As Qin Feng expected,

In the end, the Carlinsbas still chose to rest the matter.

After all, they were more afraid of the Japanese army than the loss of these diamonds.

You know, this diamond, worth hundreds of millions, but they are ready to transfer it out of Manchukuo, and this is known by the Japanese army.

The consequences are unimaginable!

Since the Kwantung Army took control of the three eastern provinces and established Manchukuo.

The headquarters of the Kwantung Army is determined to restore the market economy and so on, so these Japanese troops are very concerned about the financial movements of the three eastern provinces, if they know that they have a deficit of nearly 400 million and are ready to transfer.

When the time comes,

I will definitely find a reason to be executed.

Therefore, in order to save their lives, the Carlinsbas can only consider themselves unlucky.

Anyway, if the money is gone, you can earn it again, but if you can’t save your life, you can only wait for death, so the Carlinsba family is collectively silent.


And at the same time,

Qin Feng had already walked out of the Jewish residential area with a huge amount of money, and then called over a yellow packet driveway: “Coachman, go, go to the Jewish bank!” ”

Saying that, he still took out an ocean coin in his hand.

After all, there is money!

And the coachman who was watching the holding on the ground, after seeing the ocean, immediately smiled and drove up, eager to offer Qin Feng, and after welcoming him to the car, he rushed towards the direction of the Jewish Bank.

Rickshaws shuttling through the streets,

Everywhere they passed, the Japanese military police searched.

And all the phone booths along the street are already monitored by plainclothes teams.

Obviously, this should be the arrangement of Hishita and Heiji Noma.

As for why this is so,

The reason is also very simple, naturally to search for Li Zuo and himself, but, unfortunately, even if they rack their brains, they will not think that the person they have been looking for is actually in front of them, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng’s face sneered.

And after about a quarter of an hour,

The rickshaw finally arrived, coming to the door of the Jewish bank.

After the coachman stopped the car, he said, “Sir, you have arrived at the place, please.” ”

Hearing this, Qin Feng opened his eyes and looked at the sign of the Jewish Bank.

There was a smile on his face.

Then, he got out of the car and walked towards the bank, and just when he reached the door of the bank, a bank personnel came up and said: “Hello sir, is it a deposit?” ”

“I’m going to open a safe! Hurry up! ”

There is no more nonsense, Qin Feng is directly picking.

“Open the safe? Okay, I’ll do it for you right away, please come to the office with me to register, okay? ”

Hearing this, the latter did not hesitate at all, and immediately nodded and agreed, and looked at Qin Feng’s gaze, there was still some feeling of gratitude.

You know,

Anyone who opens a safe must be a big customer.

Of course, if that’s all, it’s nothing.

After all, with the status of the Jewish Bank in Manchukuo, there is still no need to care, one or two big customers, but that was before, the current situation, but it is different.

Since the theft of the bank safe DY69 a few days ago.

Basically, there are no customers who dare to store things in the bank’s safe, after all, all those who open the safe are quite valuable, and after the risk of theft, who dares to deposit?

Even Jewish banks have tightened security procedures.

But still no one dared.

Now Qin Feng can be described as a gift in the snow! Therefore, this person cannot be unhappy.

After inviting Qin Feng into the office, an assistant naturally brought in tea, and then, after a few simple pleasantries, the bank’s staff spoke:

“Ahem, sir, I wonder what you want to open the safe and store it?” And your name, address, etc., please sue me, I will register! ”

“Just save a few small diamonds!”

Qin Feng said lightly, saying, still put on a rich second-generation appearance, and conveniently threw the diamond bag on the table, and the staff who was originally excited, at this time, the smile was even brighter.

After all, just by listening to this sound, you can know that the diamonds inside are definitely not small!

And such a large amount of business, if it is negotiated.

He also has a lot of cuts!

Therefore, the latter is naturally more smiling, and immediately helped to register, and after about a quarter of an hour, all the procedures were completed, and the safe was naturally opened.

Then, Qin Feng just stored the diamonds in.

When the diamonds are saved,

He still opened two accounts by the way.

The first of these accounts saved three thousand oceans, and this was also for Dou Shixiao, after all, there was a deal between the two of them, so Qin Feng naturally would not forget.

And in addition,

The other account is used to store the remaining money.

After all, these things are useless to take back to the Peace Hotel, but a burden, so it is better to store them in the bank, and soon, the bank account is also completed.

Then, Qin Feng left the Jewish Bank with the receipts of the two accounts and the stub of the safe.

And before leaving,

The clerk all the way to the door respectfully.

I have to say,

The feeling of a rich man, what a fragrance!

After exiting the Jewish bank, he received the slip in his pocket.

Qin Feng looked at the sky, but it was not early.

It’s time to go back to the Peace Hotel, after all, although Li Zuo and the snitch phone have been used to draw the attention of the Japanese army to political donations and assassination cases.

But no one can guarantee, if you leave for too long, will there be any accidents?


You still need to go back as soon as possible.

It’s just that before going back, there is still a very important place to go, and this is one of the reasons why Qin Feng slipped out of the Peace Hotel.

Looking at the rickshaw driver on the street, Qin Feng said lightly: “Get a car, send me, Xiangtai Department Store on Fuyun Road!” ”

The voice just fell,

The waiting rickshaw rushed out, and then, Qin Feng took it, and rushed towards the direction of Xiangtai Department Store. _

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