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Lin Xiao Bei felt his vision go black.

The scene changed.

However …

"Chief Officer Morton, the teleportation magic taught by Nolan Mir consumes too much spiritual energy. I need to take her to rest. Tomorrow, we'll start creating a new 'Frost Star'!"

Hearing Morton's words, the little pirate supported the pale-faced Maya and firmly shook his head.

Without waiting for Morton's reply, the little pirate helped Maya into the bookshelf on the left side of the ice crystal table to rest.

Seeing this,

However, he doesn't know how to assemble the Frost Star, so he can't ask for anything.

He could only sit at the ice crystal experiment table and continue talking. He started to take notes about the Morton Experimental Record.

[Original: English] [13 July 1307]

Under the combination of the ice and flame techniques, the ice crystals were finally refined into raw materials.

After being assembled by the couple's blueprints.

The Frost Star was finally complete!

This work not only allowed one to glide between the ice and land, but also allowed one to roam in the sea with extreme cold and violent winds.

We've already checked all of Frost Star's stats in the Blood Lake.

It would be a perfect haven.

In a few more days we'll be sailing out of this chilly place.

What a pleasant day.

Morton's pen was flying, recording the events of the past few days with gusto.

Then what about our main character, Lin Xiaobei?

He was, of course, observing all this from within Morton's body.

But it was strange.

This time, it was unknown if it was Morton's expression that did not cover up his feelings or if it was for some unknown reason.

Lin Xiao Bei always felt that he could feel Morton's mood.

Right, Lin Xiaobei truly felt that the Mo Tun who wrote these words was in high spirits.

He could even feel Morton's anticipation of leaving the Sea Devil Island, but it was mostly the joy of a Warlock discovering a way to refine ice crystals.

This was very strange, as if the current Lin Xiao Bei was no longer a spectator hidden within Morton's body.

It was that he was really another part of Morton's consciousness.

Because he could clearly feel all of Morton's thoughts.

'Tsk tsk tsk, that damnable Farmer teacher! '

'You must not have thought that I could escape from Captain Bill's treasure trove! '

'Next, should I think of a way to take the Sea God's treasure and leave this place? '

"When we return to the island, I will kill you myself and take out the New World Pass you stole from your phylactery to sacrifice to the captain!"

That's not it.

With Morton logging again.

Lin Xiao Bei once again felt Morton's true thoughts.

He found that Morton had a very complicated feeling about Farmer.

Morton respected the knowledge of his teacher, Farmar, but he also hated the betrayal of Farmar.

However, betraying this derogatory term meant nothing to a necromancer.

What Morton really hated about Farmer was the fact that his son, Kate, had fallen into the Tempest Sea while he was being hunted down by Farmer, who had fled from the secret sanctuary of the Raging Flames pirate crew.

But Morton said nothing about his son Kate in this journal.

It was because Morton had subconsciously emphasized that his son, Kate, was just missing and not dead!

The bad old man didn't want to face Kate's death.

Lin Xiao Bei could feel this.

The more he thought about it, the stranger it seemed.

'Could it be the telepathy Morton had right before his death? '

Thinking about what would happen next, Morton was about to die.

Lin Xiao Bei had a strange thought.

Could it be that in retrospect, Morton had revealed something to Lin Xiaobei? He wanted Lin Xiao Bei to help him take revenge?

He suddenly had this thought.

Lin Xiao Bei was even more focused as he tried to sense the message that was being transmitted by Mo Dun's subconscious.

Because halfway through the last paragraph, Morton was going to die!

Just as Lin Xiao Bei was concentrating.

Morton took up his pen again.

'But now, I have to find a way to interrogate the pirates... '

What did Morton want to question the pirates about?

Lin Xiao Bei didn't know.

He only found in Morton's mood a deep distrust of the pirates and Maya.

However, Lin Xiaobei no longer had the energy to feel why Morton didn't trust the couple.

Morton stopped writing because the log was here.

