Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 160 The real space battleship standard! Try the maelstrom!


After a muffled sound, the ground shook, and then, a cloud of black smoke rose.

From time to time, the entire island also emits a fire that soars into the sky.

There are still many frogmen inside the island and on the bottom of the sea, but they are being eliminated quickly.

Ye Fei was waiting for the gap to be occupied, and casually flipped through the contents of the dock renovation.

With the enrichment of the think tank, the number of transformations that the dock can carry out at this time is already dazzling.

However, it can be classified according to four major attributes.

There are also some special cases of modification, which will involve changes in all attribute indexes, such as the titanium alloy armor of the entire ship, and nuclear power engines.

There is also a transformation, which is an idealistic device obtained from the excavation of the isolated island: the Neptune sculpture, which can build a golden Neptune statue on the ship to suppress the surrounding waves.

This is the most popular modification option at the moment, and basically any captain with spare capacity will make one.

But this thing is basically useless to Ye Fei.

He casually flipped through the dock renovation options, and after receiving the confirmed ownership of the colonized islands, he immediately started the construction of the seawater control tower.

[Please select the construction site: Misty Island, Isolated Island, Yongquan Island, Ruins Island]

[Tip 1: Once the construction starts, it cannot be stopped. If the construction is disturbed and fails, the materials cannot be recovered! 】

[Hint 2: The powerful energy fluctuations of the building may attract energy-sensitive races! 】

[Tip 3: The commander must confirm the activation, and at the same time assign the crew permission to use it! 】

Seeing this, Ye Fei understood that the construction requirements of the base building seem to be similar to upgrading the base.

If there are powerful monsters around the sea area, it might attract the monster's attention.

At the same time, this building is completely under the control of the commander, and Ye Fei can issue permissions to anyone who wants to use it.

Still very convenient!

"Choose the relic island!"

Ye Fei's heart moved, and then he marked a highlighted area from the island map.


The next moment, the marked area of ​​the island began to emit a strong light.


Immediately afterwards, a large amount of materials disappeared from the battleship, and on the edge of the island, a tall tower was being quickly printed by light.

This tower was built next to the original ruins tower. It is several sizes smaller than the other tower, but its core functions are similar.


As a ray of light spread, the entire sea area control tower was built.

Suddenly, the surrounding sea became calm.

At the same time, fleet information appeared in front of each fleet member.

[Fleet Announcement: Commander Ye Fei is building a brand new facility on the ruins island - a seawater control tower! The fleet vortex channel is open! 】

[Transportation channel: Misty Island——Relic Island! 】

[Hint 1: The above is a stable vortex channel. Through the above two sea areas, you can also go to other sea areas, but there is a certain random component, and it is likely to be sucked into the sea area by the vortex, which will bring life danger! 】

[Fleet Announcement: Commander Ye Fei has adjusted the authority of the seawater control tower! You can use the adjustment vortex function if you have more than 0 points, and you can use the water screen shield function if you have more than 10 points! 】

[1348 Sea Area Announcement: Ye Fei built a facility 'Sea Water Control Tower' on the colonial island, influence +1]

As soon as the news came out, everyone was excited.

Ye Fei also couldn't help smiling, and let out a long breath.

Fortunately, the construction was very smooth, and there were no monsters to disturb the middle!

At this moment, the Beiming Fleet's control area has expanded a bit.

I have been, I have seen, I have conquered~

Ye Fei joyfully drew a pennant on the chart, specially marking the ruins island.

Now relying on the vortex, he can colonize various islands, and in the future, wouldn't he be able to colonize various planets?

Shaking his head, he didn't think so far, but reminded everyone on the fleet channel not to use the vortex function indiscriminately. They only have one life. If they pass through the vortex indiscriminately, they may directly enter the monster's stomach.

If possible, it is best to focus on the colonial island and explore outwards carefully. The main energy should be concentrated on the island itself, dig more resources in the area, and explore the ruins.

As soon as Ye Fei opened his mouth, the entire fleet channel suddenly became more lively.

"Yeah~ I feel the love of Ye Fei's boss~"

"Boss Ye Fei is far-sighted!"

