Age of Warships: I choose to build stellar ships

Chapter 171 Ye Guevara! Hot head mermaid princess! Harvest!

Chapter 171 Ye Guevara! Hot head mermaid princess! Harvest!

The huge battleship slowly slid down from the sky, and the powerful wind stirred the sea surface, pressing out a huge depression.

Before the battleship fell into the sea, Ye Fei activated the gravitational core again.


After a dull and powerful sound, the entire battleship drew an arc close to the sea surface, and then it was as bulky as a pelican with a big belly, and began to rise.

At this time, the size of the warship has greatly increased, and the air resistance and weight make the gravitational core a bit difficult.

"A roundabout voyage this far should suffice."

"Even if the Sea Clan chases after them, they won't be able to catch up for a while, but will hit the hydrogen bomb I released."

Ye Fei muttered a few words, then reset the course and let the battleship quickly fly to the adjacent sea area.

He went around and around, but wasted a lot of time.

But this is also something that can't be helped. You will know the result when the hydrogen bomb sounds.

If you are lucky, you will be able to reap a wave.

If you are unlucky, the loss is not too big, just spend some tritium elements to buy peace of mind.

By the way, we must quickly replenish tritium.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei hurriedly opened the warehouse and checked the records carefully. The records of lunar meteorites that were continuously submitted in it made him feel at ease for a while.

But this alone is not enough. After all, human mining takes time no matter how fast it is.

After thinking about it, Ye Fei simply asked Luo Bing to release a new purchase information, 1 nuclear bomb to exchange for 10 tons of lunar meteorite ore.

He thought about how many people there are in the whole region, but the moon is often very close to here, and there must be more than one area with meteorites.

"Wow! This feature is really convenient."

At this time, Luo Bing also fully experienced the thrill of the transaction, just like Ye Fei back then, calling out the magic weapon.

Of course, the most important thing to get this kind of pleasure is that the transaction costs almost nothing.

No matter what other people trade, it's just a matter of earning more and earning less.

Ye Fei glanced at the deal that Luo Bing had completed, and couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

In just this short period of time, she had already sold 2 nuclear bombs, obtained a set of dilapidated siren armor and a gravitational ring in exchange.


Luo Bing tapped his finger, and a gravitational ring with a diameter of 3 meters fell on the deck, making a pleasant sound.

In this way, the battleship's already somewhat strenuous motivation was immediately relieved.

The arrival of the power armor also brought Ye Fei another step forward in his goal of building a Kraken elite force. At this time, he already had 40 Kraken power armors on hand.

It was at this time that the first meteorite transaction was completed, and someone from Colossus submitted 10 tons of meteorites in exchange for a nuclear bomb.

The opponent's speed was extremely fast, as if he was afraid that Luo Bing would regret it, this made Luo Bing giggle.

Ye Fei also laughed at the side, but should I say it or not, the third brother has a lot of people, 30% of the captains in the sea area are not bragging, such a small probability event, they will be met immediately.

From 10 tons of meteorites, about 10 units of tritium can be extracted.

And the power of a nuclear bomb is only one-tenth of the tritium element, and Ye Fei's income is at least 9 times.

Of course, this is just a simple calculation of power. In fact, the value of time saved by Ye Fei is even more immeasurable.

At the same time, this Colossus Chinese has tasted the sweetness, and will definitely continue to mine in the future. How can there be more profitable ore than this?


Even gold, which is on fire nowadays, is far less valuable than lunar meteorites.

"The other party should have a similar ability to Xu Lei, and can mine quickly, and the speed is very fast. We can press the price again."

"And not everyone can collect so many meteorites. After all, nuclear weapons are too valuable."

"This part of the demanded income, we can use thermite bombs to harvest."

Luo Bing held back his excitement and analyzed carefully.

"Do as you wish."

Ye Fei decided not to intervene.

Just let him see how Luo Bing's ability is.

His own ability in this area is of course mediocre, but he doesn't mind having someone who is good at this area help.

Every time a nuclear bomb is traded, he earns a lot of money.

In this way, in a short period of time, Luo Bing collected 100 tons of lunar meteorites for Ye Fei by selling thermite bombs.

This made Ye Fei very happy. If he continues like this, he will not only be able to replenish consumption soon, but also make super big hydrogen bombs!

It's just a little strange, the amount of meteorites is a bit too big, right?

Unless the moon is like my aunt, it comes up once a month, otherwise it will fall everywhere in the sea.

