A dense group of accordion fishes circled the deep blue pool of blood.

They were moving and gathering in a very regular pattern, as if maintaining some form of formation. At the same time, they seemed to be waiting for some kind of instruction.

On the other side, Lin Xiaobei and the necromancer, Kite, were discussing the conditions for their cooperation.

Without a word, Lin Xiao Bei directly stated his requirements.

Of course he wouldn't forget that before the Sea God's Transformation, Carter had used this Rank 4 Special Job Change Token to mess with him.

The current Lin Xiao Bei was already level 29 and was about to reach level 4.

Then he must obtain this level 4 Special Job Change Token!

However, Carter's voice was a little uncertain when he mentioned this job transition order.

"Chef Chen Xiaolian, I personally feel that now is not the time for us to discuss the terms. Let's work together and kill the accordion fish king first!"

"Who the f * ck knows how to randomly open an empty cheque. Carter, if you don't agree, then I'll come and take it myself!" At most, everyone will die here together. "

As he spoke, Lin Xiaobei had already started swimming towards Carter's location.

"Chef Chen Xiaolian, how can you be so reckless?"

Carter was a little anxious when he saw Lin Xiaobei really swim towards him.

He wasn't afraid that Lin Xiaobei would come and flame him.

However, as time passed, more and more accordion fish had gathered around him.

If they continued to fight like this, they would have to wait for the shoal to pile up.

Let alone killing the accordion fish king, it would be hard for them to even find the tracks of that fish king.

But Lin Xiao Bei did not care about that, all he wanted was the Level 4 Job Change Order.

At this moment.

The more Carter panicked, the more domineering and threatening Lin Xiaobei became.

"Carter, I'm the first person to say that I'm not going to fall into disarray. Whether I'm going to give you a Job Change Order is one thing. Otherwise, I'm going to attack your 'Frost Star' right now!"

Actually, it was not Lin Xiao Bei's fault.

After all, in the process of fighting Carter twice, Lin Xiaobei was not at a complete disadvantage.

But he already knew a little about Kate.

Kate was a real old pervert.

Back in university, Lin Xiaobei had a special lesson on the psychological state of these insidious and manipulative characters.

The conclusion was …

Old pervert likes to play dirty tricks behind people's backs.

This kind of person must be very timid and afraid of death.

It was unknown when he would be able to sell out his teammates.

He was definitely not someone who could sincerely cooperate.

So, when facing Carter, Lin Xiaobei might as well focus on the weakness of the Old Devil's people being afraid of death.

Using the threat of being surrounded by accordion fish, he had gotten some benefits from Kate.

However, things often went against one's wishes.

Carter's reply this time was outspoken and unyielding when he heard Lin Xiaobei's threatening words.

"Chef Chen Xiaolian, actually, I was lying to you. I did not find the Job Change Token. If you insist on making trouble for me, then let's fight to the death!"

Kate's voice was terrifyingly low, and the meaning of her words was resolute.

He seemed determined not to hand over the transfer order.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao Bei's brows raised.

"It's just a Job Change Order. If you want to hand it over, then hand it over. If you don't, then don't. Why don't you explain why you couldn't find the Job Change Order?" After explaining it, he said it in such a resolute manner! Don't you feel that there is a contradiction in those words? '

His incoherent speech gave off a contradictory feeling.

From a psychological point of view, the person who said such words was either lying or had a brain problem.

It was very obvious that an old guy like Carter, who could seduce people, who also had a way with fights, was definitely not someone with a problem with his head.

Lin Xiaobei determined that Carter was lying!

Moreover, at the same time Carter lied, he also started a psychological war against Lin Xiaobei.

He feigned a death attitude as he forced Lin Xiao Bei to compromise and yield.

But Kate, you have to pick the right person to have a psychological fight with.

Don't you know that Lin Xiaobei is a top student in psychology?

Psychology professionals are usually inflexible.

A nonprofessional of yours is having a psychological battle with Lin Xiaobei, a very real psychologist.

This was equivalent to challenging the bottom line of other departments and their job.

For such a disgraceful matter, even if Lin Xiaobei was willing to admit it, the teachers who gave him the diplomas would not agree!

Upon realizing this, Lin Xiaobei felt that his professional life had been hit by Carter a few times, and he didn't feel at ease at all from head to toe.

With a roar, he erupted!

"Fuck, Kate!" You want psychological warfare, you want to play tricks with labor? Great! Come on! If we don't hand over our Job Change Order, we'll fight! Don't you want to be a fish in a net? I'll f * cking satisfy you right now! "Dammit!"

As he spoke, Lin Xiao Bei was enraged.

With a fierce acceleration, he swam next to Carter.

As the saying goes, 'those who meet face to face will win'.

Psychological tactics remained the same.

Seeing Lin Xiaobei aggressively approaching, Carter didn't want to be outdone.

"Chef Chen Xiaolian, like I said, the Job Change Order is not with me. Since you insist on causing trouble without reason, then I will have to follow you to the end!"

"Holy motherf * cker, Carter, are you so calm when you're lying? "Dammit!"

Carter was obviously lying with his eyes wide open. Lin Xiaobei was already infuriated to the point he was barely able to control his emotions.

However …

"I'm not lying!"

Kate bit herself hard enough not to lie.