"The upstairs is illiterate. If you don't know how to use words, don't use them. Boss Ye Fei is thoughtful!"

"Little Zhuge from another world~"

Ye Fei: "By the way, if you don't usually use the vortex, remember to shrink the vortex to prevent monsters and people from other sea areas from coming. I suspect that some indigenous people will use similar techniques."

"Hey~ Feeling Ye Fei's boss's love again~"

"Boss Ye Fei, don't worry, we will never go to the dangerous area."

Huang Jie: "Our main task right now is not to leapfrog monsters, but to collect resources!"

Wang Yifeng: "The fleet is about business development, and business development is not just fighting and killing. Our internal efficiency must be improved. Of course, dangerous things must be done by someone, but they must be professionalized!"

Lilia: "Master, are you leaving again?"

Liu Ru: "Boss Ye Fei, I have already sent the natives in and out of the area you told me to check, and I went to investigate it myself. There is no danger in the outer area. Are you going to go?"

She was referring to the captain's trial area in the Yamamoto waters.

According to Liu Ru's exploration, there is a "barren" deep sea area without islands, and the central area is a huge vortex.

After passing the vortex, it is the place where the captain is tested.

The rotation speed of this vortex is constantly changing, that is to say, it cannot reach here through other vortices.

Liu Ru is currently observing the law of the vortex rotation, once she finds out, she will report it immediately.

Ye Fei looked at the specific coordinates of the maelstrom. If he teleported back to the dock first, and then went to the vicinity of the trial coordinates through the vortex, it would only take 20 minutes at most.

In other words, he can start the trial at any time!

Ye Fei: "Well, it's almost time to go."

"Everyone hurry up to collect resources and upgrade levels, and strive to be the first to reach level 3 fleet!"

Liu Ru: "Don't worry, boss, many of our people have come through the vortex. Many resources here have not yet been exploited, and there are various warship wrecks and bases in the Colossus Kingdom!"

Xu Lei: "Haha! Let's lick our bags and equipment like crazy~"

Wang Yifeng: "Thank you to all the powerful bosses of the new clan. With them in the lead, we don't have to worry about danger when we explore the island!"

"Yeah, the crew of the new tribe are really bosses, and they have much richer combat experience than us!"

Zhang Yong: "I'm going to upgrade to level 3 this time, how can I feel that it will be smooth!"

Luo Dong: "Haha! I feel the same way as you!"

Seeing everyone's confidence, Ye Fei couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Indeed, this wave of people frantically licking the spoils is a huge benefit, much faster than collecting them by themselves.

Even better, when it is found, it will be destroyed, leaving the other party in a daze, not knowing what happened.

Everyone quickly harvested a wave and quickly left through the vortex, unable to be noticed at all!

At this moment, Huang Jie asked: "Boss, when will our shipyard be upgraded? I see that among the standards you released, there are only two that are more difficult to deal with, but they are all available now, especially meteorites, which have already been collected." Almost, look at another kind of energy block, should we all dispatch together and make a wave?"

"Yes, yes, boss, just tell me what you need!"

Wang Xu: "Brothers, don't worry, I already have an energy reaction, and I can't find the energy block within half an hour, so I will just stand on my head and have diarrhea!"

Everyone's speeches were read by the crew who arranged to find the energy block, and he immediately became anxious.

After all the tasks were arranged by the boss, wouldn't it be considered incompetent if he had to send more people in the end?

He is very shameless!

So no matter what, you must hurry up and finish it!

If he had to wait until the rest of the people intervened, it meant that he had already lagged behind.

"Can you do it?"

"Brother, I know you are good at exploring, but this is not a matter of personal face."

This matter is related to the commander's reward and the development of the entire fleet, so everyone is very concerned.

Ye Fei glanced at the warehouse, and said with relief: "Actually, almost all meteorites have been collected, but we can't relax. Instead, we have to step up mining, because the content of tritium is very rich."

"As for the energy block, according to the clues I provided, just find one."

Wang Xu: "Boss, there is a stronger energy reaction on my side! Haha! I found a sunken ship, it must be inside!"

