Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 162 Cosmic Broadcasting! listener! Connect to Lilia!

Among these modifications, Ye Fei's favorite was the modification of the internal living area of ​​the battleship.

There is a super comfortable bed, sofa, and a very useful barbecue grill.

Well, although he won't be able to use it much for the time being.

But looking at this warm scene, I still felt very emotional. Lying on the soft sofa, Ye Fei casually grabbed a test tube in his hand.

Under the fluorescent light of the pearl lamp, the test tube glowed with a soft golden light.

This is the golden juice Ye Fei collected during this period.

There are 2 drops in total.

Use this to allow organisms to grow and evolve quickly.

The analytical magic eye scanned the abyss worm egg, and a prompt popped up on it. As Ye Fei had guessed before, this was indeed one of the biological weapons of the elves.

Using secretions from ancient war trees from one lineage can allow it to continue evolving and growing.

Unfortunately, this does not make the worms hatch faster, and it may even extend the time it takes for them to hatch out of their shells due to excessive evolution.

If you put this into the insect egg now, it is better to wait until it hatches.

Therefore, Ye Fei could only put away the golden juice with regret.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei looked at the alloy composition tables and fuel composition tables collected from various places.

From here, Ye Fei will select the required materials for synthesis.

His 'element combination' ability is very suitable for use in this scenario. Synthetic explosives or fuels are far more powerful than simply burning liquid hydrogen.

He needed a more efficient fuel to deliver the hydrogen bomb.

A hydrogen bomb detonated using a nuclear bomb is at least ten times more powerful than the former.

With this terrifying power, Ye Fei needs better protection and faster attack speed, otherwise it would be embarrassing to die with the enemy once a hydrogen bomb is fired.

Ye Fei was thinking about this issue when a private chat started.

Lilia: "Master, I saw in the Fleet channel that manpower is being recruited to go to the new radiation island. Would you like to stop on the island for supplies? It's getting dark now. Can I come and board the ship with the fleet?"


Ye Fei nodded in agreement.

He asked Luo Bing to come with him by the way. The other party completed the task very well, and he would need Luo Bing for the rest of the journey.

Lilia: "Great! I'll come right away!"

She jumped for joy and replied immediately.

Ye Fei: "What abilities have you mastered from sleeping now?"

Lilia: "There are several, one is to control matter, one is to control sea water, and one is to burn."


Completely unrelated ones.

Ye Fei couldn't help but feel magical.

The second one is easy to say, it seems to be the innate ability of the Siren, but the other two are completely unexplainable.

Fortunately, Lilia arrived quickly and was able to satisfy Ye Fei's curiosity immediately.

After closing the private chat, Ye Fei continued to check the rocket fuel options. He currently has only two proficient use on hand: liquid hydrogen and oxygen, and liquid methane. The advantage of these two is that it is easy for him to obtain, and they are very environmentally friendly. It's okay, but the storage conditions are very harsh, it's easy to explode, and it's bulky.

Ye Fei currently has three alternative options:

The first is a solid-state engine.

It uses aluminum-sodium and other mixed propulsion, and the speed is very explosive. The disadvantage is that it is poisonous, but this toxicity can be ignored for the ocean world with per capita monsters.

The second type is the ion engine.

The propulsion is carried out by jetting plasma beams, and the speed can reach 30 kilometers per second at the fastest. Some satellites on this earth are already in use, and the principle is very simple, but inside the atmosphere, it still needs to be improved, and the acceleration The cycle is too long, and the element 'xenon' is also needed as fuel.

The third type comes from a red empire that has collapsed. Ye Fei remembers that the Soviet Union once imagined a rocket propelled by a nuclear bomb. This kind of thing sounds outrageous, but it is completely feasible in theory. It is driven by a gasoline explosion. Essentially, there is no problem if the gasoline is replaced by a nuclear bomb.

He now has the conditions to test the three propulsion methods.

Just do it.

Soon, a rocket was launched from the battleship. Due to the lack of a goblin biological chip to control it, the flames dragged a trail of red poisonous smoke and ran wildly in the air. It didn't take long for the rocket to explode out of control and burn into a raging fire.