So far, craters have been discovered in three sea areas.

One of them, according to what the third brother showed off, is more than 40 kilometers in a straight line from the center of the crater to the uplifted impact mountains on the edge.

In other words, a large pit with a diameter of nearly 100 kilometers was smashed.

"Haha! We're going to post!"

"Look at me draining someone's nuclear bomb~"

Those with strong mining talents in the Kingdom of the Colossus spoke proudly.

His name is Maya, and he has been digging mines for the fleet all the time. He has to act according to the face of others. Although he has good talent, because he has no attack power, he always acts according to the face of others.

His mining speed is extremely fast. After seeing the transaction information sent by Luo Bing, he crazily dug several tons of ore within ten minutes.

Of course, the islands formed by the impact of these meteorites will soon be dug under the sea surface, and he will have no choice but to earn enough capital before that, so that he can find another person who can The one who made him breathe underwater cooperated.

And he has to be in a dominant position!

"Maya, what the hell are you doing? You're not clean and ready to leave with the fleet."

At this moment, someone was furious and raised his whip, causing Maya to back away in fright.

Immediately, he realized that he was the one with the nuclear bomb in his hand, so he was still afraid of this dog?

"Okay! You go first!"

He suppressed his anger and said.

Soon, when the fleet was a few kilometers away, Maya couldn't wait to release the first nuclear bomb he had obtained.


Ha ha!


In the flames soaring into the sky, Maya's face was ferocious, and he would die for him! Ha ha! died! Good to die! Now in this area, he has the final say!

"Nuclear bomb. Ye Fei"

He couldn't help muttering to himself with a complicated expression.

At the same time, the things here were also leaked to the regional channel.

After all, although Maya released the nuclear bomb, his strength lies in this, and those who survived in the fleet immediately exposed him.

He didn't care, and cursed unscrupulously.

For a while, the entire regional channel was a sensation. This was no less than a silent nuclear bomb, and the bombing was in everyone's mind. Everyone was thinking, if they also had a nuclear bomb. For a while, many fleets , someone's eyes flickered.

Many captains were frightened, and they all became vigilant, worried that someone under their command would deal with them.

"Ye Fei, you bastard! Proliferation of nuclear weapons is not allowed!"

"This is destroying the peace of the region!"


Looking at the situation in the regional channel, Ye Fei couldn't help being taken aback. To be honest, this situation is a "new version of the ship" that he never thought of.

He really just wanted to get some meteorites. Could this be considered a murder caused by a meteorite?

But then again, in this way, each fleet will achieve relative fairness and justice.

After all, if the fleet commanders oppressed their subordinates, then they would probably exchange for nuclear bombs if they had the opportunity. Even, these captains suspected that Ye Fei would be happy to buy their lives for nuclear bombs without any exchange of resources.

Ye Fei knew that all the commanders would doubt him, and the commanders also knew very well that Ye Fei would know that they doubted him. No matter how Ye Fei proved it, they could not dispel this suspicion, and the chain of suspicion was formed like this.

In order to avoid nuclear bombs, each fleet soon began to introduce new policies, mainly to appease the captains at the bottom, give them profits, and upgrade them, so as to prevent the bottom from being bewitched by Ye Fei.

However, doing so unexpectedly made Ye Fei's reputation better, not as good as a saint, but as good as being afraid and admirable.

On the one hand, everyone hated Ye Fei's oppression. Personnel from many countries were bombed by Ye Fei. The lives in Ye Fei's hands were not the slightest bit, but at this moment, Ye Fei's review has become much more complicated.

He can no longer use simple good or bad to evaluate.

Naturally, no one in the other fleet dared to say this clearly, but this scene made everyone in the Beiming fleet excited.

Wang Yifeng: "The captain will allocate guaranteed energy for you, trade resources fairly, and try his best to protect you, upgrade you, don't abandon, don't give up, don't dismantle your warships and eat corpses, not because their conscience discovered it, but It was Boss Ye Fei who came~"

"What is another world Che Guevara"

【Ding! Your nuclear bomb deal has affected the direction of the entire region, and you gain +10 influence! You get the attention of the law of the world! 】


Ye Fei couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

This unexpected gain made him smile.

The influence is about to reach 140, and by then, he will get another generous reward.

On the side, Luo Bing looked at Ye Fei, and couldn't help being crazy. He is really handsome~

"Brother Fei, you are really grand and lofty, unlike me, who was so full of business just now that he didn't consider the overall development of mankind at all."

