“Well, since Ms. Chen agrees, then we won’t bother much, after you finish eating, we will pick you up at the western restaurant, and at that time, we will discuss the case!”

After Chen Jiaying agreed to come down

That Ishihara just opened his mouth to leave, and there was still some joy in his voice.

After all,

In his opinion,

With Chen Jiaying’s help, he will definitely be able to solve the case.

This can be seen from last night’s three words, that is, to detect the hidden identities of the Ito couples.

And if it can be detected, the real cause of Nerna’s death will be uprooted by the fellow editors hidden in the Peace Hotel.

That’s a good thing for him.

You know,

Since the blockade of the Peace Hotel, he has failed two missions in a row, one of which is the leakage of the film that led to the secret experiment of Unit 731, and now even General Xiangzhi Jin’an has been assassinated.

And these two culpabilities were enough to bring him to a military court.

Unless you can catch the same party of the editor

Use this to make up for it.

Therefore, Chen Jiaying promised to help investigate, which made him ecstatic.

“No problem! Those two, we are not far away. ”

Chen Jiaying also said lightly.

Then Dou Shixiao and Ishihara walked towards the door.

However, they had just arrived, and when they were in the corridor, they happened to bump into the representatives of country M, Ryan and George Bai, and the four of them just bumped into each other.

Seeing this, George Bai took the lead in saying hello.

And Captain Ishihara naturally nodded enthusiastically.

After all, for the words of country M, he still dare not easily provoke, this is a well-deserved hegemonic country in the world today, so it is natural to be polite.

After saying hello, Na Dou Shixiao and Captain Ishihara took the elevator and left.

And wait until the elevator descends

George Bai, who was standing in front of the elevator door, asked a little strangely: “How so?” This Shi Yuan and Dou Shixiao, early in the morning, came to find Wang Boren and his wife, what happened? ”

“Wouldn’t it be Nellna’s thing? Yesterday, that day, the next step of Nerna’s death case, handed over to the two of them to investigate, could it be that these two guys want to ask Chen Jiaying to help investigate the truth? ”

After hearing George Bai’s words, Ryan said with some solemnity.

“If that’s the case, it’s bad. That Chen Jiaying’s ability to investigate cases, we saw yesterday. If this case is really handed over to him to investigate, I am afraid that it will soon find out about us, and then the plan for political donations will also be discovered. ”

Hearing this, George’s white complexion was also extremely ugly.

“If it’s just a political contribution, it doesn’t matter. Country M does not lack this kind of capital development, but if it finds out about the wealth plan, it will be bad, and this is the purpose of our visit! ”

When it comes to this,

Ryan’s voice still had a wry smile.

Yes, the biggest task of their trip was wealth planning.

This is also related to the future development of country M, and if there is a problem here, the final result can be imagined.

Therefore, Ryan and George Bai are tense at this time.

“Ryan, I think let’s go talk to the Pabulovs about this!”

“I believe that they are more anxious than us, after all, from the current indications, the political donation was sent by Nanjing to the Soviet Union, and if this money is discovered by the Japanese army, the loss is not big for us, so they should be most anxious.”

After thinking for a while, George Bai spoke.

And Ryan, naturally, will not object.

Immediately, the two walked towards the Pabulovs’ room.

Soon, the two came to the door.

Reaching out and knocking, it was not the Pabulovs who opened the door.

It’s the Chen brothers.

And at this moment, in the room, the Pabulov couple and the Chen brothers are there.

After seeing them together, Ryan and George Bai’s complexions changed slightly.

Immediately, he spoke: “It seems that the rumors are true!” Sure enough, Nanjing was closer to the Soviet Union, and it seemed that this political donation should indeed have nothing for our country M. ”

“If you’re saying that, then you can leave.”

That Babulov obviously didn’t care about Ryan and George Bai, and directly opened his mouth to rush people.

After all, they were not afraid of country M.

“Of course not, we just came to tell you one thing, that is, our trouble is coming, just now we saw that Ishihara and Dou Shixiao came out of the room of Wang Boren and his wife, according to our speculation, they should be investigating the cause of Nerna’s death. And once Chen Jiaying intervenes in the investigation, then…”

Later words,

Although he didn’t say it, the meaning was already obvious.

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes).

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