Almost at the same moment Morton stopped writing.

Lin Xiao Bei clearly saw a tiny drop of blood dripping from Morton's experiment.

This meant that Morton was poisoned!

But who was the murderer of Morton? Where is it?

Lin Xiao Bei focused on observing his surroundings.

It was peaceful, with nothing to show for it.

Then he looked at the secret chamber where the pirate and Maya were.

He didn't move.

'They shouldn't have poisoned him! '

Ever since they returned to the lab, the pirates had been supporting Maya, who was on the verge of collapsing.

They did not touch Morton, nor did they touch his things.

So who?

Right when Lin Xiao Bei was trying his best to think.


Pain! The pain came from his back.

Lin Xiaobei felt every cell in Morton's body being scorched by the pain!

"Eh!" "Ah!"

Morton screamed as blood spurted into the column and splattered onto his lab log, staining more than half the pages.

With Morton's vital signs weakened.

Lin Xiao Bei's vision also gradually became blurry.

'What's going on?

Lin Xiaobei used the last corner of Morton's eyes to scan the entire Ice Cave laboratory.

He saw a shadow emerge from behind Morton, and with a speed invisible to the naked eye, it attacked the secret chamber where the pirates and Maya were.

"Ah …" "You!"

As the small pirates in the secret room howled hoarsely, Lin Xiaobei's vision once again plunged into darkness.

After floating in the dark for a long time.

He waited until Lin Xiao Bei woke up again.

In front of his eyes.

It was still the same bottle in the laboratory!

"Where am I?"

Blinking his misty eyes, Lin Xiaobei heard his own voice and saw the scattered Tarot cards on the ice crystal table in front of him.

"So I'm back!"

"But how did Morton die? Who did the little pirate call out to in the end? Maya! That's right! Maya is still alive! Where are you? Come out! What the hell do you know, woman? "

Lin Xiaobei, who was lying on the ice crystal table, suddenly stood up in rage.

But he didn't find any trace of Maya in the lab.

On the contrary, there were two balls of soft stuff pressing down on his back that made Lin Xiaobei feel extremely uncomfortable.

"What is it?"

Lin Xiao Bei subconsciously reached out his hand to pinch it.

"Eh? The feel of his hands was pretty good! At least 34 days! Ah... "Hold on!"

Lin Xiao Bei turned around in fear.

He saw Maya's dead face!

"I-I didn't do it on purpose!"

Lin Xiao Bei was shocked.

Then he reacted.

Now it was Maya deceiving him, it was time for him to get angry! Worker was afraid of her!

"Hey!" Don't think that I'm afraid of you just because you look like a dead fish! Speak! What was going on? "What the hell did you trick me into coming to this island for?"

Lin Xiaobei angrily roared at Maya.

However, Maya was still that dead face, trembling all over.

"You still f * cking dare to be angry? When you're cheating on the workers... "Huh?"

As he was speaking, Lin Xiaobei suddenly noticed Maya's abnormality.

Maya was not trembling from anger, but from the cold.

"What's the matter with you?"

Lin Xiao Bei was shocked.

"Hug, hug me tight!"


"Hug me tight, I'm so cold!"

With that, Maya fainted into Lin Xiao Bei's arms.

"What the f * ck!" Even when there's a man already, he's still trying to seduce us! "

Lin Xiaobei instinctively wanted to push Maia away.

However …

[Ding, player Lin Xiaobei, Quest Mater Maya's temperature is only 10 degrees Celsius, her HP is at risk. Please give her warmth before killing the accordion fish king, otherwise her quest will be deemed a failure!]

[Punishment for Failure: Destroy!] The exact form of your extermination is unknown, but if Maya were to die, you will definitely not live past 5 seconds!]

"F * ck!" This is a crime under decree! The other party is a b * tch! "

Lin Xiao Bei felt his entire being become bad.

But no matter how one looked at Lin Xiaobei's expression as he hugged Maya, it was as if he was enjoying himself.

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