"Alright, you f * cking didn't lie. Then how can I f * cking expose you right now?" "Dammit!"

Along with Lin Xiaobei's words, he threw the question at Carter with all his might.

Lin Xiaobei said, "Old pervert, let me ask you, how the hell did you get here with all these accordion fish chasing you?"

Kate: "Of course it's by boat! Do I swim just like you!? "

Lin Xiaobei said, "Alright, Frost Star's power system is in the power cabin at the stern of the ship. When it was cut in half, the power system had long been separated from the cockpit."

"How the f * ck did you drive a ship when you only have a cockpit and no power system?"

"Don't tell the laborers that you can run against those accordion fish with just a cockpit without any power system?"

"Then why the f * ck didn't you say that you could go to the heavens just by farting?" "Dammit!"

Lin Xiaobei's barrage of questions made Carter ask a little muddle-headed.

But his meaning was very simple.

Kate found the missing tail of the Frost Star and installed the power system in the cockpit before he could pilot the submarine through the blood pool.

Of course, if Carter found the wreckage, then no doubt about it, he would have gotten the level 4 Job Change Order he lost in the warehouse at the end of 'Frost Star'.

At this moment.

When the lie was exposed by Lin Xiaobei, Carter's momentum weakened all of a sudden.

"This one."

Facing Lin Xiaobei's fierce questioning that seemed like 'farting can go to the heavens', Carter was really a little speechless all of a sudden.

After squeaking for a while.


Carter seemed to have thought of something. His gaze froze, and his pair of crafty eyes stared fixedly at Lin Xiaobei, not uttering a single word.

The atmosphere suddenly changed to a strange heaviness.

This kind of solemn atmosphere completely disrupted Lin Xiao Bei's forceful strategy.

A long time later.

Lin Xiao Bei felt a bit uncomfortable amidst this heavy atmosphere.

"All right, Kate!" I don't want to waste my breath on you. Do you want to hand in the Job Change Order or not? If you don't work hard, I will immediately deal with you! F * ck! Look at my temper! Dammit! I can't even control myself! "

The first hundred or so accordion fish had turned into a few white strips.

Time was running out.

Lin Xiaobei no longer planned to play any boring psychological warfare games with Carter.

But Carter was still strangely silent when faced with Lin Xiaobei's threat.

This was extremely abnormal. It did not seem like something an old pervert was afraid of.

But right now, Lin Xiaobei was already bursting with anger from Carter's silence, and didn't notice this abnormality.

He just continued to threaten her on his own.

"Kate!" You really won't shed a tear until you see the coffin, right? "

As he spoke, a ball of ice-blue flame began to condense in Lin Xiao Bei's hand.

Carter's heart sank inside the cabin of Frost Star when he saw this.

His eyes flickered, then became uncertain.

After struggling for a long time, he finally agreed to Lin Xiao Bei's conditions.

"Alright, Chef Chen Xiaolian Fei, I agree to give you the Job Change Order!"

Following Kate's instructions.

(Option: Yes or No.

"What the f * ck!" Kate! Are you f * cking messing with me? It was a promised Job Change Order, did you f * cking give it to someone after forming a team? No, I have to work hard now! Otherwise, we would have blown up your boat! "

At a time like this, Carter was still in the dark.

Lin Xiao Bei was truly enraged.

The icy-blue flames on his hand also became more and more exuberant.

It seemed that if Carter didn't answer, he would turn the Ice Flame Manipulation into an Ice Blast Spell and throw it at him.

At this time.

Along with Lin Xiao Bei's threat.

Another system notification sounded in Lin Xiao Bei's ears.

Hearing the contents of the notification sound, Lin Xiao Bei's mouth curved into a smile.

The accordion fish are all treasures!

The accordion fish king was a treasure among treasures.

Carter gave up on what he got from forming a team. This showed that this old pervert had already given in once again.

The fact that she gave in proved that her desire to survive was very strong.

'Since it's so strong, shouldn't I take another step forward and squeeze out even more benefits from this old fogey? '

Lin Xiao Bei thought in ridicule.

On the other side, he had already started to organize the next wave of coercing and enticing.

But just as Lin Xiaobei prepared to speak …

Carter spoke. His voice was deep and ancient, even carrying a sense of resolution to face death.

"Chef Chen Xiaolian, this concession is my bottom line. Whether we cooperate or die together, choose one!"

Hearing this.

Lin Xiaobei was just about to speak out when the threat suddenly died in his womb.

In the blink of an eye.

He had already seen the embodiment of resentment that was fighting the accordion fish. Bic had been pulled out by Kate and was holding the six or seven shiny steel knives at him.

'F * ck, the Old Devil is actually serious this time? '

Lin Xiao Bei's eyes were filled with astonishment.

At this moment.

Sound blades were an ability exclusive to accordion fish.

It was the accordion fish that attacked.

In the blink of an eye.

Lin Xiao Bei already saw the dense sound blades shooting at him.

"Alright, Carter, I'll let you form a team first. We'll deal with these accordion fish first!"

With this announcement, Lin Xiao Bei had already begun his counterattack.

But he didn't see Kate's dark eyes, hidden in the cockpit of the Frost Star.

What was Kate thinking?

Why did he fall into a strange silence after hearing Lin Xiao Bei's words?

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