Luo Bing: "Wow! Now that I know the location, let me do the precise positioning, it's super fast!"

Ye Fei couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, it seems that the energy block is coming soon, "Then trouble you!"

Lilia: "Great master, I can do it too! When I go to sleep at night, I will get relevant treasure hunting abilities!"

Seeing this, Ye Fei couldn't help but smile.

This chick seems to really want to get her attention.

However, an A-level talent can have whatever ability he wants, even his SSS-level talent can't do it!

Ye Fei thought, Lilia is just young and has not experienced systematic education training, so she confuses ability with knowledge.

Perhaps Lilia's so-called ability is actually some kind of idealistic knowledge.

Just like the first materialist knowledge Ye Fei knew in this world: 'making glass'.

There is a high probability that the other party is able to listen and obtain some magical knowledge, and express it, like some kind of ability.

Of course, this is just Ye Fei's guess. The specifics will not be known until after studying Lilia carefully at night.

It's nice to know that someone is trying hard to get your approval.

Next, Ye Fei quickly went to the next island, hurrying to improve his strength!

After another wave, he felt that he could start the captain's trial.

If it takes too long, it will affect his subsequent fleet promotion.

Long-term planning and current strength, at present, it seems that even he can't balance well.

At the same time, what Ye Fei didn't know was that when he ordered the vortex to be closed, someone angrily pulled out the scimitar from his waist on an island full of ruins in the vortex sea area.

You bloody toad! what happened!

"It's useless!"

"You tricked us!"

On the side, the toad, who was still adjusting the tower repeatedly, was stunned. It was so frightened that it stuck itself on the tower, barely puncturing its skin by the sharp knife point.

"Captain, let me say that this bunch of stinky outsiders can't be trusted!"

"Dare to ruin our business, kill!"

His men also drew their weapons.

"Don't! Powerful humans! Believe me, it was originally useful! If you don't believe me, I will adjust it to the rest of the sea!"

The frogman quickly proved his innocence.

"What the hell is going on!"

The man holding the scimitar looked even colder, but he slowly put away his weapon.

The rest of the desolate seas are useless, he's going there!

"There is only one possibility, the vortex was shut down by someone, maybe it was the captains."

whispered the frogman.


The tip of the knife cut across, and a line of blood appeared on its stomach immediately.

Go deeper, and all its intestines flow out.


"Trash, if you talk nonsense again, I'll make your big intestines wrap your small intestines!"

The captain snorted coldly, very upset.

This frogman is really stupid. Those rookie captains who came to the door occupied the island and closed the tower?

Use your brain a little bit, you won't even think like this!

The speed is so slow, and some can only shoot mechanical metal. Battleships at this stage are rubbish!

"Captain, logically it's impossible, could it be the frogman leader over there playing us?"

"No, we have what they need."

The captain thought for a while, and then said: "Could it be that those captains saw through the conspiracy of the frogman leader? Then they called a large crowd to attack? No, those captains are very weak, and no amount of them is useless." After all, warships cannot be opened on the island.

Perhaps there is a new powerful captain who has explored the isolated island sea area, and accidentally discovered the secret of the tower."

Speaking of this, the captain himself stopped slowly.


How is this going? Are you confused?

Such outrageous guesses are here!

It's impossible!

Subordinate: "Huh? This"

The men were a little confused.

I feel that what the captain said is even more outrageous than his guess.

After all, at this point in time, the moon has just passed two, and the first seven days have not yet passed. Logically, no captain will go to such a remote place.

Even if there is, it is impossible to be so powerful. A frogman leader sits in the town, and it also has the mysterious tower that can be used. He has seen the power before, even if it is a powerful level 40 sea monster, he must be afraid of it.

Not to mention, the opening method of that thing is amazing, and currently only frogmen can use it.

Could it be that the opponent is already strong enough to make that stupid frogman leader obedient?

You know, making others obedient is much more difficult than killing them!

"No matter what the other party is, our plan will not change. This is our only chance!"

The captain looked determined.

"Of course, we must prepare for the worst. If the captain really did this, then the opponent must be very powerful, even stronger than the legendary S-class!"