Luo Bing said with some shame.

At this moment, in addition to admiring Ye Fei's strength and handsomeness, she is also deeply impressed by Ye Fei's lofty morality.

This is no longer an ordinary lofty morality, it is completely divorced from the individual, and has the taste of a saint. Little stars shone in Luo Bing's eyes, and his heart couldn't help but thumping.

I am really happy to be able to follow Ye Fei.

She was completely conquered by Ye Fei's pattern.

Seeing Luo Bing looking at him adoringly, Ye Fei couldn't help but smile slightly, "The layout can't be eaten as food, you can do whatever you want in business."


Luo Bing couldn't help but nodded obediently.

"Only stronger power can change more!"

At this moment, her mind is full of Ye Fei's huge pattern.

Looking at Luo Bing's current appearance, Ye Fei couldn't help but feel secretly refreshed, with a sense of accomplishment. Back then, Luo Bing was very cunning and plotted against him, but now it is true, hehe, is this considered cultivation?

Ye Fei picked up Luo Bing carefully. He didn't observe carefully when he was in contact with Luo Bing every day. Now that he took a closer look, Luo Bing's skin was much better than before, smoother, rosy and rosy. Between exhalation and inhalation, there are still tiny beads of sweat condensing on it.

Is it because the effects of the Emerald Dream haven't worn off yet, causing the body temperature to rise abnormally?

Becoming beautiful should also be due to increased strength.

Ye Fei thought of his abdominal muscles and couldn't help but guess.


At this moment, a private message from a friend rang out.

Scarlett: "UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuIt's so miserable. There is still one condition left to advance to the level 1 fleet. Please help me, Mr. Ye Fei."


Ye Fei was taken aback.

Scarlett's strength is pretty good, but it's so difficult to advance to the level 1 fleet?

He quickly asked Luo Bing, and then he discovered that the previous attempts to redeem nuclear bombs and prepare to sprint to the level 1 fleet basically failed.

"Oh, it's really too difficult. Another fleet was hit by a strong Sea Clan. The entire fleet suffered heavy losses. I heard people in the region say that within 3 hours, their captains changed two. The latest one is this one. They only have C-level talents.”

Luo Bing said with emotion.

If it weren't for Ye Fei, their sea area would probably be struggling.

Only one fleet successfully upgraded to level 1 fleet?

Calculated in this way, the probability of the fleet's advancement is almost 1%. Of course, this is the only example, and it cannot be counted, but it can probably be guessed that this difficulty is too high.

Is level 1 so difficult?

The number of fleets in the subsequent levels will decrease rapidly. It may be close to the limit to reach level 3, and level 4. I don’t know if there is any fleet that can be reached before the natural disaster.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei couldn't help but feel worried.

Before, it was just my own feeling, and it was indeed inaccurate. Now, compared with the entire sea area, the difficulty of upgrading this fleet has skyrocketed.

"Tonight, many sea areas have suffered heavy losses, and the tide is getting stronger and stronger, while the rest of our Dragon Kingdom sea areas have also suffered great losses. Many of them are expecting you to speak."

"Now, only you can save them, especially the low-level captains, who are looking forward to joining our fleet."

Hearing this, Ye Fei couldn't help but nodded.

Is this normal and human nature? Who doesn’t want to hug thick legs?

As for the stronger captains, he could understand that they just wanted to be the head of a chicken rather than the tail of a phoenix.

After all, the Beiming Fleet is famous for its strength. The status and positions they enjoy in their own fleet are impossible to have in the Beiming Fleet.

But no matter what, he should hurry up, if it was too late, these people would be too far behind, and he couldn't bear to join the fleet at that time.

Of course, if that doesn't work, you can protect the sea area you like first to prevent them from losing their lives.

Ye Fei thought so, and immediately said to Luo Bing: "Next, you can sell more nuclear bombs and thermite bombs according to your own ideas. By the way, pay attention to the effect of concentrating the Emerald Dream. If there are any side effects, you must Be aware of feedback in a timely manner.”

It's important to find the treasure, but Luo Bing is a big treasure himself, so he can't lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds.

"Yeah! I'll pay attention."

Luo Bing couldn't help but blush.

"Then my next main tasks are two: one is to collect high-end resources in the regional channel, and the other is to mobilize the fleet manpower to investigate and explore the areas I perceive."

"The secondary mission is: to collect regional intelligence and report important information to you at any time."

