact.

And during the stay on the island, a lot of liquid oxygen and hydrogen have been collected.

It is also time to improve the jet structure and speed up!

In this way, it will take less than 2 hours.

Speaking of time, Ye Fei suddenly remembered, according to the time estimate, the last level 2 standard of the fleet is almost completed, right?

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the fleet interface to check.

Just then, a prompt popped up:

[Fleet Tip: Through the shipyard to carry out warship transformation, the average transformation attribute of the fleet has been increased to 20 points! 】

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