After all, Chen Jiaying led the investigation of this case, but he personally introduced it.

Therefore, this day-to-day master, being able to agree, obviously gave enough face.

Therefore, Noma Heiji was naturally very proud: “Okay, since Daisaku agrees, then you can start with Jiaying, but this case is more tricky, where do you think you should start investigating?” ”

Saying that, there was still some embarrassment in Noma’s voice.

Even with his many years as the head of the special high school, he really couldn’t find any clue.

You know, the number of participants in this banquet is really too much, and it is simply difficult to find out the murderer who assassinated General Xiangzhi Jin’an among so many people!

And when I heard the words of Captain Noma

Chen Jiaying, who was standing next to him, just shook his head slightly: “No, section leader, in my opinion, in my opinion, in fact, this case, if you want to solve it, it is very simple.” ”

“Oh? Tell us what you think! ”


The head of the Noma section was interested.

For this ‘secret weapon’ that took Nantie years of hard work to cultivate, Chief Noma still has considerable trust, and from his previous case-solving resume, Chen Jiaying has never made a mistake.

Therefore, Heiji Noma is naturally extremely trusting.

That’s why

Therefore, Qin Feng leaked the news that the Ito couple were people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to her.

After all, as long as Nantie intervenes, it will definitely enable Chen Jiaying.

At that time, she only needs to lead the assassination case to the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Even, only a little association is needed, and evidence is not needed at all.

Because, as long as it was known by the Kwantung Army Command, the people of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs actually set up surveillance sites to monitor them on the territory of Manchukuo.

When the time comes,

Then the command of the Kwantung Army will fabricate a lot of evidence.

The blame for this crime was placed on the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in this way, they were uprooted.

And Chen Jiaying, who had an IQ of more than two hundred, was naturally too, very clear about Qin Feng’s plan.

Therefore, it is a faint opening:

“Chief, first of all, there were no accidents or conflicts in the course of this banquet, so it is enough to prove that this is a long-planned murder, and the murderer should have long wanted to assassinate, General Xiangzhi Jin’an, not a temporary intention, do you think?”

“Well, you have a point!”

Hear this,

Captain Noma and Hishita Daisaku both nodded.

Since the life case was just discovered, after they arrived, they had a brief understanding of the situation with the guests at the banquet, so they did not find anything wrong, and the atmosphere at the banquet was very good.


In this case, the case of improvised intentional killing can obviously be excluded.

And after seeing the two nodding

Chen Jiaying continued:

“Since it was not a temporary intention, but a long-planned intention, it can be concluded that the murderer has already made preparations.” And just after investigation, the gun that committed the murder was still the gun of the plainclothes team member who was killed on the third floor a few days ago, Kyoki Xunchuan. ”

“In this way, an inference can be obtained.”

“That is, the murderer of General Xiangzhi Jin’an should have always lived in the Peace Hotel, otherwise, how could there be a plainclothes team with guns?”



Chen Jiaying paused slightly, turning his head to look at Hinata and Noma Chief.

“Makes sense!”

“Ms. Chen, you continue.”

And that Noma and Hinata, at this time, are all interested.

And in that gaze, there is still some admiration.

After all, just with such a little information on the spot, it is actually possible, in such a short time, to make a simple inference about the facts of the case, and the name of this secret weapon is really not covered.

“Through the analysis just now, we can assume that the murderer is the person living in the hotel, and what we have to do next, what we have to do is to check all the guests in the hotel.”

“Makes sense, come on, give me a search of all the guests’ rooms!”


That day, when he stepped down, he spoke.

Then there were gendarmes ready to go upstairs to search.

But at this time, Chen Jiaying spoke:

“Slowly, the day is down, it’s too late to search, the crime of assassinating General Xiangzhi Jin’an is quite large, so I believe that the murderer should not be so stupid and leave evidence in the room.”

“So what do you say should be done?”

“I need a detailed registration sheet for all the guest information in the hotel, and then I can screen the suspects through the exclusion method, and then it should be much easier to ask slowly.”

The voice fell,

That day, he and Noma nodded and agreed.

After all, this request is not excessive and very reasonable. And after seeing that the two agreed to come down, Chen Jiaying was also relieved, as long as he could get the registration form.

The plan to plant the Ito couple is half successful.

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes!) )

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