Luo Bing concluded.


Ye Fei nodded with satisfaction. Having a capable secretary really saved him a lot of trouble.

What's more important is that Luo Bing is by his side. If he has anything to do, he can ask directly. Communication is much more convenient than a chat channel.


At this moment, Ye Fei noticed a burst of light coming from the side room.

His eyes suddenly lit up. Has Lilia finished sorting out her knowledge?

Thinking of this, Ye Fei quickly walked into the room and saw Lilia, who was lying on the bed at this time, also being supported by the neural interface behind her, and opened her eyes in surprise.

At the same moment, a huge warship was traveling at high speed on the sea. The terrifying speed caused a tail wave that was more than 20 kilometers long.

This is a giant battleship.

What's even more amazing is that such a huge warship looks like most of its structure is made of wood, and even has ancient sails.

On the battleship, the mermaid princess looked at the sea with a cold expression.

On the side, seeing the disappointment of the princess, the confidant captain quickly said: "Your Highness, this human is lucky. It seems that he has a lot of gravitational rings. Even if you look at all races, he belongs to the category that can run very well. , it was so slippery that it actually ran so far.”

The captain had a determined expression on his face.

The people around also nodded in agreement.

Their battleships have magical abilities, and their speed is the fastest in the ocean. No one can beat the speed of this sacred leap!


The mermaid princess frowned.

To this extent, that mere human being was no longer just an offense to her.

This is challenging her abilities!

At the same time, she became more and more curious about the human being. The backward human warship, which was clearly not even planet-level in strength, could actually escape her tracking.

Obviously, according to the expert on the ship, the enemy's battleship was headed in this direction, but when it tracked near here, the traces were broken, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

It's possible to fly or something, but in that case, it stands to reason that she should be aware of it.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, you will definitely gain something by making other arrangements. I can be sure that the enemy must have passed by here. Even if he used means to hide the energy residue, we can roughly predict the direction!"

The confidant captain smiled.

He also didn't expect that the capture of the enemy would be so twists and turns!

At the same time, he was also secretly glad that he didn't talk too much at the beginning, but agreed with Her Royal Highness's opinion: send more people, maybe send ships on the route to track them, and at the same time intercept them in advance through the vortex.

Otherwise, this slippery human would really run away!

"I guess that human beings should have closed the gravitational ring, but no matter how he closes it, he still has to open it after all, or the speed is too slow."

"So in this direction in front of us, there is a high probability that energy fluctuations can be detected."

The captain pointed in the direction of the moon and said.

He was also secretly reminding the princess that according to the rules of the clan, the moon had already reached this position, and she had to return to the main army immediately.

"His Royal Highness is wise!"

"Thanks to Her Majesty the Princess!"

"Yeah, it seems that we should be cautious when dealing with the enemy in the future. If it's just our battleship, the opponent will definitely run away this time!"

"I didn't catch it this time, and I don't know where this kid went when I come again next time!"

On the side, listening to everyone's praise, the mermaid remained expressionless.

She had heard too much of this kind of flattery, but this time, her decision was indeed okay, if she hadn't decided to divide the army into five groups, the revenge might take overnight.

Then she will be very upset!

At this moment, a crew member suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "I found it! I found traces of psychic energy!"

"Wow! It's really in the direction Her Royal Highness predicted!"

The captain suddenly became ecstatic.

Involuntarily, he felt admiration from the bottom of his heart. The mermaid race is so strong. It deserves to be a royal family. There are some intuitive things that he really can't compare with.

"In that direction, we have 20 battleships, and there are many strong players of level 35 on them!"

"Haha! Steady!"

The crew members were excited.

"Let's go, let's head back."

The mermaid princess couldn't help showing a faint smile.

Hurry back now, don't waste any time.

Not only that, but they also happened to meet up with the fleet there, let's make a good job of that human captain!


As soon as she turned around, she heard the exclamation from the crew on the side.

"Hey! Look! What is that!"

"So bright!"

"Really, I'm going, the moon is covered, it looks bad at first glance! It's that one again! Be careful everyone!"

Someone reacted abruptly.

But by this time it was already too late, and the dazzling light shone on the sea.


A terrifying ray swept across, and many crew members fell to the ground covering their eyes.

The mermaid only felt a burning sensation on her back.

She quickly ran to the side cabin, and when she rushed in, she was already on fire behind her.


Her hair, the fine hairs on the back of her neck, were all set on fire.


