Of course, it’s not just Yao Hong.

Even Chen Jiaying next to him, at this moment, was like looking at a madman, looking at Qin Feng, you know, the plan to assassinate Xiangzhi Jin’an was crucial.

Leak a little,

Perhaps this will lead to the puppet Manchu police and the crazy pursuit of the Japanese army.

And once the two are exposed.

Then they definitely can’t get out of the Peace Hotel.

You know, although inside this banquet hall, it seems that the guard is lax, but the scale of the guards of the childish Jin’an is not vegetarian, I’m afraid, at this moment, the peaceful street, the surrounding streets, have been blocked, right?

And Qin Feng, at this time, actually told an unrelated person about the assassination plan.

If Yao Hong told the news at this moment, the plainclothes around, then the two of them would probably die.

Therefore, Chen Jiaying couldn’t help but wonder if this guy in front of him was really crazy.

But at this very time,

What surprised Chen Jiaying even more happened.

That was Yao Hong, who was originally drunk, instead of shouting plainclothes, he put down the wine bottle in his hand and looked at Qin Feng expectantly: “Say, what do you want me to do?” As long as I can kill Xiangzhi Jin’an, no matter what I do, I am willing. ”

“It’s very simple, in ten minutes, I hope you can help, turn off the lights in this hall, as for the rest, you don’t need to take care of it, how?” I promise I will be able to avenge you. ”

“Okay, I promise you.”

Hear this,

That Yao Hong didn’t have any thoughts at all, and just nodded and agreed.

“Very good, thank you for your help.”

“Let’s go, Jiaying, I think it’s time for us to go and toast General Xiangzhi.” After arranging Yao Hong’s task, Qin Feng turned his head and looked at Chen Jiaying.

And hearing this, that Chen Jiaying couldn’t help but be stunned.

After all, the conversation with Yao Hong just now was too informative.

Let even Chen Jiaying, who has an IQ of more than two hundred, it is difficult to understand for a while, you know, assassinating Xiangzhi Jin An is not a small matter, so why did Yao Hong agree?

And Qin Feng still promised that he would avenge her!

It’s hard to do,

Is there any hatred between this Yao Hong and Xiangzhi Jin’an?

However, even if there was hatred, then where did Qin Feng know? You know, since entering the Peace Hotel, except for breakfast, the two have been together.

And Qin Feng and Yao Hong obviously met for the first time.

How did he know Yao Hong’s hatred?

At this moment, Qin Feng was even more mysterious in Chen Jiaying’s gaze.

But now, it’s not the time to think about this, the most important thing at present is that the assassination plan must be arranged immediately, thinking of this, then Chen Jiaying came back to his senses and said:

“Toast? Good! Let’s go. ”

Saying that, Chen Jiaying and Qin Feng joined hands and walked towards Xiangzhi Jin’an.


The two had already arrived, Xiangzhi Jin’an.

And at the moment,

The general of the Kwantung Army also noticed the two people approaching.

You know, with the appearance of Chen Jiaying and Qin Feng, no matter where they go, they will be noticed, after all, such a combination of golden children and jade girls is too perfect.

“Hello General Xiangzhi, it is a great honor to be able to come to your banquet, I am Chen Jiaying of Nantie Co., Ltd., as for this person next to me, it is my husband, Wang Boren!” Thank you for your hospitality. ”

“Oh? People from Southern Railway? Haha, then presumably the two of them must be the right-hand men in the Southern Railway. ”

After hearing that the two were affiliated with the Southern Railway.

On that childish Jin’an’s face, there was a little more smile.

You know, the reason why the Kwantung Army can be firmly controlled, the entire three eastern provinces, a large part of them are helped by the Southern Railway, and even the members of the Southern Railway want to participate in their banquets, I am afraid it is not so easy.

Therefore, the status of these two people in the Southern Railway is also absolutely good.

So this childish Jinan,

Naturally, he also showed quite enthusiasm.

“The general is too prestigious, I toast you.”

Saying that, Chen Jiaying just raised his glass.

And Qin Feng next to him also raised his wine glass to signal.

Then the three of them drank it all, and when the toast was finished, Qin Feng just held Chen Jiaying and said, “Let’s go, let’s not disturb the general first.” ”

“Well, then General, we’ll leave first.”

Hearing this, Chen Jiaying did not stop much, and then the two left next to Xiangzhi Jin’an.

But at this very time,


The lights in the banquet hall actually dimmed down.

Suddenly, everyone in the venue was a little chaotic.

And at this chaotic moment, Qin Feng immediately pulled out the gun that had been prepared at his waist, and then suddenly shot in the direction of Xiangzhi Jin’an.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

A succession of gunshots rang out

In this darkness, it made everyone more frightened, and the venue became more chaotic.

At the same time, the gunfire also alarmed the plainclothes stationed on the periphery.

Therefore, all the plainclothes people rushed in.

And as they entered the venue,

The electric gate that was closed by Yao Hong was naturally closed for the first time.

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