"In this case... we will kill him even more! Then control his fleet!"

As the captain spoke, the corner of his mouth twitched, his expression suddenly excited.

But soon, he shook his head with a self-deprecating smile.

How can there be such a good thing in the world?

Not to mention the goddamn laws of the world always make them unlucky!

"In short, we have already completed the most difficult step. Now we can move quickly through the vortex, so even if we can't catch the fleet this time according to the original plan, we will definitely be able to next time.

Just control to a captain! Then we can be freed from limitation and be redeemed! "

"This damned world, this damned captain! This damned relic! And the Sea Clan, damn it!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help becoming a little crazy.

"That's right! Since the opponent can already use the tower, no matter if it's a native, a captain, or some kind of monster, the opponent will definitely think that other people can also use the vortex, which is why they closed the vortex."

When the subordinates heard this, their eyes lit up immediately: "So the other party is afraid, they are afraid of us!"

"Inevitably, otherwise the door will be open, and we will deliver the goods to your door, wouldn't it be nice?"

The captain smiled.

"Then what should I do? The other party shuts down the vortex to delay the time, and it is very likely that they will run away after searching for resources."

At this moment, many subordinates were anxious.

They have worked so hard to wait for the fleet to arrive, and they can even catch them by surprise through the vortex!

It would be a pity if such a good piece of fat ran away.

Captain Jerry smiled disdainfully, "You think highly of these captains too much. Even if they are very powerful, they still use slaves to mine. The island is rich in resources, not to mention there are ruins to be excavated. How could it be so fast? I dare Guaranteed, they will not leave within seven days."

"Not to mention, who would give up such a good thing as a tower? They will definitely send someone to guard it there."

"So, this time we have made a meritorious service. We have 100% determined a location where we can find the captain~"

"Since this is the case, let's quickly try to explore the surrounding vortex and prepare to spend some time to catch them!"

The subordinates were immediately excited.

The captain shook his head, "No, there's not enough time, it might be very dangerous to get close to the relic island tonight, let's go back quickly."

He looked up at the rising red moon, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Powerful humans, what about us, is our leader already?"

The frogman had already reacted at this time, and he couldn't help but look sad and confused.

The captain sneered, "You bastard, you're sad now, that fat toad used you as a tool to hold us down, you can just let him cry, go with me, keep you alive at night, and let the rest of the toads be comforted." Here it is, let me tell you first, which toad dares to make a noise at night, don't blame me for peeling his skin to make a sail!"


The next moment, Toad activated the tower, and a group of people jumped onto the battleship and quickly drove into the vortex.

At the same time, Ye Fei also discovered a new island on the route.

good! good!

Looking at the scale of this island, Ye Fei couldn't help smiling.

This is the largest island he has seen so far, fully three times the size of Misty Island.

What is even more surprising is that from a distance, he "sees" the glow emitted by the radiant energy.


This island is.

Ye Fei quickly opened the chart.

At present, in the large area, there is only one sea area that can sell a large amount of uranium ore - 1309!

And this sea area is right next to the Dragon Kingdom sea area where he is going!


As long as this island is occupied, then he will have enough weapons to go to the captain's trial next, and he can also allocate a batch to enrich the warehouse!

"It's almost time to upgrade a wave of shipyards to improve your strength, and then you can start the trial!"

Ye Fei couldn't help but excitedly said.

After passing the trial, he will gain the attention of the laws of the world, and at the same time increase the strength of the battleship to the star level!

This is not just flying, but a real space battleship standard.

at this time,



Several prompts sounded in succession.

Liu Ru: "Boss, read the news! It's an emergency!"

"The rotation speed of the vortex actually slowed down gradually!"

"According to the current trend, as the speed gradually slows down, the vortex will become bigger and bigger. At present, the diameter has exceeded 10 kilometers. It might just disappear!"

Ye Fei was shocked when he heard the news.

Gan! what's the situation!

This one has a time limit!

Don't we have to go immediately?

However, his weapons have not been fully replenished, and the hydrogen bomb is still being manufactured.

What's even more frustrating is that he sees that there is still a wave of property index rises in front of him.

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