This is a solid-state rocket. It cannot slow down or stop midway. It will either explode or run out of fuel.

But this is not a problem for Ye Fei. While the size is reduced, the speed is almost doubled.

This rocket can stably reach the speed of sound.

That is 400 meters forward in one second.

Well, originally the speed of sound is wonderful at 340 meters, but that is under a standard atmospheric pressure. Naturally, the air pressure is different on this planet. The sound here is 400 meters per second in the atmosphere.

In other words, it only takes 20 seconds for the rocket to fly to a place 8 kilometers away, and it only takes about 30 seconds for it to fly to a safe distance and explode.

Coupled with the speed of the battleship itself, in an actual battle, it should be able to barely get out of the range of the fatal impact of the hydrogen bomb in 10 seconds.

This speed is completely acceptable.

After a wave of tests, Ye Fei couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised.

More importantly, this kind of rocket is much easier to promote than hydrogen and oxygen. Not only its strength, but also the overall strength of the entire fleet can be greatly improved by it!

Afterwards, Ye Fei emasculated the range of this rocket, and hung it on the trading platform for bundling sales with nuclear bombs.

After doing this, Ye Fei heard the sound of whirlpools outside.

Battleships poured out one by one.

Lilia, standing on the edge of the battleship, cheered excitedly, waving at Ye Fei's battleship.

As for the other crew members, they gasped.

Their impression of the appearance of Ye Fei's battleship is still at the 11th star. At this time, Ye Fei's battleship traverses the sea area, like a steel fortress, 3 kilometers long. In front of this data, everyone's battleship The battleship has become a little bit.

The appearance of the battleship is completely covered with shiny "metal", and the streamlined shell makes people say that the appearance is the combat effectiveness.

"Damn it~ it's so big~"

"Ah! This is the love ship of my dreams, it pokes me too much!"

"A real man should be a battleship!"

Amidst bursts of exclamations, Lilia took a deep breath and stepped onto the battleship.

Ye Fei looked at Lilia in front of him, his eyes lit up, not bad! Compared with the aboriginal costumes I saw at the beginning, the other party's current appearance is closer to the aesthetics of modern humans.

It is indeed a beauty embryo, and it is very seductive to look at.

Although the new clan has integrated into the fleet, apart from being closer to the rest of the fleet, their loyalty and belief in Ye Fei has grown deeper.

"Great divine will."

Lilia saluted respectfully.

"Just call me master."

Ye Fei said.

Great and so on, it doesn't make sense to talk about him every day.

The host is very suitable, short and easy to shout, easy to communicate, and he is also comfortable to listen to.


Lilia said excitedly.

Her figure is very gentle, and there are little stars shining in her eyes.

It seems to be one of my little fans~

Ye Fei couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

With a move in his heart, he activated his fusion talent, and Lilia radiated a faint light, and he could barely fuse. It took several days for Luo Bing to reach this level.

Apparently, the idealism trend of thought of the new clan contributed a lot to this.

On the side, Luo Bing watched helplessly, the good guy has a new love, it is right to forget the old love.



Do you still dare to be a little bit sweet? I go.

Like no one knows how to call master, I can even call my father.

Luo Bing curled her lips, but felt a little depressed in her heart.

It's obvious that she came first, okay? Of course, she must admit that she has other motives in it, but the other party must also have other ideas.

Ye Fei is the commander of the fleet, the strongest man, who is the woman, no, who can say that he is not interested.

"Master, am I going to serve your life on the holy warship? It is said in our clan that I am the saint of the new clan, and everything about me is dedicated to God."

Lilia's big eyes were shining, and her face was flushed.

Ye Fei looked at the girl with her hands on her chest, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. Women won't affect the speed at which he can fire, but they will affect the speed at which he can capture the Tier 3 fleet.

"Next, I need you to cooperate with me and study your abilities."

Ye Fei said truthfully.

After observing it with the magic eye, Ye Fei is very satisfied with Lilia in general.

The opponent has great potential.

If this ability is used well, it will be of great help to him.

[Listener]: Can listen to various sounds from the universe, some of which can be understood and used as some kind of 'knowledge'.

