Therefore, Qin Feng was allowed to stay on the third floor.

As for Captain Ishihara, he led the rest of the group towards the location of the interrogation room.

Not long after, everyone came to the interrogation room.

Subsequently, Chen Jiaying was interrogated one by one.

After all, the reason why Shi Yuan gathered all the people together was to delay time in order to respond to Qin Feng’s actions.

Of all the interrogations, individual interrogations are the most time-consuming.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour has passed.

But there was no progress in the interrogation, but in the interrogation room, an uninvited guest broke in, it was the pseudo-full sergeant-Dou Shixiao!!!

The latter heard the prayers of his subordinates, and Ishihara arrested the Chen brothers and the Soviet Pabulov couple and interrogated them separately.

Immediately, the first time to rush over

After all, as a nail buried by our party in the pseudo-Manchu police station.

He must sabotage all the actions of the enemy.

And in Dou Shixiao’s opinion, Chen Jiaying is an important figure in the Southern Railway, and his ability to solve cases is also terrifying, so such a person, if he stays, is definitely a scourge!

And no matter what purpose Ryan and the others were, assassinate Chen Jiaying.

Their actions are absolutely anti-Japanese.

Therefore, he must ensure that Chen Jiaying will not be implicated, and more Ryan will join the party.

Therefore, it is necessary to do everything possible to cause her trouble.

Therefore, as soon as he heard the report of his subordinates, he rushed to the interrogation room.

Then, wait until he comes into the room.

Immediately it began, looking around the interrogation room.

Only in this way can we find a way to find fault.

Sure enough, the emperor did not pay off.

After Dou Shixiao’s search, he found that a familiar figure was missing, and he immediately asked, “Captain Ishihara, where is Wang Boren?” Didn’t you say that the interrogation of Ryan’s assassination? Then Wang Boren, as a party, how could he not be present? ”

“Mr. Wang is upstairs and has some personal matters to deal with.”


Ishihara said without paying attention.

After all, in his opinion, Wang Boren did not need any doubts at all, and the fact that he saved Chen Jiaying alone was enough to clear all suspicions.

Not to mention as the most mysterious institution within the empire.

Member of the Southern Railway Special High School.

Even the outermost ones need to be reviewed several times, even more than a dozen times, so Wang Boren will definitely not have any problems, but although Ishihara thinks so, Dou Shixiao does not mean to give up.

You know,

He came to the interrogation room to find trouble.

Therefore, it is not easy to catch such a reason, naturally it will not be let go.

Directly said: “Captain Ishihara, try the murder case, but the party is not present, this is also too absurd, right?” Although that Wang Boren is Chen Jiaying’s husband, but one yard to one yard, this is trying a case, can it be that the name of the South Railway can become a death-free gold medal! ”


After hearing Dou Shixiao’s words

Ishihara’s brows couldn’t help but frown, wanting to refute, but he didn’t know how it should be a rebuttal.

After all,

That also makes sense.

Since it is a case that interrogates Ryan, then, as the murderer of Ryan, Wang Boren is actually not at the scene, which is indeed somewhat absurd.

And just when Captain Ishihara was thinking

Chen Jiaying, who was being interrogated, got up and spoke, “Sheriff Dou, what do you mean by what you just said?” Are you doubting my husband? ”

“Of course not, I just think that since it is an interrogation, then all the parties must be present, unless, some people have ghosts in their hearts, so they dare not come forward to face each other.”

Hearing Chen Jiaying’s words, Dou Shixiao naturally had no intention of giving in, and directly spoke.

“Hmph, in that case, then I’ll call him down now.”

When Chen Jiaying heard this, he said angrily.

To say is to make a call.

After seeing this scene, Na Dou Shixiao spoke: “Slowly, there is no need to call, or I will personally invite it!” I would like to see how important Mr. Wang’s personal affairs are. ”

The voice fell,

Immediately, he rushed towards the door.

Looking at Dou Shixiao who left, Captain Ishihara’s face felt a little embarrassed.

After all, this time, he took the initiative to ask Chen Jiaying to help investigate, and in the end, he was almost assassinated. But until now, Dou Shixiao is still suspicious of Chen Jiaying and his wife.

Therefore, his face is naturally a little unbearable.

So I apologized and hurriedly caught up.

And looking at the departing Shiyuan and Dou Shixiao, the depths of Chen Jiaying’s eyes were a little happy.

After all, it has been almost an hour since the interrogation

Therefore, Qin Feng’s task must have been completed long ago.

At this moment, Dou Shixiao and Shi Yuan went to the third floor, just to provide him with proof, so this is a good thing, so let Dou Shixiao and Shi Yuan walk towards the third floor.

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes).

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