Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 158 The Vortex Gate! The magical effect of seawater control towers! Gold Heist!

"Damn it! Why is this third brother so powerful!"

Looking at the regional trading channel, Xu Lei was dumbfounded.

This time I met my opponent!

The opponent's hard power is very strong!

They were instructed by Ye Fei to collect silver and gold on a large scale.

The discovery of gold, which caused the price of gold to rise, was caused by this 1311 sea area!

Now that he saw the other party selling so much gold, he immediately understood.

No wonder the other party was able to find out that it was tricky. Most of the gold I bought was the same seller behind the scenes!

After the other party found out that the gold was from the same seller, they immediately reported it without even thinking about it.

Because it's good for them.

They are worried that there is too much gold, if they continue to sell, the price will drop sharply! There was nothing to worry about, but people from the 1348 sea area came to their door.

He is still the number one financial minion under the command of the famous Ye Fei: Xu Lei!

Ha ha!

Just don't be too cool!

At this moment, everyone in the entire sea area laughed.

"Unreasonable. Mining gold is definitely not so fast. It should be some treasure discovered."

"It must be, the other party sells so hard, we can't move the price."

"It's a good thing that it can't be pulled. All his gold has been collected, and it will increase in the future. Now after selling it, he will cry and beg us."

Xu Lei and Luo Dong were discussing.

The regional channel is even more lively.

Everyone knows that a new big businessman has appeared, and as soon as he makes a move, he will get 10 tons of gold, which is a lot of money.

"Boss is strong!"

"V I'm a 5-unit gold boss, I'd like to be called your father!"

"I love it~ Is this luck, I found so much gold all at once!"

"Don't buy it, idiots, the other party is singing a double reed with Ye Fei and the others! Whoever buys it is an idiot, gold is useless at all!"

"My Tier 1 fleet upgrade is useless anyway!"

In the regional channel, everyone was attracted by this huge gold transaction.

Momo sweated: "Brothers of the Colossus Kingdom, unite and gather all this gold, and don't circulate it outside, especially if it doesn't fall into Ye Fei's hands!"

"What kind of shit are you talking about? We have our own commander in the 1311 sea area, and we want you to take care of our affairs?"

"What's your surname? Is this the Brahmin of Gujirabang? It's fine to force him in the place where you don't shit. If you come to another world, you still want to command our people from Aigolaban?"

"We have 40 tons of gold! Note, it's not reserves, pure gold!"

"Haha! Our sea area is simply paradise!"

"Except for the absence of cow dung, I am satisfied with everything else."

People in the 1311 sea area spoke one after another, and they didn't even bother with the powerhouses of the Colossus Kingdom.

After such a distance, the other party can still come to bite me along the large area chat network cable?

Not to mention, with the help of this wave of gold, they can also develop a wave!

"Cowhide~ Punching and sweating, kicking Xu Lei."

"Is this the upstart?"

"It's so cool, I want to live a life like this too!"

For a while, the regional channel became more and more lively.

1311 sea area, near the ruins island.

Resisting his excitement, Ye Fei couldn't help but began to carefully observe the entire port ruins.

He needs more clues.

At the same time, Ye Fei couldn't help feeling rejoicing. Fortunately, he didn't come up and had no brains to attack the nuclear bomb. Otherwise, the ruins would be destroyed, and he would never be able to find this important clue.

The progress of the mission is likely to rely on this accidental discovery!

Observe carefully:

The whole port is mainly composed of high and low parts.

The high part is some buildings built on the terrain of the island, and this part has basically collapsed.

The short part is the shallow sea area and the part near the beach. Some facilities made of stone in this part are still in use. Ye Fei observed that there is a pier loading and unloading slaves.

These slaves were transported from various islands in the sea area, and then excavated the ruins here.

Obviously, excavating the ruins is also dangerous, and many people died. Ye Fei also observed that the fleet was shelling into the ruins of a certain residence on the island.

While observing, Ye Fei used the warship's mimicry ability to approach the island unknowingly.