For a moment, screams resounded throughout the battleship.

After the dazzling light passed, the mermaid struggled to climb out of the cabin, she was completely stunned, the sky was completely bright, dazzling red light!

In the distance, the entire sky seemed to be burning.

"It's so scary."

The captain's eyeballs were burned and smoked, but he recovered quickly. At this moment, he opened his mouth wide and looked into the distance.

That direction is exactly the direction he pointed just now.

That is to say

Gudu~ He couldn't help swallowing, if they were the ones who intercepted in that direction just now, they would definitely be turned into ashes!

This terrifying temperature, even at such a long distance, can burn through the eyeballs and the whole person is like being burned by a fireball.

"What kind of weapon is this!"

"It's somewhat similar to the weapons of the Sea-Monster Clan. I can feel the terrifying curse rays, but it's more than ten thousand times more violent than that."

A crew member analyzed it carefully.

At this moment, the mermaid princess was extremely embarrassed. Her golden and beautiful scales were all blackened, and her hair was scorched by the high temperature until only a section remained, and it was melted together in bunches, like dreadlocks. The fair and beautiful face was even darker.

If someone sees it, they will exclaim, isn't this the hottest politically correct black mermaid nowadays.

The princess looked cold at this time, but she still maintained the noble and calm expression of the mermaid, and she said: "I have ordered that any sea tribe troops find this human ship in the future and report to me immediately, and at the same time send a special punishment fleet. Catch him, I want to live!"

She gritted her teeth.



Just then, it began to rain.

The terrible explosion lifted the sea water into the stratosphere, and at this time it began to rain for hundreds of kilometers.

The fish in the rain fell and hit the mermaid directly on the head.


The princess, who was originally quite calm, went completely crazy.

Hiss~ Calm down, I want to calm down!

She took a deep breath and said, "Forget it, I will lead the team myself, I must catch this guy!"

In this battle, she suffered heavy losses, but she didn't even see the face of the enemy.


What a shame!

At this moment, this is no longer a question of provocation, or of fighting.

This is the battle of dignity!

"I, Yuna, swear by my overestimation as a mermaid, I will catch you!"

The princess shouted silently in her heart.

"Your Highness, if this is an attack by that human, then he will definitely go to a certain place."

At this moment, the captain took out a sea chart and pointed at it, "Here! The area where the captain is conducting trials, there is a huge vortex here! And it is the only one nearby. The captain is already so powerful, it must be We have to go there! Of course. Although it’s hard to believe, I have to say that the other party has probably just completed the trial. That’s why the strength is so unexpected.”

"where to!"

"I hope that despicable human has not completed the trial!"

Princess Yuna gritted her teeth and said.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she immediately felt speechless.

These words are completely congratulating the other party!

Because if the other party is really so strong before the trial, wouldn't it be abominable after the trial?

But if the other party has finished the trial and she runs over now, she will look stupid.

For a moment, she went crazy.

"Then let's go faster."

"Better hurry over and have a look!"

Seeing the power of that terrible weapon, the captain's expression became solemn at this time.

If the opponent really hasn't tried it yet, then they must rush over before then and kill the opponent immediately before the opponent continues to grow!

Thinking of this, he suddenly became anxious.

At the same time, on an island, many mixed-race indigenous humans looked at the sky as bright as day, and they were all terrified.

"Damn. What's going on here?"

"I just thought the sun was up!"


At this moment, the patriarch came out with a group of people and calmed everyone down.

"Luofa, with the emergence of this terrifying force, you should set off early."

The clan leader spoke calmly.

As for what that power is, he doesn't care. It's much stronger than him anyway, and that's not what the survivors on these islands need to care about.

"Only when we become captains again will we be qualified to play games. It will not be too late to care about these things on the sea at that time!"

The patriarch said to everyone.

Luofa: "This terrifying power. I hope it won't scare humans away."

He said with some worry.

After all, the ruins island over there is much closer to the terrifying light than their island. If it is affected, the trip this time may be in vain.

"Oh, there's nothing we can do about it, we have to go take a look!"

"That's right, let a few people with strong search skills go together. If there are still people hiding in the ruins, we can find them!"

"Brother Toad, it depends on whether you can avenge your clan!"

"Let's go quickly, I'm afraid all the humans have escaped!"

Luofa was a little anxious. He only had to catch these humans to fully gain the credit this time.

Discovering a human captain and catching a human captain are two completely different concepts.