It is very close to what Ye Fei guessed before, the only difference is that Ye Fei thought he was listening to the knowledge immediately, but now it seems that there is another condition, which is to be able to understand.

It seems that she listened to a lot of knowledge at random, but most of it was incomprehensible, that is, meaningless 'noise'.

This ability is like a cosmic radio, which can listen to all kinds of information scattered in the universe.

Analysis is the key.

Of course, this is Ye Fei's guess, and the specifics need to be tested.

"Well, your ability is really amazing."

After studying it carefully for a while, Ye Fei became more and more surprised.

This may be his first step into the universe.

"However, these abilities you have obtained are common and lowest-level F-level abilities, which are of little use."

Ye Fei said.


When Lilia heard this, she couldn't help showing disappointment.

"Then I'll work hard tonight."

She said with a firm look.

Ye Fei: "If you rely on your ability to understand, I'm afraid you won't be able to acquire much useful knowledge. Your ability can be said to be strong or weak. It depends more on luck, but"

Ye Fei couldn't help smiling, he snapped his fingers, and a transparent silk thread grew from the ground, sticking out, "Use this touch, cough cough, plug-in neural interface, to connect to your body.

In this way, you will have extra powerful sensory organs, and your cognitive ability will be fundamentally improved, leaping from a human being on a closed island to a saint like a prophet. "

"If you can use external organs to obtain cognitive enhancement, then the ability of 'listener' can be very promising."

"Of course, this is just my guess."

Ye Fei opened his mouth and said.

Lilia had already been integrated into the battleship. For her, there was no need to pay any extra price for using this ability.

But if it is really useful, then he can definitely get huge benefits.

The only problem is that the result is uncontrollable, and knowledge is not always better.

This requires a bit of luck, but it's definitely much better than trying her luck while she's sleeping around. Huh! etc! Why not let the strange bird be controlled by Lilia?

As long as Lilia is connected to the monster bird, she can control the opponent. If this perception is included, the frequency of Lilia's "radio" may be effectively adjusted, and there may be knowledge similar to that the monster bird can use. .

In this way, maybe all fighter jets can benefit, and even, similarly, the deep-sea worms that are suspected of being transformed by the elves can also benefit!

It would be even more perfect if it could evolve one step further.

Forget it, don't think so much, Ye Fei couldn't help shaking his head, throwing all these expectations out of his head.

More expectation, more disappointment.

Maybe tossing for a long time is like that alienated brain, and in the end it's just a tofu flower.

"Master, then... Shall I start now?"

Lilia got a little excited.

If she didn't have auditory hallucinations due to excitement, the master just said the saint, right?

A saint like a prophet!

She must use this method!

"Well, you come with me."

Ye Fei thought about it, then turned around and led Lilia into his own room.

Then he pointed to the big bed where he just lay down and said: "Lie down, I will connect you, and then you will get the perspective of the magic eye. At the same time, I will connect to the strange bird in another place. If If you can't get used to it, you must tell me immediately.

You can’t force it, it will cause problems in the experiment.”

Ye Fei saw that the girl looked so excited, so he couldn't help reminding her seriously.

It was the only radio he had, and if he broke it and never had it again, he would lose a chance forever.

"Listen to me, your task is to ensure your own safety to a limited extent. It would be even better if you can learn about the evolution of monster birds and other degenerated biological weapons of the elves."

Ye Fei said to Lilia.

"This is my first mission for you."

"Well! I will definitely complete the task!"

Lilia had a serious expression on her face.


Immediately afterwards, Ye Fei manipulated the neural interface and slowly inserted it into Lilia's body from behind.

"No no."

Lilia let out an unconscious whine, trembling all over, and was briefly absent-minded for a while, but recovered quickly.

"Omg. I. I saw it"

Lilia was greatly shocked, her perspective changed drastically.

Perspective, infrared, sound waves, and various hints that keep popping up

She only felt that her brain was being hit by waves of strong shocks, and she was almost dizzy, but this feeling was so good! It's like being omnipotent like a god!

"Is this a small part of the master's ability? It's so powerful!"

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Ye Fei excitedly, wanting to share her joy.

However, the next moment,

Her eyes widened.

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