Stretching out his tentacles and taking a sip, Ye Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that this island is rich in iron and titanium elements.

At this time, the World Law also popped up a prompt:

【Ding! You have initially explored an ancient island! You found the ruins of an ancient base! 】


This is actually a fleet base!

Looking at it like this, it's at least a Tier 4 fleet base.

Moreover, the law of the world actually had a reminder. Ye Fei remembered that it was Misty Island who had a reminder last time.

He then collected some wall wreckage, and then traded it to the people in the fleet.

They estimate that the base is at least 1,000 years old.

At that time, the base must have been very prosperous, but there were stronger existences than him. After the fleet was destroyed, the base would naturally be ruined.

This place is even worse than the new clan, at least there are some descendants left there, which means there is nothing but ruins.

No, there are good things everywhere.

Iron, gold, and titanium elements are very rich in resources, and many of them still maintain the shape of broken copper and iron. It is useless to other captains, but Ye Fei starts to absorb, and the waste can be recycled soon. use.

This can greatly speed up his collection of resources.

And in addition to mineral resources, there may be other good things.

Otherwise, why would everyone in the Colossus Country work so hard to dig?

In this case, nuclear bombs cannot be used.

After thinking about it, Ye Fei decided to send out his own elite team.

The sirens, all wearing power armor, lurk, infiltrate and kill people, they are very good at it!

Not to mention, enemies are easy to find, and they are basically on ships.

After all, there are dangers in the ruins here, and the captain always sends slaves down.

At the same time, Ye Fei opened the fleet interface.

"Open the seawater control tower!"

He gave the commander's order.

After some research and communicating with Huang Jie, who often travels through different vortices, Ye Fei once again confirmed one thing, that is, the size and rotation speed of all vortices are different!

The only thing that is the same is the vortex on the Misty Island and the whirlpool sea area!

Of course, you can think of it as the same vortex, leading to both sides.

But on the other hand, what if we think of these as two gates with the same frequency?

It's a pity that no one usually pays attention to such small details!

Who would have nothing to do and pay attention to the speed of the vortex? What's more, most captains stay inside the battleship and will not show up easily.

Ye Fei had advanced equipment, sailed far, and had seen many whirlpools.

But even so, he didn't notice it.

I just habitually think from the perspective of the earth: these vortices themselves are affected by gravity, so they all have completely different rotation speeds.

However, after this confirmation of the ruins, the key answer to controlling the vortex has been revealed.

With the help of the control tower's ability, Ye Fei can adjust the size and shape of the vortex not far from the misty base.

The reference object is the 1311 sea whirlpool in front of us.

"Open wider."


"Wow! It's so deep inside, the water has been sucked in, and the suction is very powerful!"

On Misty Island, Liu Ru happened to be transporting the new clan here, so she turned on the video to help Ye Fei check the situation of the whirlpool remotely.

Ye Fei: "Are there any other effects?"

Liu Ru: "No"

Ye Fei: "Send someone in to take a look."

Liu Ru: "It still leads to the same sea area as before."

Sure enough, not only the size, but also the rotation speed

Ye Fei patiently continued to try.


Finally, when the size and direction of rotation were the same, a small battleship suddenly emerged from the vortex.

Ha ha!

It worked!

Ye Fei couldn't help but be ecstatic.

Now that it's successful, he doesn't have to come to harvest energy.

You can also save energy transaction losses.

"Haha, it's dangerous! Brothers! Let me tell you, I was almost killed by the sea monster that infiltrated the boat just now, do you believe it?"

"Hey~ It's also because of this. I discovered a secret of the other party!"

There is a message from the captain of the Colossus Kingdom.

He was very proud.

There are pictures and the truth, you can't help but believe it!

"And then?"

Everyone was curious.

How is this going!

Sea-monsters take both sperm and life, they are very cruel and cunning!

However, something that shocked everyone happened, and then there was no more.

I saw that person's head portrait, which directly turned gray!

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