Soon, a group of people went to the vicinity of the ruins island through the whirlpool.

After arriving there, everyone immediately rushed madly. After a while,

There was a sound of surprise on the ship.

Lots of human battleships!

Ha ha!

It’s happening now!

Everyone is ecstatic!

"Look carefully, they seem to be mining!"

"Watch me deal with them alone!"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that although each of these battleships looks different, they are not strong!

For a while, everyone felt that the victory was in their hands.

"Wait a minute. What about the person who killed our king? He should also be a captain. Why isn't he here?"

That's what the frogman cares about most!

These battleships are obviously not large in size and should not be very strong!

He didn't believe that his king would be defeated by such garbage, he couldn't accept it! Absolutely impossible!

On the side, Luo Fan looked at the frogman contemptuously, and couldn't help but sneered: "You bastard, you should observe carefully, the opponent's strong man is definitely not here, if I guessed correctly, they were the ones who killed your stupid toad king The commander of the human fleet."

"It's useless for us to just capture the captain. If we want to capture him, we have to capture the commander. In this way, the entire fleet will be ours!"

"The larger human fleet must have tens of thousands of people, right?"

"Hiss! Then there can't be tens of thousands of ships?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were filled with heat!

"That's not all. You see, this fleet will also build towers in the ruins. We guessed correctly that these ruins are indeed the creation of the fleet!"

"Haha! With this tower, we can go to their headquarters base and even slowly occupy a human fleet."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's breathing became rapid.

Not only can you leave the island, but you can also gain powerful power and enslave a large fleet!

This impact is too great!


Luofa couldn't help but take a deep breath. He shook his trembling hands and said:

"Later, I suggest to surround the spot for reinforcements. Don't be in a hurry to kill them all. We only send one weak person to scare them, so that they will definitely reinforce them. When the commander comes through the vortex, we will crunch again~! "

Luofa suddenly clenched his fists and made a closing gesture.

The only problem is, how to determine which ship is their commander?

"This is simple, the biggest one must be the one!"

A crew member said.

"The biggest, there is a standard, one thousand meters bigger is big, one meter bigger is also big!"

"Yeah, it's more difficult to tell."

"We can only play by ear."

Everyone couldn't help discussing.

At the same moment, Ye Fei was stunned as he watched the rising flame mushroom cloud.

So strong!

Is this 100 million tons equivalent?

What an exaggeration!

It is indeed the top weapon of level 0 civilization!

At this moment, an energy ball flew over, and at the same time a large prompt was displayed:

【Ding! Kill a level 31 sea clan murloc, gain energy +3100]

【Ding! Kill a level 31 sea clan murloc, gain energy +3100]

【Ding! Kill the 35th level sea clan lord giant whale warrior, gain energy +75000】

【Ding! You killed a large number of members of the Sea Clan fleet, and you have gained a certain reputation among the entire Sea Clan fleet! Gain influence +6! 】

【warn! You have aroused strong hostility from the Sea Clan, and they will continue to pay attention to your movements! 】

Not bad!

He even beheaded a level 35 powerhouse of the Sea Clan!

Ye Fei couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, it seems that this time finally gave the Sea Clan some color, but it's a pity that he couldn't kill the Sea Clan Mermaid Princess!

"Is this the signal from the master's mouth?"

Lilia is still connected to the magic eye at this time, so her observation angle is also all-round.

At this moment, she was extremely shocked, and was so shocked by the incomparably magnificent scene in front of her that she was speechless.

At this moment, a burst of golden light suddenly burst out from Ye Fei's body.

This brilliance instantly attracted all of Lilia's eyes.

"God. Master he. He is shining!"

Involuntarily, Lilia was stunned.

【Ding! Your influence breaks through 140 points! Get the blessing of the law of the world! 】

[The battleship defense index increased by 200 points! 】

[Battleship damage control index increased by 200 points! 】

[The firepower index of the battleship increased by 200 points! 】

[The battleship power index increased by 200 points! 】

Ha ha!

The strength has skyrocketed!

Ye Fei couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised, his average attributes have finally reached the standard! Portions are beyond!

It's time to start the fleet trial!

At this moment, his confidence soared!

Not only does he meet the mandatory attribute value data, but he also has advantages in terms of the size of the battleship, the number of crew members, and the side of the ship's weapons!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei immediately started teleporting!

At the same time, he began to contact Liu Ru to confirm the situation of the maelstrom.

Before the maelstrom closes, he has to rush in!

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