“How? Captain Ishihara, is there anything else to doubt? ”

When Ishihara’s shouts were heard

Already at the door, Qin Feng and Chen Jiaying stopped again!

Turn your head back and look at the latter.

And at the same time, Qin Feng’s gaze still had some doubts.

After all, he asked himself that there was no omission, and the confession was correct, but why did Ishihara stop them? Could it be that Ishihara couldn’t see through it?

But although, there is a reverie in my heart.

But on the face, it was, and did not show anything.

You know, as an agent, you have to stay calm at all times. Only in this way can we live longer!

“Of course not! That one…… In fact, I want to ask Ms. Chen Jiaying to cooperate with us to investigate Nellna’s case, although it has just happened, some unpleasant things, but this case is only Ms. Chen, can help find out, so please also ask the two to ignore the previous suspicions. ”


Hearing this, Chen Jiaying didn’t know what to say.

But at this moment, Qin Feng continued:

“It turns out that this is this matter, hehe, Captain Ishihara, I think you should not need our help in this case, right?”

“Jiaying agreed to help investigate, but then he encountered Ryan’s assassination, so doesn’t it mean that Ryan’s death and Nellna’s death are related?”

“Although Ryan is dead now, isn’t there still George Bai? As long as you follow him and check it, you will naturally be able to find out. ”

I thought that Ishihara had found some flaw

Didn’t expect it,

Even at this time, this guy’s heart is thinking about the case.

However, I have to say that this Ishihara is really stupid enough, after all, the truth is already there.

Just follow the check

If you can’t even find out, then it’s really stupid.

“So that’s it, thank you Mr. Wang, Ms. Chen.”

After hearing this, Captain Ishihara finally came to his senses.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his face.

“Captain Ishihara doesn’t have to be polite, since our husband and wife are from the Southern Railway, then naturally we have to cooperate with your actions, if there is nothing to do, then we will leave first.”

Saying that, Qin Feng immediately held Chen Jiaying and left.

And this time, Ishihara naturally did not speak again.

At this moment, he was only happy to be happy.

After all, as long as it is Nellna’s business, find out.

Then he would not face any punishment, and as for whether Chen Jiaying and Qin Feng had problems, he was too lazy to care at all. What’s more, Dou Shixiao’s suspicion just now was enough to show that these two did not have any problems at all.


At this moment, Shi Yuan had complete trust in Chen Jiaying and Qin Feng.

Immediately, he ordered someone to interrogate George Bai.


And at the same time,

Qin Feng and Chen Jiaying had already returned to the room.

Then, Chen Jiaying, who was sitting on the sofa, just asked, “Why did you just help Shiyuan break it?” ”

“Even if I don’t say broken, Ishihara will react, so it’s better to be a smooth person, not to mention, if we don’t bring their attention to Ryan and George Bai, then how can we get out?”

As soon as these words came out, Chen Jiaying couldn’t help nodding.

It seems that this is indeed the case, if you don’t use Ryan’s death to divert Ishihara’s attention, then the next plan, there is no way to carry it out!

“By the way, what did you find out of the Pabulovs’ room?”

Suddenly, Chen Jiaying seemed to remember something.

“A string of passwords!”

Qin Feng said, and immediately handed the copied password to Chen Jiaying.

After the latter checked it, he spoke: “If you guessed correctly, this should be the password of a bank safe, is this the so-called political contribution?” ”

“It should not be, if it is just a safe, it can’t store too much cash at all, and how can the money that can cause country M, the Soviet Union, and these two powers to compete for it be a small amount?”

“What’s more, the crowdfunding of the financial section has not been completed recently, so at this time, political donations should not have begun to be deposited.”

“In that case, what’s inside this safe?”

Hearing Qin Feng’s words

Chen Jiaying couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

That’s right, if it can attract the covetousness of the two great powers, then this so-called political contribution is definitely not a small amount, so it is naturally impossible to store it in a safe.

But since it’s not a political contribution?

What would be in there?

For a while,

Chen Jiaying’s gaze had some curious feelings.

You know, the things in this are absolutely very important, otherwise, how could the Pabulovs of the Soviet Union be stored in the safe?

“If I’m not mistaken.”

“The code of this safe should be specially used to protect political contributions, once the matter of political donations is exposed.”

“Then, maybe the Pabulov couple, the Chen brothers, George Bai, Ryan and others should offer this thing to keep the political contribution!”

Qin Feng said lightly.

Hearing this, Chen Jiaying asked curiously: “You mean, the contents of this safe are a trick for political donations?” ”

“That’s right, if I’m not mistaken.”

“Under Ishihara’s interrogation, perhaps, George Bai will soon confess this string of bank codes, so as to conceal the matter of political donations and get out smoothly!”

“Therefore, our action must be faster, and we must get the contents of this safe before the Japanese army moves.” Qin Feng spoke again.

“What? Are you crazy? ”

Chen Jiaying’s voice was a little surprised.

You know,

Now I don’t even know what’s inside the safe.

Qin Feng actually started to hit its idea.

And now the Peace Hotel, but surrounded by a lot of people, want to go out, it is tantamount to more difficult than ascending to the sky!

Therefore, she couldn’t help but be shocked, and hearing Chen Jiaying’s words, Qin Feng just wanted to speak, but a prompt sound from the system came from his mind:

“Ding, congratulations to the host, trigger the hidden selection task.”

“One, sneak out of the Peace Hotel and grab the contents of the safe. Receive a bonus skill upgrade card. ”

“Second, confess the matter of the safe to the Japanese army and get the reward ‘Sino-Japanese Goodwill Ambassador.'” ”

“Third, as a wall watcher, let the Japanese army take the contents of the safe, get a reward of two hundred oceans, and ask the host to make a choice.”

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes).

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